After graduating from university, Zhan Yuanlai, although only about 20 years old, is already a top-notch talent who has learned both Chinese and Western, and is well-versed in the present.
Chapter 769: Circuit Transformation
And because of many practical activities, Zhan Yuanlai is not like some nerds, he only learned the knowledge of death.
After returning from his studies in the United States, Zhan Yuanlai joined Huayin Group on the recommendation of Zhan Ming. Now he and Cheng Si manage the basic life department together as the deputy manager of the department, responsible for all the daily affairs of the department.
Facts have proved that Zhan Yuanlai’s personal ability is indeed quite outstanding. Under his assistance and management, the basic life department is running in an orderly manner.
Even when Cheng Si first came, he got a lot of help from Zhan Yuanlai and got a lot of valuable advice.
Therefore, Cheng Si trusts Zhan Yuanlai very much. The two are almost the same age and have a good relationship in private.
“Brother Cheng, look for me.”
Entering the office, Zhan Yuanlai came to sit opposite Cheng Si.
Since the time they have worked together, the relationship between the two has been very harmonious. As long as no one else is present, there is no need to care about the red tape.
Cheng Si nodded and said, “I called you here this time to ask how the power facilities are being laid in various places, as well as the supply of domestic water in various cities. How are you doing recently?”
The main 09 of the Ministry of Living Basics is responsible for the supply and management of water and electricity in various places.
Of course, the assumption of power facilities does not require them to do it. This is the matter of the power company, and the Life Infrastructure Department is only responsible for management and maintenance.
However, they are directly responsible for the supply of domestic water and the construction of facilities.
Zhan Yuanlai replied: “Brother Cheng, don’t worry, I just made arrangements for this matter a few days ago. According to the staff report below, power facilities have been installed in major cities across the country, such as Jinling, Shanghai, and Beiping. Improvements to electrical facilities throughout the city have also been completed.
In terms of water supply, the supply of domestic water in major cities has also been completed, and the construction and maintenance of water supply facilities are proceeding quite smoothly.
However, some small and medium-sized cities are still under construction.
Brother Cheng, you also know that our country is very big, and the traffic conditions in many places are not good. It will take a long time to complete the comprehensive supply of water and electricity and other basic living conditions. ”
“Well, I understand this, you have done a very good job.”
Cheng Si’s face showed satisfaction.
Over the past few months, the staff and management staff across the department have been diligently busy.
With everyone’s joint efforts, the construction of hydropower supply in major cities across the country has proceeded quite rapidly. As for small and medium-sized cities and rural areas, the construction and improvement of hydropower facilities does take time.
These places are not comparable to big cities, and the development of basic conditions is inherently poor.
To complete the construction of hydropower facilities in a short period of time is completely impossible.
However, the supply of water and electricity is related to the daily life of the people, and it is also related to the overall development of the country.
In terms of water supply, Cheng Si is not worried.
This matter is the responsibility of their basic life department, just take it slow.
However, the improvement of power construction requires good communication with Huayin Electric Power Company, and the two parties need to cooperate closely in order to further improve efficiency.
Because the laying and perfection of all power lines are carried out by Huayin Electric Power Company, and the life basic department is responsible for making specific construction plans.
Different cities have different environments, different populations, and different levels of development.
The Ministry of Living Basics needs to take these aspects into consideration when planningsituation to build.
This is also done to facilitate later management.
Just like the bustling areas of cities and slums, the construction and management modes of the two are completely different.
Before Huayin Group intervened, there was no electricity in the slums, or the less prosperous areas in the city, but the current situation is different from the past.
After the establishment of the basic living department, the group and the department worked together and spent a lot of money and energy to set up the power supply lines in these places.
In today’s major cities, even in slums and those less prosperous areas, there is a stable supply of electricity.
In addition, Huayin Group has also carried out comprehensive optimization of power facilities in prosperous areas in the city, or those areas that are already energized, improving the power supply here.
These areas are already energized, but many lines were erected many years ago. After years of use, obvious damage and aging have occurred.
Huayin Group will update and upgrade these lines and facilities to further improve the stability of power supply in these areas.
In this regard, Huayin Group has also invested a lot of human and material resources.
You must know that after many years of use in the power supply lines in the bustling areas of the city, many lines have been artificially modified to be complicated and cumbersome.
In order to improve these lines, it is necessary to straighten out and order the messy lines, and also invest a lot of time and energy to test the lines in various places to determine the aging and damaged parts.
After this series of operations, the investment of Huayin Group is no less than that of setting up lines in slums.
In particular, the government also handed over the city’s infrastructure construction to Huayin Group for operation, such as electricity supply, tap water supply, etc. Currently, Huayin Group is responsible for all these matters.
The government only supervises and does not participate in any management and planning.
And these burdens will inevitably fall on the foundation of life.
As a result, there are more planning and management matters to be carried out by the 287 Life Basics Department, especially in terms of electricity, and the cooperation between them and the power company is also particularly important.
The two departments need to take into account each other in order to ensure the smooth progress of the construction of facilities in various places.
Cheng Si asked Zhan Yuanlai again: “Has the planning department issued a corresponding plan for the construction of hydropower?”
Water and electricity supply belong to the basic supply of life, all detailed planning is carried out by the basic living department, but the planning department will be responsible for giving a general plan.
In addition to water and electricity supply, for all other projects carried out within the company, the planning department will only give a general plan, and the detailed plan requires each department. The internal improvement of each subsidiary is carried out.
After all, each project has a corresponding department in charge, and the planning department only understands the general situation, not to mention the staffing of each department, the efficiency of operation, the ability of managers and employees, and even the subtle differences in the management model will affect the specificity of each project. progress.
It is impossible for the planning department to take all of these things into consideration.
Zhan Yuanlai got up and said, “Yes, I’ll get it right away.”
Saying that, Zhan Yuanlai went back to his office, took out the plan from the planning department from the drawer, and then folded it back and handed it to Cheng Si.
Cheng Si took over the plan and began to examine it in detail.
Chapter 770: The Song Family’s Sponsorship
In this plan, although the Planning Department did not give a detailed plan, it took into account the differences between regions and cities.
And the progress of the project given by them is also very reasonable, in line with the overall situation of the current life basic department and the group.
“Yes, the next project can be carried out according to this plan.”
Cheng Si smiled and was very satisfied with the plan.
Although the planning department only gave a general planning plan, it is obviously carefully measured, and they don’t need to spend much effort to perfect it.
Zhan Yuanlai nodded: “Understood, when I go back, I will notify the people below to do the same.”
However, Zhan Yuanlai also had some ideas in his heart.
Although the planning department’s plan was well done, it didn’t take into account too many details. It was not his style for Cheng Si to make this decision so easily.
No matter what he did before, he always strived for perfection.
But this time, Cheng Si didn’t seem to have such thoughts.
Cheng Si noticed the change in Zhan Yuanlai’s expression, smiled and said, “Don’t think too much, we will do more important things next.”
Saying that, Cheng Si took out the preliminary plan that Su Yun gave.
“Before you came, President Su called me to the office and told me that our group was about to start a battle in the construction of communication engineering.
This is a big project involving the whole country, and Su Yun entrusted this burden to us.
So we will devote most of our energy to the construction of communications in the future.
After today, I will inform all the staff of the department about this matter. At that time, we will make a detailed formulation according to the preliminary plan given by President Su, and we will also be responsible for the construction of communication facilities in various places.
This matter may be more important than the erection of hydropower facilities. ”
At present, the basic construction of water supply and power supply networks in major cities across the country has been completed, and the maintenance of lines in various places has also been carried out smoothly.
The remaining work is mainly some post-operation and maintenance.
However, the communication project has just started. For such a large-scale project, the preparation and investment in the early stage will have a great impact on the progress of the construction in the middle and later stages.
Cheng Si knew that they could not be sloppy.
Seeing Cheng Si handing over the document, Zhan Yuanlai reached out and took it.
As he looked at the contents, there was a hint of astonishment on his face.
“But Brother Cheng, our department has always been only responsible for the planning, maintenance, operation and other affairs of related projects. President Su gave us the full authority to handle this matter.It was also handed over to us~々? ”
Zhan Yuanlai didn’t change his mind.
Although the Basic Living Department is responsible for various basic projects, before that, they were only responsible for the operation and maintenance of facilities such as water and electricity, as well as the planning and improvement before the construction of the project.
As for the specific engineering construction, such as the erection of circuits in various places, it has always been handed over to the power company to be responsible.
Cheng Si explained: “It’s not what you think, Mr. Su means that we will be responsible for the communication project, but we do not undertake some simple line erection.
Just like the basic work of erecting telephone lines in various places after the project starts, we can communicate with the power company and let them take charge of this matter.
But when it comes to technical things, such as the construction of radio stations, non-professionals are not competent for these jobs.
So these technical things will be handled by us.
After the construction of various facilities, we are still responsible for the later management and maintenance of the facilities in various places. ”
“That’s it, I understand.”
Zhan Yuanlai nodded. Compared with the electric power company, the life basic department has more technical talents, and the construction of the communication field is in need of professional technical talents.
Most of the people in the power company are grassroots workers who don’t know much about communication technology, so the work related to technology must be done by their basic living department.
As for the later period, the maintenance of communication facilities in various places will also be the responsibility of the relevant technical personnel.
The reason is very simple. If there is a problem with the communication somewhere, such as the equipment of the radio station is damaged, or the line is damaged, etc., it also needs professional technicians to repair.
Ordinary people do not understand the principles of various communication facilities and cannot do this.
After learning about the group’s intentions, Zhan Yuanlai immediately returned to his office.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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