That afternoon, Cheng Si held a plenary meeting in the department to announce the task given by Su Yun to the department members.
At the meeting, Cheng Si made it clear that everyone should focus on the construction of the communication field. As for some hydropower projects that are still in progress, special personnel will be dispatched to manage and maintain them.
In this way, the entire department can better free up manpower and physics, and shift the focus of work to the field of stealing communications.
While the construction in the field of communication was carried out, Huayin Group made new moves.
At the end of the state banquet for the German advisory group, Su Yun asked Wu Si to inform Song Wen, asking the Song family to join Huayin Group in a charitable donation activity for Taoism, traditional Chinese medicine, sports and other fields.
From that night, three days later, Huayin Group officially sent someone to submit an invitation letter to the Song family.
Song Wen naturally complied with the promise and stood on the side of Huayin Group.
Until recently, the preparation process for this charity event has ended, and a series of activities of the Song Family and Huayin Group have officially begun.
On this day, Song Wen held a press conference in Huayin Plaza.
The content of this conference will be oriented to the whole country, mainly to indicate that the Song family will, together with Huayin Group, follow the footsteps of Huayin Group to sponsor large-scale domestic Taoism, sports, traditional Chinese medicine and other fields.
A few days before the press conference, Song Wen ordered people to spread the news to various places and invited well-known newspapers in Jinling City to attend.
The Song family is also a top family in the country, and the major newspapers (of promises) will naturally not miss this news.
Early in the morning on the day of the press conference, reporters from newspapers and newspapers in Jinling City all came to Huayin Square, waiting for the press conference to be held.
At the Huayin Square at this time, Song Wen had ordered people to remove all the debris on the square and the surrounding area in advance, and placed a microphone table in front of the square, making the final preparations for the press conference.
As a landmark building in Jinling City, Huayin Square has become a somewhat legendary place in the hearts of the people.
Since Su Yun held a press conference here to disclose the affairs of Huayin Group and Dongjiang Group to the public, this place has been tacitly regarded as a “sacred place”.
From that day on, every person with status in Jinling City will hold a press conference here.
The city hall also attaches great importance to this and dispatches special personnel to maintain the surrounding environment of the square.
Chapter 771: The Song Family’s Performance Moment
On weekdays, the Huayin Square does not prohibit people from entering, but every morning and evening, people hired by the city hall will come to clean the square.
In addition, some facilities and flowers and plants around the square will be regularly maintained and trimmed.
But this time, Song Wen specially ordered to let the people of the Song family clean up the possible debris around the square, and even after the servants of the Song family finished cleaning the square, they even came to inspect it in person.
Song Wen knew in his heart that this press conference was related to the future honor of the Song family.
Therefore, he paid great attention to it.
As time went by, reporters from major newspapers gathered more and more, and the people around the square, as well as people from other parts of the city, came one after another.
Some people who were far away also rushed here, wanting to come and join in the fun.
In addition to the common people and reporters, many government officials, as well as the elites of the society, as long as they have nothing on their hands, also came to the square to participate in the press conference.
These people, Song Wen did not deliberately notify them, but Song Wen is now the Minister of Finance, and the Song family is a top family, and they are definitely prominent in Jinling City.
Song Wen made this matter so grand, people in the upper circle naturally wouldn’t ignore it.
The morning passed quickly, and there were already many people around Huayin 290 Square. Among these people were high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen, newspaper reporters, and more people in the city.
At eight or nine in the morning, Song Wen’s vehicle finally appeared in everyone’s sight.
Some commoners and upper-level elites couldn’t help but look into the distance, and many reporters immediately grabbed a favorable position so that they could get the opportunity to interview in advance.
The reason why so many people paid attention to this conference is not only the background of the Song family itself, but also related to Huayin Group.
Everyone from the upper and lower levels knows that the Song family has always had a close relationship with Huayin Group, and people in the upper circle also know that Song Wen has an intersection with Huayin Group in many matters.
What’s more, when Song Wen spread the news, he also stated that today’s press conference was to promote the upcoming charity event, and this charity was jointly carried out by the Song family and Huayin Group.
Amid the attention of countless people, Song Wen’s vehicle drove all the way to the front of the square.
After getting off the bus, Song Wen went straight to the set up case.
After some polite speeches, Song Wen began to get to the point.
Facing the crowd, he said loudly: “Dear fathers and compatriots, today Song is holding this press conference to show everyone that in the near future, the Song family will follow Huayin Group to conduct domestic Taoism, sports, and traditional Chinese medicine. Sponsorship in a range of cultural fields.
Huayin Group took the lead in organizing this event, and the Song family will spare no effort to support it. ”
“Sorry Minister Song, can I interrupt!”
Before Song Wen could finish speaking, a reporter in front of him asked aloud.
Song Wen didn’t care either: “Is there any problem?”
The reporter asked loudly: “Minister Song, you mentioned just now that the Song family will follow Huayin Group, I would like to ask what this statement means?
The Song family is also a top family in China. Why should they follow Huayin Group instead of raising this event on their own? ”
As soon as the reporter’s words came out, many people around looked at Song Wen with strange eyes.
In this case, this question is undoubtedly very acute.
Many people, especially some people from the upper classes, are shaking their heads secretly. This is obviously because someone is putting eye drops on Song Wen, insinuating that Song Wen and his Song family are nothing but scumbags.
To put it bluntly, now that Huayin Group is developing and prospering, Su Yun and Huayin Group are powerful, and the Song family has publicly stated that they want to follow?
You Song Wen also had a good relationship with Huayin before. Why didn’t you make a public statement at that time?
Song Wen also knew the meaning of these words, but he did not get angry because of it, but asked the reporter indifferently: “Why do you ask the Song family to follow Huayin? Then I want to ask, what’s wrong with the Song family following Huayin Group? okay?
Saying that, Song Wen raised his head slightly and faced forward.
“Everyone (ajed) knows that Huayin Group has been contributing to the country and the people since its inception, which is what all the common people see.
Now that the Song family chooses to follow Huayin Group, they just want to do their part for the country.
Some people use this to insinuate my Song family. Is it not a good thing for the Song family to make some contributions to the country? Or is it that some people are not used to it and do not allow our Song family to do our part for the country and the nation? ”
“Yes, yes, that’s true.”
“The Song family is not a vicious family, and it is not a bad thing for them to contribute to the country.”
Song Wen’s words caused everyone in the square to start talking in a low voice.
So far, although the Song family’s reputation among the people is not very good, it is true that they have not done anything that hurts the world like the Kong family.
In the face of Song Wen’s rhetorical question, the reporter just now was speechless for a while.
Song Wen’s words can be said to be watertight. If he asks more insistently, he will be suspected of deliberately finding fault.
Seeing the reporter shut up, Song Wen spoke again: “Song does not consider himself to be a sage, but our Song family is also from China.
In the past two years, our Song family, Huayin Group, and their president Su Yun have also had a lot of intersections. Song has witnessed more than once that Mr. Su has worked hard and exhausted to revitalize the country.
During this period, he and Huayin Group also experienced many twists and turns, but they still persevered, worked tirelessly, and always put the country and the nation in their hearts.
The Song family received the country’s favor, but for many years he did not contribute to the country and the nation.
Today, the Song family is developing well, and there is a surplus of financial and material resources, and it is time to repay the motherland.
The patriotic meaning of Huayin Group is seen by the whole country, and the reason why my Song family follows Huayin is to follow the spirit of Huayin and make a contribution to the country and the nation. ”
Most of Song Wen’s words are sincere.
He said this not only to refute some guys who gave him eye drops, but also to reveal some of his feelings to the outside world.
Song Wen believes that he is not a good person. As far as the common people are concerned, the Song family has exploited them all these years, but Song Wen still loves the whole country and nation very much.
Otherwise, he would not have lifted the commissioned table because of this.
Song Wen’s voice fell, and there was applause and cheers around the square.
Many people couldn’t help but tsk tut in admiration.
“I never thought that the Song family also has a patriotic heart. If this is the case, we may have misunderstood the Song family.”
“I thought that the Kong family and the Song family were just a group of villains who only knew how to oppress the people and suck blood on us. But now, maybe the Song family is different from the Kong family.”
Chapter 772: Heavyweight
“Minister Song said it well. If the Song family can work with Huayin Group to serve the country, it will be a blessing for the country.”
While the people cheered and praised, there were some expressions of admiration and anticipation in their eyes.
These words of Song Wen were criticized by the people in the upper circlesAfter hearing it, they may disagree. It’s just a scene, and they have experienced a lot.
But ordinary people have different ideas.
He’s short-sighted and poorly cultured, all right, but they’re not stupid either.
Song Wen announced this kind of thing in front of so many people today, no matter if it’s hypocrisy or sincere for the country, he has to show some looks in the future, right?
From this point of view alone, there are essential differences between the Song family and the Kong family.
At the juncture of the people’s admiration, a commotion suddenly appeared behind the crowd.
“Look, everyone, it’s from Huayin Group! It seems that the person at the head seems to be Dong Cheng, one of Huayin’s vice presidents! Are they here to prove it to the Song family?”
As many people exclaimed, many people in the square looked back.
At the same time, some surrounding reporters rushed through the crowd and ran towards the direction of Dong Cheng and his party.
As a result, as soon as Dong Cheng and others entered the square, they were surrounded by a group of reporters.
On weekdays, Dong Cheng doesn’t appear in front of the public very much. Even if he sees him in the newspapers, he is basically only in the group activities of Huayin Group.
Therefore, for ordinary people, Dong Cheng’s presence is somewhat inferior to Wu Si and others.
However, the reporters knew that Dong Cheng was the real core figure in Huayin Group. Even though he was usually indifferent, he, like Wu Si and others, was also Su Yun’s right-hand man.
Anyone who knows the history of Huayin Group knows that Dong Cheng, Liang Hui, Fang Mingshan, Wu Si and others are all veterans of Huayin Group.
They have worked hard with Su Yun since the establishment of Huayin Group, and their qualifications are at the top of the entire group.
What’s more, Dong Cheng himself has absolute talent, and now he is the vice president of the group, and his status is detached.
Even aside from his role as vice president, Dong Cheng’s previous position was quite important.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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