After the official shut up, the meeting fell into a brief silence.
Saito was a little dissatisfied when he saw this.
a group of imperial highsWith the layers gathered here, is there no solution?
Just when he was about to ask, an official signaled slightly, and then said: “Right now, we can’t immediately restore the productivity of domestic light industry, and we can’t solve the supply problem from within.
Therefore, in order to meet the supply, we can only find ways from the outside.
I think we should open up tariff barriers, bring in foreign industrial products to meet market demand and keep prices down. ”
After the official finished speaking, many of the people present nodded slightly.
From the current situation, this is indeed the best solution.
But Takahashi objected.
“No, tariff barriers must not be opened easily!”
Takahashi’s tone was firm, and Saito looked at him: “Takahashi-kun, tell me what you think.”
Takahashi explained: “Today, the loss of half of the light industry capacity of the Chinese Empire means that half of our market is vacant.
If the tariff barriers are opened at this time and foreign industrial products are introduced, it is equivalent to letting them occupy half of the market.
In this way, even if the productivity of the empire’s light industry is restored, it will not be able to regain this half of the market, and the empire’s market will become the world of outsiders. ”
The reason why Takahashi said this is because of the island country itself.
Unlike China, the United States and other countries, their country is an island country, and domestic resources are scarce, and many resources are dependent on imports.
This has led to the shortage of various resources in island countries, and for light industrial manufacturers, they have to pay more to purchase related resources.
The end result is that the production cost of light industrial manufacturers is high, and the high cost of construction leads to the fact that the price of various industrial products is more expensive than that in other countries.
Once a large number of foreign industrial products are introduced, foreign capital will take advantage of price advantages to suppress local enterprises and further squeeze the market.
Compared with them, the local enterprises of the island countries will not have any competitive advantages, and can only allow foreign capital to squeeze the market and suppress their living space.
In that case, the entire island country’s market will gradually fall into the hands of foreign capital.
Not only Takahashi, but everyone here at 267 is well aware of this.
The introduction of foreign industrial products is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst.
“Takahashi-kun is right, foreign industrial products must not be easily imported, otherwise the market of the empire will be owned by them, and local enterprises will no longer have any living space.”
Saito agreed with Takahashi’s opinion, but his face was not very good-looking.
Now they need to solve the market crisis of the empire. The first two methods are not suitable, but there must be a solution.
In this way, the entire meeting once again fell into a deadlock.
Again, the fundamental solution to the current problem is to satisfy supply.
But where does the supply come from, the question remains unresolved.
In the following period, some officials put forward their own views, some said that some factories should be built as soon as possible to restore a certain productivity of light industry.
But this method obviously doesn’t work.
Some people even proposed to forcibly suppress prices and set the prices of various items in the name of the government.
However, this method is more of a medical emergency.
Once the government comes forward to forcibly suppress prices, it is disregarding the reality and destroying the original laws of the market.
Supply can’t keep up, and forcibly reducing prices will only add fuel to the already volatile market.
There are only so many goods, what’s the use of just lowering the price? .
Chapter 750: Huayin Group’s Alert
The decline in the production capacity of light industry and the shortage of supply of various daily necessities are the fundamental problems facing the island country now.
Any measures that do not solve this problem will be in vain.
But after the destruction of Fushan Industrial Park, half of the light industrial factories in the island country were destroyed. Such a big loophole cannot be filled in a short time.
Because of this, Saito held an afternoon meeting with senior government officials of an archipelago, but he was unable to discuss the reason.
In the next few days, Saito held a high-level meeting more than once, but each time it ended without success.
The market situation in various parts of the island country is also deteriorating, and the supply of various daily necessities has never been able to keep up, resulting in the price of industrial products in the market has been rising.
However, it is impossible for the income of the lower classes to keep up with the soaring prices, which has led to the island country’s economy entering a rather unstable stage.
The specific manifestation is that the supply of goods in the market is insufficient, the price inflation has risen, and the people cannot afford daily necessities, and they are full of complaints.
The island country government is overwhelmed with these things, but there is nothing to do.
Just when there was turmoil within the island country, Su Yun was also preparing for the next step.
As early as a few days ago, the group received a message from the island country and learned about the current internal situation of the island country.
In view of this, Su Yun decided to start as soon as possible and give the island country another lore!
Huayin Group headquarters, Su Yun met with Dong Cheng in the office.
Su Yun has informed Dong Cheng, Wu Si and other core management groups of what happened inside the island country, and now Su Yun is discussing the next step with Dong Cheng.
“Dong Cheng, are all the things I asked you to prepare ready?”
Su Yun sat on the chair with a calm expression.
Dong Cheng replied: “Don’t worry, Mr. Su, we have already prepared it. Since some time ago, we have accumulated a large amount of goods in coastal cities such as Hangzhou and near major coastal ports, which can be shipped at any time.”
“it is good!”
When Su Yun heard this, his face immediately showed an uplifting look!
He’s been waiting for this day for too long.
As early as the day when the industrial park was successfully destroyed, Su Yun was keeping an eye on the market changes in the island country. Since then, Su Yun ordered Dong Cheng and others to start preparing various industrial products.
As long as the islanders are almost boiled, a large amount of goods will be shipped to the island.Take advantage of the situation to occupy the market of the island country.
Picking up the phone at hand, Su Yun called Wu Si.
When Wu Si picked up the phone, Su Yun’s expression immediately became serious.
“Wu Si, you personally pass my instructions, from now on, the entire company headquarters will be under martial law, and our security personnel will block all areas of the headquarters, and no one will be allowed to enter or leave at will.
In addition, I will notify all the senior management of the headquarters and let them go to the conference hall for a meeting~々. ”
As soon as Wu Si heard Su Yun’s tone, he knew that something important was going to happen.
Contacting the recent situation in the island country, Wu Siduo asked, “Mr. Su, are we going to start fighting the little devils?”
Su Yun didn’t mind either and told Wu Si.
Now that the matter has developed, it is no longer a secret among the senior management of the group, and when the meeting is held today, Su Yun will officially tell all the participants about this matter, so there is no need to hide it for a while.
Wu Si heard the words, and his face immediately showed joy.
“Understood Mr. Su, I’ll do it now!”
Putting down the phone, Wu Si unconsciously clenched his fist.
After waiting for a long time, it was finally the day when the island nation’s finances were officially harvested.
Wu Si slightly adjusted his clothes and strode out.
As Su Yun’s order spread, the entire Huayin Group headquarters immediately began to act.
The security personnel at the group headquarters were notified and immediately began to block all areas inside and outside the group, and no one was allowed to enter and exit at will. If there are employees within the group who need to enter or leave, they must show their employee IDs.
This notice is also issued to every employee in the headquarters.
In addition, Su Yun also strictly ordered that, except for the employees of the group headquarters, all personnel who do not work in the group headquarters are temporarily not allowed to enter the headquarters.
After the order was passed, all departments immediately paid attention to it.
Since the establishment of Huayin Group, Su Yun has never issued such a blockade order.
Everyone knows that this event must not be defied.
In the sales department, a female employee couldn’t hold back for a while and began to discuss in a low voice.
“What do you think President Su is going to do this time? Our group has never had such a situation. Could it be that the group suffered an accident?”
Another person hurriedly said: “Shut up! Don’t talk nonsense, we can just do our own thing.”
The female employee immediately realized that she had made a slip of the tongue, and quickly closed her mouth, but couldn’t help looking out of the window.
In her eyes, there are a lot of security personnel acting staggeredly under the group building. Just what she saw, there were more than 100 people before and after.
As everyone knows, at this time, the security guards mobilized by the entire group headquarters have exceeded thousands of people.
They were dispatched to each area and each entrance of the headquarters to block and observe. In every building in the headquarters area and near every intersection, there are security personnel on duty.
There are many security personnel patrolling around the headquarters building.
In less than an hour, the group headquarters, which was originally calm, was suddenly heavily guarded. It is no exaggeration to describe it as three steps, one post, and five steps, one post.
At the same time, Su Yun’s meeting orders were also conveyed to the top management of the group.
After receiving the order, Dong Cheng, Diao Li, Liang Hui and others immediately gathered in the conference hall to wait. After Wu Si was busy with the work at hand, he also came to wait for Su Yun.
In the conference hall, all the senior executives of the group looked serious.
Since this period of time, Su Yun has gradually announced the plan for the island country within the group, so these people can’t help but have some guesses when they see the movement at this time.
President Su is so flamboyant today, (Wang Zhao) should be ready to attack the island country!
As for why the headquarters of the group was blocked, the reason was very simple. Before the action was launched, some new people outside could not know about these things.
Otherwise, once the rumors leak out and make the island country take precautions in advance, the group’s plans will all be in vain.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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