In the long run, the people’s impression of the Song family will remain the same.
But now, the situation is different.
Many people saw the good side of the Song family from the changes within the Song family. This fact made their recognition of the Song family rise rapidly.
What’s more, behind this, there are Song Group and Huayin Group guiding public opinion.
During this period of time, the public’s reputation for the Song family has gradually developed in a positive direction. At this juncture, newspapers in Jinling City and even in the south of the Yangtze River made further positive comments on the Song family.
Several newspapers in Jinling City jointly rectified the name of the Song family.
“‘ ‘ The changes within the Song Group have proved that the Song family is fundamentally different from the Kong family. Perhaps the Song family has done some disgraceful actions in the past.
However, it can be seen from the recent changes within the group and Mr. Song Wen’s determination to participate in charity, that the Song family is already developing towards the right path.
We believe that from now on, the Song family will, with the support of all parties, return to justice and no longer join forces with those blood-sucking capital.
Here, I also wish the Song family a prosperous career. ”
With the wide spread of news, outside Jinling City, such as Wuxi, Zhenjiang, Changzhou, and even further afield in Hangzhou, Suzhou, and even some northern areas, newspapers all over the country began to rectify the name of the Song family.
They continued to express their support for the Song family, which made the overall image of the Song family change rapidly among the people.
In order to enhance persuasion, major newspapers also picked out some new salary changes and welfare changes of the Song Group, and put them under these remarks to convince the people.
In just a few days, starting from the south of the Yangtze River and ending in the north (Liaonuohao), hundreds of millions of people all over the country are discussing these new salary and welfare benefits of the Song family.
And these news, of course, they have seen from newspapers all over the place.
Of course, ordinary people may not be literate, but they can listen in from various sources.
In a teahouse in Zhenjiang, two people wearing cyan robes and with beards, who looked like old schoolboys, were drinking tea and chatting about the Song family.
The older one said, “Brother Sun, now the Song Group has improved the treatment of its employees on a large scale, and has given them a lot of benefits. It seems that the Song family is really going to change their ways.”
The man surnamed Sun stroked his beard and said, “What Mr. Zhang said must have come from the newspapers.
Yesterday, I also read the newspapers. Recently, the major newspapers are claiming that the Song Group has now doubled the minimum wage for every employee.
Chapter 776: Prelude to Reproduce Change
Before that, the Song family’s monthly salary for ordinary employees was about two Chinese yuan. If it is calculated by ocean, it is no more than four or five oceans.
And regardless of food or housing, not to mention other benefits. ”
The old man surnamed Sun said and sighed softly.
It is well known that the Song family has been in contact with Huayin Group for a long time.
When he was teaching some students, he also sighed with the students that Song Jiamingming had a close relationship with Huayin Group, but he did not know how to follow Huayin and improve the treatment of some employees.
But now, the feelings of the past have inexplicably become a reality.
Now some employees under the Song Group’s name have also increased their monthly minimum salary to five Chinese yuan, and can also enjoy various benefits such as full attendance, performance, and overtime pay.
In the end, even the lowest-level employees can get a minimum salary of about seven Chinese yuan per month.
It is three or four times higher than before.
After drinking a sip of tea, the old man surnamed Sun sighed: “The Song family has finally discovered their conscience. It seems that Minister Song really has a patriotic and enterprising spirit.”
The old man surnamed Zhang nodded, and the Song family’s actions were disclosed to the public, and these things could not be faked.
If nothing else, just in terms of employee treatment, the Song family’s actions are enough to change their views on the Song family.
The bottom-level employees can get a minimum salary of about Qihua Yuan every month. This number does not seem to be much, but the value of money today is not the future. Qihua Yuan is already a large sum of money for ordinary people. .
Take the common people everyAs for the rice grains to be eaten every day, the price of rice in the current market is generally one cent per catty, and seven Chinese yuan can buy a full seven hundred catties of rice.
Take pork as another example, the current price of pork on the market is about 121 jin.
After all, Qihua Yuan can buy 589 catties of pork.
From the prices of these two items, it can be seen that the salary of Qihua Yuan is definitely not low.
You must know that in the current era, the lives of the common people are not comparable to the future. There are still many people across the country who are hungry, and there are many poor and homeless people in various cities. They go hungry all day long, and even beg for a living.
Even if many people have jobs, they only get a salary of one Chinese yuan a month, and they barely starve to death.
Even some black-hearted bosses let the workers work only one or two meals a day, and they don’t even pay wages. Considering the quality of these two meals, think about it and know what kind of virtue!
Under this premise, it was very rare for the Song family to offer a monthly minimum salary of five Chinese yuan, as well as some additional benefits.
Although the monthly income of seven Chinese yuan cannot make a family of three live comfortably, it can at least ensure that they can live comfortably and will not be troubled by basic living conditions such as food and clothing.
Compared with some capitalists who only know how to exploit employees and do not treat employees as human beings, the treatment given by the Song family is already very good.
This information spread to the ears of the people, and everyone’s impression of the Song family had the most intuitive change.
The people of today are not very demanding, and whoever can keep ordinary people full is their god.
Although the Song family can’t reach the level of helping the world, at least for the employees and their families, the current Song family is a good family worthy of praise.
Of course, this kind of thing is still afraid of comparison.
Compared with Huayin Group, the treatment of the Song family seems a little insignificant.
When major newspapers reported the news of the Song Group, some newspapers made it clear, intentionally or unintentionally, that most of the series of welfare measures of the Song Group were full of the shadow of Huayin Group.
Many people have also seen it, such as overtime pay on holidays and full-time performance bonuses, which were first proposed by Huayin Group.
The Song family is now applying these welfare benefits to their industry, obviously under the influence of Huayin Group.
Because of this, the major newspapers did not forget to praise the Huayin Group in the follow-up while speaking for the Song family.
Compared with the Song family, Huayin Group’s various benefits are really eye-catching.
“According to our reporter’s interview and investigation, many measures of the Song family’s welfare reform were born out of Huayin Group, and Huayin Group is a well-deserved national enterprise.
For a long time, Huayin Group’s benefits and salary levels are the best in the country and even in the world.
As far as the minimum wage is concerned, the industry under the Huayin Group’s name pays workers a monthly minimum wage of seven Chinese yuan.
In addition, Huayin employees can also enjoy various holiday subsidies, spring and autumn play subsidies, summer heat subsidies, winter charcoal subsidies and other multiple benefits.
According to statistics, the minimum amount of various subsidies for the salary of employees of Huayin Group can reach 12 Huayuan! ”
Such reports, like the Song family’s actions, soon filled the pages of major newspapers across the country.
Since the Song family’s welfare measures are imitated by Huayin, local newspapers will of course not forget to support the Huayin Group when they report on the Song family’s reformation.
In addition, many newspapers have also been secretly instructed by the Song family.
This is some kind of favor that the Song family gave back to Huayin.
Song Wen knew in his heart that in order to help the Song family to restore their reputation, Huayin Group did its best to help itself set up a good stage. Now that the singing is almost done, the people have begun to change their views on the Song family.
In return, the Song family will of course help Huayin Group to strengthen its prestige.
Of course, the Huayin Group’s welfare benefits reported by local newspapers did not cause much of a stir on the whole.
It’s not that people don’t buy Huayin Group’s account, it’s just that Huayin Group has done too many good things over the years, and has done too many things that benefit the country and the people.
But some savvy people don’t think things are so simple.
They know that the most important thing for people in business is interests, and no matter how big or small a company is, the salary and benefits of employees are one of the most important expenditure items.
Huayin Group has been operating for several years, and now it almost monopolizes the national market. Under this premise, the entire Huayin Group can still maintain its original intention and never ignore the salary and benefits of employees, which is quite a rare thing.
It is said that greed for profit is the reason why many domestic capitals exploit employees and squeeze the people because of this.
But Huayin Group will never break through this bottom line.
They make money without sacrificing the interests of their employees to make ill-gotten gains.
News in major newspapers not only spread among the people, but also reached the ears of Huayin Group employees themselves.
Look! The rising ancient eastern country!
Chapter 777: New Welfare Regulations
Many group employees just smiled lightly when they heard the news.
Liu Dayou is also an employee of Huayin Group. After get off work that day, he asked the newsboys on the street to buy a newspaper. After returning home, he read it with relish.
In this newspaper, there are not only recent changes in the Song family, but also remarks by the newspaper praising Huayin Group.
Liu Dayou looked at the contents of the newspaper and laughed unconsciously.
Especially when he saw that the newspaper said, “The bottom-level employees of Huayin Group, all kinds of benefits plus the minimum salary, add up to about 12 Chinese yuan.”
Liu Dayou even smiled and shook his head.
There are also some reports on the internal industry of Huayin Group below, but he is too lazy to read it.
The minimum treatment of 12 Chinese yuan, this is just to saySome of the peripheral factories of Huayin Group, that is, those that joined factories or outsourced factories.
But Huayin Group’s own factory, the internal salary is really high!
The minimum monthly salary of the employees of the group’s direct factories can reach 15 Chinese yuan, plus various benefits and subsidies, it can reach about 22 Chinese yuan!
Put it before, this is equivalent to forty-four yuan – ocean!
What is the concept of forty-four oceans?
In the past, except for their Huayin Group, the wages paid by domestic capitalists to low-level workers were only four or five yuan per month.
Compared with them, workers in Huayin Group’s internal industries, even the lowest-level workers, are paid eight to ten times higher!
If compared with some village residents, it would be even more terrifying.
Two years ago, it was a luxury for rural residents to fill their stomachs, and their additional source of income was only part-time jobs for the landlords and squires.
After a year of hard work, there is not a piece of ocean left in the family!
Forty-four pieces of ocean is almost equivalent to the savings of several lifetimes of ordinary farmers!
It’s just that the economy has developed in the past few years, and people’s lives have changed. Today’s prices and silver values ​​are no longer comparable to those of that time.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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