After all, there was such a big movement, but the people of Huayin Group were all right, so the little devil couldn’t think too much.
That night, Wang Dehai went to the hotel to rest.
The next day he sent a telegram to the little devil and asked him to negotiate.
This morning, Sasuke came to the hotel to meet Wang Dehai, and he was the one in charge of the negotiation this time.
When he first saw Wang Dehai, Sasuke looked him up and down.
After investigating the Fukuyama Industrial Park that day, Sasuke had some doubts about Huayin Group in his heart, but when he reported the matter, Sasuke did not attach this idea, but just shared what they saw. Ten of them were written on the telegram.
The high-level did not give clear instructions on this, but just let him continue to investigate to find out the real man behind the scenes.
Obviously, the army executives did not directly doubt the Huayin Group.
So Sasuke met Wang Dehai and didn’t say anything clearly.
But Sasuke didn’t speak, but Wang Dehai made a preemptive strike.
To further dispel the little devil’s suspicion of Huayin Group, the safest way is for the wicked to file a complaint first.
“Your Excellency, this time I am here under the order of the headquarters of the group. The first is to inquire about the industrial park, and the second is to talk to you about the Western consortium.
Before the industrial park was destroyed, the group asked your country for an explanation, but you said that you need to wait for a detailed investigation.
Now that so long has passed, what are the findings of the survey? ”
Sasuke’s mind began to turn when he heard the words.
Huayin Group questioned so confidently, could it be that they really have nothing to do with this matter?
Thinking about Sasuke, he explained: “Wang Sang, we are still investigating this matter, and now my people have found some clues, but they have not been able to determine who the real murderer was that day.
After they destroyed the factory, they did not leave any trace of their actions. At present, we only know that this should be a large organization.
Nei skirt: ⒉⒉0⑤23①4⒐・
The specific situation is still awaiting further confirmation. ”
A trace of displeasure appeared on Wang Dehai’s face.
Since you are going to play, you must put your posture to the end.
“Your Excellency General!”
His tone was very blunt: “It has been more than half a month now, but things have not progressed significantly. The group has taken into account our cooperative relationship and has never urged your country, but you must take the relevant responsibilities!”
Being pressed by Wang Dehai like this, Sasuke was a little panicked.
He was not afraid of what happened to Wang Dehai, but the empire could not lose the resource supply of Huayin Group.
Therefore, Sasuke decided to avoid this topic first and stabilize the other party.
.. …… 0
“Wang Sang, we are investigating this matter, and we will have results soon. After all, the industrial park has been shrouded in poison gas before, and our people cannot enter. I hope you canto understand.
Now let’s talk about the US consortium first.
Some time ago, you persuaded the other party to let them ship a large amount of industrial products, saying that they wanted to make profits from them. How is this going? ”
Sasuke said this, first to change the topic, and secondly, he really wanted to know the progress of Huayin Group.
At the beginning, they said that they would get half of the profit share after they cheated the US consortium.
Wang Dehai was certain that these little devils were really simple-minded, and with just a few words on their own, they temporarily dispelled their doubts about Huayin Group.
It seems that the other party was too suspicious of Huayin Group. In this case, things will be easier to handle.
With peace of mind, Wang Dehai said: “We can understand this, but I hope your country will give a result as soon as possible.
As for the matter of pitting the US consortium, we had already talked with them, but now the situation is different, so the plan has also changed. ”
“Oh? What change?”
Sasuke was a little puzzled.
Wang Dehai explained: “Fushan Industrial Park was destroyed and all the light industrial factories in your country were destroyed, which caused your light industrial production capacity to drop by half.
Not only do we know this, but it has long since reached the ears of the U.S. chaebols. “begging.
Chapter 753: Big Clever Fool Big Silly Spring
“So they want to take this opportunity to import a lot of industrial products to you, and find us Huayin Group to cooperate again.
The group headquarters thought this was a good opportunity, so they reached an agreement with the other party, agreeing to help them transport industrial products to your country, but the real purpose is to trick them again!
In this way, we can also get more benefits, and you can also get more industrial products to meet the current market vacancies.
As long as you agree this time, let’s divide it according to fifty-five, how about it? ”
After Wang Dehai finished speaking, he smiled at Sasuke.
He believed that the other party would be happy about it.
At present, all kinds of industrial products in the island country must be very scarce, and the little devil will not miss this opportunity.
Sure enough, Sasuke was happy when he heard it.
“If that’s the case, that’s great!
The industrial product market of the empire is now in turmoil at “270”. If we can get additional goods to replenish, we can greatly alleviate the current market crisis. ”
At this time, Sasuke not only did not doubt Huayin Group, but even wanted to thank the other party.
Originally, they didn’t have much doubts about Huayin Group, and now they can help the empire to fill the domestic market with Western industrial products, which is a good thing.
In addition to being happy, Sasuke’s face showed a trace of embarrassment.
“But Wang Sang, we have another request.
At present, the production capacity of light industry in the empire is declining, and there is a shortage of goods in various parts of the country, which has caused the price of industrial products to rise wildly. Can you send us some industrial products first to help us lower the current price of goods? ”
Hearing this, Wang Dehai showed hesitation on his face.
Sasuke keenly observed this, and quickly said: “Please rest assured, if you agree, we can meet some conditions for your company, and the empire will not treat friends badly.”
After the destruction of the light industry, the recent market conditions in the island country are indeed very poor, otherwise Sasuke would not have been so urgent.
He doesn’t understand the economy, but prices are rising and people’s lives are worrying. These things are on the bright side, and Sasuke will not be ignorant.
Seeing him like this, Wang Dehai waved his hand and said: “It’s not what you think, I’m not negotiating conditions with your Excellency, Huayin Group will not take advantage of others’ danger.
But this matter is extra, I can’t make my own decisions, please give me some time, I will go to the group to ask for instructions. ”
“Then I’ll trouble Wang Sang, please, Wang Sang, I’ll wait here.”
Sasuke showed a hint of joy.
He was right that day, Wang Dehai was still very talkative.
On the other hand, Wang Dehai got up and left, returning to his room.
After entering the room, Wang Dehai sent the situation of the negotiation back to Huayin Group.
To be precise, he returned to the room this time not to discuss the delivery of supplies for the island country, but to tell Su Yun the result of the negotiation!
As for the delivery of materials, this is in their plan.
About an hour later, Wang Dehai received a call back from the group.
“Agree to send industrial products to the island country.”
Just a few words made Wang Dehai immediately excited.
As soon as this telegram arrives, it represents Huayin Group’s action on the island country’s market!
After collecting the telegram, Wang Dehai went out and went downstairs.
As soon as he came to the table, Sasuke couldn’t wait to ask: “How is it, Wang Sang? Has your company agreed to our request?”
Wang Dehai smiled: “Congratulations, Your Excellency, I have received a telegram from the company just now. President Su understands your difficulties and agrees to send some industrial products to your country first.
At the same time, Mr. Su took into account that the current market price in your country is too high and the people’s life is difficult. Mr. Su decided to send a special person to manage it, set up an evaluation market, and sell industrial products to the people of your country at normal prices.
However, these industrial products have to be shipped in batches, and not too many can be sent at one time.
Otherwise, it will arouse the suspicion of the US consortium. ”
“Great! Your company is indeed the closest partner of the empire!”
Sasuke was overjoyed immediately!
With the material support of Huayin Group, the domestic market will be much more stable.
Moreover, Huayin Group actually sells goods to their people at a fair price, which is a pleasant surprise!
Nowadays, the common people of the empire are going to be tortured crazy by high-priced goods, and many common people are complaining endlessly.
He also understands the concerns of Huayin Group. Now Huayin Group still needs to confuse the US consortium. If a large amount of goods is delivered at one time, is likely to arouse the vigilance of the US consortium.
Those gangsters are not fools. If they see that Huayin Group is cooperating with the island country, then the things that have been cheating on them will be in vain.  …
Overjoyed, Sasuke stretched out his hand to hold Wang Dehai’s hand.
“Wang Sang, you and your Huayin Group are great people!
When the matter is over, the Empire will definitely thank Huayin Group. From then on, the Empire and Huayin Group are siblings! ”
“Hahaha, Your Excellency General is too polite. We are friends. Friends should help each other.”
Wang Dehai showed his iconic smile and shook hands with Sasuke.
But he was quite disdainful.
These guys in the army of the island country are really a group of pure clubs, and they have no vision at all!
These guys don’t know anything about finance and economics, and they still think it’s a good thing for Huayin Group to sell goods at a fair price. Now let them laugh as much as they want.
When things get to the bottom of things, there will naturally be time for them to cry!
After the negotiation that day was over, Sasuke reported to the top that Huayin Group was preparing to send supplies to the empire.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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