At this time, his face was quite ugly.
The army executives entrusted him to be in charge of all cooperation matters with Huayin Group. Now that the industrial park has been destroyed, he cannot escape the responsibility.
But although he mobilized manpower to rescue in time last night, the situation here is already out of control.
Holding back a sullen anger, Sasuke said bitterly, “Damn it! If I had come earlier last night, I might be able to save some of the losses, but now it’s better, the entire industrial park is gone, how can I explain to the empire!”
The mid-advisor of the special high class next to him said with relief: “General, I can’t blame you all for this.
.. 0
According to my judgment, the murderers must have come well prepared. They not only destroyed the ordinary enterprises in the park, but also destroyed all the chemical factories here.
When our people arrived last night, the chemical plant had been destroyed by an explosion, and countless harmful gases had spread, and our people could not get in at all.
Your Excellency, I don’t think you need to blame yourself too much. ”
Sasuke’s mouth twitched slightly, what’s the use of him not blaming himself!
Within his responsibilities, such a big thing happened, but he couldn’t come up with any solution. When the matter was over, he didn’t need to blame himself, and the army executives would clean him up!
Sasuke was a little excited when he thought that he might be indicted.
“So, in your opinion, Chief Officer Kazuki Okamoto, when will our people be able to go over and investigate carefully?”
The Okamoto Ichiki in Sasuke’s mouth is also the special high school middle-ranking officer.
Hearing this question, Okamoto Kazuki was slightly disdainful.
Sasuke was really upset, he had to ask himself this kind of question!
But he still explained: “Your Excellency General, we can’t rush to do this kind of thing, and now the entire industrial park is surrounded by toxic gases for dozens of miles, and the concentration is very high.
In this case, even if our people wear gas masks, they will be attacked by poisonous gas.
According to my estimation, if we want to send someone to investigate, we will have to wait at least half a month. At that time, the gas will dissipate and the concentration will decrease.
Otherwise, even if someone is sent in, there will be no return. “begging.
Chapter 737: Doubt? nonexistent! Everything is being planned!
Sasuke was a little resentful and a little helpless when he heard the words.
He is eager to find out the truth of the matter now, but the current gas mask technology is not so advanced, and it can’t stop such a strong poisonous gas erosion.
Okamoto Kazuki ignored him and asked, “Your Excellency General, how many people from the Empire are there in this industrial park?”
Sasuke knew that the other party was investigating the loss.
However, the entire industrial park has moved toThere are a large number of factories and enterprises, and each of these factories and enterprises has a lot of employees, and he is not very clear about the specific number.
After thinking about it, Sasuke replied: “Okamoto-kun, after this accident, the entire industrial park suffered heavy losses.
As you should have seen just now, almost all the factories in the industrial park have been destroyed, and all the machinery and equipment inside are estimated to have disappeared.
Even if it can be preserved, “260” will be severely damaged and difficult to repair and use.
In addition, the resources we temporarily stored in it will not be left.
As for the number of casualties, it is still impossible to make specific statistics, but so many companies have been destroyed, coupled with the spread of poisonous gas, the number of casualties is estimated to exceed 100,000! ”
Sasuke said this, and anger flooded his heart again.
Fundamentally speaking, he didn’t feel bad about destroying some machinery and equipment.
In the eyes of their military, this kind of thing is not important.
But the resources temporarily stored here, especially the large amount of resources transported by Huayin Group, and the casualties of more than 100,000 people of the Empire made him very angry.
Those resources such as oil, rubber, and grain are all important strategic materials, and the people of the empire are the foundation of their country’s strength!
But when the industrial park was invaded, there were still countless people working in various enterprises. After the poison gas spread, it would also affect the accommodation areas in the park.
How can the resources and personnel be retained?
Seeing that Sasuke was a little angry, Ichiki Okamoto changed the subject and said, “Your Excellency General, please calm down.
Anger doesn’t solve problems, and now we need to know if what happened last night was an accident or if someone did it on purpose. ”
Sasuke got a little angry when he heard it: “Okamoto-kun, there is no need to guess about this matter, someone must have done it on purpose last night!
If the workers did not operate properly, or some equipment went wrong, even if there was an explosion, it would only affect the surrounding factories at most, how could it affect the entire industrial park? But the fact is that all industrial parks have been razed to the ground!
If it was an accidental explosion, there would not be such a huge chain reaction at all. ”
After hearing this, Ichiki Okamoto nodded thoughtfully.
“In this way, this matter is likely to be the hands of Huayin Group.”
“What do you mean by Okamoto-kun?”
Sasuke was a little puzzled when he heard the words. How could Huayin Group take action against the industrial park?
Okamoto Kazuki explained: “This industrial zone was established in cooperation with Huayin Group, and no one can enter or leave the zone at will except for the people from both of us.
And I heard that they also visited the entire industrial park with us, and they were very clear about the internal situation of the park.
Therefore, it is initially judged that Huayin Group has sufficient conditions for committing the crime. ”
“No no no, Okamoto-kun, you are overthinking this.”
Sasuke waved his hand indifferently when he saw Okamoto Ichiki saying this.
“Okamoto-kun, you are right, they do understand the layout and structure of the park, and they have enough favorable conditions for committing crimes.
But this industrial park was built together with us, and besides our company, Huayin Group also has many factories built in it.
Especially in several chemical plants, Huayin Group also sent many people to study.
If according to your statement, Huayin Group built its own industrial park, sent people to study, but destroyed it by itself, isn’t this asking for trouble?
Moreover, they are businessmen, and they are pursuing commercial interests.
Not only their people and industries, but also a lot of resources they transported in the park, bombed the park, and it didn’t do them any good at all. ”
Saying that, Sasuke asked Okamoto Iki.
“Okamoto-kun, it’s not that you don’t understand the nature of businessmen. They only know how to make money and pursue profits. When will they do things that are not good for them?”
Okamoto Kazuki nodded slightly, but was still thinking.
What Sasuke said is not unreasonable, but it cannot clear the suspicion of Huayin Group.
Huaxia and the empire have a deep hatred, this is known to both countries, Huayin Group is likely to give up its interests for this hatred, and the purpose is to kill the people of the empire.  …
So Okamoto Ichiki pondered: “Your Excellency General, what you just said is not enough to free Huayin Group from suspicion.
You and I both know that Huayin Group has always been known in their country for helping the country’s development.
The Huayin Group is likely to sacrifice the interests of their country to murder the people of the empire.
This time, they have killed and injured more than 100,000 of our people. ”
“No, no, you still don’t understand Okamoto-kun. The so-called patriotic image of Huayin Group is all disguised by them.”
Hearing that Okamoto Izuki said that Huayin Group was patriotic, Sasuke smiled disdainfully.
When he made a deal with Wang Dehai before, the meaning of the other party was very clear. In order to make money, they could sell the best weapons to the empire, regardless of the country’s righteousness.
How can such a company be called patriotic?
What’s more, there will be a war between the two countries. This is the potential consensus of the two countries, and no fool will doubt it.
From this point of view, if Huayin Group really cares about the country, how could they sell the magic weapon such as the T34 to the empire?
From this point of view, Huayin Group is just a group of guys who will do anything for profit.
Thinking in his heart, Sasuke told Okamoto Izuki about this, and then asked back: “Do you think Okamoto-kun can really call a group of businessmen who can sell T34 to us for 4.3 to make money? patriotic?
The patriotism they promote is, in my opinion, just to gain fame and make further profits. ”
“That’s it, the General’s PavilionThe following makes sense, it seems that I was overthinking this time. ”
Okamoto Izuki listened to Sasuke’s words, and instantly dispelled his doubts about Huayin Group.
He knows the T34 tank.
As the most advanced tank in the world today, once the T34 tank is put into the battlefield, it is a group of ruthless strangling machines, and Huayin Group actually sells this cutting-edge weapon to the empire.
It seems that he has thought about it before.
As Sasuke said, their so-called patriotism is just a slogan of righteousness and dignity.
Chapter 738: The Wrath of Huayin Group
“Then, Your Excellency, in your opinion, who did this thing?”
After denying his previous thoughts, Okamoto Izuki lost his mind for a while.
The destruction of the Fukuyama Industrial Park, since it wasn’t done by the Huayin Group, couldn’t have been done by the Empire, right?
But the specific layout of the various industrial parks in Fushan is unknown except for them and Huayin Group. Apart from some local manufacturers and workers, and people from Huayin Group, there are no other people in the park.
If it wasn’t for Huayin Group, who could sneak into the park without knowing it and cause such amazing damage?
Sasuke was also lost in thought.
To be honest, he didn’t have a clue about it either.
After all, it happened so suddenly, and he was too busy to organize the staff last night, how could he even think about it.
Calm down now, Sasuke can’t find any clues either.
After thinking about it, Sasuke had no choice but to say: “We don’t have any clues in our hands now. If we want to know the truth of the matter, I’m afraid we can only find out after the poisonous gas dissipates and our people enter the park to investigate.
I also hope that you 09 will do your best to investigate this matter, and you must not let those who endanger the empire go unpunished. ”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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