“Yes, General!”
Nakamura quickly admitted his mistake, but his face was a little helpless.
The construction of the industrial park has just been completed, and before that, companies from all over the empire, including manufacturers in Osaka and Kobe, and even some manufacturers in Hokkaido, have moved here to build factories.
Even when the industrial park is about to be completed, there are still local companies stationed in it.
The reason is very simple. The rich resources and preferential policies here are quite attractive to them.
However, so many manufacturers have relocated, but the statistical work has not been completed in time, and there is nothing Nakamura can do about it.
Next, the group continued to inspect the industrial park.
Today, there are wide roads connecting everywhere in the park. Many factories can be seen on both sides of the road. From time to time, the sound of mechanical roars can be heard from the factories.
When they came to an open space in the park, the group sat down for a short rest.
Taking advantage of this time, Sasuke asked Li Xie, “Mr. Li Xie, why didn’t Mr. Lu Jiarong come this time?”
When the two sides met before, Sasuke noticed that the people who came from the Huayin Group branch this time were fresh faces, and their general manager Lu Jiarong had also disappeared.
In fact, Sasuke had already heard about Lu Jiarong’s transfer back to China, and Sasuke had seen a few of the team from Huayin Group Branch before.
Seeing that Lu Jiarong was not there this time, the team around Li Xie also changed, and Sasuke was a little concerned.
It was only at the beginning that Sasuke didn’t have time to ask, and only then did he talk about this topic.
Naturally, Li Xie couldn’t tell Sasuke about Lu Jiarong. After hearing this question, Li Xie’s brain began to think rapidly and looked at each other with a smile.
Nei skirt: ⒉⒉0⑤23①4⒐・
“General Sasuke, President Lu has been transferred back to China.
Since Mr. Lu came to your country and established a branch, the business here has been booming. The group has recognized Mr. Lu’s achievements and specially transferred him back a few days ago and promoted him to the core leadership.
In the future, I will be responsible for the business of Huayin Group Branch in your country. I have not yet been able to inform the general of this matter, and now I ask the general to take care of him in the future. ”
“It turns out that, then congratulations to the army, and congratulations to you.”
Sasuke responded, but asked again, “What about your previous employees, why didn’t they arrive this time?”
As soon as Li Xie heard it, he knew that Sasuke didn’t quite believe in himself.
But he didn’t show it, and said calmly: “They are all Boss Lu’s cronies, and Boss Lu was promoted, and they followed suit.
When he left, Mr. Lu said that he was reluctant to part with those gang members, and specifically asked the company to transfer them back to China and continue to work with Mr. Lu. As for the few who did not go back…
Li Xie showed a hint of embarrassment and whispered: “General, you also know that they are not my cronies after all.”
Sasuke laughed when he heard it: “I see, it’s understandable!”
Li Xie showed a look of embarrassment.
“It’s human nature to make the general laugh.”
Sasuke waved his hand, not caring.
This is not the first time he has seen Li Xie’s mentality. In Huaxia’s words, once the emperor and the courtier, and the new official takes office, it is natural to exclude the old people and replace them with his own team.
Seeing Sasuke like this, Li Xie sneered inwardly.
These little devils are really fooling around.
Wait a while and see if you can still laugh!
After the break, the group began to inspect again.
This time Sasuke noticed that there were two people beside Li Xie who were constantly observing the surrounding situation, and at the same time were writing and drawing in their hands.
And they have been doing this since Yuan Yi entered the industrial park.
Seeing this, Sasuke asked Li Xie, “Li Sang, what are they doing?”
Li Xie did not hide it, and said bluntly: “Your Excellency General, they are drawing the layout drawings of the industrial zone.” Qi.
Chapter 733: The Night Before Dawn
“why is that?”
Sasuke was a little puzzled.
They have always been in charge of the design and planning of the industrial park, and Huayin Group has no specific layout drawings.
When Lu Jiarong was there, he didn’t care about that.
So Sasuke was a little puzzled by the answers of Li Xie and others.
Li Xie calmly said: “This is the general’s pavilion.Next, since the construction of the industrial zone, your country has been leading the design and planning, but we Huayin Group have no idea about the layout here.
Now that the industrial zone has been completed, although your country’s manufacturers occupy most of the park, many of these factories belong to our Huayin Group.
Therefore, we need to understand the layout of this place to facilitate subsequent management. ”
“Understood, it should be so, this matter is our negligence.”
Sasuke said politely, and Li Xie waved his hand: “Your Excellency General, don’t be polite, we can finish this matter easily.”
The two chatted all the way, and soon came to the chemical factory in the park.
When approaching the chemical factory, Li Xie instructed the two attendants who were drawing: “This factory is the factory of my Huayin Group in 2009. You two go to the surrounding area to observe carefully and draw the layout here in more detail.”
Immediately, Li Xie looked at Sasuke again: “Your Excellency General, let’s go take a look too.”
Sasuke nodded, and the group inspected the chemical plant.
Li Xie said this in front of Sasuke and others, naturally, to further dispel their doubts.
It is true that this chemical plant was opened by Huayin Group, but it is not just a manufacturer in essence, but a key part of this plan!
During the inspection, Sasuke saw several people from Huayin Group coming out of the factory gate.
Li Xie therefore asked: “By the way, Your Excellency General, how is the development of this factory building, can you tell us in detail?”
Sasuke looked at Nakamura next to him, and Nakamura understood and said, “At present, the chemical plant has been fully started, and the equipment and personnel are already ready.
This is what you personally checked when Mr. Lu was there, and there will be no problem.
In addition, the group of people you sent before have been communicating with us some time ago. So far, these people have been able to master some related technologies in the chemical industry. ”
The translator told Li Xie these words, and Li Xie couldn’t help nodding his head.
When Su Yun planned to target the island country before, he planned to take this opportunity to send a group of people here to learn related technologies in the chemical industry.
But now, these people have learned the technology, and they have no worries.
As Li Xie was thinking about it, Sasuke said with a smile: “Li Sang, I have heard something about this chemical factory before.
Your Huayin Group established a chemical plant here, provided some related resources, and brought a group of personnel for further study, while the Empire was responsible for providing some related chemical equipment and professional chemical talents.
Now that the chemical plant can develop so smoothly, both Huayin Group and the empire have contributed greatly.
The empire has obtained resources and your friendship, and you have sent people to study, and we have taught them relevant technologies without reservation, which will further enhance our cooperative relationship. ”
Sasuke said, his two palms alternated in front of his chest, and he smiled at Li Xie.
“Li Sang, we need to carry out more cooperation like this in the future. Only in this way can we both get what we need and communicate with each other. What do you think?”
“This is natural, your country has indeed made a lot of efforts to start the chemical plant so smoothly.
And we would also like to thank you for cultivating a large number of chemical talents for us. ”
Li Xie smiled and looked at Sasuke, thanking him.
Sasuke’s words just now, to put it bluntly, are asking Huayin Group for credit, showing that they have contributed a lot to the construction and development of the chemical plant, and they have also helped Huayin Group to teach a group of talents.
Naturally, this kind of strength cannot be unearthed in vain, nor can talents be taught in vain.
Sasuke said these things, which seemed to be small talk, but in fact he was stating their credit to Huayin Group, and hoped that Huayin Group would take conditions in exchange.
Of course Li Xie knew the thoughts of these little devils, so after thanking him, Li Xie added: “Your country has made a lot of efforts, and we will not treat our partners badly.
Well, after I go back, I will report the situation here to the group and apply for the group to increase the input of resources to the industrial park.
In this way, your country can also feel our sincerity.
I just hope that we can continue to trust each other and deepen cooperation in the future. ”
“Hahaha, Li Sang is polite, this is what we should do, but since you said so, the empire also needs these resources, then I would be more respectful than obedient.”
Sasuke laughed when he heard this, with a satisfied look on his face.
Seeing this, Li Xie also stretched out his hand and shook hands with Sasuke.
But he was very disdainful.
These little devils are really unprofitable, and until now, they are already in a disaster, and they still want to grab resources from Huayin Group.
Worth it, let them dance for a few more days.
When the plan is implemented in two days, they will find that they have nothing!
While the two were talking, Li Xie’s two entourages had already drawn the layout of the area. After walking around for a while, the group left the chemical plant and went to other places for 260 inspections.
Along the way, the layout of the entire industrial park was drawn bit by bit.
After the inspection of the first industrial park, Li Xie, Sasuke and others went to other industrial parks to continue their inspection.
When inspecting these parks, Li Xie also asked people to draw the layout here, which is convenient for later implementation of the plan.
After a whole day, the group visited all the industrial parks.
When he got home in the evening, Li Xie prepared the layout of the industrial park drawn during the day, summed up the specific situation of Fushan Industrial Park, and sent the news back to China.
And what he has to do is to take advantage of these few days to quickly establish a good relationship with Sasuke and others.
Today during the day, Sasuke saw that Lu Jiarong was not there, and asked Li Xie about the change of personnel.Although Li Xie found a reason to hide it at the time, he could sense that Sasuke and others didn’t trust him very much.
Now that the plan is about to be implemented, Li Xie must hurry up to win over Sasuke and try to win the trust of the other party.
In the next few days, Li Xie would contact Sasuke whenever he had time to invite him to eat, drink, and have fun.
Sasuke is a general, but his current task is to handle the affairs of Huayin Group, so he doesn’t need to lead troops at ordinary times, and his time is relatively abundant.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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