Su Yun waved his hand: “Minister He’s words are bad, this money should belong to your military, why do you ask for it?
Those tanks are owned by your military, and we are just selling them on your behalf. Now that the goods have been sold, of course the payment must be handed over to the owner. Minister He, you don’t have to refuse. ”
When He Jingyi heard this, he shook his head.
In fact, there is nothing wrong with Su Yun’s words.
Although those tanks were produced by Huayin Group, Huayin Group did sell them to the military.
Moreover, the two parties also formally signed the order and placed the contract.
But the question is, can the price given by Huayin Group be sold?
Therefore, He Jingzhi retorted: “If you say that, Ziwen, the military can’t even ask for this money.
Although we bought those tanks, when Huayin Group sold them to us, the price was only 300 oceans. This is where they sell tanks, they are just selling vegetables and radishes!
Don’t say it’s me, the whole army, who doesn’t know that these tanks should belong to your Huayin Group from beginning to end?
If I receive this money today, how can I explain it to the people below?
Take it back now! In other words, even if the subordinates don’t care, if the commissioner knows that I have received this money, they have to let me go! ”
Su Yun heard the words and smiled bitterly.
When he sold those tanks to the military, the price was indeed a little cheaper.
But he didn’t want to lose money intentionally, but sincerely wanted to contribute to the country. Otherwise, a T34 tank with more than 30 tons, even if it was really sold at the price of cabbage, would be worth 300 oceans.
But this is not the case. Since the military had bought the tanks at that time, they should belong to the military, and the money should naturally belong to them.
So Su Yun said again: “Minister He, the previous price was indeed reasonable, we didn’t…”
“Stop! Don’t tell me you don’t lose money!”
Before Su Yun could finish speaking, He Jingzhi interrupted him directly.
A tank with three hundred oceans, if it is said that it is not at a loss, ghosts will believe it.
Then He Jingzhi said again: “Ziwen, I know you want to make some contribution to the country, but you Huayin Group also need funds for daily turnover, we can’t always let you pay for us, and we can’t let you do it because of this. You Huayin Group went bankrupt.
I know that you lost a lot of money before, but you insisted on it, and we can’t say it.
But this time, you have to take the money back no matter what!
If you have to say that this is our military’s money, then we have the right to support Huayin and send this money back to Huayin Group.
After you get this money, you can develop well, become bigger and stronger, strive to do more scientific research, and come up with more advanced technologies. In this way, you can also provide us with more advanced weapons, right? ”
He Jingzhi’s tone this time was very relaxed, like an elder trying to persuade his descendants.
He admired Su Yun very much, and knew that Su Yun was soft and not hard, so he used these words to punch Su Yun in disguise to change his mind.
But Su Yun didn’t eat this set at all.
It’s not that he doesn’t listen to persuasion, but that he has accepted the 300 million funds. What can he do with his task?
You must know that it is not Ocean, nor Hua Yuan, but three hundred million US dollars!
With this money in his hands, wouldn’t the task of losing money be lost again?
Therefore, Su Yun simply said: “Minister He, Huayin Group is developing smoothly now, work in various fields is proceeding in an orderly manner, and the flow of funds is very generous.
On the other hand, your military, although military expenditures are now ample, the military’s combat effectiveness still needs to continue to improve.
The army is the guarantee of the country. Only when the military is strong and the country is stable can we businessmen have a more stable development environment. You know this better than me.
So this money should belong to your military, and we can’t be greedy anyway. ”
“Ziwen, you… ah!”
While speaking, Su Yun’s eyes showed a firm luster.
Seeing this, He Jingzhi raised his hand and wanted to persuade him, but for a while he didn’t know what to say.
After several pushes and drags, He Jingzhi couldn’t help being moved.
He knew that Huayin Group must have paid a lot in order to support the development of the army and the country.
Especially in the economic war between Huayin Group and the eight major consortiums in the United States a few days ago, they fought against powerful enemies by themselves, but they never asked the government for any help.
He Jingzhi knew that Su Yun didn’t want to cause trouble to the country.
Today, Huayin Group is estimated to have not recovered its vitality, but it still wants to support the development of the military. In the face of such huge interests, Su Yun is not tempted.
Therefore, although he had known for a long time that Su Yun was different from other businessmen and devoted himself to the consideration of the country, He Jingzhi was still a little moved.
At present, the domestic economy is developing rapidly, and countless merchants have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.
However, apart from Su Yun’s Huayin Group, how many other companies can be single-minded for the country?
Those of them only know the pursuit of profit!
Thinking of this, He Jingzhi sighed again.
When the country was poor and weak in the past, Su Yun started from scratch and devoted himself to the establishment of education, industry, medical care and other fields to help the country develop to the current situation.
Up to now, although Su Yun has a big family and a big business, he has still not changed his original intention and is dedicated to begging for the country.
Chapter 742: The advent of the Panther tank
Before the rise of Huayin Group, there were not a few wealthy businessmen in the country, but at that time, these people only knew how to pursue fame and fortune and make money, and they didn’t care about the people of the country at all.
After sighing, He Jingzhi looked at Su Yun and said word by word, “ZiwenYou… I don’t know what to say about you anymore. If everyone has your thoughts, why should the country be unhappy? Why is it so poor and weak? ”
“What did Minister He say? I just did what a Chinese should do.”
Su Yun smiled politely, but he was relieved.
He Jingzhi said that, he should be planning to accept it, right?
However, what He Jingzhi said next caught Su Yun off guard!
“Ziwen, you have always thought of the country and made selfless contributions, we cannot accept this money today.
I know that you have just gone through a financial war and you are short of funds. Today’s “February 63″ day, whatever you say, you will take the money back to ease your internal tension.
Otherwise, it will put me in a place of inhumanity and injustice, don’t blame me for turning my face now! ”
“Hey this…”
Seeing He Jingzhi getting angry, Su Yun wanted to persuade him again, but the other party just lay down on the sofa and ignored him completely.
Seeing He Jingzhi doing this, Su Yun wanted to cry without tears.
He Jingzhi, this old man, how can he turn his face when he turns his face!
It’s easy for your old man to turn his face, but I suddenly have an extra 300 million US dollars here. Isn’t the task going to waste?
Besides, this $300 million fund sounds like a lot, but it is actually a level that is not too high.
Now Su Yun has invested in all fields of industry, education, economy, and certain technologies. He has basically covered all the small and medium-sized money-losing projects.
If you want to continue to lose a lot of money, you can only put it on some big projects.
What made Su Yun helpless was that ordinary projects simply wouldn’t use $300 million in funds, such as building a small reservoir or something, and not even a fraction of it.
Those that require an initial investment of US$300 million are basically large-scale projects, such as road construction, communications, and construction of large dams.
But once this kind of large-scale project starts construction, it needs to be continuously invested in the future, and the required funds are far more than 300 million.
And continuous large-scale investment like this, he can’t complete right now.
At present, Huayin Group has undertaken a lot of projects. The current capital chain of the group is relatively stable, and the capital budgets are relatively accurate everywhere, which is just enough to maintain the smooth operation of the current projects.
Under this premise, if a large-scale project is suddenly added, the group’s capital supply will not be able to keep up.
In that case, it will only lead to a complete collapse of the capital chain.
At that time, the infrastructure plans that were finalized before, such as road construction and other projects, will go bankrupt directly, and those investments he made in the early stage will also be abandoned halfway.
But if he does not invest, the 300 million capital will become an obstacle for him to complete the task.
After thinking for a while, Su Yun didn’t have a better way.
It seems that after he goes back, he still has to find one or two small projects to start, and spend all the three hundred million dollars.
At this time, He Jingzhi was sipping his tea without looking at Su Yun.
He knew that Su Yun’s mouth was very powerful, and he managed to persuade this kid, but he couldn’t give him another chance to speak, otherwise, he could talk to him about the finalized things.
Seeing He Jingzhi like this, Su Yun had to show a wry smile.
“Okay, Minister He, I can’t accept the money.
This time, I would like to thank you and the country for your love, but next time there is such a thing, you are not allowed to refuse like this. ”
“Well, it’s almost there!”
He Jingzhi smiled heartily upon hearing this.
Su Yun was able to accept the money, and he felt a lot of peace of mind, and it was easy to explain it to his subordinates and commissioners.
After talking about this topic, Su Yun said to He Jingzhi, “Minister He, I’m here today. In addition to sending money, there is one more thing to tell you.”
“Oh? What’s the matter?”
He Jingzhi straightened his posture and waited for Su Yun to speak.
He knew that Su Yunneng came to him specifically for this matter, indicating that the matter must be no small matter.
Su Yun replied: “Minister He, the T34 tank has been completely discontinued at present, and the tank that is now being mass-produced is a new tank called T44.”
He Jingyi became interested.
Judging from the name, the T44 should be an upgraded version of the T34 tank.
And the fact is the same. Fundamentally speaking, the T44 tank was indeed modified from the T34 tank, but if it wasn’t for Su Yun’s intervention, its real research and development work should have started in 1943, and then it was finalized in 1944. .. ……
Compared with the T34 tank, the front armor of the T44 tank has been upgraded, and the engine layout has been changed to horizontal, which simplifies the structure, compresses the car body, and reduces the height of the car, which greatly reduces its bombed area.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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