During the day, news came from the country, informing him that the plan would start tonight. Now it seems that the military commander and the dark guards have already started to work on the industrial park.
Those explosions now, I don’t know if they are still performing their tasks, or the chain reaction caused by the explosion.
He turned his head quickly, and shouted to the two frightened women on the bed: “There is a fire in the industrial park. The explosion should have occurred from the park. You wait here, I will go and take a look!”
When speaking, Li Xie also made a hurried look.
Then, regardless of the reaction of the two women, he greeted the next person to prepare the car, and hurried all the way to the company office building.
When such a big incident happened in the industrial park, as the local head of Huayin Group, of course, he had to hold an emergency meeting and call on his men to go and put out the fire.
After all, the little devil is staring at him all the time, this play must be done.
Li Xie came to the company by car, got off the car and went straight to the office.
At this time, there were already several people in the company (ajed), and they all rushed over after hearing the explosion.
Li Xie instructed these people: “There have been successive explosions in the industrial park. The specific reason is not clear. You should call the relevant personnel of the company and ask them to come to the meeting immediately and prepare for disaster relief.”
Several employees heard the words and took action.
Li Xie also went straight to the top office, preparing to arrange tonight’s meeting.
At this time, the industrial parkThe fire inside had spread, and Li Xie looked out from the window in his office and could see that the sky in the industrial park was lit up scarlet by the fire.
Tonight’s meeting is just a pretense.
Li Xie knew that since the military commander and the secret guards acted, the chemical plant would definitely be detonated. After a while, the entire industrial park would be covered with toxic chemical gases, and people would not be able to enter at all.
At this time, there was no one in the office. Listening to the dull explosions coming from the park, Li Xie looked at the night sky comfortably.
For today’s action, Huayin Group has been preparing for more than a year, and during the period, they have to deal with the little devils, and sometimes they have to act according to their faces.
And now, they can finally close the net!
After waiting for a while in the office, Li Xie went to the conference hall.
When he arrived, many people had already gathered in the conference hall.
These people didn’t know the truth of what happened tonight. Looking at the fire outside, they all seemed a little panicked.
When they were almost there, Li Xiecai glanced at everyone, and then said solemnly: “I think everyone has seen that a series of explosions have occurred in the industrial park.
The exact cause of the accident is not clear, but it seems that someone deliberately set fire to create an explosion.
But now we can’t manage this for the time being. There are a lot of equipment stored in the industrial park, and there are people from Huayin Group, including people from island countries.
Our top priority is to quickly organize manpower to rescue and prevent the fire from spreading further.
In addition, there is a chemical factory in the industrial park. Since the murderer wants to destroy the industrial park, he will definitely attack the chemical factory. At that time, the poisonous gas will spread. You should pay more attention in the past. ”
“This… I understand President Li.”
Listening to Li Xie’s instructions, some employees nodded hesitantly.
In fact, they didn’t dare to go there, but they didn’t want to disobey Li Xie’s orders.
And Li Xie wasn’t worried, the so-called disaster relief was just pretending to show the little devils.
Tonight, the little devils in the area of ​​Fushan will definitely go out to rescue the disaster. Of course, they have to go out for a walk and let the little devils see it. To put it bluntly, they just show their faces in front of each other.
Besides, counting the time, by the time their people arrived at the industrial park, the toxic gas had already begun to spread.
At that time, Li Xie can justly prevent them from carrying out disaster relief.
Just as Li Xie was thinking about this, and before the participants had time to act, another explosion sounded again!
The explosion this time was more intense than the previous ones.
With the sound of several explosions, Li Xie and others noticed that the fire outside the window suddenly became incomparably blazing, and the night sky that was originally reflected in the scarlet red was actually reflected by the fire for an instant like day!
The Huayin Group branch is dozens of miles away from the Fushan Industrial Park. Even so, the fire from the distance is still a bit dazzling.
Seeing this, everyone who came to the meeting was shocked.
Li Xie pretended to frown and muttered, “It seems that the rest of the factories were also destroyed.”
As soon as Li Xie’s voice fell, the sound of one after another of shocking explosions kept coming. Everyone noticed that the sky around the industrial park had been turned red by the firelight.
And such a violent explosion made people feel that the floor under their feet seemed to be shaking.
Li Xie knew that the factories everywhere were being destroyed one after another, and a series of explosions occurred in many places, resulting in huge destructive power.
Some employees who participated in the meeting were surprised, and cold sweat was oozing from their foreheads.
Looking at the fire outside the window, the man said dryly, “Mr. Li… we… are we going to go this time?”
Another person nodded numbly: “Yes, Mr. Li, if the chemical factory blows up, it won’t take long for the entire industrial park to be affected by the poisonous gas. If we go through it like this, it’s no different from sending me to death.”
Chapter 736: A Scorched Industrial Park
Li Xie pretended to be hesitant.
He looked at the participants and said helplessly: “Let’s go to the vicinity of the park first, everyone has prepared gas masks, but don’t get close.
Now several chemical plants have been bombed, and the poison gas is so thick that gas masks are useless. ”
After Li Xie finished speaking, he strode out of the conference hall.
As the person in charge of Huayin Group here, he had to be present in person anyway, so as not to be suspected by the little devil.
After the others hesitated, they followed Li Xie out of the conference hall.
At the same time, the little devils have already fried the pot.
The first time the explosion occurred, Sasuke woke up from his sleep.
After discovering that it was an accident in the industrial park, Sasuke immediately called to report to his boss, and quickly ordered to mobilize all the forces that could be mobilized to reinforce the industrial-industrial park.
After hearing about this incident, the senior officials of the island country’s army immediately issued an emergency order to mobilize all the little devils in Fukuyama to go to disaster relief.
At this time, the entire Fukuyama gang of little devils entered a state of emergency. On the roads around the country, military vehicles drove at full speed towards the industrial park.
The car was pulled by a team of little devils dispatched from all over Fukuyama, as well as various fire-fighting equipment.
The noise of the wheels alarmed countless people of the island nation all over Fukuyama. Those people who had been awakened by the sound of explosions and firelights were now lying on the side of the window, watching the army coming and going on the road with trepidation.
Among the troops and convoys, officers can also be seen waving their arms eagerly and roaring constantly.
“Quick! Quick! Immediately rush to the industrial park!”
There were also many officers blowing sharp whistles and organized teams all the way to the industrial park.
This night, the whole Fukuyama was in a tense atmospherespent in the middle.
The local people were scared to sleep by the military vehicles and the rushing whistles on the road, as well as the roars of many officers.
The sound of the explosion in the middle of the night was too loud and abrupt. Those firelights were like natural disasters.
If it wasn’t for the lack of advance notice by the island nation’s government, many people would have thought that a large-scale war had broken out.
In this tense and urgent atmosphere, the night passed little by little.
Finally, the sky began to light up.
At this time, Li Xie was standing on a high ground with a group of employees and management of the branch, looking at the ruined industrial park from a distance.
After the explosion last night, the military commander and the secret guard should have already withdrawn.
However, their task has been completed quite successfully. The entire industrial park area has been turned into a piece of scorched earth, and the countless island factories that have been relocated there have long been turned into fly ash in a huge explosion.
After a night of spreading, with the industrial park as the center, the air in a radius of dozens of miles has been polluted by thick chemical gases.
Li Xie and the others were far apart, wearing gas masks, but they could smell a pungent smell.
I don’t know if it’s psychological.
After watching it for a while, Li Xie decisively ordered: “Now the entire industrial park has been destroyed, and the poisonous gas has begun to spread. It is meaningless for everyone to be here, all retreat, and don’t inhale the harmful gas.”
Saying that, Li Xie gritted his teeth, showing a distressed look.
“The group entrusted the matter here to me, but I failed to fulfill my responsibilities and let the villain destroy the industrial park!”
When everyone heard the words, while comforting Li Xie, they retreated back.
There are many people who are deeply grateful to Li Xie.
Among the people who came this time, many of them did not know the truth of the matter, but everyone knew that Li Xie did not force them to go to disaster relief last night.
Otherwise, they are likely to be infested with poisonous gas.
When retreating, Li Xie inadvertently revealed a sneer.
Things have developed to the present, and the first step of closing the network has been successfully completed.
The little devil should have killed a lot of people this time, but the people of Huayin Group have been notified in advance, and there should be no casualties.
However, this also means that Huayin Group may be exposed as a result.
After all, so many people died, but one of their people did not die. This is obviously abnormal, and the little devil will definitely be suspicious of this matter.
At the same time, in the other direction, Sasuke was taking a person from a special high school to observe the situation in the industrial park from a distance.
Sasuke came here last night, and the person from the special high school came later.
He came here this time to investigate the matter.
The location of the two of them is also a highland, which is dozens of miles away from the industrial park, and has not been affected by the diffused chemical gas.
Nei skirt: ⒉⒉0⑤23①4⒐・
After the two observed for a while, Sasuke put down the telescope.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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