After putting down the newspaper, Liu Dayou lay leisurely on the chair, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.
The praise of Huayin Group in the newspaper made him feel a sense of pride and happiness. After all, if there was no Huayin Group, he still didn’t know which corner he would be struggling in.
You may work hard all day, and you may not be able to fill your stomach.
Where can I be like now, my wife and children are on the kang head, and from time to time, I can have two drinks at home.
The newspaper reports on the benefits of Huayin Group did not make much of a stir among the people, but they still attracted countless people’s admiration.
At the same time, many people have begun to doubt themselves more or less.
What’s wrong with them?
The Song family just doubled the basic salary and offered workers a minimum salary of five Chinese yuan every month, and everyone’s opinion of the Song family turned positive.
As for the employees of Huayin Group’s internal industries, the minimum wage alone can reach 15 Huayuan, but I feel that this is a matter of course.
It can only be said that Huayin Group is like this in their minds, and everything is for the sake of employees.
However, before these news spread for a few days, Huayin Group introduced a series of new welfare regulations. This time, the domestic people were really shocked!
In the past two days, the popularity of the Song family’s affairs has just subsided, and major newspapers in Jinling City have begun to report on it.
In the streets, the cries of newsboys became lively again.
“Sell the newspaper, sell the newspaper! Huayin Group’s new welfare package has been formulated, and it will be implemented from now on!”
“Selling newspapers and newspapers! Huayin Group has added a number of welfare systems on the basis of the original welfare benefits, taking care of employees’ families and helping employees to start a family and start a business!”
“Sell newspapers and sell newspapers! Huayin Group’s new benefits are launched, and the spring of Huayin Group’s single employees is coming!”
This time, in order to increase the gimmick, many newspapers also gave a little skin. When many people heard this tune, they became very curious about the new welfare of Huayin Group.
Doesn’t this Huayin Group already have a lot of benefits, and now it will continue to increase, and it is also related to the employees’ families?
Forget it, what does the spring of a single employee mean?
With such doubts in mind, many people began to rush to buy newspapers, wanting to know the ins and outs of things.
But I don’t know if I don’t see it, I’m startled when I see it!
After learning about the new welfare benefits of Huayin Group, people everywhere couldn’t believe their eyes!
The major newspapers clearly published the benefits of Huayin Group!
From now on, Huayin Group will add new benefits on the basis of the original salary and benefits. The specific contents are:
Skirt ⒉⒉0⑤23①4⒐・
1. All employees of the Group who are over 18 years old and who are married can enjoy one week of paid vacation every two months of work. During this period, the Group will provide corresponding subsidies as subsidies for the employees and their spouses to play games during the vacation.
This type of vacation is an extra vacation, and does not occupy the normal vacation time of employees such as weekends and holidays.
Second, employees of the Group who are over 18 but unmarried are still entitled to a one-week vacation every two months, and the employees are encouraged to use the vacation time to deal with life-long events.
For such employees, the Group will still provide corresponding subsidies as expenses for the employees’ relatives and for finding spouses.
If at the end of the year, the employee has not yet found a satisfactory partner, the Group will grant the employee an extra half-month period in addition to the annual leave, which is reserved for the employees to marry and start a family.
3. The above vacations are all paid vacations, which do not affect the normal salary and welfare payment of employees, professional title evaluation and weekday performance evaluation, and do not affect normal vacations.
As soon as these regulations of Huayin Group came out, all sectors of society exploded in an instant!
The atmosphere among the common people is like half a basin of ice water poured into a frying pan, and it exploded immediately!
In a certain restaurant, a man was holding the newspaper of the day, ignoring the gazes of the people around him, while making gestures, he kept tapping the newspaper and said, “It’s amazing, it’s amazing!
Huayin Group is going to be a living Bodhisattva this time! Not only money and treatment, but also the life-long affairs of employees must be taken into consideration! ”
The guests at the table with him and the surrounding tables suddenly turned their attention to him.
Few people among the common people can read and write, and this man has studied private schools for several years before, and he is also considered a half-literate person.When he mentioned Huayin Group, many people hurriedly began to ask.
“This brother hastened to tell me, what has Huayin Group done again?”
“Yes, yes, since this morning, I have seen a group of people chatting about Huayin Group on the street. It seems like some kind of arranged marriage?”
The man’s eyes widened, and he said disdainfully, “Nonsense! What an arranged marriage!
It is clearly written in the newspaper that Huayin Group has introduced a new welfare package, saying that people who have a family can enjoy seven days of paid leave every two months, and those who do not have a family will also be given vacation, so that employees have time to find a partner. ……”begging.
Chapter 778: This is the living moon old man in the world
The man said, raised the newspaper to his face, and read out the regulations of Huayin Group to everyone.
“…The above holidays are all paid vacations, which do not affect the daily performance evaluation and do not affect the normal holidays and vacation time.”
The man’s voice fell, and the people around him fell silent.
Immediately, an instant explosion!
“This is impossible!!!”
An old man’s eyeballs are about to fall out.
“Where in the world do such good things come from? It’s a holiday and money, and it gives workers time to find their daughter-in-law?”
A middle-aged man snatched the newspaper and muttered while watching: “Huayin Group… Huayin Group is really an authentic living Bodhisattva, no! Living Buddha, Living Jade Emperor!
I have never heard of any company that allows employees to spend time looking for wives, and even pays them to subsidize them! ”
This “297” middle-aged man couldn’t read at all, but he read the newspaper.
At this time, he seemed to be able to see his face from the pile of characters, and there was no other expression on it other than shock.
In fact, people all over the country are similar to the people in this restaurant.
When they knew that Huayin Group not only allowed the employees who got married to spend time with their families, but also let the single employees spend time to go to their partners, and that they also needed money to subsidize them. Countless people almost fell into a state of bewilderment.
These measures of Huayin Group, let alone put them in the world, are a little too good to put them in the sky!
All of a sudden, many newlyweds, or men and women who have not married, all have an urge to apply for jobs in Huayin Group!
On the outskirts of Jinling City, two men were sitting in a shady place, one of them kept patting the stones under him, gritted his teeth and said, “His grandma, why didn’t I go to work in Huayin Group!
If you go there, do you need to worry about your daughter-in-law? ”
The companion smiled disdainfully: “Forget it, with your little skill, people have to ask for you!”
The man froze instantly.
He is twenty-two this year, and he has not found a wife yet. At this time, there is no hope of getting married at the age of twenty-two, which is really unreasonable.
Therefore, men are quite envious of these new benefits from Huayin Group.
But the companion is right, Huayin Group has not recruited people recently, and he has no skills and no culture. It is really not an easy task to work in Huayin Group.
The sensation of the common people and the sensation of the press basically happened at the same time.
When reporting on a series of new benefits of Huayin Group, local newspapers also commented on the matter.
“Huayin will talk about this move, take care of the employees’ families, care for the future of the employees, and implement the people-oriented spirit to the end, and be a model for the national business community!”
Some newspapers even praised that Huayin Group is a living moon in the world!
It is true that Huayin Group did not directly introduce objects to employees.
But they can leave employees time to find spouses, and they also give extra blind date subsidies in addition to vacations. Coupled with the employees of Huayin Group, it is a golden sign for finding a partner.
Combining these factors, Huayin Group does not seem to be much different from Yue Lao.
The daughter’s family is very realistic. The employees of Huayin Group have high income and good treatment.
As long as the appearance is a little off, which girl from the common people doesn’t look down on it?
If an employee thinks he is invincible and insists on looking for the daughter of a wealthy family, it can only be said that he does not recognize the reality.
Even the government has publicly issued a statement praising Huayin Group for serving the country and the people, which has greatly contributed to social stability.
“The new welfare package of Huayin Group is bound to greatly improve the stability of domestic families, and can effectively promote young people to start a family and start a business. This move has a great contribution to maintaining the stability of the country and society and promoting the prosperity of the population!”
In recent years, although the development trend in China is getting better day by day, the single problem of many people in various parts of the country has never been solved.
This kind of thing looks at one’s personal ability and secondly at work and living conditions. It is not something that can be controlled by government decisions.
But people form families, which is an important factor in maintaining the stability of one party.
Throughout the ages, there have been so many bandits and gangsters, and most of them have no family ties. Anyone who has become a family, who would do that kind of robbery and robbery?
Although Huayin Group’s move cannot take into account the unmarried people in the private sector, it can at least promote the employees to marry and start a family from the inside, and promote the stability of one party’s family.  …
The government’s public admiration for Huayin Group has triggered another round of public opinion peaks among the people.
Many people, many upper-class people, and even many businessmen are amazed by these new benefits of Huayin Group!
In the branch of a Shengqing Restaurant in Hangzhou, several people in suits were sitting in a private room, discussing the new welfare regulations introduced by Huayin Group.
These people are all businessmen, but they are different from some capitals who only know how to suck blood.
The industries of several people are not big, and they can only be regarded as second- and third-rate in the Jiangnan region. They admire Huayin Group very much.Guarantee some basic treatment for employees.
To put it bluntly, several people were still influenced by the spirit of Huayin Group.
Now several people have heard that Huayin Group has introduced such a welfare policy, and one of them sighed: “My dear friends, we have always wanted to follow Huayin, but now it seems that we can’t keep up with Huayin’s footsteps. ”
The person opposite said with a wry smile: “This is very true, Huayin Group has a great business, not only the benefits are excellent, but now even the life-long affairs of the employees are taken into account.
I can’t wait for a small business, where can there be the spirit of Huayin Group? ”
Another person waved his hand and said, “You don’t need to care, we can just do our part.
And looking at the whole country, which company like Huayin Group can really consider for its employees, which 4.3 has a second company?
Huayin Group has long decided that female employees of the group can take a year of paid leave when they become pregnant. In addition, they can take care of their bodies for half a year after giving birth.
Male employees can also take six months of paid leave to take care of their wives during pregnancy.
The new rules now even take unmarried employees into consideration, giving them additional vacation destinations to solve personal problems, and also paid vacations with additional subsidies.
We, ah, can only stand tall. ”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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