At the same time, he also dismantled all rules against Huayin Group.
If Huayin Group really deliberately cheated the empire, how could the other party turn around and spare no effort to help them?
After Wang Dehai returned to his room, he also sent a telegram to the group headquarters, saying that the negotiation went well this time, and the group could deliver goods to the island country.
The two telegrams before and after returned good results, and Su Yun and others no longer hesitated.
In the headquarters of Huayin Group, in the president’s office, Su Yun handed Wang Dehai’s telegram to Dong Cheng.
“This time, the negotiation between Wang Dehai and the little devil went very smoothly, and these guys couldn’t see what our purpose was.
You should arrange it now, and order the first batch of goods to leave immediately, to reach the island country as soon as possible, and to prepare the follow-up goods.
From now on, we will eat the market of little devils step by step, and we must not go wrong! ”
The corner of Su Yun’s mouth rose slightly.
After waiting for so long, he can finally start to move the finance of the island country.
It doesn’t take long for Huayin Group and the US consortium to be able to divide and enjoy the island country’s financial cake like a sharp knife.
And this time the transportation of goods is the tip of this knife! .
Chapter 754: Affordable Market
“Yes! President Su!”
After Dong Cheng took the order, he immediately went to arrange it.
From the beginning of this day, Huayin Group’s goods began to be delivered to the island country, and various ports in the island country began to welcome some freighters, which were loaded with a series of light industrial products.
However, there are not many goods in this batch. After the island country receives it, it is immediately shipped to various parts of the country for sale.
At the same time, a parity market has been established in various parts of the island country.
These markets are filled with all kinds of materials shipped to the island country by Huayin Group, most of which are daily necessities and other light industrial products.
Since they are foreign goods, the prices of these materials have not been affected by changes in the island country’s market, and they are still sold at normal prices.
The first batch of goods was not too large to meet the needs of the entire island country. Therefore, after discussing with Huayin Group, the Army decided to open these markets in densely populated large cities such as Kyoto and Osaka.
These places have more residents and are most affected by market changes.
After the opening of the affordable market, the military cooperated with Huayin Group to start propaganda. After receiving the news, the local people rushed like crucian carp across the river.
For example, in the Osaka area, not long after the news was released in 09, countless people came to buy goods immediately.
Because it has just opened, the area of ​​the affordable market is not very large, and various store stalls will be officially established in the future, but this does not affect the enthusiasm of local people for snapping up.
Especially in front of the shops for daily necessities such as flour, rice, oil and salt, there are long queues like dragons all day long.
Thousands of people from the island country came to buy grain and oil. The team started from the door of each store, extended to the neighborhood of the street, and even folded back and forth several times!
The island country has long anticipated this situation, so many workers and buddies have been arranged in front of the shops and booths.
These people were recruited urgently, in order to cope with the people who were rushing to buy goods in large quantities.
But even so, the manpower is still not enough.
In the cheap market, the island buddies and workers employed in each store are busy in circles, constantly going back and forth between the counter and the warehouse to fetch goods for customers.
In front of some shops, the island nation’s military even had to arrange for soldiers to come over to maintain order.
“Don’t grab it! Everyone has it!”
“Today’s goods are enough, please keep order, don’t disturb the team, and make purchases in sequence!”
However, this maintenance seems pale and feeble.
Generally speaking, although the citizens of island countries are extreme in many things, they are still relatively good at lawfulness, and many people also pay more attention to etiquette.
But in today’s affordable market, this kind of literacy is almost invisible.
In front of a grain and oil store, two military policemen shouted loudly, signalling everyone to line up to maintain order.
But the people of the island country who came to buy don’t care about it at all, rushing to buy items.
The shelves of the store were snapped up within ten minutes, but there were still many people from the island country who came to snap up and continued to pour in without knowing the situation.
The workers and guys in the store had to keep replenishing the goods on the shelves, but their replenishment speed was not as fast as that of the common people.The speed of snapping!
This shop is a representative of the affordable market.
In today’s island countries, wherever there is a cheap market, the situation is basically the same.
Nearby people rushed into it one after another, rushing to buy in various stores, so that the shelves of many stalls seemed to be empty forever!
Markets around the world are crowded with people every day.
There were obviously so many people who came to snap up and lined up in front of the shops and stalls, but the whole market was still crowded with people.
Looking in from the outside of the market, you can only see the crowd of people and clothes of various colors.
These people either just entered the market and rushed to various stalls and shops to grab shopping supplies, or they bought a lot of things and walked out with their hands on their shoulders.
In some cramped places, people with weak constitutions are even pushed against the wall by the crowd.
Even so, the people still didn’t care, and rushed to shop in front of the shops and stalls.
The direct cause of this phenomenon is naturally the price gap.
Due to insufficient supply of industrial products in the island country, the price of each commodity is three to four times higher than the normal level, while the price of Huayin Group’s goods has been maintained at the normal level.
Therefore, the people of the island country are flocking to it.
In fact, the people of the island country are still very patriotic due to domestic environment and educational reasons.
In normal times, many people may dismiss Huayin Group’s goods, even if Huayin Group’s goods are cheaper.
But that’s normal!
Now the price gap between Huayin Group and local industrial products has reached three to four times, even rice, flour, grain and oil, etc.
In this case, the people of the island country don’t care who the goods are!
Huayin Group may send it, or it may come from the United States, as long as they can shop and live normally, who will care so much!
The people of the lower classes are very real. They have limited income and need to support their families. No matter how patriotic they are, they have to fill their stomachs first.
Compared with the hustle and bustle of the Huayin parity market all day long, those markets and stores in the island country appear to be very depressed.
These stores are all local goods, and the prices are three or four times higher than the usual level due to the influence of the local industry.
Such a high price directly persuaded all 270 people of the island country.
Therefore, since the establishment of the parity market, the local stores in various places have been miserable and deserted.
Many islanders pass by these stores without even taking a look at them.
In some villages and towns and other small places, people even prefer to rush for dozens of miles to go to the cheap market in the city to grab shopping resources, rather than buying in local local stores.
The reason is simple, the price gap between the two is simply too great.
Commoners like them have low incomes. Usually, they need to be careful about eating, drinking, and dressing. Not to mention the price gap between the two is so amazing.
For them, patriotism and the like are just a feeling, and when difficulties come, they will still regard survival as the first priority.
Over the past few days, the cheap markets around the world have been bustling and bustling every day.
Even after a few days have passed, the busyness of the markets is still unabated, and many people will continue to buy even if they have snapped up a lot of goods.
These people have a kind of thinking ahead.
Affordable markets are created out of the blue, and there is no telling when they will close.
Now that the local prices are so high, if they don’t hurry up and buy more, and when the cheap market is gone, who will they find reasoning! .
Chapter 755: The Big Brother’s Conversation
During this period of time, many ordinary people have been frugal, and even tried to save on the usual three meals a day. The rapid rise in local prices has threatened the basic survival of the people at the bottom.
But the emergence of the parity market has finally greatly changed the plight of the local people.
Many people have bought the necessities of life at ordinary prices, and life has finally returned to normal. Many people are very happy about this.
But the common people are happy, but the government of the island country has to intervene.
The establishment of the parity market caused quite a stir, and the matter spread to the government of the island country early on.
After discussing with Saito, Takahashi decided to shut down these cheap markets immediately, because this would affect the local light industry.
However, Huayin Group’s move has been supported by the Army. If it is forced to close, it will lead to dissatisfaction from the Army. Therefore, Saito personally went out and planned to persuade the Army to close the parity market.
On this day, Saito personally found General Lin Xian.
After coming to the office, Saito was not polite, and said sharply as soon as they met: “Lin Xianjun! As soldiers of the empire, you actually allow Huayin Group to do things in the imperial market!
Now I ask your army to dispatch troops immediately and forcibly shut down cheap markets everywhere! ”
Seeing Saito come in, he began to scold, Lin Xian stood up suddenly, with a look of disdain on his face.
Now that Huayin Group has sent supplies to the empire and stabilized domestic supply, many people have benefited from it. Why should the parity market be shut down?
What’s more, this is a cooperation between the Army and Huayin Group. When will it be the Navy’s turn to intervene?
As soon as Saito came in, he ran wild with himself, and Lin Xian was not used to him at all.
“Saito, who do you think you are?
Huayin Group and our army, where can you intervene?
The affordable market benefits people everywhere, and you want us to shut down in one sentence? It’s just outrageous~々! ”
“Baga! By doing this, you are harming the interests of the empire!”
Saito was furious. He didn’t look down on these guys in the army. Now Lin Xian doesn’t take him seriously. Saito will naturally not bear it..
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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