For the British Governor who only cares about taking money, the eight major financial groups are still very easy to solve. Su Yun’s request is just a small effort.
If you can use this little thing to call the Huayin Group’s approval, the eight major consortiums will make a lot of money.
After Su Yun heard Nelson’s statement, he was very satisfied.
If that’s the case, then things will be fine.
The problem of money is not a problem. Although Huayin Group is only a small business, it still has a little bit of capital. In addition, there is a US consortium to deal with it. There should be no accident in Hongshawaddy.
Thinking of this, Su Yun raised the goblet full of champagne again.
“Then Mr. Nelson, we have a great time working together!”
“Happy cooperation!”
The two smiled knowingly, and both sides of the meeting that day parted happily.
After Nelson went back, he reported the meeting with Su Yun to the family, and John Locke reported the matter to the eight major consortiums.
After receiving the news, the people of the eight major consortiums were very happy.
Like Nelson, they were amazed at Su Yun’s ingenuity.
Since cooperating with Huayin Group, their eight major consortiums have hardly put much thought into it, and all the plans in the island country are made by Su Yun and Huayin Group.
And they only shipped some industrial products to Huayin Group, and then Huayin Group shipped them to the island country.
Even so, Su Yun and Huayin Group still do everything quite well.
In addition, another reason why the people of the eight major consortiums are also happy is that they successfully obtained the conditions for in-depth cooperation with Huayin Group.
When a group of patriarchs had a meeting before, Pierpont had stated to them the many benefits of cooperating with Huayin Group.
Now the financial harvest of the island country is just around the corner, and Huayin Group is about to become their partner. This is a double happiness for the eight major consortiums.
On this day, the people of the eight major financial groups held a brief meeting in the Locke family’s manor.
The content of the meeting was mainly about preparing to cooperate with Huayin Group and dividing up the finance of the island country in the future. Although the matter has not yet been officially confirmed, they need to prepare in advance.
Skirt ⒉⒉0⑤23①4⒐・
At the meeting, John Locke first put forward: “Everyone, now Huayin Group has begun to gradually control the island country’s market, and the division of the island country’s finance is imminent.
In this matter, Huayin Group has always contributed, and it is time for us to do something.
Our major families should start preparing related industrial products and prepare to occupy the island market. In addition, Huayin Group proposed to help them enter Hongshawaddy. We should also take action. ”
After listening to John Locke’s words, all the patriarchs nodded.
Carving up the finances of the island countries is related to their own interests. John does not need to say more about this. They will naturally take it seriously.
As for helping Huayin Group enter Hunshawaddy, they really should do some work.
Although the cooperation between the eight major consortiums and Huayin Group is based on interests, they cannot just let Huayin Group contribute. In order to maintain a long-term cooperative relationship, mutual benefit is necessary for both parties, and they must also show corresponding value.
this meetingThe content of the meeting was very brief. Strictly speaking, it was just a small preparatory meeting.
When the time comes to carve up the island nation’s finances, the eight major consortiums still need to conduct detailed and careful discussions. It concerns their own interests, and each consortium will naturally not easily compromise.
While affairs in the island country were proceeding smoothly, while the eight major consortiums in the United States were actively preparing for action, Su Yun also began to prepare another infrastructure project that he had planned for a long time, that is, communication construction.
At present, Huayin Group’s capital chain is very finely allocated, and the group cannot afford too much capital for communication construction.
But when they successfully eat the island country’s financial cake, they will have enough funds. Communication construction is a long-term and large-scale project, and Su Yun has to plan ahead.
Some time ago, Su Yun had been thinking about this matter.
Up to now, he has already figured out the preliminary framework for the construction of the communication project, and the rest is who should carry out the specific planning and construction.
Communication engineering belongs to the field of infrastructure, both now and in the future, it is an indispensable part of people’s life and the development of various fields.
Chapter 768: Communication Engineering Sets Sail
As a “come here”, Su Yun deeply knows how the development of the communication field will affect people’s life and overall development.
Especially in the field of people’s life, the development and construction of communication technology will greatly facilitate people’s life in the future, and even change the way of life of many people on a large scale.
Including some of my online activities at that time, it was essentially a change brought about by the development of information technology, but it was also closely related to the field of communication.
But now, the field of communication is still in its infancy, and Su Yun does not need to take care of that much for the time being.
After thinking about it, Su Yun decided to hand over the responsibility of construction planning in the field of communication to the Ministry of Life Basics, and let Cheng Si and others be responsible for specific planning and construction matters.
Picking up the phone at hand, Su Yun called the Basic Life Department and asked Cheng Si to come to the office.
Soon after, Cheng Si arrived.
“Two Eight Three”
After he entered the door, Su Yun couldn’t help looking at him up and down.
Cheng Si is worthy of being a disciple of Shao Wenjiao. Although his talent and ability are objectively inferior to Zhang Wenli, he is definitely not mediocre.
When entering the door, Su Yun noticed at a glance that Cheng Si’s face was more dignified and solemn, and his pace was much calmer when walking.
This is the performance of a person’s growth and progress.
Cheng Si was about the same age as him, but Su Yun remembered that when he put Cheng Si in charge of the construction of the supermarket, he was still very young.
But now, this greenness has disappeared a lot, replaced by a kind of prudence of a typical manager.
In addition, Su Yun has also learned that after the establishment of the Basic Living Department, it has already been on the right track under the management of Cheng Si. Now the Basic Living Department has already taken over the planning and management of infrastructure such as water and electricity, and all affairs are managed in an orderly manner. .
And all of this is inseparable from the efforts of Cheng Si and others.
After entering the door, Cheng Si said respectfully, “Mr. Su, are you looking for me?”
Su Yun stood up straight and invited Cheng Si to come over and sit down.
“What are you talking about, Brother Cheng? It’s just the two of us here. We don’t care about those arrogant etiquettes. If you do this, we will have a separation.”
Su Yun made a joke, and Cheng Si smiled.
“Ziwen, I don’t think this is in the company. It is more appropriate to use the official name.”
Su Yun waved his hand slightly, he didn’t pay much attention here.
He and Cheng Siben are friends, different from ordinary subordinates.
After talking about it, Cheng Si was no longer hypocritical. Since the last time he met with Cheng Si, the two hadn’t seen each other for a long time.
Therefore, the two first greeted each other, and only then did Su Yun talk about business.
“Brother Cheng, I called you this time because I want to hand over the communication engineering matters to your department.”
Saying that, Su Yun took out a document and handed it to Cheng Si.
This is a rough plan for the communication project that he has drawn up for several days.
After Cheng Si took it, he checked it out in detail.
During the inspection process, Cheng Si said calmly: “Ziwen, this project is a big move, involving the whole country, are you really ready?”
Cheng Si also understands the current situation of Huayin Group.
Although he doesn’t have an overview of the overall situation like Su Yun, he also knows that the capital chain up and down the group is now under stable control. If he suddenly joins the big communication project, it will bring a lot of burden to the group.
For ordinary people, these things should not be handled.
It’s just that Cheng Si and Su Yun have a deep friendship, so he asked one more question.
Su Yun didn’t care and explained: “Now we can complete the financial harvest of the island country immediately, and the group will naturally have enough energy and funds to complete this project.
The construction of the communication field requires the support of a large number of professional talents, and your life basic department has this condition. ”
The Ministry of Living Basics is responsible for the maintenance and management of hydropower facilities in various places. Whether it is the maintenance of water supply facilities or power supply facilities, professionals with relevant knowledge are required to operate.
Therefore, in terms of talent strength, the Basic Life Department is absolutely qualified.
This is also an important reason why Su Yun chose to hand over the communication project to Cheng Si.
Cheng thought for a while, nodded and said, “Since you have said so, Ziwen, then we will be responsible for this project.
After I go back today, I will order things to go on. ”
“Very good, then there is brother Lao Cheng.”
“Why did you say that, Ziwen, I am a member of the group, and I should share the worries for the group.”
Cheng Si was very happy this time, without any hesitation 0 ……
After several months of experience, he is no longer the fledgling Shao Wen disciple before. At that time, he had no management experience and was very concerned about manyLove doesn’t have enough confidence.
But now Cheng Si’s ability to take responsibility has made great progress, and his self-confidence has also increased significantly in the face of the tasks Su Yun handed him.
After leaving Su Yun’s office, Cheng Si immediately returned to the department.
After reading the preliminary plan Su Yun handed over to him several times, Cheng Si’s expression became more and more serious.
When he took on the task, he appeared confident.
But that didn’t mean that Cheng Si didn’t know the importance of this burden.
Although domestic communication methods such as telephones and telegrams have been developing, they are still relatively backward on the whole. It is definitely not an easy task for the group to carry out large-scale construction in the field of communication.
After thinking for a while by himself, Cheng Si called Zhan Yuanlai, the deputy manager of the department, to the office.
Zhan Yuanlai is the son of Zhan Ming. Compared with his father, the general manager of a cultural and educational company, Zhan Yuanlai can be said to be better than the blue.
Zhan Ming’s own talent is not mediocre, otherwise he would not be able to take the position of general manager of the cultural and educational company, but in Huayin Group, which is full of talents, Zhan Ming’s personal talent does not show much brilliance.
Perhaps it is for this reason that Zhan Ming has stricter requirements for Zhan Yuanlai.
Since joining Huayin Group, Zhan Ming has paid more attention to the training of his son. Under Zhan Ming’s 4.3 heart training and strict requirements, Zhan Yuanlai has indeed achieved outstanding achievements.
After graduating from middle school, Zhan Yuanlai went to the United States to study abroad and graduated from the Department of Economics and Management of a famous university in the United States.
Although his major is economic management, Zhan Yuanlai’s knowledge is far more than that.
He has a wide range of knowledge and has researched on Chinese and Western cultures. In his spare time during the university, Zhan Yuanlai also taught himself a variety of knowledge such as history, machinery, engineering and architecture.
In addition, Zhan Yuanlai also went outside to carry out various practical activities many times during the university, and applied the knowledge he had learned to reality.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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