Purchasing department manager, this position does not seem to be a high-profile position to ordinary people. Compared with the planning department and the personnel department, the purchasing department seems to be less atmospheric and more tacky.
But those who really understand this know that this position is a serious job.
The manager of the purchasing department of Huayin Group is not a guy who buys vegetables in a tavern. All kinds of materials used by the group, year-end benefits for employees, including the purchase of some items for ordinary festivals, must pass through Dong Cheng.
Judging from the current size of Huayin Group, these things often involve hundreds of millions of funds.
In the process, if Dong Cheng wanted to get some oil and water, he could make a lot of money casually.
It’s just that Dong Cheng doesn’t usually do these things.
But this also shows Su Yun’s trust in Dong Cheng. The daily cost of Huayin Group’s large and small goods and supplies must be passed from the purchasing department manager. If Su Yun did not trust Dong Cheng, how could he let him sit on the table? in this seat?
The core of the group, Su Yun’s confidant, the vice president of Huayin, and Dong Cheng’s rare appearances added a legend to him as a group veteran out of thin air.
Therefore, when countless reporters faced Dong Cheng, they all seemed very fanatical.
Usually they don’t have the chance to contact Dong Cheng, but now they finally have the opportunity. If Dong Cheng can reveal some of his thoughts, this news will definitely be more explosive than Wang Dehai’s counterattack!
“Vice President Dong, are you here this time to prove it to the Song family?”
“Mr. Dong, can you tell us about your development in Huayin Group over the years, and what are your plans for the future?”
“Vice President Dong, will the Song family really cooperate with Huayin Group for charity? Is this a pretext or is it true? Can you give an accurate answer?”
“With your talent, will you stand on your own in the future?”

Dozens of reporters surrounded Dong Cheng chatting, constantly asking various questions.
At this moment, many reporters don’t care about what is appropriate or not, and ask all kinds of sharp, gentle, reasonable or unreasonable questions.
In fact, their purpose is only one, as long as Dong Cheng accidentally broke some amazing news, they can make a lot of money!
At the beginning, Dong Cheng didn’t pay much attention to it.
Skirt ⒉⒉0⑤23①4⒐・
He came here today to help Song Wen and the Song family get their names right, which was also Su Yun’s advice.
But those reporters were like flies. Even if Dong Cheng walked forward without saying a word, they still persevered and kept asking questions along the way.
Until Dong Cheng came to the front of the crowd, the reporters still had no intention of leaving.
It was only at this point that Dong Cheng waved his hand to signal them to be quiet.
When the reporters saw it, they all closed their mouths.
Only then did Dong Cheng get out of the siege of reporters, and said to everyone: “First point, about some of my personal questions, I hope everyone will stop asking them.
Secondly, some of you suspect that the Song family is following the trend. Today’s press conference is just a hype, but what I want to tell you is that the Song family is not as bad as you think. ”
…… 0
When everyone heard this, they couldn’t help but look at Song Wen, and then continued to look at Dong Cheng.
Dong Cheng continued: “I know that in the eyes of the elders, the Song family’s reputation is actually not good, and many of you think that the Song family also exploits the people, and it is no different from the Kong family.
But everyone has misunderstood. We Huayin Group have a lot of intersections with the Song family. We can tell you very clearly that the Song family was only affected by the Kong family before.
Many people say that the evil deeds of the Song family are actually allIt was made by the Kong family.
It’s just that the Song family and the Kong family were closer at that time, and many people who didn’t know what they were inside added some evil things to the Song family. ”
“It turns out that we were reckless.”
“Mr. Dong seems to be right. Although the Song family is not a good family, they have not done any heinous things.”
“Well… our attitude towards the Song family seems to be a little extreme.”
Some people with active brains immediately began to think and discuss.
Song Wen’s words and deeds before have changed everyone’s impression of the Song family to a certain extent.
Now Huayin Group has sent Dong Cheng to rectify the name of the Song family in the name of the group, which has shaken many people’s views on the Song family.
Song Wen also sighed slightly on stage.
He knew that this was also what Su Yun meant.
Huayin Group sent an important role like Dong Cheng to come to support, just to cooperate with itself and change the image of the Song family in the hearts of the people in one fell swoop.
Chapter 773: The Reputation Returns
When everyone’s discussion gradually subsided, Dong Cheng said again: “Minister Song once said that this charity event was done by the Song family following Huayin Group.
But that’s just the humble words of Minister Song. ”
After saying that, Dong Cheng greeted Song Wen slightly, and then said to everyone: “This time Huayin Group sponsors domestic sports, Taoism, Chinese medicine and other charitable activities. The original idea was proposed to us by the Song family.
Therefore, at the beginning, the Song family took the lead in this matter, but Huayin Group was regarded as a domestic business giant, and was strongly supported by compatriots from all over the country, so it was the first to announce this matter to the outside world.
In order to give back to the support of our compatriots, the group decided to play a big role in this charity event.
In the future, we will donate 75 million Chinese dollars to sponsor the development of various industries in China, and hope that our “290” summer culture in China can be carried forward and prosperous! ”
“Good! Long live Huayin Group!”
“With the support of Huayin Group, our country’s culture will definitely be more prosperous!”
“Huayin is worthy of being a representative of patriotic businessmen, always thinking of the country.”
“It seems that this move by the Song family is not an act of pretense. They sincerely want to work with Huayin Group to contribute to the country and the nation.”
“Yeah, we can’t slander the Song family anymore, it’s that Fatty Kong who has done all the bad things!”
After Dong Cheng’s publicity, countless people in the square cheered and applauded for this move of Huayin Group.
It is true that Huayin Group took the lead in publicizing the charity activities. This was the news that the people got a few days ago, but at that time, everyone did not expect that it was because of the Song family.
At this time, Dong Cheng had come to stand beside Song Wen.
The two looked at the countless people and reporters cheering in the audience, and gestured to each other.
The two sides had already reached a tacit agreement on this matter. Dong Cheng’s words just now were naturally for the people to listen to, and the purpose was to raise the Song family, which was what Su Yun had ordered a long time ago.
Song Wen was also very clear in his heart, and gave Dong Cheng a grateful glance.
When the voices of the people in front gradually subsided, Song Wen stepped forward and said solemnly: “The Huayin Group has made a statement, and my Song family will not fall behind.
It’s just that the Song family’s financial resources are not as good as that of Huayin Group, but in order to show our determination to contribute to the country, the Song family still decided to spend 30 million Chinese yuan to support the development of various industries in China together with Huayin Group.
I hope that the traditional Chinese culture of China will be revived as soon as possible and will create greater glories. Please witness it together! ”
As Song Wen’s voice fell, the deafening applause sounded again.
Countless people looked at Song Wen and Dong Cheng, who were standing side by side, and were pleasantly surprised by the kindness of the Song family.
It seemed that they had indeed wrongly blamed the Song family before.
The Song family donated less than Huayin, which is normal. After all, the financial strength of Huayin Group is not comparable to that of the Song family.
The important thing is that the charity of the Song family is not empty words, but sincere.
What’s more, 30 million Chinese yuan is a huge sum of money.
Surrounded by people and reporters, the press conference of the day ended successfully.
From the afternoon of that day, the Song family cooperated with Huayin Group to hold charitable activities with huge sums of money, and the support for the development of domestic sports, traditional Chinese medicine and Taoism gradually spread among the common people.
Jinling City was the first to be covered by this news.
“Have you seen the press conference in the morning, Mr. Dong Cheng, the vice president of Huayin Group, went to the scene in person, and together with Minister Song proposed to hold a charity event in public.
Let me tell you, the Song family is not what we usually think. ”
“I also went to the press conference. The Song family took 30 million and came out. They are sincere and patriotic, different from those guys who only shout slogans.”
“According to what the two of you said, do we usually blame the Song family?”

Such remarks were widely circulated in Jinling City at first, and then spread out of Jinling City and slowly spread to the surrounding areas.
At the same time, broadcasts from all over the country began to spread the matter.
After people from all over the world got the news, their impression of the Song family changed a lot.
In the past, many people thought that the Song family was just like those families and chaebols, who only knew how to arbitrarily squeeze the people and make money.
But after the news spread, many people’s thoughts gradually changed.
Maybe they really misunderstood the Song family. After all, this news is not groundless. Huayin Group personally testified for the Song family, so many people, reporters, and people from the upper classes were watching!
When the news among the people was widely circulated, newspapers and newspapers in Jinling City began to speak out for the Song family one after another.  …
After the press conference, the reporters who were present on the same day reported the matter to the editor and the president as soon as they reported the matter to the editor, and quickly sorted the matter into news.
Newspapers are reporting on thisAt the same time, he is also whitewashing the Song family.
A number of newspapers in Jinling even jointly published the news that among the compatriots in the country, many people think that the Song family is like some vicious family, and they are heinous and only know how to exploit the people.
Little do they know that most of the Song family’s notoriety is due to the Kong family.
The Confucius and Song families were always related by marriage, and from Fatty Kong to the Confucius family, they were all arrogant and domineering.
Because of this, many compatriots misunderstood the Song family and mistakenly believed that the evil things were done by the Song family. In the future, my Chinese compatriots should keep their eyes open, not be deceived by rumors, and give the Song family a clean reputation.
The remarks published by these newspapers were naturally instructed by Huayin Group.
Su Yun had promised the Song family that he would help them restore their reputation. Now that Song Wen has held a press conference and clarified it in front of the public, Su Yun will of course keep his promise and help the Song family in terms of public opinion.
But there is also a basis for these remarks to be published.
If Song Wen did not hold a press conference and did not make charitable actions, these 4.3 kinds of remarks would become rootless duckweed.
But now the facts are in front of them. Through the press conference, many people knew that the Song family was sincere for the country. In this way, the explanation by the press was quite convincing.
The public opinion in the outside world gradually spread, and Song Wen himself was not idle.
On the afternoon of the day the press conference was held, Song Wen returned to the headquarters of the Song Group and ordered someone to inform all the senior management of the group and hold a high-level plenary meeting.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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