The investigator bowed his head slightly: “Secretary of the report, we found that many factories in the park have traces of man-made explosions. In addition, in the park, we only found the bodies of people from the empire, but not Huayin Group!
In addition, according to the situation at the scene, we can conclude that it should be a team or an organization that controlled the sabotage accident. ”
“Well, I see, let’s go down.”
The investigator nodded respectfully and stepped aside.
Okamoto Iki made the final conclusion.
“Your Excellency, it seems that our decision was not wrong. The clues in the other industrial parks are the same as those in the first industrial park, and obvious traces of explosions have been found in factories everywhere.
As here, Huayin Group did not leave a corpse in the rest of the park.
In addition, according to the situation that night, the mastermind behind the operation of the accident should be a large organization, and there are many “two six seven” people dispatched. If the other party has only one person or only a few people, it is impossible to destroy it at the same time. the entire industrial park.
What I’m thinking about now is why this organization is doing this, what are they doing, and what are the benefits for them. ”
Listening to the report of his subordinates and the analysis of Okamoto Ichiki, Sasuke’s face became even more difficult to look at.
Now he is increasingly suspicious of Huayin Group.
Because when this industrial park was built, all the internal planning and construction were basically the responsibility of the empire. Except for themselves, no one knew the internal situation of the industrial park, so it was impossible to place explosives in various factories so smoothly.
However, Huayin Group is different. Although they have not intervened in the planning and construction of the park, the other party knows the internal structure of the park, and only their people can enter and leave the industrial park at will, and can create explosions in the park without knowing it!
Sasuke is not stupid, although there is no clear evidence yet that the mastermind behind this incident is Huayin Group.
But all the signs on the scene showed that Huayin Group was inseparable from the matter.
It’s just that Sasuke doesn’t understand the economy, and he has still reacted to the consequences of this incident, so his thinking is still stuck on a bottleneck, that is, what is Huayin Group doing?
They obviously invested a lot of resources here, is it just to blow up some of their civilians?
This makes no sense to Sasuke.
Seeing Sasuke’s expression of doubt, Okamoto Ichiki immediately understood his thoughts and persuaded: “General, it is not time to draw conclusions yet.
We are not sure that this is what Huayin Group did, and even if all the clues point to them, we cannot produce any strong evidence.
In my opinion, we should first report the matter to the top and wait for the decision of the top. ”
Compared with Sasuke, Okamoto Iki was more thoughtful.
He knows that Huayin Group is of great significance to the Imperial Army, especially the resources provided by Huayin Group are very important to the Army.
Therefore, they cannot jump to conclusions without direct evidence.
Otherwise, once the Huayin Group bites back and interrupts the input of resources to the empire, the army will face great losses.
After listening to Okamoto Ichiki’s advice, Sasuke calmed down a little.
But in his heart, he was very wary of Huayin Group.
After thinking for a while, Sasuke said in a low voice: “Then do as you said, report the matter to the high-level first, and we will continue to look for relevant evidence. If this matter is what Huayin Group did, the Empire will never let them go!”
After the two negotiated, they took people out of the industrial park temporarily.
After arranging the follow-up matters, Sasuke went to General Lin Xian to report the matter in person.
“Huayin Group, I hope you didn’t do this.”
When leaving the industrial park, Sasuke glanced back and murmured to himself.
Huayin Group is currently an empire, or an important partner of the Army. Many resources of the Army must be supplied by Huayin Group. If Huayin Group becomes the mastermind behind this matter, the relationship between the two parties will inevitably break!
The Empire will not let them go easily at that time, but the Army loses this part of the resource support and will fall back into a situation of lack of resources.
He doesn’t understand finance and economy, but he knows that after this turmoil, half of the empire’s local light industry has been abandoned, and now prices are soaring and the market is volatile.
In fact, the situation was much more serious than Sasuke saw.
The Fukuyama Industrial Park is home to more than half of the light industrial manufacturers in the island country. The explosion that day destroyed all the manufacturers in the park.
It also means that the island nation’s light industrial capacity has plummeted by 50 percent or more since then.
For a day or two after the explosion, the impact was not apparent.
But over time, the aftermath of the accident begins to manifest.
Up to now, the sudden drop in the capacity of light industry has begun to endanger the economy and market operation of the island country. Due to the insufficient supply of daily necessities, prices in various places have begun to rise rapidly.
In just about half a month, the prices of some light industrial products have doubled on the original basis, and some have even tripled!
In today’s island country, the supply of goods in various markets is already in short supply, especially the supply of daily necessities such as food, textiles and paper is extremely short ……
Serious contradictions between supply and demand have led to rising prices of various goods.
Until this time, various light industriesThe price of the product is not only doubled, but also in a state of one price per day!
Such large-scale market turmoil has made islanders, especially the civilian population, miserable.
In Fukuyama, a young man from the island country went to the market to buy things.
During this time, the prices of all daily necessities, food and other goods are rising, but things like rice, flour, grain and oil, as well as things like matches and paper are a must.
Ordinary people need to supplement anytime, anywhere.
Walking in the market, the man looked at the prices of items in some shops, and the corners of his mouth twitched.
When he came to a shop, the man asked incredulously while picking out cigarettes: “Boss, why has the price of cigarettes increased so much, it wasn’t the same price the day before yesterday.
The shop owner said helplessly: “Now the supply of goods is in short supply everywhere, and the price of goods is one day, let alone the day before yesterday, the price of yesterday is much lower than today.”
“how can that be?”
The man pointed at the cigarettes on the shelf and widened his eyes.
The boss was indifferent. In the past two days, he has seen too many customers like men, and they are all surprised by the price changes.
But the price of purchases is rising, and the boss has to eat.
After being stunned in place for a long time, the 4.3 man took a long time to think about it, shook his head slightly, and finally gave up buying cigarettes.
He is just a small clerk and his monthly income is not much.
Now a pack of cigarettes is almost equal to his one day’s salary, such a price is not acceptable to a commoner like him.
After walking out of this store, the man visited the other stores and found that the prices of the goods in their store were also ridiculously high. The price of each item was two to three times higher than half a month ago!
But he had to eat food and wear clothes. In desperation, the man bought some daily necessities such as firewood, rice, oil, salt, etc.
During this process, the man tried to shop around as much as possible, even for things like oil and salt, he tried his best to choose the ones with lower quality, not for other reasons, but for the price to be a little cheaper.
Even so, it still cost him about ten days’ salary for one trip.
In normal times, these things only cost him two or three days’ wages.
Chapter 749: The Importance of Tariff Barriers
Back home, the man carefully packed these things one by one, then sat down on the chair, reached out and wiped his face.
After shopping today, the man only felt a pain in his heart.
Now that the price of everything is rising rapidly, his salary has not moved, and if it goes on like this, he will not be able to support himself.
However, the man is doing fine.
Not long after he started working, his parents were in fairly good health, and he didn’t need to take much care of himself, and he didn’t have a wife and children to support, so he didn’t have too much pressure.
Those who are already married and whose parents are elderly are miserable.
As far as the current situation is concerned, it is no exaggeration to say that within two months, they have to embark on the road of ruining their homes!
Within the island country, there are already many complaints.
Rapidly rising prices have begun to threaten people’s daily lives.
People in many places even desperately started to demand an explanation from the local government. If this goes on, they will be doomed!
The market turmoil in the island country 09 swept all over the country like a storm. In response to this, the island country government acted quickly. The top government officials called on major officials to hold a major meeting to discuss the current market situation.
This meeting is related to the stability of the entire country, and Cabinet Boss Saito and Minister Takahashi also participated in it.
At the meeting, Saito first raised the issue at hand.
“My colleagues, prices are soaring in various parts of the country, the market is turbulent, the people are complaining, and the unreasonable prices have threatened the basic life of the people of the empire.
We need to come up with a solution as soon as possible and stabilize the market, otherwise the entire empire could be thrown into turmoil. ”
After Saito finished speaking, he began to scan the audience.
The meaning is obvious, let everyone here come up with a solution.
Everyone heard the words and thought hard, but to no avail.
The reason for the current price rise is due to insufficient supply. If this problem is not solved, the price increase cannot be stopped.
But the capacity of light industry has been destroyed, where can they find enough supply?
At this time, an official said: “Your Excellency Saito, I believe that the fundamental cause of the current market turmoil is that the explosion of the Fukuyama Industrial Park destroyed the domestic light industry productivity.
Insufficient supply in various places will cause prices to rise rapidly, so as long as we solve the supply problem, prices will naturally return to normal levels…”
When the official said the final word, his voice could not be lowered.
Because he suddenly found that everyone in the meeting was staring at him, and their expressions were a little stiff.
They all know this question.
But the restoration of light industrial factories is not a matter of talking.
Although compared with heavy industry, the time required for light industry factories to go from construction to output is very short. If things go well, formal production can be achieved within one or two months.
However, this time it was not one or two factories that were destroyed, but hundreds of thousands!
These manufacturers account for half of the total number of light industrial manufacturers in the empire, and it will take longer to fully recover.
And during this period of time, what should the people of the empire do?
You must know that the people below are already facing a situation where life is a problem, and asking them to wait a few more months is simply forcing them to rebel!
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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