With full of doubts, Saito asked: “Takahashi-kun, how did Huayin Group’s move affect the economy and finance of the empire?
Although they do this will have an impact on local companies, but they can’t reach this point, right? ”
Takahashi said with a solemn expression: “Saito-kun, Huayin Group does this, the most direct point is that the price of raw materials needed for the light industry of our empire will rise, and it will skyrocket many times.”
Saito was still full of doubts after hearing this.
Huayin Group sells industrial products at low prices, which will squeeze the living space of local enterprises through price advantages. He knows this.
But what does this have to do with price changes in raw materials?
“Gaoqiao-kun, I don’t understand. Huayin Group sells industrial products. How can it affect the price of raw materials?”
Takahashi sighed and said, “Saito-kun, it will be difficult for me to explain this matter to you for a while, but now, please take measures as soon as possible, and be sure to ask Huayin Group’s parity market to increase prices to match our local counterparts. The price of the goods must remain the same.”
There are too many things involved in finance and economics. If Takahashi started explaining to Saito now, he would not be able to finish it all day and night.
After all, Saito’s cognition in this regard is too shallow.
Maybe it’s better than Lin Xian, but in professional economic warfare, it’s still only a childlike level.
and their taskThe urgency is to quickly close the gap between Huayin Group’s goods and local products, and not let the other party continue to act recklessly.
Chapter 757: Saito’s Determination
Saito didn’t understand why Takahashi was so eager, but he didn’t refute it either.
In the field of economics and finance, the other party was much more professional than himself, so he would still listen to Takahashi’s opinions.
After thinking about it, Saito showed a decisive look.
“In this case, I will send someone to act tomorrow and directly order Huayin Group to shut down those cheap markets, and then have them confiscate all their industrial products and bring these things back to the empire.”
Saito didn’t know what kind of ecstasy soup Huayin Group poured into the army, so that Lin Xian trusted the other party so much.
But it doesn’t matter.
Since the army is unwilling to compromise, he can do it himself and directly forcibly close the market of Huayin Group.
Not only that, Saito also decided that if the time is right, he will shut down all the Huayin Group’s industries in the empire, so that they will not threaten the empire again.
Seeing Saito make such a decision, Takahashi quickly stopped him and said, “Saito-kun must never be, we can’t act impulsively.
Huayin Group cooperates closely with the Army, and the army’s personnel rely on them to provide a lot of resources. If we forcibly shut down the Huayin Group’s market, it will incur retaliation from the Army. ”
“so what!”
A cold look appeared on Saito’s face.
He had just been humiliated by Lin Xian, and now he is angry just hearing the word “Army”.
A bunch of ignorant and ignorant guys, what can they understand?
Moreover, he is the head of the empire, and he has the support of the navy behind him. No matter how dissatisfied the people in the army are, how can they fail themselves?
In a fit of anger, Saito ignored Takahashi’s dissuasion and said: “This matter has been decided, Takahashi-kun, you don’t need to persuade him any more.
Count on those in the Army to agree, and sooner or later the Empire will be in crisis.
I have decided to do something, but I want to see what the Army can do! ”
After saying that, Saito directly picked up the phone, and after the call was connected, Saito instructed the people under him: “Pass my order, so that government personnel from all over the empire will act immediately, and immediately shut down the Huayin Group’s establishments in various places. Affordable market.
In addition, all the materials in the parity market are also locked up under custody, and no one is allowed to take them without my order.
If someone from the army blocks you, don’t bother! ”
After putting down the phone, Saito sent another telegram to the Navy.
The content of the telegram is also very simple. It is nothing more than to prepare the people in the navy to send people to receive the materials from the Huayin Group after the government personnel shut down the cheap markets in various places.
Saito’s series of orders were issued quite quickly, and Takahashi had no time to stop it.
After issuing the relevant orders, Saito stopped.
“Taoqiao-kun, this time we are more direct, and we don’t need to be constrained by the army anymore. They only know how to seek their own interests and completely ignore the overall situation of the empire.”
“Saito-kun, you… ah.”
Takahashi groaned inwardly.
Saito’s orders were too impulsive.
Huayin Group, no matter how good or bad, is a partner of the Army after all. The Army attaches great importance to them, or it is determined to obtain resources from them.
And Saito did this, no doubt slapped the army in the face, and regarded the entire army as nothing.
Once the incident alarmed the army, how could those guys not act?
But now it’s too late to say anything, Saito’s order has been issued, and he can’t take it back. Takahashi has to accept the fact and wait and see.
In the island country, after receiving orders from Saito, local government personnel began to block and guard the local affordable market.
In a cheap market in a certain place in Kyoto, countless people were rushing to buy market supplies here, but they never thought that a group of government personnel would suddenly appear outside the market.
These people completely ignored the countless people, and as soon as they entered the market, they distributed Saito’s orders before dispersing to various stalls and shops.
There are also many government military and police propaganda along the market.
“Immediately, the parity market will be shut down, and irrelevant people everywhere must leave this place within an hour, otherwise we will take coercive measures!”
When many people heard the news, they were like five thunders.
“Why? Your own inaction has caused prices to rise every day. Now that the parity market is open, you have to shut it down, which is clearly not giving us a way to live.
Why shut down the market, have you figured out a solution to rising prices?
How can this be good, I still have a lot of things to buy, do I have to pay high prices to buy things from those bosses? ”
Everywhere in the market, in the face of the government’s coercive measures, some people protested immediately, while others showed helplessness, regretting that they could come to snap up purchases earlier.
Nei skirt: ⒉⒉0⑤23①4⒐・
The people of the island country are quite obedient to the government, but they don’t understand the economy, let alone financial wars.
Everyone only knows that the rising prices in the island country made them almost cut off their way of life. Huayin Group finally gave them a way to live, but now the government wants to cut it off!
That’s why these people raised objections.
Again, patriotism must first be built on the basis of survival.
The army personnel are even more desperate to block.
These parity markets are run by people from Huayin Group, but the Army has also sent some people over to supervise and assist.
Now that people from the government have come here to shut down the market, people from the army will naturally come forward to discuss it.
But the government personnel and the military police would not listen to them. In all fairness, these people did not understand why Saito closed the market.
But when they eat this bowl of rice, they must obey orders and act according to orders.
In desperation, the armyI had to pass this news to the upper levels and report the matter to Sasuke first.
After all, he negotiated with Wang Dehai and decided to open a cheap market at the beginning, so Sasuke is the ultimate leader of the Army in this matter.
Inside the market, the managers of stalls and shops everywhere were also amazed by this incident.
Some of them are natives of the island country, hired by Huayin Group or the Army to look after the business, and some are employees of Huayin Group itself.
However, the level of these employees is not enough, and they have no access to Su Yun’s specific plans.
So they are also at a loss for this change.
Isn’t the establishment of a parity market a cooperation between the group and the island country?
But these employees are not in a hurry. Anyway, the closure of the market will not cause them any loss. As for the specific problems caused by this, the group will come forward to solve it.
In this way, since Saito’s order was handed down that afternoon, one by one the parity market was forcibly shut down, and the government personnel of the island country forcibly broke into it. Vine’s instructions were given to the other party to beg.
Chapter 758: Terminate cooperation?
The government’s actions were quick. In just one or two days, none of the affordable markets in Kyoto, Osaka, Nagasaki, Fukuyama and other places could escape being shut down.
After closing down the various markets, government personnel confiscated all the materials in the market and sealed them up in some local warehouses.
Or they simply store it on the spot, putting seals on some of the stalls and shops in the market, and those goods are also sealed in temporary storage.
Not long after, men from the Navy arrived again.
According to Saito’s order, they handed over to government personnel and received materials from Huayin Group from various places.
Naturally, all these materials were taken away by the navy and became the private resources of the navy.
The government of the island country has made a lot of noise about the closure of the market. At the same time as their people acted, people from all over the island country also learned about it one after another.
“Two seven three” for a while, people from all over the island countries were furious.
The wildly rising prices of domestic industrial products have seriously threatened the stability of their daily lives.
Under such circumstances, the parity market opened by Huayin Group is tantamount to their immediate life-saving straw. Many people with low incomes are quite dependent on the parity market.
But now the government has taken inexplicable measures to cut off their way of life, which makes many people very angry.
Many people even began to look for government personnel through various channels to find out what was going on, but the island country government would not give them this opportunity at all.
In the current island country, there is no such concept as democracy. Even if the people are dissatisfied, they can only swallow it up.
At the same time, Huayin Group employees in local markets also reported the matter.
These markets are all run by people from the Huayin Group branch, together with the army personnel of the island country. Now that the market has been shut down, the news has naturally spread to the Huayin branch.
After Li Xie and others learned the news, they informed Wang Dehai of the matter.
On this day, Li Xie and Wang Dehai sat opposite each other and talked about the shutdown of the parity market.
“Brother Wang, you should have heard of the actions of the little devils recently. Their government personnel are closing down the cheap markets we have opened in various places together with the people from the navy.
The little devil’s navy also took away the supplies in the market.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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