After receiving the notice, the management of Song Group hurried to the conference hall.
The news conference in the morning was not small, and these high-level officials of the Song Group would not fail to hear the news. The moment they received the notice, they knew that the president was going to make a big move.
Therefore, everyone did not dare to neglect them, put down their chores one by one, and rushed to the conference hall to wait.
Chapter 774: Huayin Group – Has Become a Standard!
After waiting for everyone to come, Song Wen walked in from outside the hall.
After asking the secretary to confirm the presence of the people, Song Wen saw that everyone had arrived, and immediately started the meeting.
“I called everyone here today to promulgate a series of new measures of the group. After these measures are promulgated, all departments of the group and the subsidiaries below must start implementing them immediately, and no one must make mistakes!”
When everyone heard it, they immediately listened attentively.
Although Song Wen’s meetings are usually very serious, there are very few times when they are so decisive.
Seeing everyone’s awe-inspiring attitude, Song Wen was slightly satisfied.
Immediately, he took a document from the secretary, glanced at it, and said in person: “The new reform measures are as follows:
The first point is that from now on, all employees in all industries under the Song family’s name will receive a comprehensive increase in their salaries, and the minimum monthly salary of employees shall not be less than five Chinese yuan! ”
“This is too…”
“Mr. Song, isn’t this too high?”
As soon as Song Wenhuayin landed, there was a commotion among a group of managers present at the meeting.
Song Wen raised his head and glanced at them: “Do you have any opinions?”
A manager hesitated: “Mr. Song, I have no opinion. Is it just that the salary is a bit too high? The previous workers’ salary was only about half of this time.”
The rest of the managers also nodded when they heard the words.
The value of Huayuan is about twice that of the ocean, that is to say, the purchasing power of one Huayuan today is comparable to that of two oceans in the past.
And five Huayuan is equivalent to ten oceans!
This salary is comparable to the minimum salary of Huayin Group.
Before Huayuan was not in circulation, the minimum salary of some employees in factories under the Huayin Group’s name was about 12 yuan per month. Converted to Huayuan, it was six Huayuan.
The workers in the industries under the Song family’s name, like the workers in other ordinary factories in the society, have a salary level of about five or six yuan per month, which is two to three yuan.
Now Song Wen directly stipulates that the minimum salary is raised to five Huayuan, which is almost equivalent to doubling it.
Song Wen ignored everyone’s surprise and said, “This matter has already been decided, so let’s do it!”
Then Song Wen added: “Second point, employees in all industries of the Song family must have other benefits in addition to the basic salary.
Employees whose attendance reaches the standard will have full attendance bonuses, and performance bonuses will also be issued for each stage of work tasks that meet the standards.
In addition, from now on, all industries must implement an eight-hour work system, with two days off each week. If employees work more than eight hours a day, they will have to pay extra for overtime.
For every hour beyond normal working hours, overtime pay shall be calculated at 1.5 times the original basis.
If an employee has to work overtime on weekends due to urgent tasks, it will also be calculated as double the salary on the basis of the basic salary.
During important festivals such as Mid-Autumn Festival, Spring Festival and Qingming Festival, all departments, companies and manufacturers must give employees corresponding holidays. If employees work overtime voluntarily, or have to work overtime due to work tasks, they must also pay double wages!
In addition to salary benefits, all employees in the industry are required to pay rent subsidies and meal subsidies! ”
Listening to Song Wen saying this, the managers in the hall were almost stunned.
How can these welfare benefits sound like the shadow of Huayin Group? Does Mr. Song want everything to follow the standards of Huayin Group?
After all, they have never heard of overtime pay and double wages on holidays before. These measures are unique to the Huayin Group.
Song Wen seemed to see through everyone’s thoughts and said solemnly: “You guys think well, these benefitsThe system is to follow the example of Huayin Group!
Only by being humane enough for the employees can the employees work for us sincerely and the development of the group can flourish. Huayin Group has already set an example for us!
Of course, our financial resources are not comparable to Huayin Group, and many benefits, such as room and board, additional wages, etc., cannot be compared with Huayin Group, but at least the basic rights and interests of employees must be guaranteed.
All kinds of subsidies, all holiday benefits, including sickness subsidies, etc. must be available! ”
Song Wen said and gestured to the secretary.
The secretary nodded slightly, picked up a stack of documents on the table and began to distribute them to everyone.
After the documents were distributed, Song Wen said: “The specific reform measures and welfare standards have already been drawn up, and you should follow the above terms immediately after you go back.
In the future, if someone violates the terms privately and treats employees harshly, once found, they will be severely punished! ”
Song Wen’s every word is very firm.
This time, Song Group’s internal reforms, especially in terms of employee salaries and daily benefits, were carried out in accordance with the Huayin Group’s model.
In the past, the Song family, like other businessmen, did not pay attention to the personal rights and interests of employees, and exploitation was a daily thing.
But now the situation is different. If the Song family wants to restore their reputation, it is not enough to just do charity and change the views of the people.
The entire Song Group must change the working and living environment of its employees from top to bottom. Only in this way can the Song family get rid of the hats of “exploiters” and “capitalists” and truly establish a family image of patriotism and goodness.
But Song Wen understands this, but the management here don’t quite understand it.
Their thinking is still typical businessman thinking and exploitative thinking, and for a while they could not accept Song Wen’s actions293.
Faced with these new reforms and systems, a group of people stared at each other, and at the same time they were very shocked.
A manager couldn’t help but get up and said: “But Mr. Song, if we follow these regulations you issued, we will have to spend several times more on the wages and benefits of employees.
The entire Song Group is so big, if every industry is like this, our interests will probably plummet a lot! ”
Song Wen looked at the manager, waved his hand and said, “You don’t need to worry about this matter, I care about it myself.”
Hearing the words, the man stopped talking and sat down silently.
Song Wen didn’t know in his heart that if he did this, the group would earn a lot less profit.
But compared to the long-term reputation of the family, this current interest is nothing at all, and it is not that they do not make money, they just make less money.
Huayin Group asked the Song family to participate in charity, that is, it had already set up the stage for him. At the press conference, Su Yun asked Dong Cheng to come to join in, which was equivalent to giving him the opening remarks.
Even in terms of public opinion, Huayin Group has given sufficient guidance.
If at this time he does not make rectifications from within the family and completely change the image of the Song family from the inside out, the family’s whitewashing plan will be in vain.
Chapter 775: Fame Change
After the meeting that day, the management of Song Group returned to their posts and began to implement the regulations promulgated by Song Wenxin.
These new regulations, benefits, and salary increases for employees were carried out very quickly. Under Song Wen’s personal supervision, various industries under the Song Group’s name completed comprehensive reforms in just a period of time.
While carrying out internal reforms, the Song family also began to negotiate with major newspapers to let them report the matter to the public.
During this period of time, the outside world’s major newspapers and the public have been promoting the Song family’s participation in charitable activities. These internal reform measures of the Song family have attracted the attention of countless people.
Under the instigation of the Song family, many newspaper reporters began to conduct investigations and interviews within the Song Group.
The reporters asked the employees of the Song Group, and they got the corresponding answers.
Immediately, Jinling said that various newspapers began to report on the matter. Several newspapers compiled the internal reforms of the Song Group into news, and attached some photos of the industries under the Song Group’s name.
“In recent days, the Song Group, under the leadership of its chairman Song Wen, has begun to carry out a series of reforms in the industries under its name, among which the reforms in employee salaries and benefits are the most notable.
Today’s Song Group has greatly increased the salaries of employees, making employees’ salaries double the original, and implemented a holiday overtime pay system to provide employees with benefits such as food and lodging.
Such measures have been fully implemented under the personal supervision of the owner Song Wen, and the internal appearance of the Song Group has taken on a new look! ”
Below such reports, some specific welfare measures of the Song Group are also attached.
For example, weekends are closed, holidays must be taken off, overtime during holidays is doubled, and employees’ wages are doubled, and so on.
For the past few days, newsboys have been hawking news in the streets and alleys of Jinling City.
“Selling newspapers and selling newspapers! The Song Group has recently carried out a large-scale reform of the industry under its name, increasing employee salaries and improving employee benefits~々!”
“Sell newspapers and newspapers! Song Wen, the president of the Song Group and the head of the Song family, personally ordered to improve the treatment of employees in the industry under his name!”
“Selling newspapers and selling newspapers! The various welfare systems of the Song Group follow the Huayin Group. The Song Group is different from the past, focusing on the basic rights and interests of employees, and the internal environment of the group has quietly changed!”
These news quickly attracted the attention of countless people.
Song Wen held a press conference in Huayin Square that day. After receiving the news, people all over the country said that the Song family might not be what they thought.
The series of measures promulgated by the Song family now just proves this.
Many people were overwhelmed with emotion when they heard the news.
“It seems that the Song Group is indeed a conscience capital., Although they haven’t done good things before, they are not the kind of businessmen who do all kinds of evil. ”
“The Song Group imitated the Huayin Group’s welfare system this time, which shows that they do have a conscience, which is very different from some blood-sucking capital.”
“We can’t slander the Song family any more in the future. Those bastards who only know exploitation can’t do these actions of the Song family.”

In Jinling City, many people are spreading similar remarks.
As Song Wen thought, Huayin Group had already helped them do all the foreplay, and Song Wen had to handle the rest.
And now, these rumors from the outside world prove that Song Wen’s decision is extremely correct.
Since the changes within the Song Group, the opinions of the people around the Song family have been further changed. This change first occurred in Jinling City, and then spread from Jinling City to all parts of Jiangnan, until it involved the whole country.
The people’s thinking is very simple.
They do not have complex knowledge and thoughts like the upper class.
Many times, when someone from the upper echelons like Song Wen announces something, the common people will begin to believe it.
But for them to fully accept it, a series of concrete actions must be taken.
If Song Wen just held a press conference that day and donated 30 million to help charity, but did not make changes within the group, then the people would think that the Song family was just making a superficial statement.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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