But when the price of the goods has risen by 09, they can only increase the price, otherwise they will suffer serious losses.
Since the price of local industrial products has soared, his grocery store business has long been on the verge of collapse, and he has not seen a single customer all day long. Now, like many local shop owners, he has suffered an unwarranted disaster.
This painful experience made Inoichiro almost collapse.
Similar things are happening all over the island country.
From the explosion of the Fushan Industrial Park to the present, a series of chain reactions have caused the local market of the island country to be turbulent.
This is tantamount to an economic disaster for the island nation.
But for Huayin Group, the status quo of the island country is good news.
This is a part of Su Yun’s plan. How can Huayin Group successfully harvest the finance of the island country without disturbing the market of the little devils first?
Moreover, the little devils have no time to care about the commotion among the people, and they are more concerned about the cooperation with Huayin Group.
On this day, Sasuke found Wang Dehai again.
A few days have passed, and Sasuke believes that Huayin Group has seen the sincerity of the empire. He came to Wang Dehai this time to explore the words of Huayin Group through Wang Dehai.
By the way, Sasuke also wants Wang Dehai to say something nice and let Huayin Group restore the supply of resources as soon as possible.
After the meeting, Sasuke said sincerely: “Wang Sang, now we have restored the cheap market in your various places, and explained the ins and outs of the matter to the people.
The sincerity of the empire, I believe your company can see it.
I came to meet you this time to ask when your company will be able to restore the supply of resources to the empire? ”
Hearing this, Wang Dehai nodded happily.
It seems that the little devils can no longer sit still, and the interruption of various resources will inevitably make them more and more anxious.
And that’s what the group wants.
Only by hanging the little devils with this matter can the other party be at their mercy.
Wang Dehai replied: “We have indeed seen your country’s sincerity, but eachThe transport of class resources is not so easy to restore.
To be honest, the resources that were transported a while ago were raised by the group from all over the world. After all, our group also needs resource guarantees.
Now the group is raising resources again, and the supply will be resumed in a few days. Your country will have to wait for some time. Please rest assured that the group headquarters has already started the drafting of the new contract, and it will not be delayed for too long.
However, the headquarters of the group has decided to resume the delivery of industrial products to your country first. After all, the price of goods in your country is very high, and the people’s lives are difficult.
Although we had some unpleasant troubles before, the affairs between our upper classes should not affect the lives of the lower class civilians. ”
Wang Dehai’s words revealed sincerity.
But that’s just to prevaricate the little devil.
Before the group and the little devils terminated the cooperation, the old version of the contract is naturally not counted, but this is only the reason Wang Dehai used to delay the other party.
Including re-collection of resources, etc., is also dragging the little devil.
Sasuke nodded and said with a smile: “I know Wang Sang, the empire can wait in just a few days, please reply to you, President Su, so that he doesn’t have to worry too much, we completely trust you.”
Sasuke breathed a sigh of relief, it was only a few days, and they could wait.
And he also knows that Huayin Group is a large consortium after all, whether it is a capital link or a resource link, it involves a wide range of aspects, and a decision at the upper level often needs to involve many aspects.
Moreover, Huayin Group is also very thoughtful, and it is still thinking about their people.
Coupled with the sincerity of Wang Dehai’s words, even Sasuke added a lot of goodwill to Huayin Group for a while.
They may be businessmen, mercenary, but they are still very friendly to partners.
After receiving Wang Dehai’s affirmative answer, Sasuke left with confidence.
After returning, Sasuke reported the matter to the top management. Lin Xian was very satisfied with this and waited for Huayin Group to restore the supply of resources.
After sending Sasuke away, Wang Dehai also passed the matter back to Huayin Group.
After Su Yun read the telegram sent by Wang Dehai, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.
The little devil took the bait again this time.
Wang Dehai mentioned a lot of pits for the Western consortium before, and now he has resumed the supply of the second 280 batches of materials. It seems to be helping the island country to tide over the difficulties, but in fact, it is taking the opportunity to further occupy the island country’s market.
But the little devil’s army didn’t notice it, and instead happily agreed!
After putting down the telegram, Su Yun called Dong Cheng directly.
“Dong Cheng, prepare the second batch of goods. Wang Dehai has fully gained the trust of the little devil. This time, we will increase the volume of shipments and further advance the planning process.”
“Understood Mr. Su, the goods have already been prepared, and I will personally order it to let the people below carry it out for transportation!”
Dong Cheng’s tone was obviously excited.
For the past few days, their plans have been going very smoothly, and the little devil’s every move has not been able to escape their palms.
If it goes on like this, success is just around the corner.
After putting down the phone, Su Yun informed Nelson of the incident.
Dong Cheng passed on Su Yun’s instructions.
The second batch of industrial products was prepared very early. At this time, as soon as the subordinates received the order from the headquarters, they immediately began to ship them, and then shipped them to the island country one after another.
Within a day, ports across the island country entered another busy phase.
Workers at the port went back and forth to transport the goods sent by Huayin Group out of the port, and then the army personnel and the personnel of Huayin Group together transported these goods to various places.
Chapter 765: The Beginning of Industrial Dumping
The second batch of industrial products from Huayin Group finally entered the island country. After they were sent out from the port, these industrial products were sent to cheap markets everywhere.
The island nation’s military has issued a notice to the public before the goods arrive on the mainland.
Therefore, on the day when the market reopened, the markets in various places were crowded with people. The last time the fair market opened, many people only had time to snap up some supplies. After the market was closed, they all regretted it.
So this time, the enthusiasm of people from all over the island country is far more than the previous time!
Areas such as Kyoto and Osaka already have cheap markets. After the markets reopened, people in the cities, and even people in surrounding villages and towns, began to flock to the market.
In the streets and alleys of these places, you can see people carrying large and small bags to the cheap market to grab shopping supplies at any time.
“This time the affordable market is open, I can buy more supplies.”
“Yeah, last time the market was forcibly shut down by those bastard chaebols, and the government colluded with them, which made my life difficult for those few days.”
“Who said no, if I hadn’t grabbed a batch of supplies in advance, life would have been impossible. Our local prices are so high that no one can live.”
I even got my pockets this time, so I must buy some more to go home. ”
Conversations like this happened in the vicinity of the cheap market in every place, and the people all kept their minds after the lessons they had learned last time.
The cheap materials in the market are very important to them. Even with the guarantee of the military, everyone is afraid that the market will be shut down again, or the goods in it will be robbed.
Because of this, the Huayin parity market in various places has been crowded with people in the recent period of time.
The busyness inside is far better than when it was first opened.
Many shops and booths were crowded with people, and there were almost no queues at all—in order to grab shopping supplies as soon as possible, many people had already given up queuing and etiquette.
If you can get past the dense crowd, you will find that the shelves in the various shops or stalls in the market are always empty.
Because the speed of placing the goods is not even comparable to the speed of people’s rush to buy!
In this case, Huayin Group’s negative position in various marketsThe person in charge had to negotiate with the little devil’s military personnel and hire more temporary personnel from various places.
There are too many people who came to snap up things, and the people they originally hired were simply not enough.
In an affordable market in Osaka, an employee of Huayin Group walked out of the store one step at a time after a busy day.
Since early this morning, countless people have been flocking to the market to buy goods. The store he is in is a grain and oil store, and the business is so hot that it is terrifying.
This employee is in charge of stacking the goods. His duty is to move the rice, flour, grain and oil from the warehouse to the shelves for stacking.
But in the past few days, he has only been concerned about carrying the goods back and forth. As for the neatly arranged things, there is no such thing as the goods. As soon as the goods are put on the shelves, they will be snapped up by the people of the island country.
He has been in Huayin Group for a short period of time and his qualifications are still relatively low. This time he came to the island country is just an accidental opportunity. The young employee does not know the current situation of the island country.
After work, he found two old employees.
These two old employees know something, and they are his seniors.
“Brother Zhao, why do the people of these island countries come to us so crazy to buy things, don’t they have any goods to buy in their own countries~々?”
Brother Zhao was smoking a cigarette when he heard the words and said with a smile: “If you’re new here, you don’t understand anything.
I heard people say that the price of goods in the little devils has gone crazy now, their prices are three or four times higher than ours, and those islanders are just like us, just ordinary people, how can they afford such high prices s things.
This does not mean that we are cheap, just come to us to snap up. ”
“Oh, I see.”
The young staff nodded ignorantly.
He is also from an ordinary family, so he naturally knows what three or four times the price means.
But he doesn’t understand why prices in the island country have skyrocketed.
Su Yun just told the top management of the group about the plan, and the employees below did not know about it. Besides, most of them had no culture and could not understand such a big event.
In this regard, some employees have also asked the heads of the local markets, but these people in charge sent by Huayin Group are either not clear, and they are very secretive about this matter.
After the Huayin parity market reopened, the first round of panic buying lasted for several days.
In the future, although the market in various places did not have as much flow of people as when it first opened, there was still an endless stream of people from the island countries who came to buy things.
As the old employee said, they are ordinary people who are exhausted trying to fill their stomachs.
The price of local industrial products has risen three or four times, how can they afford it? Therefore, when people buy things in ordinary days, they also go to the cheap market to buy things.
The second batch of goods sold very smoothly, and the situation in the island country was quickly reported to the Huayin Group.
After learning that things were going well, Su Yun informed Nelson of the news, and the two met in Su Yun’s office.
At this time, Nelson was sitting on the sofa opposite Su Yun.
Like last time, the two also prepared champagne to celebrate.
For the first time, Su Yun successfully took advantage of the special circumstances of the island country to make their government and army stand on the same page, laying sufficient environmental conditions for the subsequent plan.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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