After scolding, Saito sternly said: “From the beginning to the end, your army colluded with Huayin Group, only caring about the resources you can get, and completely disregarding the safety of the empire.
As an army officer, you are blind, you can’t tell right from wrong, and you don’t care about the interests of the empire! ”
Seeing Saito carry the hat of imperial interests, Lin Xian was even more disdainful.
“The interests of the empire? You deserve it too!
You keep saying that you want to consider the empire, but your navy has not divided most of the resources you have obtained, regardless of the life and death of the army.
We cooperated with Huayin Group to obtain the necessary resources through legitimate channels, and now you are blocking it.
Saito, don’t think you can do whatever you want with the support of the navy.
You navy are a bunch of selfish guys. In private, you only care about making money for yourself, but you pretend to be righteous on the surface. What a joke! ”
Lin Xian came out from behind the desk while cursing.
It’s not that he didn’t know the Navy’s thoughts, and it was better to say than to sing.
Just like this Saito, he opened his mouth and closed his mouth to talk about the interests of the empire. When it was time to reap the benefits, when did the navy make any concessions?
Saitomoto wanted to refute, but had nothing to say.
In all fairness, what Lin Xian said was indeed the truth.
He was born in the navy, and his status has risen all the way with the support of the navy. Naturally, everything is more inclined to the navy.
Lin Xian’s words just hit his weak spot.
Seeing that Saito had nothing to say, Lin Xian showed a sneer.
The land and sea armies of the empire have always been at odds. Saito, as the representative of the navy, does not care how the army feels, and the army executives are very disgusted with it, as is Lin Xian.
Don’t look at him as the leader, but Lin Xian is also one of the three giants of the army. He holds the military power in his hand, and he doesn’t need to buy his account at all!
Seeing that Lin Xian didn’t want to do this at all, Saito said angrily: “You only know how to fight for benefits, but you don’t know that doing so will destroy the empire’s light industry!
Like the rest of the Army, you are a bunch of people who know nothing about economics and finance.
Now Huayin Group takes advantage of the decline of the empire’s light industry capacity, and turns to open a market in the empire and deliver products to the empire, just to take the opportunity to occupy our market and control our economy! ”
“What nonsense!”
Lin Xian waved his hand vigorously, but his roots did not agree with Saito’s statement.
“How can you say that Huayin Group is only opening a few markets, how can it endanger the light industry of the empire?”
In Lin Xian’s view, Huayin Group is only temporarily supporting them with some goods to help them stabilize prices and solve their current problems.
In addition, they did not engage in large-scale dumping of industrial products, and secondly, they did not take the opportunity to frantically build factories within the empire, how could they threaten the light industry of the empire?
Saito’s words are just nonsense.
Ke Lin Xian did not know that the establishment of a parity market was also one of the means of industrial product dumping.
It’s just that he doesn’t understand the economy, and Huayin Group just changed it. Lin Xian was convinced of it. In the end, he couldn’t understand the economy and the market at all.
Seeing Lin Xian so ignorant, Saito’s mouth twitched in anger.
This guy Lin Xian is really simple-minded.
Huayin Group’s industrial products were all smashed in the face, but he was still admitting death, thinking that Huayin Group was helping the empire solve the problem.
In a rage, Saitomoto wanted to scold this guy.
But today he came to convince the Army to shut down those cheap markets.
Therefore, Saito had to explain patiently, but the words were quite fierce. If Lin Xian didn’t give face to himself (to Zhao Hao), he didn’t have to give face to the other party.
“‘ ‖ Huayin Group has begun to occupy our market, but you are still so stupid!
Do you know that Huayin Group sells all kinds of industrial products to our people at such a low price. Although it solves the current problem, it will overwhelm half of our local enterprises!
These days, the industrial products produced by our local enterprises cannot be sold at all. If this continues, countless local enterprises will go bankrupt.
By that time, our light industry will be completely destroyed! ”
It’s all said and done, and Saito doesn’t bother to explain too much.
In his view, this kind of truth should be understood by individuals.
However, Lin Xian disagreed with his words.
Taking a step forward, Lin Xian’s eyes were filled with a hint of coldness.
“Hmph! Your Excellency Saito, I think you’re not taking the benefits of those chaebols, right?”.
Chapter 756: All of them
Ironically, Lin Xian continued: “Huayin Group just opened some markets in various places, and did not fully dump any industrial products, and the total number of goods they shipped in this batch was not large.
Such a little thing can make a local company go bankrupt?
In my opinion, this is because those chaebols can’t make any profits, so they jump out and talk nonsense, and if you hadn’t taken their benefits, why would you come here for this kind of thing and make nonsense about our army?
Now that the light industry of the empire has been destroyed, those chaebols want to take the opportunity to make a fortune and raise the price of industrial products.
Why don’t you ask them, why can’t those products be sold at normal prices before?
If they bought and sold at the previous price, how could the people not recognize it?
Now Huayin Group sends us goods and sells them at the previous price. This is a normal thing, but you are trying your best to stop it!
Those chaebols, those businessmen just want to sell at a high price, make more money and make more profits, if they are willing to pay the normal priceSell, how can it go bankrupt! ”
Lin Xian knew that the supply of goods in the empire was currently tight, but he did not understand how the relationship between supply and demand affected the operation of the market.
Therefore, he believes that those businessmen who raise prices are simply trying to make money out of the country.
This made Lin Xian hate it very much.
Therefore, when questioning Saito 273, Lin Xian’s words carried a lot of sarcasm.
Saito was repeatedly questioned by Lin Xian, and his face had already turned ashen.
In the face of a man like Lin Xian who doesn’t know anything, he doesn’t know how to explain to the other party.
Without waiting for Saito’s words, Lin Xian, who was angry, pointed at Saito’s nose and scolded: “Saito, after all, you are also a soldier, but you are helping those businessmen.
In my opinion, you have lost the dignity of an imperial soldier, and politics has made you think only about profit.
For a little money, you actually disregard the people, and your love helps those mercenary businessmen to speak, what is the difference between you and them!
You, the disgrace of our imperial soldiers! ”
The more Lin Xian scolded, the more angry he became.
Although he is at odds with Saito, Saito is also a soldier.
And the soldiers of the empire should put honor and dignity first, and can do anything for the interests of the nation and the country.
But Saito was obviously degenerate, and he actually sold the dignity of a soldier for money!
Lin Xian didn’t bother to talk to such a person at all, so he simply waved: “Come here, blast Saito out, an ajed soldier who is not worthy of standing in my office!”
“You! Lin Xian, Baga!
If you do this, sooner or later you will destroy the entire empire! ”
Saito was so angry that he yelled at him, but Lin Xian didn’t bother to pay any attention to him.
Just when Saito wanted to refute again, the guard at the door had already walked in and took Lin Xian out of the office.
They didn’t dare to be rude to Saito. After all, Saito’s status was there, but the land and sea armies of the empire never dealt with it, and Lin Xian was here to support him, and the guards didn’t have a good look on Saito.
“You bastard! Your army, it’s so outrageous!”
Saito was incoherent when he was kicked out of the office.
He straightened his clothes, and originally wanted to go in and talk to Lin Xian, but if he wanted to convince Lin Xian, he had to let the other party know the consequences of Huayin Group’s actions.
But Saito is also a soldier, and he himself has little knowledge about economics and finance.
The above words were put forward to him by Takahashi before he came, and Saito himself did not understand the detailed reasons.
Holding back his anger, Saito returned to the administrative building.
When he got to the office, Takahashi was waiting for him inside.
Seeing Saito walk in angrily, Takahashi knew that Lin Xian didn’t give him any good looks.
But Takahashi is more concerned about the attitude of the army.
“Saito-kun, how is it? Has the Army agreed to cooperate with us to close the affordable market?”
Saito didn’t answer immediately, but paced back and forth a few times.
Seeing this, Takahashi immediately guessed something.
It seems that Saito did not convince Lin Xian, if this is the case, the trouble will be big.
But it is related to the finance and economy of the empire. Takahashi must know the details of what happened, so he asked: “Saito-kun, calm down first, how did Lin Xian reply?”
Saito sat down on the chair, took a breath, and said, “The guys in the army are stupid, they don’t understand the consequences of this.”
Saito held back his anger, and told Takahashi the conversation between him and Lin Xian in detail.
After listening to Saito’s statement, Takahashi immediately cursed.
“Privacy! Lin Xian, as a senior army officer, is so simple-minded that he doesn’t understand a bit of economic common sense!
A guy like him in power will only ruin the empire! ”
In anger, Takahashi slapped the table.
He couldn’t figure out what Lin Xian was thinking. He still couldn’t understand such a simple truth.
But in fact, Saito is also a little ignorant.
Before he went to Lin Xian, Gaoqiao just told him that Huayin Group’s move would destroy the empire’s light industry and threaten the empire’s economy and finance, but he didn’t tell him the detailed reasons.
Although Saito knows more than Lin Xian, he is also limited and cannot understand the truth at all.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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