As far as their army’s financial brain circuits are concerned, they would never have imagined that they were digging graves for them if they were killed!
Sure enough, Sasuke was very happy when he heard it!
Wang Dehai is really an honest person. He knew this kind of thing in advance, and he could report it directly to the top management. At that time, he could receive merit and the empire would also gain a lot of benefits.
In addition to being happy, Sasuke smiled and said: “Thank you Wang Sang! The empire will remember Wang Sang’s kindness.
After the cooperation is over, is Wang Sang interested in coming to the Empire? The Empire will not treat you badly. ”
.. ……  
From Sasuke’s point of view, although people like Wang Dehai are a bit silly, they are honestIt is the best choice to pass the news for them. His honesty is easy to win the trust of others.
Sasuke is still very discerning, and his idea is the same as Su Yun.
It’s just that Sasuke doesn’t know that his idea has been fulfilled on himself countless times.
For Sasuke’s invitation, Wang Dehai showed hesitation.
“I’ll reconsider this matter, after all, the risks are not small.”
“That’s natural!”
Sasuke smiled, he knew Wang Dehai’s concerns, but he could hear from Wang Dehai’s words that the other party already had this intention.
After the two chatted for a while, Sasuke left.
He didn’t notice that a cold light flashed in Wang Dehai’s eyes.
The little devil actually wants to win him over, so he will hang on to the other party and continue to win the other party’s trust. When the financial harvest starts, he would like to see Sasuke’s face!
A few days later, cheap markets across the island country suddenly began to shut down one after another.
Many people in the island nation are very puzzled by this.
In the Kyoto area, an islander wanted to go to grab some shopping supplies, but came to the door of the market, but found that there was no one among them.
This puzzled him greatly.
Just the day before yesterday, when he passed by this place, he also saw that the market was crowded with people, and they couldn’t even squeeze in. Why is it left out now?
With doubts, he came to the entrance of the market to beg.
Chapter 763: The Apocalypse
There are employees of Huayin Group at the entrance, as well as duty personnel arranged by the island country.
He stepped forward and asked, “What’s the matter, isn’t the market open today?”
An on-duty officer said: “The first batch of materials sent by Huayin Group has been purchased yesterday, and now a new batch of materials has not been delivered, so the market is temporarily closed.”
“Sold out? What’s going on?”
The man turned his attention to the employees of Huayin Group.
“How come the supplies are sold out? Didn’t you supply them in advance?”
The staff on duty in the island country translated his words, and the Huayin Group employee patiently explained: “That’s right, our group has prepared a lot of materials, and we originally planned to send them to your country in several batches for parity sales.
Since yesterday, the first batch of supplies has been sold out. According to the original plan, our second batch of supplies should have arrived ahead of schedule. “Twenty Eighty”
However, our previous sale of cheap materials violated the interests of your country’s chaebols and caused their dissatisfaction. Our market was also ordered to shut down for a few days.
Now we dare not sell the second batch for the time being, for fear of continuing to offend those people. If we are forced to shut down again, we will bear a lot of losses. ”
“How…how could this be?
Isn’t your market protected by the military? ”
The islander pointed to the two soldiers next to him with disbelief on his face.
He knew that the parity market was shut down, but as a civilian, he didn’t know the specific reason.
But he didn’t believe Huayin Group’s rhetoric.
Now that the market has the protection of the army, how could it be shut down? Huayin Group does not sell materials to them, is it also thinking of raising prices?
The behavior and thoughts of this commoner are a true portrayal of the people of countless island countries around the world.
Since yesterday, many people in the island country who went to the cheap market to buy goods have caught up with the fact that the market has been shut down.
The explanation of the local Huayin Group employee is the same.
The first batch of supplies has been sold out, and they are afraid to sell the second batch for the time being for fear of retaliation again.
But most people don’t believe it.
With the protection of the military, the market will not be shut down. Huayin Group closed the market, it must be hyping up the goods, and then taking the opportunity to raise prices.
After all, their goods are so much lower than the local price, which will definitely make them feel disadvantaged.
People always think like this.
Their focus can always be on price in the first place.
After all, this is what they are most concerned about right now.
If Huayin Group’s materials also rise to the same price as the local price, then their hopes will be dashed again.
But it turns out that these speculations and worries are superfluous.
In the days that followed the shutdown of the fair market, newspapers across the Empire published a number of newspapers and printed leaflets.
The contents of these newspapers and leaflets confirmed Huayin Group’s claims.
Their military also issued statements in local newspapers, publicly condemning some consortia and politicians in the island country, corroborating Huayin Group’s claims.
“Some time ago, Huayin Group opened a parity market in the empire to help the empire stabilize prices and stabilize people’s livelihood.
However, some chaebols in the empire were mercenary, colluding with some bad politicians to forcibly shut down the parity market, leaving the people alive and dead. This trip seriously endangered the stability and prosperity of the empire. ”
“The government of the empire has become corrupt, and government officials, as the heads of the people, disregard the people’s livelihood and collude with the chaebols to maliciously close the Huayin Group’s fair market.
This move caused Huayin Group to lose its trust in the empire for a time. Silverfish in these countries are the harm of the people, and they deserve to die! ”
These denunciations naturally came from the military.
And those newspapers were also at the behest of the Army.
The military of the island country did this to show its sincerity to Huayin Group, and it was also a simple means of struggle.
Lin Xian and other senior army officials also hope to weaken the prestige of the government and enhance the military’s prestige and appeal among the people.
After these condemning remarks, the military made a public explanation in newspapers regarding Huayin Group’s closure of the parity market.
“Recently, the local parity markets have been shut down, because Huayin Group is afraid that the chaebol politicians in the empire will have bad intentions and retaliate for their own interests.
We hereby guarantee that we will do everything in our power to maintain the prosperity and stability of the parity market. ”
“The direct reason for Huayin Group’s closure of the parity market is the fear of retaliation by those chaebols, liaising with unscrupulous politicians,Close the market and cause losses.
In this regard, the Imperial Army will do a good job in relevant protection work, and will not give opportunities to those with bad intentions.  …
At present, we are actively negotiating with Huayin Group, hoping that they can put aside their previous suspicions. The people of the empire need not panic. The military will make every effort to reach a cooperation with Huayin Group, so that the other party can continue to deliver goods to the empire and reopen the parity market. ”
The military’s remarks are not only to show sincerity to Huayin Group, but also to explain their citizens.
Seeing these news, the people of the island countries all over the country finally felt relieved.
For a long time, the people of the island country have a military style, and many civilians trust the military very much, and this trust even far exceeds the trust in their government.
Many people, especially the younger generation, are full of admiration for soldiers.
With the support of the military’s remarks, the people of the island country immediately believed the words of Huayin Group, and the people of the island country scolded the chaebols or politicians mentioned in the newspapers.
In Fukuyama, an island man returned home, dropped the newspaper in his hand and began to curse.
“These chaebols and politicians, they only know how to make money and fight, and they don’t care about our lives. It’s a national misfortune to have such a group of silverfish in the empire!”
In a restaurant in Kyoto, a table of guests is also condemning.
The middle-aged man on the table drank a glass of wine and said angrily, “If the military hadn’t explained it to us, we would have almost misunderstood Huayin Group.”
Another person also expressed his resentment: “It’s all the fault of those chaebols and politicians who do nothing but suck blood.”
The local price of 4.3 is already exaggeratedly high. These people don’t know how to think of a way, but they shut down Huayin’s parity market. They only know how to make money and only know how to squeeze us! ”
The scale of this tavern is not large, and the tavern owner can clearly hear the words of the guests in the shop.
Tavern owners also hate the actions of chaebols and politicians.
He runs such a restaurant. Although he is not poor, the money he earns is only enough to support his family. The price of food has risen a few days ago, and the prices of food and beverages are astonishingly high.
Affected by the price increase of items, there is not a single customer in the store.
If he hadn’t snapped up a lot of cheap supplies a few days ago, the store wouldn’t have been able to open.
Now the food and wine the guests eat are all bought from the cheap market, and the boss has a conscience, and the prices of the dishes and drinks have not increased along with the outside.
Chapter 764: What the Thousands Pointed at
With the propaganda of newspapers and the popularization of news, the “truth” began to be known by more and more people in the island country.
People in many places scolded politicians for being unscrupulous and chaebols for being unscrupulous. In some areas with brave people, people even started to smash local shops.
For example, in Hokkaido, the economic development here is relatively backward, and the folk customs are more aggressive and martial.
After learning the news in the newspapers, the people hated the actions of the local chaebols, many shops were smashed by the people, and the goods were also divided up by the people.
Inoichiro is the owner of a grocery store. At this time, he was being held up by two men, and he watched as his store was smashed to pieces, and the goods in the store were also taken away.
After the angry people left, Inoichiro staggered to the door of the shop.
Looking at the mess, he couldn’t help picking up some broken pieces of things, and while his face was full of heartache, he kept cursing.
“Baga! It’s all those chaebols and politicians!
If it wasn’t for them, how could this happen! ”
In fact, small shop owners like them are just buying and selling goods, relying on some small profits to make a living.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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