This time, Huayin Group successfully shipped the second batch of industrial products to the island country and successfully sold them.
From this point on, the financial harvest is even on the right track.
(With money) The first batch of sales can only be considered a trial at best.
Talking about the affairs of the island country, after the two communicated with each other, they raised the goblet in their hands at the same time.
Nelson looked at the bright wine in the glass, and said with joy: “‘Mr. Su, your company’s move has successfully entered the island country market.
This is an important step in our plan. From now on, we will be able to quickly occupy the island country’s market and then control the island country’s finance. All of this is due to your company and Mr. Su! ”
Nelson said, toasting to meet Su Yun.
At this time, he had already looked at Su Yun with admiration.
The financial plan for the island country was formulated by Su Yun, and the implementation of the subsequent plan was also implemented by Huayin Group.
In the process, their Western consortium spent almost no effort, and Nelson was very happy with the feeling of being close to enjoying the success.
Chapter 766: Let’s talk about cooperation again
After drinking the champagne in the glass, Nelson praised again: “Mr. Su is worthy of being a rare genius in the East. According to the East, there should be no one before and no one since.
Your plan has always kept the island country in the palm of your hand, but the guys from the island country don’t know anything about it, and they think they have taken advantage of it.
From now on, we can slowly let go of our hands and feet and enjoy this financial feast step by step. This is all thanks to your company. ”
There was a look of admiration in Nelson’s eyes.
Both are geniuses, and the gap between him and Su Yun is not that big.
At least for now, what Su Yun has done is like Haoyue and Liuying compared to his achievements.
But Nelson does not feel inferior.
On the contrary, Su Yun’s wisdom and achievements are motivating him, making him tense all the time. As a genius of the family, Nelson believes that he will one day be able to compete with Su Yun.
Su Yun waved his hand slightly, indicating to the attendant to fill up the wine glass.
“Mr. Nelson doesn’t have to praise me like this, there are many people in China who can plan this strategy, I just took advantage of the time and place..
For today’s success, Huayin Group has been preparing for a long time, and some people in China have also contributed a lot.
The little devil has now firmly believed in us for 280 years. It will not be long before we can completely control the finance of the island country and gain a lot of benefits in this financial struggle! ”
Su Yun’s words contain both modesty and some facts.
Despite the fact that Huayin Group’s plan has been going smoothly now, more than a year ago, Su Yun, Song Wen and others were racking their brains for this matter.
At that time, they did not directly think of harvesting the finance of the island country.
To a certain extent, the attack on the island country was also forced by the Western consortium at that time.
At that time, what Su Yun thought was just to transfer the contradiction.
But later, with the development of things and the addition of Fang Shanming and others, the plan for the island country has become more and more perfect, and Su Yun has the ambition to eat the finance of the island country.
In this process, Su Yun and others put in a lot of hard work.
Especially at that time, Huayin Group had to resist the economic invasion from Western consortiums. At that time, the entire Huayin Group was walking on thin ice.
Now that the tense period is over, it’s time to let go of his hands and feet!
Nelson also nodded, he knew the meaning of Su Yun’s words.
However, the two of them had a tacit understanding and did not clarify these words.
Now they are partners with Huayin Group, and the eight major consortiums are more concerned not about past grudges, but about the financial feast of the island country.
Now Huayin Group’s industrial products have begun to enter the island market, and it is progressing quite smoothly.
The people of the island country have already recognized their products, and now they only need to give them a little more time, and when they gradually increase the number of industrial products delivered, they can easily squeeze the local enterprises of the island country into bankruptcy!
By that time, even if their people, their government and military reacted, it would be too late.
The industrial products of Huayin Group and their Western consortium had already occupied their market at that time, and the local enterprises of the island country were in decline again. Even if the people of the island country wanted to resist, they did not have this condition.
After all, at that time, the entire island nation had to rely on them to supply light industrial products.
If the other party is not convinced, Huayin Group can cut off their supply of goods. Without daily necessities, without rice, noodles, grains and oils, the island nation will collapse completely within a period of time!
Su Yun naturally knew what Nelson was thinking.
This is the final part of their plan, and the two have communicated before.
Now the two sides only need to exchange a glance to understand each other’s meaning.
“Mr. Nelson, there is no need to worry about this matter. The economy of the island country is already in our pocket. Now we need to take it step by step and let them die invisibly!”
Nelson smiled knowingly when he heard the words, but his heart was shocked.
Su Yun’s words revealed ruthlessness and determination, and even he was slightly shocked by this temperament.
But Nelson didn’t show it, he raised the glass again and invited: “Then let us continue to work harder, and when the day of swallowing up the finances of the island country comes, I will definitely put the wine in person and invite Mr. Su to celebrate together! ”
“Hahaha, then it’s a matter of course!”
The two chatted freely and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.
After a glass of champagne, Nelson brought up another topic.
“Mr. Su, the cooperation with your company this time has allowed us to see your oriental wisdom and let us understand the strength of your company.
To tell you the truth, our eight major consortiums have discussed it a long time ago, and after this matter is over, we want to carry out further cooperation with you. ”
“Oh, Mr. Nelson, what do you mean?”
Su Yun came to be interested.
This idea, Nelson had never revealed before.
Nelson replied: “Many of our consortiums in the United States are operating in the field of shipbuilding, as well as in areas such as crude oil supply.
These two aspects are also one of the business areas of your company.
And we also heard that you have been cooperating with Britain before this, buying ships, oil, technology, etc. from them.
Mr. Su, according to our understanding, the Britons are a bunch of rude aristocrats. It is difficult to cooperate with them, right?
If you want, we can continue to cooperate in these areas. Although the US consortium also values ​​interests, it will definitely be much friendlier than the British aristocrats. ”
Nelson looked at Su Yun with a sincere expression and a hint of expectation at the same time.
They know the strength of Huayin Group.
To strive for cooperation in the fields of oil and ships is also the goal set by the eight major consortiums from the very beginning.
However, the cooperation between the two parties was not reached at that time. Locke and others thought that when they had eaten the finance of the island country, they would strike while the iron was hot to win the cooperation intention of Huayin Group.
Although they have not yet divided up the island nation’s finances, success is imminent.
Nelson made this request at the right time.
After listening to Nelson’s words, Su Yun began to think.
He had to say that he was quite interested in Nelson’s proposal.
Although they had cooperated with Britain several times before, what these “disrespectful nobles” did did not leave him a good impression.
As far as ships are concerned, the Britons have to use 5,000-ton freighters as a condition for coercion for an oil order.
And these Britons actually want to take advantage of this.
If it wasn’t for Su Yun’s tough attitude, he might have really understood their way.
Chapter 767: Expanding the business scope
Although the US consortium has not been in contact with him for a long time, and the two sides have had conflicts before, but business cooperation has never been based on grievances, but only on interests.
If the US consortiumIf they can give better cooperation conditions, Su Yun doesn’t mind cooperating with them.
After thinking about it, Su Yun asked, “Then, Mr. Nelson, will you be more polite than those British nobles?”
“Naturally, we are not those domineering and proud guys.”
The two said a joke, but the meaning was obvious.
Su Yun wants to strive for better cooperation conditions, and the eight major consortiums also want to win over the big player Huayin Group, so they will offer better conditions.
The two smiled at each other, and both understood their own thoughts.
After a few words, Shuangfang reached a preliminary consensus on cooperation.
However, Su Yun had to throw something out first to try the other party’s attitude.
It happened that Huayin Group had plans to go abroad, so Su Yun wanted to use this matter to test the sincerity of the eight major consortiums.
“To be honest, Mr. Nelson, we have encountered a little trouble recently. The scale of Huayin Group has been expanding, and we have recently wanted to go abroad for development.
And our first target is Hunshawaddy, which is Southeast Asia.
But Hongshawaddy is the territory of Britain. If we no longer cooperate with them, they will not let us in easily, so I hope you can provide us with some help. ”
At this time, the empire on which the sun never sets has not disintegrated, and Britain still has a vast sphere of influence around the world.
The Hunshawaddy that Su Yun mentioned is currently under the control of Britain.
If Huayin Group terminates its cooperation with Britain, the other party will definitely block Huayin Group and not allow Huaxia’s commercial forces to enter it.
But Su Yun knew that the major consortiums in the United States had forces infiltrating all over the world, and they should be able to give some solutions.
Sure enough, after listening to Su Yun’s words, Nelson didn’t care: “This is simple.
The British governor in Hunshawaddy is a very greedy guy, and our consortium in the United States has some relations with him. As long as the Huayin Group gives him some money to bribe him, this guy will not care about you.
And we can deal with it and help you to complete this matter. At that time, you can mine and use the resources of Hongshawaddy at will.
As for the local natives, no one would care about them. ”
Money can make ghosts run the mill, this saying is true everywhere.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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