So as long as Li Xie invites, Sasuke almost has time to be there.
Chapter 734: Oscar Night – Who is the Real Actor
After going back and forth, the relationship between Sasuke and Li Xie began to become closer, and the level of trust in Li Xie also increased rapidly.
In addition, Sasuke originally wanted to win over Li Xie in order to further gain more benefits for the empire, so in just a few days, the two seemed to be friends for many years.
But Li Xie never forgot his true purpose.
A few days passed, Li Xie pondered that the group headquarters should also receive the news, and he would act soon.
So in his spare time, Li Xie also began to prepare related matters.
Things were just as he thought.
After he sent out the situation of the industrial park that day, the news was quickly obtained in the country.
Just as Li Xie kept winning over Sasuke and gaining the trust of the other party, a young man in plain clothes found Xie An in the house at No. 74, Xingdao Li, Jinling City.
This person is one of the members of the dark guard. He came this time to report the island country to Xie An.
After handing some relevant materials to Xie An, the member of the dark guard respectfully said: “The matter in the island country of Fushan is ready, and General Manager Li has already sent someone to find out the layout of each industrial park and draw it as a drawing.
Now our people have done all the preparations and can start closing the net at any time. ”
Xie An nodded and asked, “Mr. Su already knows about this, right?”
The person of the dark guard said solemnly: “Mr. Su has received the news, and ordered that it is not too late, let us communicate with the people of the island country, and start action tonight!”
Xie An looked at the information handed over by the dark guard, and nodded thoughtfully.
Immediately he instructed the member of the dark guard: “This matter is of great importance, and the whole group has been preparing for more than a year in order to complete this plan.
President Su has worked hard for this matter, and many other people are involved, which can be said to be very involved.
If we can succeed in one fell swoop, we will be able to directly eat the finances of the island country. It is a matter of our efforts for more than a year. You must be more careful in your actions.
Remember, only success is allowed, not failure, let alone revealing any clues!
Otherwise, you don’t have to come back. ”
The dark guard member let out a low voice.
They are only responsible for carrying out the task and do not know the details of the plan, but Xie An’s tone and attitude have already explained everything.
Xie An then waved his hand: “Go, be careful in everything.”
The members of the dark guard left, Xie An put down the information in his hand, walked out of the room and looked at the sky.
If it was in the past, the communication between him and the members of the dark guard had always been straightforward and would not talk so much.
But this time is different. Once the island country is exposed, not only Su Yun and others’ efforts for a year will be wasted, but the entire Huayin Group will also suffer huge losses.
So Xie An couldn’t help but ask a few more words.
That night, the members of the dark guard brought the domestic news back to the island country.
As soon as the news was received, the people lurking in the island country began to closely prepare for this operation.
Unknowingly, all Huayin employees stationed in Fushan Industrial Park were notified and evacuated from the industrial zone ahead of schedule.
Most of these people are sent by Huayin Group to the island country to learn chemical technology. Now that the technology has been learned, they can bring advanced chemical technology back to Huayin Group after they return to China.
At this time, Li Xiezheng and Sasuke were eating and drinking in their own house.
For the past few days, Li Xie has taken time every night to invite Sasuke to drink and have fun. Sasuke is also accustomed to the other party’s invitation and will return gifts from time to time.
After three rounds of drinking, Li Xie and Sasuke both enjoyed themselves, and there were two glamorous island women dancing next to them.
Taking advantage of the wine, Sasuke laughed and said, “Li Sang, I am deeply honored to have a friend like you. You are much stronger than Lu Jiarong, hahahaha.”
Li Xie said politely, “Your Excellency General is wrong, and I will rely on you to take care of me in the future.”
Li Xie said with his mouth, but he sneered in his heart.
After a few days of communication, Li Xie has figured out this guy’s alcohol intake.
To say that Sasuke is really unreliable, as a general, the amount of alcohol is normal, not to mention, and it is easy to lose all vigilance after drinking.
But that’s fine, such people are the easiest to deal with.
Of course, Li Xie can’t be sure of the other party’s true thoughts. After all, he has been practicing all the time, and he can’t be sure whether the other party’s posture is intentional for himself.
While the two were talking and laughing, they drank another glass of wine.
Sasuke was almost drinking, and suddenly clapped his hands, motioning for the two dancing women to come forward.
When the two women came over, Sasuke smiled and said, “Li Sang, you are running the company alone in the empire, and you are leaving your hometown. You must have a lot of troubles when you are alone.
You are friends of the Empire, and friends are all about helping each other out.
However, Li Sang is not short of money, and the empire has nothing to show, so please accept these two women with a smile. ”
Said Sasuke pointed at thatTwo women: “Both of them are well-known local geisha. They are proficient in playing, playing, singing and dancing. They are outstanding in appearance and appearance. They can relieve Li Sang from worries and serve daily life. Will Li Sang be satisfied?”
Sasuke looked at the two women as he spoke, and the two immediately came to Li Xie’s side and bowed to salute.
Li Xie pretended to be drunk and laughed loudly: “The general loves you so much, I can’t thank you enough!
I don’t know what your Excellency General can do for me? ”
“‘ ‖ Hey! What service is there between friends!
I just hope that you can say a few good words to your company and send more resources to the empire. This is also our cooperation content. Li Sang will not refuse, right? ”
“Good talk, good talk!”
Li Xie agreed with a smile, but his heart was very clear.
The little devil seems to be courting himself, but in fact, he is letting these two women monitor him by his side.
This Sasuke looks carefree, but he is not stupid at all. He has been with him these days, but the other party still doesn’t trust him very much.
In other words, Sasuke may have trusted himself, but he was thinking of using this method to bribe him, and wanted him to be like Lu Jiarong and serve the little devil!
The reason why Li Xie did not refuse is to stabilize the other party first.
During the daytime, news had already come from the country that the secret guards and the military commanders would make their move tonight.
At this juncture, he couldn’t refuse this “gift” from the little devil, otherwise he might let the little devil notice something and ruin the plan.
In order to gain Sasuke’s trust, Li Xie simply pulled the two women directly, and showed a hint of impatience.
“Your Excellency, it’s getting late today, and I’m drinking too much. Do you think…”
“Oh? Hahahaha!”
Sasuke laughed, showing an expression that all men understand, got up and said, “Since that’s the case, I won’t bother you any more, we’ll see you another day.”
Li Xie also got up, and when he got up, he put his arms around a woman’s shoulder.
“Thank you for the gift tonight, General, and I won’t send it away in person.”
Li Xie said and ordered a servant to send Sasuke off, while he hurriedly dragged the two women to the inner court.
In that situation, it almost caught fire.
Sasuke didn’t care when he saw this, and staggered out.
But there was a gleam in his eyes.
After dating for a few days, Sasuke already knew that Li Xie was a guy who covets power and money in his bones. Now it seems that he is not only greedy for money and power, but also lustful.
And the empire needs such people to do unclean things for them! .
Chapter 735: The night of the explosion
That night, after Sasuke left Li Xie’s house, he returned to his residence.
After Li Xie dragged the two women into the house, it seemed that it was quiet outside.
Sasuke stood in the distance and looked at the figure reflected by the lights in the house, with a little smile on his face.
For him, the two women are nothing more than monitoring Li Xie, the rest is not important, this Li Xie is a senior executive of Huayin Group!
Time passed by, and it was already midnight.
Li Xie was asleep on the bed, and the two women were sleeping soundly beside him, but suddenly, there was a shocking bang from outside!
“Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!!!”
After the first explosion, a series of explosions came from outside.
Li Xie was awakened by the loud explosion, and the two women next to him also sat up from their sleep.
“How is this going?”
“What’s going on outside!”
The sound of the explosion outside did not stop, and one after another, the two women were frightened, and they kept saying something in Japanese.
Li Xie let the two women talk in panic and didn’t bother to care about them.
After the initial surprise, Li Xie had already calmed down.
Then he put on his clothes and quickly rushed out of the room. Across the window, Li Xie could see the direction of several industrial areas blazing with fire.
The sound of the explosion 260 just now came from there.
And by this time, the explosion continued.
Seeing this, Li Xie’s mouth showed a smile, but it quickly subsided.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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