In this tense waiting, Su Yun finally showed up.
After entering the conference hall, Su Yun greeted everyone first, and then let the door of the conference hall be closed.
Glancing at the punch, Su Yun said solemnly, “Is everyone here?”
Wu Si immediately stepped forward: “Mr. Su, the managers of all the departments of the group are here, there are quite a few.”
“very good!”
Su Yun nodded in satisfaction.
The things I want to talk about today are very important. No outsiders can be present, but none of these people in the group can be missing.
Because the step of entering the island market requires the joint efforts of the entire Huayin Group.
Chapter 751: It’s time to close the net
After coming to the conference hall, Su Yun didn’t say anything polite, and asked Wu Si to make another point to ensure that after all the senior management of the group arrived, Su Yun started today’s meeting.
“Everyone, I called you here this time to inform you of something.
Some time ago, I mentioned to you that our group is implementing a series of plans for the island country, the purpose is to harvest the finances of the little devils.
Just a while ago, we and Boss Dai’s people successfully infiltrated the Fushan Industrial Park of the island country and destroyed the light industry factory of the island country in one fell swoop.
This time the little devils suffered heavy losses, and their country’s light industry production capacity plummeted by half. In the past few days, news has come from the island country that the little devils’ market has fallen into turmoil, the supply of industrial supplies is in short supply, and prices have skyrocketed, and their people are all complaining.
At this time, it is the best time for us to take advantage of the momentum to enter the island market and complete the financial harvest! ”
Su YunAs soon as I said this, everyone in the meeting couldn’t help applauding and congratulating.
Su Yun looked up and saw that all the senior executives of the group in the conference hall were all smiling, and their eyes were full of joy.
After the applause fell, Liang Hui and Wu Qiong clenched their fists slightly and were extremely excited.
After the island country plan began to enter the network stage, Su Yun showed his cards step by step and told 270 the management of Huayin Group of his plan, but the matter of blowing up the Fushan Industrial Park, Su Yun did not have a large scale before. Announce.
At that time, this matter was still classified, and only a few key figures in the group, such as Wang Dehai, Wu Si, and Dong Cheng, knew about it.
Apart from them, the rest of the senior management did not receive the news.
Because this is the first and most critical step in the network closing plan, Su Yun must ensure that no rumors are leaked before the industrial park is destroyed.
Therefore, this news is undoubtedly a big surprise for everyone.
The group and Boss Dai really acted decisively. Such a shocking event was completed without anyone noticing!
Su Yun looked at everyone with a hint of happiness in his eyes.
For this matter, he has been preparing for more than a year. Even when the eight major financial groups put pressure on Huayin at the same time, Su Yun never had the idea of ​​giving up.
Now that the secret has been revealed to the public, and the harvest time is coming, the string that Su Yun has been tensing in his heart has finally let go a lot.
But now is not the time to completely relax!
To complete the financial harvest of the island country, they still have a lot of things to do.
After everyone was happy for a while, Su Yun said loudly: “Everyone should know the matter, the market for little devils has collapsed. Next, it’s time for us to close the net!”
Mentioning the word “receive the net”, Su Yun’s eyes instantly revealed a gleam of brilliance.
“In order to win the finance of the island country, the whole group has endured a lot of pressure in the past year or so, and now we can finally bring this big meal to the table.
But now is not the time to relax. Next, we need to quickly seize the island market without letting the little devils notice it.
Therefore, in the following actions, I need everyone to work together and work together. All departments and subsidiaries of the group will work fully and cooperate with each other to ensure that nothing goes wrong!
After more than a year of waiting, success or failure is here. Please do your best to win the finance of the island country! ”
Su Yun stretched out a hand and greeted everyone on the scene.
At the end, Su Yun’s voice was raised a lot, and it sounded full of determination.
The management team also bowed their heads slightly and responded in unison.
“Understood! President Su!”
Everyone who is present today has a look of determination on their faces.
Everyone has been able to climb to this position, and their minds are very shrewd. Since the beginning of contact with the relevant plan, everyone in the audience will soon be able to understand how much the group has paid for this.
So they also know that this operation can only succeed, not fail.
If it succeeds, Huayin Group will control the finance of the island country, and its heritage and strength will be greatly improved. If it fails, there will be no blood left, and all the previous investment will be scrapped!
Seeing that everyone was so determined, Su Yun nodded slightly and said, “Very good, since that’s the case, you should hurry up and prepare when you go back.
In the future, I will send someone to negotiate with the island country to stabilize the little devil.
As long as the negotiation is successful, we will be able to turn the finances of the island country into our pockets. Now that the meeting is dissolved, after returning, this matter cannot be disclosed to anyone, including your family members. ”
“Yes! President Su!”
A group of people responded again, and today’s meeting is over.
When the management of the group left one after another, Su Yun stopped Wang Dehai alone.
“Wang Dehai, stay here and come to the office with me later.”
I understand Mr. Su.
Wang Dehai instantly understood Su Yun’s intention.
This time, the group is going to start transporting a large number of industrial products to the island country, but it is necessary to give the little devils a reassurance to prevent them from becoming suspicious of Huayin Group.
And if Wang Dehai guessed correctly, Su Yun will still let himself be responsible for this negotiation.
After everyone was gone, Wang Dehai followed Su Yun to the office.
After entering, Wang Dehai closed the door and said, “Mr. Su, what do you want me to do this time, even if you tell me.”
Su Yun had a happy look on his face.
Talking to someone with a quick mind like Wang Dehai can save a lot of time.
As he guessed, Su Yun still wanted Wang Dehai to be in charge of this negotiation. The little devil has always been in contact with Wang Dehai. As a negotiator, Wang Dehai is already familiar with the other party’s temperament and has won the little devil’s trust.
Now that the plan has reached a critical step, it would be more appropriate for Wang Dehai to continue to negotiate.
“Wang Dehai, this negotiation is still between you and the little devil. You are familiar with the other party’s temperament, so it should be easy to succeed.
Your mission this time is very important, the negotiation with the little devil will directly determine the success or failure of the entire plan, I believe you will have no problem,”
Su Yun looked at Wang Dehai with trusting eyes.
Wang Dehai looked serious and assured: “Don’t worry, President Su, I will do my best this time, and there will be no mistakes.”
“Very well, I trust you.”
Su Yun smiled. Su Yun still recognized Wang Dehai’s ability.
He did not choose the wrong person at the beginning. With his quick mind, Wang Dehai made the previous negotiation go very smoothly. If it weren’t for his extraordinary ability, the little devil might not have been easily caught by Huayin Group.
Wang Dehai’s attitude is quite serious.
He understands that his success or failure this time is related to the entire plan, but also to the group’s more than a year of to come.
Chapter 752: Who is the smart one?
After leaving the office, Wang Dehai went back and got ready.
The next morning, Wang Dehai set off from Huayin Group to the airport and boarded a plane to the island country.
After arriving in the island country, Wang Dehai first came to the Fushan branch to find Li Xie.
The destruction of the industrial park in Fushan is not a trivial matter. The little devils will definitely investigate the accident in detail. Therefore, Wang Dehai found the little devils to negotiate money, and he still needs to explore their wind~sounds.
Seeing Li Xie, Wang Dehai asked, “What’s going on in the industrial park, did the little devil ever find out about us?”
Li Xie shook his head slightly: “Not yet. A few days ago, Sasuke and the little devil’s middle school assistant brought people in to investigate, and they found that none of our people died.
It is estimated that this aroused the suspicion of the other party. Sasuke met me that day and specifically asked about it.
But the other party should have no conclusive evidence to confirm that it was us. When Sasuke asked me, I just found a reason and put it off, and the other party didn’t get to the bottom of it.
However, this does not mean that the little devil is not on guard against us. You still have to be careful when you go. ”
The little devil is very cunning, and Li Xie knows this very well.
After Sasuke finished investigating the industrial park that day, he first reported the matter to General Lin Xian, and then brought someone to meet Li Xie.
When they met, Sasuke asked Li Xie about this.
At that time, Li Xie said that in the middle of the night, their people went to rest, so they were not affected by the accident.
Huayin Group dispatched a group of reserve talents and management personnel to the industrial park, not ordinary employees, so they did not need to work night shifts.
Therefore, Sasuke did not express doubts about Li Xie’s statement.
They have not found strong evidence to prove that Huayin Group did this, but Sasuke was still careful.
Li Xie also knew that the other party was not easy to fool, so he advised Wang Dehai to be careful here.
After listening to Li Xie’s statement, Wang Dehai pondered for a while before saying, “What you said is true, our people really don’t need to be on night shifts, so little devils shouldn’t be too suspicious.
Tomorrow I will negotiate with the little devils, and then I will see their attitude. ”
“Okay, then you must be careful!”
Li Xie’s expression became serious.
He already knew that Huayin Group was about to close the Internet.
The success of Wang Dehai’s negotiation is very important, and it is related to the final result of their plan. Even Li Xie couldn’t help but say one more thing.
Wang Dehai nodded.
He knew this in his heart, and he also knew that even if the little devil didn’t do anything to Huayin Group now, the other party would definitely doubt it.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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