If we act without authorization, once it causes bad consequences, I am afraid it will not be easy to explain when we go back. ”
While speaking, the chief of staff concealed himself in front of Haruki Ueda.
This time, Haruki Ueda’s decision was too impulsive. This is someone else’s doorstep. It would be better if he could fight with the enemy aircraft group here.
But once blocked by the other party, when a large number of Huaxia fleets come to help, the entire fleet may explain it here.
What’s more, the Empire is not ready to fight with the opponent. If Haruki Ueda attacks the enemy’s aircraft group at this time, he is afraid that it will affect the whole body and destroy the plan of the empire.
After being persuaded by the chief of staff, Haruki Ueda calmed down a bit.
He nodded slightly: “Well, you’re right. It’s really not good for us to fight them here. I’m a little impulsive.”
At the same time, Ueda Haruki also remembered the information obtained before.
According to their reports, recently, the Huaxia Air Force has established a large number of shore-based defense airports along the coast of this area, and many air force units have been stationed in them.
As soon as the Imperial warships approached, these planes would be dispatched to deter them from a distance.
Now it seems that these fighters above their heads should come from the shore-based defense base. If I guessed correctly, this is only part of the power.
Behind these air forces, there should be more aircraft poised to go.
Thinking of this, Ueda Haruki completely dismissed the idea of ​​attacking.
“Chief of Staff, you give the order, and let our people not act rashly. Although these planes look menacing, they don’t dare to do it rashly.
In addition, let the fleet stop advancing, we turn around and return, and do not entangle with them. ”
The chief of staff went, and at the same time he was relieved.
Haruki Ueda’s decision was correct. They originally came to demonstrate against Huaxia, but now they are being pushed back by Huaxia, and it will not do them any good to delay it any longer.
Haruki Ueda continued to observe the aircraft above.
At this time, the dozens of different planes were still circling above them, but Haruki Ueda knew that they would not really attack.
The two countries are not at war now, like their fleets, these planes are just a deterrent.
After observing for a while, Haruki Ueda ignored it.
After the order was conveyed, the entire fleet began to turn around and return.
The air force soldiers drove the plane to deter them for dozens of nautical miles. After driving the little devil’s fleet out of the offshore area, they also returned to the base one after another.
When they returned, the soldiers had some joy on their faces.
Although the two sides did not go to war, this time they successfully deterred the little devils, defended the dignity of the country, and let the other side slip away with their tails between their tails, which is also a major achievement.
After the planes returned to the base, Zhou Zhi personally stepped forward to inquire.
“How’s it going?”.
Chapter 747: The Industrial Park Explosion in the Mist
While speaking, Zhou Zhi looked at the planes and the pilots with a serious expression.
The base had not received any news about the battle before, indicating that they had not exchanged fire with the little devil, but Zhou Zhi was still a little worried.
If the little devil dares to do it, Zhou Zhi will immediately send the order to the air force in Jinling, and then ask the committee for instructions, so that the little devil will never come back!
Fortunately, Zhou Zhi’s worry was unnecessary, and the little devil did not do anything out of the ordinary.
The captain of the fighter brigade replied: “Report to the commander, the little devils did not dare to make a move. After we deterred, the other party left the offshore area with their tails tucked in, and we deterred them for dozens of miles before returning.”
There was obvious pride on the soldier’s face.
Zhou Zhi praised loudly: “Okay! You did an excellent job this time. After you go back, I will give you a credit!”
“Thank you Commander!”
When the soldiers heard this, they were very excited.
Zhou Zhi also smiled.
It seems that the establishment of the shore-based defense base is indeed a correct choice. With this experience, he has seen with his own eyes the resilience of the soldiers, and he can be completely relieved.
And Zhou Zhi also believes that after eating this deflation, the little devils should-should be more restrained.
In that case, the purpose of establishing a shore-based defense base will be achieved.
Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, half a month had passed since the explosion of the Fushan Industrial Park.
After such a long time, most of the toxic gas over the industrial park has finally dissipated, and the little devils can already wear gas masks to investigate.
In the past few days, Sasuke personally brought people to the nearby area to investigate.
At that time, his promise to General Lin Xian was to come in for an investigation a week later and obtain clues within three days, but unfortunately at that time, the poisonous gas was still too thick, and investigators were unable to enter.
So Sasuke had to ask General Lin Xian for a grace period of two or three days.
It was only in the past two days that people could barely enter the industrial park, so Sasuke did not dare to delay for a moment, and hurriedly organized manpower to investigate and collect evidence.
This time, not only Sasuke was there in person, but even Saokamoto Ichiki in the special high school class arrived at the scene.
In the first two days, the two mainly took people to investigate and test the periphery, but apart from the debris formed by some explosions, no obvious clues were found in the periphery.
So the two brought a large number of investigators this time and decided to go deep into the industrial park for a detailed review.
Sasuke and Okamoto Kazuki entered the first industrial park wearing gas masks, and brought people into each factory to check. The two first walked around the local factory, and then came to the Huayin Group’s factory station area. .
In order to facilitate management and division, Huayin Group’s factories are separated from the local factories in the island country and are not mixed together.
During the inspection process, Okamoto Kazuki first discovered the clue.
After some inspection, he found that all the people who died in the entire factory area were natives of the empire, but there was no one from Huayin Group.
Seeing this situation, Okamoto Kazuki’s heart suddenly surged with anger.
“General Sasuke, after the investigation just now, what clues did you find?”
Sasuke heard the words and came to him.
At this time, Sasuke also realized that something was wrong.
When the industrial park was not destroyed, the management of Huayin Group and the local factories of the empire were different, and the workers of the two groups were dressed differently.
Especially the people of Huayin Group themselves, usually wear the uniforms of Huayin Group.
After the explosion in the industrial park, the bodies of many workers were found here. Because the explosion that night was too violent, most of these bodies were torn apart and bloody.
But among the ruins, there are some complete corpses, and their clothes are also preserved.
But Sasuke found that these bodies were wearing uniforms of local companies, not Huayin Group.
In other words, in this accident, all the local workers of the empire died, but none of the people from Huayin Group died!
Sasuke said with a sullen face: “Okamoto-kun, it seems that you have also discovered that there is indeed a problem with this accident, such a big explosion, but all our people died inside.
None of the people sent by Huayin Group died! ”
Okamoto Kazuki lowered his body and looked at a corpse on the ground.
After the baptism of the explosion, the corpse had already changed beyond recognition and could not see its original appearance, but the clothes on it would not be fake.
Getting up and rubbing his chin, Okamoto Kazuki thought: “Perhaps my previous guess was correct, and this matter is probably what Huayin Group did.
Even if they didn’t do it, it must have something to do with them. ”
Sasuke’s face darkened when he heard this.
Nei skirt: ⒉⒉0⑤23①4⒐・
Okamoto Kazuki had suspected Huayin Group before, but he did not believe him at the time.
After all, Huayin Group proposed to build it here. They also sent a lot of people to study and operate it, and also invested a lot of capital.
Blowing up here is not good for Huayin Group.
But now Sasuke knows, the whole thing is likely to be done by Huayin Group, or they know about it in advance, otherwise how can they explain that none of their people died?
However, based on this alone, the truth of the matter cannot be determined.
Therefore, after the two communicated for a while, they continued to investigate.
Soon, Okamoto Ichiki and Sasuke discovered new clues.
After looking around, Kazuki Okamoto said to Sasuke: “Your Excellency, there are obvious signs of explosions in some places here. It seems that the destruction of the industrial park was indeed not an accident, but someone deliberately did it.”
. . . . . . .
Sasuke nodded: “Yes! Our judgment that day was right, and this did not happen by accident.”
The two said, Sasuke looked at a ground next to him.
This was originally a factory, but now the equipment, walls, partitions, etc. in the factory have long been scattered, and they have even been bombed to nothing.
In some corners, there are obvious traces of man-made explosions.
Sasuke is a soldier. He doesn’t understand economics, but he is quite familiar with such traces. Such obvious traces are definitely caused by things like explosives.
This shows that the destruction of the industrial park was deliberately done.
In fact, on the night of the accident, Sasuke had guessed that the explosion in the industrial park was most likely man-made.
Now the discovery also confirms this speculation.
As soon as the two clues came out, the look on Sasuke’s face became more and more ugly.
As a result of the man-made explosion, none of the Huayin Group died. All the signs indicate that Okamoto Izuki’s guess was correct.
The explosion here was deliberately done by Huayin Group!
While Sasuke was reminiscing about these clues, some of the people sent out had already returned. They originally went to the rest of the industrial park to investigate, but now they have completed the investigation..
Okamoto Kazuki asked: “How is the situation, what clues have you found?” Qi.
Chapter 748: Soaring Prices
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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