“Understood General, I’ll do it now!”
Sasuke bowed his head and hurried out of the office.
Lin Xian did not forget to urge until the end, and after Sasuke left, he began to think about the next way in the office.
The reason why Lin Xian was a little scared was not that he was afraid of losing the friendship of Huayin Group. It was nonsense. What he cared about was those strategic resources.
Food, oil, minerals and other things are all indispensable to the development of the army.
Without these resources, the army, which now seems to be booming, will be instantly brought back to its original shape, and then they will have to live their lives carefully and stay put for a long time.
After thinking about it, Lin Xian decided to use force.
Since Saito didn’t give him face, he didn’t need to put up with him any longer.
The selfishness of the navy made him very dissatisfied, and now Saito has ruined the development plan of the army, and he must teach him some lessons!
On the second day, Sasuke personally went to the door early in the morning to find Wang Dehai, and conveyed Lin Xian’s meaning to the other party.
“Wang Sang, there have been many misunderstandings in the past few days. Your company’s parity market was shut down. It was done by those guys from the government and the navy. It has nothing to do with our army.”
Chapter 760: Angry Lin Xian
“Yesterday, I flew to the capital to meet General Lin Xian in person and reported the matter to him in detail. The General was very angry about this, and now he has taken relevant measures to prevent the government and the navy from doing anything wrong.
And the general also asked me to show you that after the army has completed the government and the navy, your company’s market can continue to operate, and you will not suffer losses.
I also hope that your company will not rush to terminate the cooperation for the sake of partners, which will not benefit both of us. ”
Sasuke’s posture is very low, and even a little pleading.
He didn’t want to do this, but the key lifeline of the Army’s development was pinched by Huayin Group, and he had to stabilize the opponent.
“It depends on how you act.
You have reneged on your word before, which caused the group headquarters to distrust you. Now you want to trap us with empty words. Even if I agree, the headquarters will not agree. ”
Wang Dehai shook his head, then looked at Sasuke seriously.
But he was secretly sneering in his heart.
These actions of the little devil were really strangled by President Su.
If they expected it well, now they are afraid that they have sent a telegram to the headquarters in advance, and Lin Xian and others should start looking for trouble with the government.
The fact is just as Wang Dehai expected.
After listening to Wang Dehai’s words, Sasuke hurriedly said: “Wang Sang please rest assured, the general will arrange this operation in person, and you will receive the news in less than a day.”
Wang Dehai nodded: “Well, I will ask the headquarters for mercy, but I will wait for your results to come out.
Otherwise, if there is an accident, Su will never spare me. ”
“That’s natural, Wang Sang has been bothered!”
Sasuke was overjoyed and quickly shook Wang Dehai’s hand.
For a long time, Wang Dehai left him with the impression of being honest and simple, and now it seems that his vision is really good.
Sasuke estimated that the high-level executives would also send telegrams to Huayin Group to explain the matter. Now as long as Wang Dehai can intercede with Huayin Group, the cooperation between them will not end.
As for results, it’s even simpler.
The general will act in person, and within a day or two, the government will be suppressed and submissive, and Huayin Group’s parity market will also recover.
As Sasuke and Wang Dehai expected, Lin Xian at this time has already promulgatedVarious orders, mobilizing a large number of troops to go to various places, expel government personnel who block the affordable market.
In addition, Lin Xian also ordered the troops to protect the Huayin Group’s industries in the island country.
In order to suppress Huayin Group before, while blocking the parity market, Saito also intends to let people do some work on Huayin Group’s industries.
For this reason, Lin Xian specially sent troops to protect it.
Lin Xian’s order was very deadly: “The relevant troops immediately go to the cheap markets in various places to expel government personnel and the navy. If anyone resists, they will be dealt with on the spot!
He also ordered troops from all over the world to immediately protect the related industries of Huayin Group and prevent government officials from blocking it. ”
This matter is related to the army’s resource supply and future development, and Lin Xian is not sloppy at all.
The people below also know that Lin Xian is serious this time, and when he executes the order, he will not compromise at all.
In just one or two days, the military team entered the cheap market in various places, and expelled the government personnel among them, along with a group of navy members who were left behind for transporting supplies.
At the same time, Lin Xian also ordered people to issue notices to the local people, and mobilized the media to explain the matter to the local people, announcing that the local parity market will operate normally in the future.
During this process, if the government and the navy resisted the slightest, they would be captured immediately.
Individuals who resisted fiercely were actually killed on the spot!
In particular, several members of the navy were at odds with the army. The army team forcibly stopped them from carrying out their tasks, which made the navy very dissatisfied.
The two sides will inevitably encounter some conflicts.
But the army people had Lin Xian’s order first, and they didn’t buy the navy’s account at all!
Seeing this, some government personnel and navy members could only pass on this matter to the top government officials, hoping that Saito and others could uphold justice for them and stop the army’s brutal behavior.
They came to block the market under Saito’s order, but were expelled and killed for no reason, which made many people extremely dissatisfied.
However, their reports were ultimately useless.
Because when the army expelled government personnel and the navy from various places and restored the cheap market, Lin Xian personally led the troops and broke into Saito’s office!
On this day, Lin Xian led a group of elite soldiers into the administrative building.
During the march, Lin Xian’s expression was extremely cold.
This guy Saito, if he doesn’t give him some color, he won’t know how powerful the Army is!
When the team was walking, some government personnel saw this scene and rushed to Saito to report.
“Your Excellency Saito, I saw General Lin Xian coming with his troops just now. It seems that he is going to break into the administrative building. What should we do?”
“‘” What did you say?”
Saito was surprised when he heard this.
Just now, he had received a telegram from his subordinates, saying that people from all over the world who went to block the affordable market were expelled and detained by the army.
For this reason, he was surging with anger, and planned to go to Lin Xian for some theory.
This guy, Ke Lin Xian, actually brought troops here!
Saito didn’t have to think about it to know that Lin Xian and the others were coming for him.
“These guys, how dare they!
Where are they now? ”
As soon as Saito finished speaking, the door of the office was kicked open.
Saito looked up and saw two soldiers standing outside the door immediately, while Lin Xian walked in from the door with a cold face.
After entering the door, Lin Xian waved to the outside.
The sound of guns suddenly sounded, and dozens of soldiers poured in outside the door, filling Saito’s office in an instant.
Seeing this, Saito couldn’t help oozing cold sweat from his back.
Looking right (to Zhao Zhao) Fang’s posture, it is definitely a bad comer.
But he wasn’t too afraid. He was the head of the empire. Lin Qian led the troops in, did he really dare to kill him?
Saito cursed loudly: “Damn, damn it! Lin Xian, you dare to openly lead troops into my office, what do you want to be?”
Lin Xian snorted coldly and did not answer, but pushed him to Saito’s side in two steps.
“Baga! What do you want to do, you…”
Before Saito could finish his words, Lin Xian actually pulled out the pistol and put it on Saito’s head.
In Saito’s surprised eyes, Lin Xian said coldly: “Saito, because of your ignorant actions, Huayin Group has doubts about the credit of the empire, which almost ruined our development plan.
I am here today to warn you to put away those thoughts of yours.
If you dare to do anything wrong and affect the development of the imperial army, you can die! “.
Chapter 761: A Financial Feast
“Lin Xian! You…”
Saitomoto wanted to refute, but Ke Lin Xian’s finger was already on the trigger.
Saito caught this detail and immediately shut up.
Today, Lin Xian came with anger, so he had better not anger the other party, otherwise, the other party’s anger will definitely be detrimental to him.
In order to avoid further angering Lin Xian, Saito had no choice but to nod slightly.
However, his heart was full of anger!
Lin Xian is an ordinary man who only knows how to act by force, but he has the face to talk to himself about the empire’s plans, and even lead troops to forcefully break into the administrative building. It is a crime that deserves death!
At this moment, there was a strong smell of gunpowder rubbing between Lin Xian and Saito.
It’s just that Saito is in a situation of being suppressed, and it’s not easy to attack.
But when there was a stance between them, the atmosphere in another place was harmonious.
In the office of the president of Huayin Group, Su Yunzheng and Nelson were meeting. The two sat opposite each other, holding goblets in their hands and pouring fine champagne in them.
As the cups collided, the two raised their glasses together and drank the wine in it.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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