While the two were talking, the rest of the reconnaissance squadron also began to prepare to take off.
The previous five planes can only be regarded as the leading reconnaissance team. After the five planes take off, the reconnaissance planes need to be dispatched to complete the emergency investigation together.
With the attention of Zhou Zhi and Huang Bing, the remaining reconnaissance planes took off within twenty minutes.
On the runway of the airport, the engine roared one after another, and the air force soldiers moved quickly, stably and not chaotically.
At this time, the reconnaissance plane that had previously sent a signal back to the base also landed successfully.
The reason why the base entered the first-level combat readiness state was that it received an urgent message from a reconnaissance plane cruising outside.
The five reconnaissance planes that took off first were one to confirm the news, and the other was to convey the unexpected information first if a new situation occurred.
At this time, an officer in the base was reporting the situation to Zhou Zhi and Huang Bing.
“Report to the commander, report to the chief of staff, we found that the warship with the little devil is approaching the coastline~々!”
“Well, that’s it.”
As soon as he heard that the little devil was doing something, Zhou Zhi’s expression immediately sank.
He faced Huang Bing: “Chief of Staff Huang, what do you think the little devils are trying to do?”
Huang Bing thought for a while, and then said: “Commander, I think these little devils are here to demonstrate, maybe after our base was established, these guys thought that we interfered with some of their little actions, so they sent warships to deter them. us.”
Before the shore-based defense base was established, the little devil sent warships from time to time to follow the freighter of Huayin Group.
Sometimes, they even go for a walk near the sea.
However, Zhou Zhi and Huang Bing had also received relevant news. At that time, the little devil was still restrained and would not blatantly approach the shore.
And now that the base has just been established, the little devil is doing this.
Therefore, Huang Bing guessed that the little devil was demonstrating against them, trying to deter the Air Force.
Zhou Zhi smiled coldly: “These little devils are so brave!
In the land of China, how can I allow them to be presumptuous!
Since they are coming to demonstrate, we don’t have to be polite. Today’s Huaxia is not what it used to be, let these bastards know what is military prestige! ”
talkingZhou Zhi ordered: “Chief of Staff Huang, you personally send an order to let a torpedo squadron, a dive bomber formation and a fighter squadron take off immediately!
All fighters are in battle formation and ready to attack!
In addition, if the little devil dares to make a change, he will attack with all the members and take him down for me! ”
Zhou Zhi’s tone was quite firm.
These little devils have always coveted China, but at that time the country was poor and weak, and it had constant internal worries. In the face of foreign enemies, they could only restrain themselves.
But now, their power has long since changed.
If the little devils dare to mess around, Zhou Zhi doesn’t mind giving them a meeting gift!
Huang Bing suddenly responded: “Yes! Commander!”
After drinking, Huang Bing immediately went down to give orders in person.
Zhou Zhi stood there, his eyes flashing coldly.
All the personnel in the base were in a state of preparation before, and after receiving Zhou Zhi’s order, the pilots immediately set off to board the plane.
Get on, start, take off!
A series of actions are completed like flowing water.
Within a few minutes, the bomber formation, the torpedo squadron, and the fighter squadron left the apron one after another and rushed into the runway one after another.
Dozens of planes rushed into the sky from runways everywhere, one after another, as the first whistling of the wings ripped through the air.
At this time, Huang Bing returned to Zhou Zhi, and the two stood in the same place together, watching the fighter team rush towards the sky, gradually disappearing from sight.
When the fighter plane disappeared from the sky, Huang Bing turned his head and said to Zhou Zhi: “‘Commander, although the little devil is here to demonstrate this time, he should not dare to do anything.
I am afraid that if we move too much, it will easily irritate the other party and make them do some excessive behavior. ”
Huang Bing is cautious. Although the island country and China are at odds now, at least a large-scale war has not broken out. He does not want to ignite the fuse of the war between the two countries because of this friction.
Zhou Zhi’s expression was a bit cold.
“Hmph, Lao Huang, I know your concerns, but if the little devil dares to run wild on us, we have to let them know how powerful it is.
The huge China, we can’t let these Japanese pirates ride wildly on our heads! ”
After Zhou Zhi finished speaking, he stopped talking.
He mobilized nearly half of the troops inside the base at one time, the purpose was to give the little devil some color.
Just when Zhou Zhi sent a large number of troops to deter him (Wang Hao), on the rough sea, a fleet was riding the wind and waves on the sea.
Leading the fleet was a heavy cruiser, followed by a light cruiser and two destroyers around it.
The current direction of this fleet is nowhere else, but the coastline.
The heavy cruiser at the head was named Aoba, and it belonged to the Sixth Squadron of the First Fleet of the Combined Fleet of the Island.
During the voyage of the fleet, Captain Haruki Ueda, captain of the Aoba, stood on the deck, and from time to time he took out his binoculars and looked at the sea in the distance.
Today’s sea, the weather is not clear, there is a little fog on the sea.
Just as Ueda Haruki was observing the front, his chief of staff came from behind to report to him: “Report to Chief, the fleet has entered the waters where the archipelago is located, do you want to continue to move forward?”
“Keep going!”
Ueda Haruki put down the telescope and ordered decisively.
Chapter 746: The Air Force’s Coastal Defense!
After the explosion accident in the Fukuyama Industrial Park, although the army of the island country has no clue, Saito and Takahashi have already determined that Huayin Group did it.
After Saito made up his mind that day, he ordered the navy to send a fleet to the southeast coast to demonstrate against China.
Because Saito really couldn’t take this breath.
In the name of cooperating with the army, Huayin Group destroyed half of the empire’s light industry manufacturers while they were unprepared, and tried to further control the empire’s light industry market through this incident.
Although this matter is the responsibility of the army, it is related to the stability of the entire empire.
Therefore, Saito sent this fleet. At the same time as the demonstration, it was also a warning to Huayin Group, so that they should not act recklessly in the island country.
This also confirmed Huang Bing’s conjecture that the fleet went to Zhoushan for demonstration.
Since it was for a demonstration, the fleet naturally had to get closer.
Only in this way can it put more pressure on Huaxia.
But Saito and Ueda Haruki never expected that Zhou Zhi and others would not buy their account at all!
After the fleet sailed forward for a short distance, the alarm above was suddenly sounded!
“Drip drip!”
The rapid alarm sounded through the entire fleet, and the soldiers on the ship immediately packed up their clothes and weapons and began to gather.
Hearing the harsh siren 263, Haruki Ueda frowned.
“what happened?”
Before he could finish his words, there were bursts of roars in the sky.
Soon, the roar was from far to near, Ueda Haruki looked up quickly, and saw that above their fleet, many planes were passing through the clouds.
After these planes reached the top of the fleet, they formed a battle formation and circled around the fleet.
Seeing this, Haruki Ueda picked up the binoculars to observe carefully.
Through the telescope, Haruki Ueda found that this was a huge group of reconnaissance planes, as well as a whole team of dive bombers, fighter jets and torpedo planes.
All kinds of aircraft add up, the number is more than a hundred!
After the hundred planes circled, the reconnaissance plane formation suddenly lowered its height. At the same time, more than ten fighter planes also followed the battle formation, in groups of three, diving towards them!
Ueda Haruki was shocked when he saw this.
Are these planes going to attack?
In a panic, Ueda Haruki hurriedly prepared to lie down, but at this time the fighter planes suddenly raised their heights, and immediatelyBomber formations and torpedo groups dived down from both sides.
(ajed) After approaching the fleet, the planes left abruptly.
After going down like this, Ueda Haruki couldn’t help but feel angry.
He noticed that after the initial deterrence, these planes had been hovering around the fleet, refusing to leave for a long time.
From time to time, certain planes would fly low and threaten them.
“Baga! It’s really outrageous, these fighters are provoking us!”
Ueda Haruki couldn’t help being furious.
These dozens of planes made such a posture and made it clear that they wanted to attack at any time. This was a naked threat!
And the blue sky and white sun flags are printed on the planes.
“Humph! Those goddamn bastards!
Send the order, prepare the anti-aircraft machine guns, prepare the anti-aircraft guns, attack me! ”
In anger, Ueda Haruki suddenly issued an attack order.
He wants to let the Chinese people know that not everyone can provoke the fleet of the empire.
Since the other party dares to provoke on his face, he has to pay the price.
But at this time, the fleet chief of staff stopped him.
“Don’t be impulsive, Your Excellency, this place is already very close to the coastline and very close to the continental shelf. If we launch an attack rashly, China’s domestic air force will arrive here within an hour.
At that time, if the fleet is entangled, I am afraid it will be difficult to escape.
And the superiors asked us to come here, originally only for demonstration, and did not let us go to war.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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