And judging from the feedback from our people, this move by the little devil government should not have been approved by their army. ”
When Li Xie spoke, there was an obvious smile on his face.
These things have been planned by the headquarters of the group for a long time, and the little devil has entered their trap unknowingly.
Wang Dehai was even more overjoyed in his heart.
Of course, he had heard of the fact that the parity market was shut down.
Now Li Xie has also confirmed it with himself, it is definitely not running!
Before he came to the island country, Su Yun explained the planning steps to him. One of them was that the military and political parties in the island country would definitely have conflicts because of this incident.
And with the temper of a little devil, their government will definitely close the parity market without the permission of the army.
These statements are all given by Su Yun before.
At that time, Wang Dehai didn’t really believe in these plans. After all, the little devils were not dolls, and Su Yun had never had any contact with their government. How could he predict it so accurately?
But now, Wang Dehai is completely convinced!
These little devils didn’t know if they took the wrong medicine or were really stupid, but they actually followed their plan step by step.
Thinking of this, Wang Dehai was even more convinced by Su Yun.
He still can’t figure out how Su Yun calculated and killed the little devil step by step, as if someone had told Su Yun beforehand about their every move.
After rejoicing, Wang Dehai said excitedly: “Great, the little devil has taken the bait step by step, and our plan is going very smoothly.
Now I will report this matter to the headquarters of the group, and then go to the little devils to deter them.
Brother Li, it’s up to you to keep an eye on the rest. If the little devil has any extra actions, we must not ignore it. ”
“Don’t worry, brother, I know what to do.”
Li Xiezheng nodded.
After several exchanges, Li Xie also learned about Wang Dehai’s ability, and Wang Dehai also understood Li Xie’s talent. Now that the two have cooperated, they have a lot of tacit understanding.
After taking some time, Wang Dehai went to Sasuke himself.
This time Wang Dehai did notHe asked the other party to come out to meet, but with a few followers, he went directly to Sasuke’s home.  …
Sasuke also learned the news that the parity market was closed before. He was thinking about how to report to his boss for the past two days. Hearing that the subordinate announced that Wang Dehai was coming, Sasuke was secretly tight.
“It’s bad, Wang Dehai should have come to Xing Shi to ask his guilt.
Huayin Group’s parity market was closed, and the other party must be quite dissatisfied. ”
After pondering in his heart, Sasuke hurriedly asked the servants to invite Wang Dehai in.
After the two met, Sasuke and Wang Dehai spoke at the door.
Sasuke felt a little guilty, and invited him, “Wang Sang should come here to discuss something important. Let’s talk in the room.”
“No need, just say it here!”
Wang Dehai waved his hand to reject Sasuke’s invitation, his tone full of anger.
Then he directly asked: “Your Excellency General should have heard about the outside affairs, right?
We regard your country as a partner and send you industrial products specially to help you alleviate the current crisis.
But you have reneged on your promises and abandoned your previous promises!
Now our parity market has been shut down, and the materials have been taken away by you, not to mention that in China, we have prepared other batches of goods to be shipped, which are all in vain! ”
Wang Dehai leaned forward slightly, and there was a trace of anger in his eyes.
“I contacted the headquarters of the group about this matter. Now you have made such a move, which not only caused me to be questioned, but also caused Huayin Group to hoard a large amount of industrial products in vain, and lost the things in the market in 4.3!
This loss is quite expensive, and President Su is quite dissatisfied with it.
Just now, Mr. Su has sent a telegram and asked me to inform you that from now on, Huayin Group will cut off all supply of resources to you! Our people will also withdraw from the island country one after another three days later.
Your Excellency, because of your betrayal, the cooperation between us has ended, and the friendship between you and me has ended! ”
Wang Dehai didn’t give Sasuke a chance to refute, and after he left these words, he turned and left angrily.
“Wang Sang, you…”
Sasuke opened his mouth to keep him, but Wang Dehai didn’t look back and strode away with a few followers.
However, when he turned around, the anger on Wang Dehai’s face had long since disappeared, and he secretly revealed a smile.
Chapter 759: Lin Xian also panicked
President Su had long expected that the government of the other party would forcibly close the parity market, and would definitely not seek the consent of the Army. Huayin Group could just take advantage of this pretext to threaten to disrupt the supply of resources and force them to do something with the Army.
In this way, the little devil’s army will definitely hate their navy and clear all obstacles for Huayin Group.
The little devil’s army needs resources, and Su Yun is so confident that he will use them as his thugs because he has decided that they will not give up the resources of Huayin Group.
At that time, if Huayin Group dumps industrial products on the island country again, no one will come forward to stop it.
Seeing Wang Dehai leave like this, Sasuke panicked.
“This is terrible, I have to report this matter to the top immediately!”
Panicked, Sasuke hurriedly ordered people to prepare the vehicle, galloped all the way to Fushan Airport, and then boarded a plane to the capital, intending to meet Lin Xian to report the matter.
The resource supply of Huayin Group is now the lifeblood of the army, and it must not be lost.
Although the explosion accident in the industrial park may also be related to Huayin Group, and the explosion caused heavy losses to the light industry of the empire, directly losing half of its production capacity.
But the Army’s Bing 09 factory has received a lot of resource benefits.
The input of oil, rubber, steel, coal and other resources has allowed the arsenals of the army to develop rapidly during this period, and the output of various weapons has continued to rise.
The high-level decision has been made before to take advantage of this opportunity to make a big change in the equipment of the entire army.
Now a new round of weapons and equipment replacement plans are being formulated, and it will be fully implemented soon. If Huayin Group terminates cooperation at this time, it will be a huge disaster for the army!
Once the supply of resources is interrupted, their replacement plan has to be interrupted.
Weapons production at those arsenals would also fall back quickly.
As a result, the development of the army will once again stagnate. If you want to comprehensively improve your combat power, you don’t know that you have to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.
Sitting on the plane, Sasuke gritted his teeth slightly from time to time.
He hates Saito and those bastards in the Navy very much now!
These people made such a big thing without the permission of the army. If Huayin Group really interrupted cooperation because of this, the old thing Saito would be the culprit.
The development of the entire army will die in his hands alone!
After a long time, the plane finally arrived in Kyoto.
After Sasuke got off the plane, he didn’t hesitate for a moment, and hurried to Lin Xian to report the situation.
In the office at this time, Lin Xian’s face was very ugly.
The parity market of Huayin Group was forcibly shut down. Lin Xian had already received rumors, but he still did not know that Huayin Group was about to terminate the cooperation.
He was angry because Saito had destroyed his business without his permission.
Just then, a servant came to report.
“Report to the general, Major General Sasuke came to ask for a meeting, and is waiting outside now.”
“Huh? Call him in.”
The attendant went, but Lin Xian was a little puzzled.
Now, shouldn’t Sasuke continue to investigate the industrial park in Fukuyama and deal with the issue of the affordable market at the same time, what should he do for himself? ”
As Lin Xian was thinking, Sasuke had already walked in.
“General, I have something important to report this time.”
Lin Xian noticed that Sasuke’s expression was a little panic, and said dissatisfiedly: “As a general of the empire, his behavior is so light.Rate, what a system! ”
Sasuke didn’t care so much anymore, and directly explained everything one by one.
He believed that after listening to his words, Lin Xian might not be in a better state than himself. After all, this would be tantamount to a disaster for the army.
“Your Excellency, the cheap market outside has been shut down by the government and the navy, and the navy has stolen those resources.
Wang Dehai, a representative of Huayin Group, approached me and said that they had prepared more industrial products to help us, but we broke our promise and shut down their market.
This caused heavy losses to Huayin Group, and because of this, Huayin considered us unreliable and decided to stop cooperating with us. ”
Lin Xian was a little surprised when he heard these words.
He now knew why Sasuke was so rude.
If Huayin Group stops cooperation and interrupts the supply of resources, the army’s next development plan will be over!
Sasuke said, handing over a telegram.
“General, this is a telegram from Huayin Group, please take a look.”
Lin Xian took the telegram and read it carefully.
The more he looked at it, the more shocked Lin Xian became.
By the end of it, Lin Xian’s shock was written on his face.
This telegram was thrown to Sasuke when Wang Dehai met. The content on it clearly stated that Huayin Group decided to terminate the cooperation with the island country, interrupt the supply of resources, and withdraw all personnel.
“The big thing is bad!”
After reading the telegram, Lin Xian didn’t even care about his decency.
Without the support of Huayin Group, the development of the army has collapsed, so what is the use of decency.
Throwing the telegram on the table, Lin Xian hurriedly ordered: “Sasuke-kun, hurry back now, no matter what method you use, you must stabilize the people of Huayin Group!
By the way, don’t you have a good relationship with that Wang Dehai? After you go back, first convey my meaning to Huayin Group through him.
It is said that the government and the navy did this on their own, and within a day, our army will definitely give him an explanation to the 273 and ask them not to terminate their cooperation. ”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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