“Don’t worry, Your Excellency, this is our responsibility.
Everyone is a soldier of the Empire, and of course the guys who endanger the Empire will not be spared. ”
The two chatted for a while, but still could not reach a correct conclusion. At present, no one can enter the industrial park, so the matter had to be put on hold for the time being.
But the little devil put it down temporarily, but Huayin Group’s actions continued.
Blowing up the industrial park is a key step in the plan to close the network. In order not to arouse suspicion from the little devils, a series of finishing work must be carried out.
The day after the industrial park was bombed, Su Yun and Boss Dai received news that the operation was successful.
In the office of the president of Huayin Group headquarters, Su Yun was sitting on an office chair, holding a telegram from the island country in his hand.
After reading the contents of the telegram, Su Yun showed a smile on his face.
Opposite him, Wu Si was standing by and waiting.
After putting down the telegram, Su Yun said to Wu Si: “The first step of the island country’s plan to take over the network has been successful. Now we need to take some actions so that the little devil will not be suspicious.”
“Yes! President Su, please tell me!”
Wu Si was also very happy to hear that.
In order to complete this plan, the group has spent countless efforts, and now it can finally see the rewards.
Especially in the later stage of the plan, after Su Yun disclosed the plan to Wu Si, he also contributed a lot to it. Now that the plan is about to be completed, Wu Si also has a great sense of accomplishment.
Su Yun motioned for Wu Si to come forward and instructed: “You should immediately send a telegram to the little devils and hold them accountable for this matter.
I have already drafted the content of the telegram myself, you just send it according to the content of the above list. ”
Su Yun said, and pulled out a document from the drawer.
Wu Si took it and immediately sent it in person.
In order to better communicate with the little devils, Huayin Group is in contact with their army executives, and Su Yun’s telegram was not sent to Sasuke, but directly to the little devils’ army executives!
This is also Su Yun’s intention. Only in this way can it show that Huayin Group attaches great importance to this matter.
After the telegram was delivered, the little devil immediately sent it to the island country’s army minister, General Lin Xian.
“Report to General, Huayin Group sent a telegram, accusing us of not being optimistic about the industrial park, and saying that we should be fully responsible for the explosion accident two nights ago!”
A little devil’s confidential officer said and handed the telegram to General Lin Xian.
As soon as Lin Xian heard it, he immediately took over the telegram and began to check it.
I saw that in this telegram, Huayin Group’s wording was quite severe.
“Since I, Huayin Group, have cooperated with your country, I have done everything within my power without reservation, to build an industrial park with your country, and to send a lot of resources to support your country’s development.
However, regardless of the friendship of cooperation, your country occupies a large amount of land in the Fushan Industrial Park, so that our Huayin Group’s industry has no land to use, and has to make a living in a narrow area.
Despite this, your country still neglects its duties and does not care about the affairs of the park, so that a villain sneaked into the park two days ago and used despicable means to destroy all the industries in the park!
My Huayin Group has suffered countless losses, several months of investment efforts have been in vain, and a lot of resources and personnel have disappeared!
It is your country who volunteered to take care of the affairs of the park. However, such an accident has occurred today. Your country must give a clear account!
Otherwise, Huayin Group will terminate all cooperation, immediately stop all investment, and will no longer transport all relevant resources such as grain, minerals, and oil to your country. Please know. ”
Su Yun’s telegram is quite lengthy. Due to too much specific content, the telegram was sent in two pages.
And the whole article is full of accountability to the island country, which is rude.
General Ke Lin Xian patiently read them one by one.
The reason is verySimply, the army lacks various resources now, and Huayin Group is currently the only partner willing to cooperate with them and provide the empire with strategic resources such as oil, grain, rubber, and minerals.
General Lin Xian was actually very depressed about the accountability of Huayin Group.
He had heard about this a long time ago, and it happened suddenly, and he couldn’t blame them at all.
Ke Lin Xian has no temper with this.
If they offend Huayin Group because of this incident, their resource supply will be cut off, and the entire army will have to live a life of tightening their belts again.
“How unreasonable, how can Huayin Group be so unreasonable!”
Lin Xian threw the telegram aside, cursed bitterly, and said to a squire next to him: “Go and call Sasuke now, and let him come here immediately to report the results of this investigation!”
The attendant did not dare to neglect, and hurried to inform Sasuke.
Sasuke was in a hurry for things in the industrial park at this time.
In the past two days, in order to find out the facts, he tried all kinds of methods, but he found nothing.
If he can’t enter the industrial park, he won’t get any effective clues. He can’t get any effective information at all by observing and interrogating from the periphery.
Now hearing Lin Xian urgently summoned him, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Sasuke’s body.
But he couldn’t disobey the order, and pointed to meet him.
Seeing Sasuke, General Lin Xian’s expression immediately sank.
“Sasuke, how’s the investigation in the past two days, have you got any clues?”
Sasuke lowered his head and said respectfully, “Reporting to Your Excellency General, no progress has been made for the time being!
Due to the existence of a chemical factory in the first industrial park, the explosion that night destroyed the chemical factory. Now the entire industrial park area is enveloped by toxic gas, and our people cannot enter at all! “.
Chapter 739: Hey, I’m bullying honest people again
When Lin Xian heard this answer, his face suddenly became more gloomy.
“So how long until you get the clue?”
Sasuke noticed that the other party’s tone was not good, and quickly said: “Report, Your Excellency, according to the current situation, it will take at least a week before our people dare to enter it to investigate.”
“Nani? Baga! Look at this telegram for yourself!”
Lin Xian was furious, and while angrily scolding Sasuke, he threw the telegram on the table to him.
Sasuke quickly checked.
Lin Xian got up angrily: “Just now, Huayin Group has sent a telegram to hold us accountable, and pointed out that this matter is due to our poor management.
I don’t care what they’re responsible for, and I don’t want to argue with them, but you know, the entire army now relies on those resources from Huayin Group.
Their supply is very important to us.
If the resource supply chain of Huayin Group is interrupted, the entire army will fall into resource dilemma again.
And all of this is because of your incompetence! As the person in charge of this matter, you are ineffective in supervision, allowing the murderer to destroy the industrial park, causing the empire to be held accountable, and the entire army losing face! ”
“Yes! Your Excellency General!”
The more Lin Xian said, the more he couldn’t hold back his anger.
The dignified Imperial Army was arbitrarily held accountable by a private company in Huaxia, and they did not dare to offend the other party at will.
And all of this is because Sasuke failed to be optimistic about the industrial park.
And Sasuke can only answer again and again.
Although Lin Xian scolded badly, he did not speak nonsense.
He should be responsible for the accident in the industrial park.
After respectfully handing the telegram to the table, Sasuke assured loudly, “Please don’t worry, General. After the poisonous gas dissipates, I will immediately take someone to investigate in the park in person. Within three days, the culprit will be found out!”
Lin Xian snorted coldly and said sternly, “Remember your promise, and once the poisonous gas dissipates, immediately bring someone to find out the truth.
At Huayin Group, I will buy some more time, but if the deadline is reached, and you still can’t find out the truth, then wait and apologize with death!
If the army loses the resource supply of Huayin Group, the current changeover plan will be forced to stop. At that time, you will be the sinner of the empire~々! ”
“Yes! I will complete the investigation as quickly as possible!”
Sasuke hurriedly reassured.
As a member of the Army, he naturally understands the seriousness of the matter.
At present, the entire army is using some resources delivered by Huayin Group, and soldiers in the army are also relying on these resources to replace new equipment.
If Huayin Group withdraws the cooperation this time, their replacement plan will be forced to terminate.
If this is the case, the overall strategic plan of the empire will be greatly delayed, and he will be regarded as the chief crime in the army, and death will not be enough to apologize.
When Lin Xian saw this, his anger dissipated a little.
After admonishing Sasuke, Lin Xian waved his hand, indicating that he can leave.
Sasuke left the office, his forehead wet with cold sweat.
From the attitude of General Lin Xian just now, it can be seen that if the task is not completed by the due date, his Xiaoming will not be guaranteed. After returning, he has to hurry up and find a way.
A few days later, Saito was in the office with an anxious look on his face.
He had already heard about the Fukuyama Industrial Park and notified Takahashi about it. Now he is waiting for Takahashi to come to discuss the follow-up results of this matter.
After a few minutes, Takahashi finally came to the office.
When he came, Takahashi’s expression was not relaxed, and he obviously realized that this matter is not simple.
Seeing Takahashi’s arrival, Saito calmed down slightly and asked: “Takahashi-kun, several industrial parks in Fukuyama were completely destroyed a few days ago, and a large-scale explosion occurred, but our people did not find any clues, right? What do you think about this?”
Takahashi thought about it, and immediately realized what Saito meant.
He doesn’t care who did it, because it has happened and the loss has beenhas appeared.
So Takahashi knew that Saito was actually concerned about the consequences of this incident.
He thought for a moment and said solemnly: “Saito-kun, the consequences of this matter are not simple. Since the construction of the industrial park, more than half of the empire’s light industry manufacturers have moved into it.
Now the entire park has been destroyed, and the factories and enterprises in it have disappeared, which means that for a long time from now on, the production capacity of the empire’s light industry will drop by half.
And there are also some heavy industry factories, which means that our heavy industry production capacity will also be affected a little bit. ”
Saito nodded after hearing this.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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