And his face was a little blue.
He’s not an Army guy and knows some production and marketing stuff.
Therefore, Saito understood that what Takahashi just said was considered euphemism.
In fact, half of the empire’s light industry factories were lost in this explosion, and heavy industry also suffered some losses. The result of this kind of thing is likely to have a series of chain effects.
For example, the supply of light industrial products will soon be in short supply, and the domestic market will also experience turmoil.
Thinking of this, Saito couldn’t help but scolded: “” Huayin Group, this must be done by the people of Huayin Group! They have bad intentions from the beginning!
From the moment they entered the empire, they cooperated with the army guys, and then they established an industrial park in the name of cooperation, attracting the light industry manufacturers of the empire to enter, and now they secretly destroy the park.
All this must be a conspiracy of Huayin Jitu! ”
Takahashi nodded slightly and said, “Saito-kun is right, this should be what Huayin Group did.
The two of us discussed it before. Their motives for entering the empire were very impure, and they were probably coming for our domestic market.
But the key now is that we can’t find relevant evidence to prove that they are the masterminds (of the king).
And I also heard that Huayin Group sent a telegram to the army two days ago, holding the army severely accountable, accusing them of failing to perform their duties and causing the destruction of the industrial park.
And Huayin Group also said that if the truth is not found out as soon as possible, they will cut off all cooperation with the empire. ”
“Joke! Huayin Group is a typical villain to sue first!”
Saito was even more angry when he heard this.
He didn’t have to think about it, he knew that this must be the plan of Huayin Group’s suspected soldiers. Before the Army didn’t respond, he would be held accountable first, so as to help himself clear the suspicion.
After getting angry, Saito asked again: “Have you heard what the guys in the army said?”
Takahashi’s face was helpless: “The army’s gang believed in Huayin Group, but they were used without knowing it. It is said that the Minister of the Army Lin Xian ordered Sasuke to let him find out the truth as soon as possible and give Huayin Group an explanation. .”.
Chapter 740: Angry Saito
“Stupid, stupid! The guys in the army still don’t understand it, it’s really not enough, and there is more than failure!”
Hearing that Takahashi mentioned that the army still believes in Huayin Group’s rhetoric, Saito’s anger that finally dissipated came up again in an instant.
What time is it, the army has not yet seen the tricks of Huayin Group.
This is simply an insult to the intelligence of the imperial soldiers!
Seeing this, Takahashi pressed his palm slightly on Saito, signaling him to calm down first.
“Saito-kun, now is not the time to scold the army, our top priority is to find a way to solve the follow-up problems.
Today, the light industry of the empire has suffered such heavy losses, and the supply of daily necessities in the empire will definitely be very short. Before, Huayin Group cooperated with western consortiums to transport a large amount of industrial products to our territory.
Once they take advantage of this time and put those industrial products into the imperial market, our market will soon be occupied by Huayin Group.
At that time, the industrial product market of the empire will be controlled by Huayin Group, and they will control our market buying and selling, thus affecting our domestic economic operation. ”
“I know this!”
263 Saito’s face suddenly became extremely gloomy when he heard the words.
But now that things have happened, to prevent Huayin Group’s industrial products from entering the imperial market, they must be subject to comprehensive trade restrictions.
Gritting his teeth, Saito said solemnly: “I will personally order that all industrial products of Huayin Group are strictly prohibited from entering the territory of the Empire!
In any case, we must not let these people influence our market! ”
Saying that, Saito will make arrangements in person.
Seeing this, Takahashi quickly stopped him and said, “Absolutely not! Saito-kun, this matter cannot be rushed.
Now the Army is cooperating with Huayin Group and wants to obtain resources from them. If we restrict the entry of Huayin Group’s industrial products, Huayin Group will definitely stop the input of resources to the empire.
In that case, the Army people will go crazy, and they will think that we cut off their supply of resources. ”
“Damn! Then what do you say!”
Saito was burning with anger, and he was very aggrieved now.
It’s all to blame for the stupidity of the guys in the army, which has caused the empire’s industrial product market to be threatened, but he can’t stop the Huayin Group in time, which is likely to trigger a series of chain reactions.
The army and navy of the empire are at odds with each other, and the relationship between the military and the government is special. Once the army turns its face, the entire empire may fall into turmoil.
Don’t look at his anger at this time, but as the head of the empire, he can still maintain his sanity.
Because of this, Saito is quite helpless.
Takahashi thought for a while, a look of helplessness appeared on his face.look.
“In this situation, we can only take one step at a time.
Huayin Group bombed the industrial park, but I don’t think they would attack their own people.
If there is no accident, the army personnel will investigate the industrial park and will find that the people who died in it do not include people from the Huahuayin Group.
At that time, they will naturally understand. ”
“Well, that’s all it takes.”
Saito’s face was ugly, and right now they really had nothing to do except wait for the result.
I just hope that the army people will stop being obsessed after finding out the clue, otherwise, when Huayin Group occupies the market of the empire, the whole empire will be buried in the hands of the army!
When the high-level officials of the island country discussed and investigated the matter in the industrial park, Huayin Group once again ushered in good news.
Previously, Su Yun had cooperated with Alfred to sell 6,000 T34 tanks and technical drawings of the T34 tanks to Germantown. The total value of this transaction reached 320 million US dollars.
After the two parties reached a contract, Alfred reported the matter to Nai.
Now that a few days have passed, Germain finally sent the money over.
The money was transferred into the group’s account, and Huayin Group’s funds suddenly increased, but Su Yunbing (ajed) was not worried that the money would affect his completion of system tasks.
Because he had already agreed when he was discussing cooperation with Alfred, these 6,000 T34 tanks were not the assets of Huayin Group, but they were sold for the military.
He is not afraid of the system saying that he exploited the loopholes. These tanks were sold to the military by Huayin Group earlier, and the ownership is in the hands of the military.
Huayin Group is only helping the military sell these second-hand goods, which is equivalent to a middleman.
Only those technical drawings really belonged to Huayin Group.
In this way, the group’s account is only an extra 20 million US dollars from the sale of drawings.
As for the remaining $300 million, Su Yun intends to send it to the military.
After taking some time, Su Yun went to the staff headquarters to find He Jingzhi.
He sold 6,000 T34s on behalf of the military, and Lao He would have to accept the money.
When Su Yun came, He Jingzhi was enjoying tea in the office leisurely.
Today, the domestic direct line army has already completed a comprehensive transformation, and the combat effectiveness of the army has skyrocketed. Coupled with economic development, the government’s financial resources are abundant, and the military’s military spending has also increased a lot.
Huayin Group has been fully supporting the development of the military, and He Jingzhi has less troubles.
Although he still has to deal with a lot of things every day, He Jingzhi has a lot of peace of mind compared to before.
The two are familiar with each other for a long time, and the people in the staff headquarters also know Su Yun’s identity and status. When they see Su Yun’s arrival, they don’t need to notify them, and let Su Yun go to their own minister.
When he came to the door of the office, Su Yun knocked on the door.
He Jingzhi put down the tea cup and said with a straight face, “Come in.”
Su Yun pushed in the door and said with a smile, “Minister He, your 300 million military spending has arrived.”
A look of surprise appeared on He Jingzhi’s face.
“It’s Ziwen, come in and sit down, we haven’t seen each other for a while.”
Su Yun was not polite, and came to the sofa to sit down.
Since the end of the year, Su Yun has been busy dealing with the island country and the Western chaebol, and has not had time to communicate with He Jingzhi and others. When he met Su Yun this time, He Jingzhi was very enthusiastic.
“Ziwen, you’ve been busy enough these days.
I heard from outside that you Huayin Group fought against the eight major consortiums in the United States by yourself, and forced them to cooperate with you on your own initiative.
Now we have completed the reform of the gold standard system. I heard that Huayuan has long been recognized by the eight major financial groups. Your ability is getting more and more powerful! ”
He Jingzhi said this with pride on his face.
Although many days had passed, He Jingzhi had never heard Su Yun say it himself.
Now that we met, He Jingyi talked about this and said, “Tell me quickly, how did you clean up the eight consortiums? Those people are all old foxes!”
Seeing that He Jingzhi was so enthusiastic, Su Yun smiled and said, “Minister He has been awarded. The success of these things depends on the support of the country and the people.”
Chapter 741: Three hundred million dollars? This is not mine!
After saying that, Su Yun simplified the complicated and described the incident to He Jingzhi.
Anyway, now that the plan has been completed, Su Yun is not afraid of leaks.
He Jingzhi listened to Su Yun’s statement, and his face kept showing surprise.
He Jingzhi couldn’t help laughing loudly when he heard that Su Yun’s plan was intertwined, and he took control of the Western consortium and the island country one after another.
“Hahaha, I knew that you are not shallow, even those old foxes have been deceived by you!”
After the two chatted for a while, He Jingzhi remembered and said, “By the way, Ziwen, when you entered the door just now, you said that you sent me 300 million military expenses. What does this mean?”
Su Yun smiled: “Minister He, before your military asked Huayin Group to sell T34 tanks on your behalf, and now the deal has been completed.
Yesterday Germain sent over three hundred million dollars. I came to you today to inform you of receiving this money. ”
“No Ziwen! How can this be made! This money should belong to your Huayin Group, how can we accept it.”
He Jingzhi heard the words and immediately began to decline.
Su Yun naturally communicated with him about the sale of tanks, but what He Jingzhi thought at the time was that when Huayin Group sold these tanks, the funds should naturally be used by Huayin Group, but he did not expect Su Yun to do so. Straightforwardly, sent the money directly to them.
Without waiting for Su Yun to answer, He Jingzhi said again: “Those tanks are sold on behalf of you in name, but you and I both know that this is what your Huayin Group belongs to, how can the military ask for your money, not to mention the wholeThree hundred million dollars! ”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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