Su Yun has already learned about the island country. Just a day ago, Huayin Group 277 received a telegram from the island country army, saying that they had expelled government personnel from the parity market and guaranteed that such a thing would not happen again.
Wang Dehai also sent a telegram, reporting the news that Sasuke was looking for him to negotiate with Su Yun,
Su Yun knew that their plan was about to succeed.
So there was the scene just now
The army of the island country suppressed their government and provided them with a good dumping environment. From this step, they took control of the island country’s market and the plan to harvest the island country’s finances could proceed smoothly.
Nelson looked at Su Yun with a little admiration in his expression.
“Mr. Su is only the same age as me, but he is so intelligent. Every move of the island country is in your calculations. I really admire it.”
Su Yun waved his hand, his attitude changed from his usual indifference.
He and Nelson had a small affair, but it was originally a business matter. Now that the cooperation between the two sides has been negotiated in the I Ching, Su Yun still has to give the face that he should give.
Seeing Nelson’s praise, Su Yun said with a smile: “Mr. Nelson has made a false praise. This is just a trivial idea, and it can’t be on the table.”
Nelson shook his head slightly, knowing that Su Yun was being modest.
From defeating their eight major financial groups, to controlling the economy of the island country step by step, and taking into account the opponent’s every move.
Su Yun’s plan has been intertwined from beginning to end, and there has never been an accident.
If this is all a small trick, then this “small” is too exaggerated.
“Mr. Su, you have successfully exploited the contradiction between the land, sea, and army of the island country and made them fight in their nests. If we expected it well, now the two of them are already on the same page, and there is a big rift between them.
And your Huayin Group has already grasped the resources of the island nation’s army.
In this economic war, almost all the army forces of the entire island country are serving you, which really makes us very emotional.
If all goes well, the next step of our financial harvest plan can officially begin. According to the current situation, the army of the island country will never listen to their government’s words again.
Mr. Su, financial harvest is just around the corner, let us wish success together! ”
Nelson said, raising the goblet again.
The attendant next to him had already poured champagne in it.
Su Yun also raised a glass to meet him, and Nelson was full of emotion when the two were drinking.
His admiration for Su Yun just now was by no means a polite remark. He and Su Yun were only the same age in their twenties. Although both of them were known as geniuses, Nelson felt that he was still too immature in front of Su Yun.
He was praised by the people around him for his family’s cultivation and resources, as well as some talents, but Su Yun started from scratch and made Huayin Group bigger and stronger step by step.
Up to now, he has not been able to escape from the protection of his family’s wings, but Su Yun can (ajed) traverse the world’s business world by himself!
For the first time, Nelson felt his own inadequacy.
Su Yun’s performance made him realize that his so-called genius is so powerless.
There is some fighting spirit burning in Nelson’s heart. He has talent and resources, but he lacks experience and experience, and he is at the age of competition.
Su Yun’s excellence deeply stimulated him, and Nelson has secretly made up his mind to catch up or even surpass Su Yun in the future!
Su Yun didn’t know that Nelson would have so many thoughts in an instant.
After putting down the wine glass, Su Yun smiled and said: “The finance of the island country is already in our plate, and we can relax and enjoy it slowly.
The benefits contained in the entire island market are not small, and we must squeeze every ounce of their energy! ”
The two said and smiled at each other.
What Su Yun said was exactly what the eight consortiums thought.
Businessmen value profits, especially big chaebols. On this point, Huayin Group and the eight major financial groups have a common understanding.
In the island country, after a series of manipulations by Lin Xian, the government was completely subdued.
At least for a while, the island country government can no longer challenge the army.
In just a few days, the army’s troops rushed to the cheap markets in various places, expelled all the navy members and government members inside, and restored the market opening.
Together with some materials detained by the previous government, the army has also regained control and returned to Huayin Group.
Before these materials were sealed, after the sealing, the Navy personnel transported some of these materials away, and most of the remaining materials could not be transported away in time, and were stored on the spot in the temporary warehouse of the market.
Now that the blockade is lifted, these materials will naturally return to their original owners.
After the market was reopened, the army personnel went to the surrounding area to carry out vigorous propaganda, telling the people everywhere about the re-opening of the affordable market.
After hearing the wind, the people all over the place rejoiced.
On the day when the parity market was restored in various places, countless people came to rush to grab it, and the parity market quickly returned to its former busyness and prosperity.
Taking this opportunity, Sasuke came to find Wang Dehai again.
He came this time to ask Huayin Group’s attitude towards the island country.
Wang Dehai said earlier that as long as they restore the parity market in various places, Huayin Group will restart cooperation and restore the supply of resources to the empire.
Now that they have fulfilled their promise, Huayin Group should also fulfill their promise.
Fortunately, the high-level actions at that time were decisive and quick enough, and the people of Huayin Group did not have time to evacuate in the future, but they no longer sent resources to the empire in the past few days.
Now that things are resolved, it should be an easy thing to just restore the supply of resources.
After the meeting, Sasuke first chatted with Wang Dehai, and then talked about business.
“Wang Sang, now the empire has restored your parity market, your company’s industry in the empire, we also specially dispatch the departmentThe team is protecting. “.
Chapter 762: Fudge, Continue to Fudge
After finishing speaking, Sasuke looked at Wang Dehai expectantly.
But Wang Dehai just smoked a cigarette and remained silent.
Sasuke frowned slightly.
“Wang Sang, the promise of the empire has been fulfilled, when will your company be able to restore the supply of our resources?
In addition, now that the market has recovered, your company can continue to transport industrial products to us. The supply of industrial products in the empire is still insufficient, and we still need your help.
There is also the fact that we have agreed to make profits from Western consortiums together before. Is this still counted? ”
Sasuke asked all the questions in a row, hoping to get a positive answer.
As soon as he came over, he first told Wang Dehai about restoring the army to the market and protecting the Huayin Group’s industry, just to make him take the initiative to speak, but Wang Dehai’s behavior made Sasuke a little unsure.
Did something unexpected happen?
If that’s the case, then the bastards of the government really deserve to die!
All of the things I mentioned are important matters that are actually related to the interests of the army and even the entire empire. Resources can ensure the development of the army, and industrial products can alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand in the current empire and stabilize prices.
Although pitting the US consortium is not that important, it can also make the empire gain a lot of benefits.
If Huayin Group denied these because of the unpleasantness last time, let alone General Lin Xian, even Sasuke wanted to kill the government gang!
Under Sasuke’s gaze, Wang Dehai snuffed out the cigarette in his hand, and then slowly said: “It’s natural to count on the U.S. consortium, you can rest assured about this, after all, you have also contributed a lot.
But what the group headquarters means is that when the supply of resources is restored, it still depends on the sincerity of your country.
Now, although you have convinced the government, there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents. When our market and industry can run smoothly for a period of time, the group headquarters will resume cooperation with you again.
I personally don’t have that much power to guarantee this, and I hope you can understand. ”
Wang Dehai’s words were very sincere, with a solemn expression on his face, a look of consideration for the island country.
His behavior is not like negotiating, but rather persuading a friend to pay attention to his words and deeds-only if you behave well, Huayin Group will recognize you again.
From Wang Dehai’s expression, Sasuke understood this meaning.
He smiled and said, “Wang Sang, you really are really thinking about the empire.
Please reply to your group executives and reassure them that the empire will always protect your industry and fully maintain the operation of the affordable market.
Our sincerity, I believe you can see it. ”
Sasuke’s heart finally let go.
Just looking at Wang Dehai’s posture, he thought things would go to waste.
But now it seems that Huayin Group just wants to check their sincerity a little bit, which is completely fine.
It is about the development of the Army and the interests of the Empire, and they will not be sloppy.
After negotiating the resource issue, Sasuke asked again, “So Wang Sang, the industrial products I just mentioned…”
Huayin Group’s industrial products are also important to today’s empire.
At present, the people of the empire cannot afford local products, and many people rely on the industrial products of Huayin Group to make a living.
But now that the first batch of industrial goods is almost sold, if the supply of industrial goods is interrupted, the market of the empire will be in turmoil again.
Seeing Sasuke asking questions, Wang Dehai hesitated.
He waved to both sides, and the attendant beside him understood and stepped back.
Sasuke suddenly understood that Wang Dehai had something to reveal.
After thinking about it, Wang Dehai said: “This matter has not been decided yet, and the headquarters of the group does not allow casual rumors.
But I can tell you in advance that the industrial products we released are about to be sold out, and the headquarters of the group already has a number of this, so we want to use this reason to cheat the US consortium more!
To this day they are still in the dark about our plans, thinking we are taking their stuff to your country for sale.
The group has stabilized them. Recently, President Su is meeting with representatives of the US consortium and wants to persuade them to ship more industrial products. This time, we intend to make a big profit on the grounds that your country’s market supply is insufficient! ”
Wang Dehai’s voice was a little low, as if this matter was really a secret, and he disclosed it to Sasuke in advance out of friendship.
But in fact, this is simply nonsense.
Now the military of the island country has cleared the way for them, and the financial harvest is about to begin.
The so-called pitted Western consortium is just an excuse to stabilize the little devils. In fact, it is through this reason that more industrial products are shipped to the island country, thereby occupying their market!
Nei skirt: ⒉⒉0⑤23①4⒐・
But Wang Dehai knew that the little devil would be happy.
Doing so can not only stabilize their market, but also continue to benefit the other party in vain.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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