In addition to the above changes, the firepower system and power system of the T44 tank have also been upgraded, making it more maneuverable and more powerful than the T34 tank.
Although He Jingzhi didn’t know this, he was very interested in it.
The T34 tank is already very powerful, and its upgraded version should be more powerful.
Therefore, He Jingzhi hurriedly asked: “So, your group is now fully engaged in the production of this tank? When will we be able to sell a few of our military?”
Su Yun smiled and said, “Don’t worry about Minister He first.
Our tank factory is not producing T44 tanks in full force now, but is hurrying and mobilizing all forces to debug many machines and equipment.
At present, our plan is to upgrade the original production equipment and introduce more sophisticated equipment.
After these preparations are completed, we can start anotherThe R&D and production of this kind of tank, the performance of this tank should surpass the T34 tank in an all-round way, and even the T44 can only be regarded as scum when compared with it! ”
He Jingzhi was shocked when he heard this.
He straightened up, looked at Su Yun and asked, “Ziwen, are you telling the truth? Your 4.3 group has developed a new tank again?
And even T34 is not worth mentioning in front of him? ”
At this moment, He Jingzhi was very surprised.
He felt that Huayin was just a monster. In such a short period of time, they actually developed a new type of tank after completing the research and development of the T44.
Moreover, the performance of the T34 tank has completely crushed all tanks in the world today, but Su Yun said that this new tank can crush the existing T34.
So how strong can this tank be?
Su Yun ignored He Jingzhi’s reaction and said with a smile: “Yes, this tank has been successfully developed now, and he also has a resounding name, called the Panther Tank!
When this tank is officially mass-produced, it will become your military’s real main battle tank, further enhancing its combat effectiveness. “.
Chapter 744: Shore Defense Airport
First of all, even if the T34 tank is sold to other countries, he also has an improved T44 tank in his hand. Secondly, the Leopard tank can be mass-produced immediately. From this point of view, even the T44 tank is just an excessive model. .
When the Leopard tank starts mass production, any T34 and T44 tanks will become a thing of the past.
“By the way, Ziwen, how much do you plan to set the price of this tank?”
When Su Yun was thinking about this, He Jingzhi talked about the price.
Under normal circumstances, the price of such a powerful weapon as the Leopard tank must be very high, but He Jingzhi knew that Huayin Group would definitely not charge too high a price.
But he also had to ask first, if the price given by Su Yun was too low, He Jingzhi would not be able to accept it.
Su Yun thought for a while and said, “Minister He, the performance of this tank is much stronger than the previous T34 and T44, so the price will definitely be higher.”
He Jingzhi smiled slightly.
Su Yun said this, but he felt a lot more at ease.
If Su Yun told him another three hundred oceans, he would turn his face.
Besides, with the current economic development, fiscal revenue has skyrocketed, and even the military expenditure received by the military is also increasing. To tell the truth, compared to two or three years ago, they are now properly rich.
Therefore, He Jingzhi said: “It doesn’t matter, you can tell me the price. Such an advanced weapon should be sold at a high price.”
But who knows, as soon as Su Yun opened his mouth, he was stunned.
“Minister He, I plan to set the price of the Leopard tank at 300 Chinese yuan this time. Your military will place an order at this price.”
“What… what? Three hundred Chinese yuan?”
He Jingzhi was stunned for a moment, then slapped the table: “No way!”
Compared with the previous ocean, the value of Huayuan is about twice as much today, that is to say, three hundred Huayuan is equivalent to six hundred oceans.
Six hundred Oceans is a Leopard tank. Is this what Su Yun said is more expensive?
Simply bullshit!
Don’t look at the previous T34 with only one 300 Ocean, but that itself is the price of cabbage. The performance of the Leopard tank is much more advanced than that of the T34. What is the difference between a 600 Ocean and a 300 T34?
What’s more, Huayuan has been recognized by the eight major consortiums in the United States, and it has already been circulated throughout the country, and the ocean has long since become a thing of the past.
After all, the price given by Su Yun is still three hundred.
He Jingzhi stared at Su Yun and said solemnly, “Ziwen, I know you are dedicated to serving the country, but as I said just now, we can’t always let Huayin Group bear the losses.
For the price of three hundred Chinese dollars, we cannot accept anything. ”
Su Yun waved his hand: “Minister He, we really have nothing to lose. The price of three hundred Chinese yuan was carefully considered by me. After the cost, we can still make some money.”
He Jingzhi was speechless.
Can you earn 300 yuan for a tank?
It’s a liar!
Su Yun didn’t care what He Jingzhi thought, and said first: “This matter just decides Minister He, if you really want to support Huayin Group, don’t bargain any more.
If we sell you tanks at a high price, it will be someone who makes money out of the country’s conscience, and I won’t do such a thing. ”
He Jingzhi was completely speechless.
Good guy, it was you who asked to increase the price to buy it, but in the end it was you who bargained for the price?
Besides, if this price is made to make money out of conscience, then the arms dealers in the world will simply stop doing it and simply go bankrupt!
A weapon like the Leopard tank should not be sold for more than ten or two hundred thousand dollars in the hands of some people?
Su Yunhe was very helpless. If he didn’t say so, the old man He Jingzhi would definitely raise the price for himself again. Originally, the 300 million US dollars was not given away today. If he made another profit, he would not be allowed to live.
As a businessman, how can you only think about making money and not thinking about losing?
After deciding on the price of the tank, Su Yun got up and said goodbye: “Minister He, I came to see you today mainly for these two things. Now that everything has been finalized, I will go back first.”
After Su Yun finished speaking, he was about to leave. He was afraid that He Jingzhi would change his mind later.
“Ziwen, but you…”
Seeing Su Yun like this, He Jingzhi had no choice but to get up and send them off.
He also wanted to persuade Su Yun a few words, but He Jingzhi also knew Su Yun’s temper.
Since Su Yun decided to sell it to the military at this price, no matter what he said, Su Yun would not change his mind.
After leaving the staff headquarters, Su Yun went straight back to Huayin Group.
Now his heart is a little melancholy.
The entire 300 million U.S. dollars was not sent out. It was a delay in his plan to lose money. Su Yun had to find a way now., spend the money reasonably.

In the eastern part of the country, on the Zhoushan Islands in the eastern part of the continental shelf.
Since Su Yun and Zhou Zhi talked about building a shore-based defense base in the southeastern coastal area, Zhou Zhi ordered to go ahead and start defense construction in this area.
So far, shore-based defense bases have been initially established.
At present, on the Zhoushan Islands, two torpedo squadrons, three air force fighter squadrons, and two dive bomber squadrons are stationed.
According to Zhouzhi’s preliminary assumption, the air force here will patrol the nearby area every day, observing bad situations at any time, deterring the ships of the little devils, and protecting the freighters of Huayin Group.
But so far, the establishment of the shore-based defense base 263 has not been too long, and there has been no bad situation in the middle.
But on this day, the red signal light above the tower suddenly began to flash frantically.
At the same time, a high-pitched siren sounded throughout the base.
This means that the entire base has entered a state of first-level combat readiness!
In the state of first-level combat readiness, everyone in the entire base, from the leading officers to the pilots and even the crew, must immediately prepare their clothes, wear weapons, and be on standby at all times.
In addition, the resident reconnaissance squadron also needs to be scrambled to conduct a detailed reconnaissance within a radius of 300 nautical miles with the base as the center.
In the eyes of Zhou Zhi and Huang Bing, the moment the signal lights flashed, the entire base immediately entered a state of tension.
Everyone rushed out of their respective posts or dormitories, and when they rushed out, they had already put on their helmets and uniforms.
After these base members rushed to the airport, they immediately lined up in a neat line and waited.
The door of the weapon depot also opened, and a special person brought out the weapons of these soldiers and distributed them to everyone one by one.
The soldiers immediately put on their weapons and lined up.
At the end of the airport, the door to the hangar also opened at the same time.
The planes inside were all pulled onto the tarmac, and after the maintenance staff conducted an emergency inspection on it, the waiting pilots waited outside the apron for instructions.
Chapter 745: The Air Force System Is Taking Shape
Then five pilots from the reconnaissance squadron ran out of line.
Under the command of the captain, the five pilots arrived at their respective aircraft quickly and in an orderly manner. The maintenance personnel had already completed the inspection. They immediately boarded the aircraft and took off first as the advance team to complete the first round of reconnaissance.
With a loud roar, the five reconnaissance planes took off at the same time. From assembly to takeoff, the previous reconnaissance team took less than ten minutes in total.
Looking at this situation, Zhou Zhi and Huang Bing nodded slightly.
But the expressions on their faces were not easy.
Since the construction of the shore-based defense base, the two have rarely come here to check. Zhou Zhi and Huang Bing came to inspect it when they heard that the construction of the base was completed a few days ago.
But the two didn’t expect that soon after they arrived here, they encountered an emergency.
Looking at the fast-moving and ready-to-go teams in front of him, Zhou Zhi nodded slightly and said, “Yes, it seems that these boys have not slackened, and their qualities have not fallen at all.”
Huang Bing also nodded, and then said doubtfully: “Commander, we caught up with this kind of thing as soon as we came, shouldn’t it be the little devil doing something?”
Zhou Zhi shook his head slightly: “No one knows this, let’s look at it first.”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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