The man said finally, and drank a glass of wine by himself.
When the others saw this, they also took their wine glasses and drank it.
Several people were filled with emotion, the spirit of Huayin Group, and the practice trip for the sake of employees, they may not be able to match in their entire lives.
No way, financial resources are one part, and personal pattern is another part.
Chapter 779: The Panther Tank Enters Service
The ideas of these people naturally also exist among the people from all walks of life. Whether they are ordinary people or officials, whether they are businessmen or celebrities, they are all shocked by the new regulations of Huayin Group.
Looking at the whole world, Huayin Group is the only company that can do this.
The outside world’s comments on Huayin Group were abuzz, but Su Yun, as the group’s president, didn’t care much.
In Su Yun’s concept, the development of the group is always inseparable from people.
Only by implementing the humanized management and operation model to the end, can employees be determined to work for the group willingly, instead of using coercive means to squeeze the labor value of employees like those blood-sucking capital.
That will only lead to the resentment of the employees below, making the employees unable to work hard, giving in on the surface, but full of sorrow in the heart.
Such a company is doomed to have no future.
And Su Yun didn’t have time to pay attention to the public opinion outside.
Time passed quickly, and it was already the end of June.
From the end of the year to the present, Su Yun has been busy for nearly seven months.
Especially in the two or three months from April to the present, Su Yun has hardly ever had a day off.
After defeating the economic invasion of Western chaebols, Su Yun was busy coordinating the harvesting of the island country’s finances, and then preparing for the construction of communication projects.
In addition, he has to help the military buy and sell tanks, deal with German and others, including helping the Song family to restore their reputation.
In this series of major events and minor events, Su Yun has to personally participate.
But now, the Song family’s reputation has been developing in a good direction, and the island country’s finance has also been assured. Su Yun can finally live a little easier.
But this is only relative, all kinds of affairs up and down the group have to be coordinated by Su Yun himself.
In the office, Su Yun was working hard at his desk, busy writing the plan for the latest stage of the group.
Before selling tanks to Germania, a total of 300 million US dollars was exchanged, which was converted into Chinese dollars, that is, 375 million Chinese dollars.
For the 375 million yuan, Su Yun took out 75 million yuan to sponsor Taoism, sports, Chinese medicine, etc., and the other 300 million yuan, Su Yun all used to improve employee benefits.
The money was not sent out before, Su Yun originally planned to use it to build one or two small and medium-sized projects.
But Su Yun did not find a suitable investment field.
Therefore, Su Yun threw all the money into the promotion of employee benefits, which is why Huayin Group introduced new welfare regulations.
For this reason, Su Yun also found a good reason – to improve the welfare of employees, in order to improve the enthusiasm of employees, so as to better allow employees to contribute to the development of the group, which is a kind of business investment.
So that the system will say that it is taking advantage of the loopholes and backstab itself on the pretext.
While Su Yun was busy writing, Li Fei pushed in the door from outside.
Hearing the door opening, Su Yun raised his head subconsciously.
Seeing Li F’s arrival, Su Yun smiled and said, “Lao Li is here, come and sit.”
Li F was also polite, and went straight to the sofa next to him and sat down.
This time, he came to Huayin Group at the invitation of Su Yun. Both of them are old friends, and Li �F will not be polite and ask directly, “Tell me, what is the matter with calling me here this time? Son?”
Su Yun didn’t answer, but instead asked: “I heard that your brothers are going to the Gobi Desert in the northwest for a military training exercise. Is this true?”
“That’s what happened. We received an order before that we would send our troops to the Gobi Desert in the northwest for a few days, where we would be stationed there for a period of time. During this period, we mainly trained the troops’ cross-country assault capabilities in the desert environment.
If I say the above is true, the place next door doesn’t shit, so what are you doing there! ”
Li F made a joke casually.
This kind of remark is in front of Su Yun’s face, he will say so.
In fact, Li F is very clear in his heart that when he really arrives on the battlefield, the troops mustIt must adapt to various or superior or harsh combat environments such as wind and snow, deserts, and jungles.
And this kind of adaptability does not come out of thin air, and usually must undergo rigorous training.
Therefore, it is necessary to pull the troops to the Gobi Desert for this exercise. No one knows what kind of environmental tests the soldiers of the troops will face once the war breaks out.
I usually endure more hardships, so I don’t get blinded at the critical moment.
As for how Su Yun knew about this, Li F did not ask much.
This kind of thing is a secret to ordinary people, but with Su Yun’s status, it is not unusual to know this.
After listening to Li F’s answer, Su Yun became concerned, and then he asked again, “How many T44 tanks do you have now?”
The mass production of the T44 tank has already begun.
Some time ago, Huayin Group also made contact with the military and sold the T44 tank to them.
However, the number of these tanks sold is not large, and Su Yun has also communicated with He Jingzhi that the T44 tank is only used as a transition model from the T34 to the Leopard tank, and will not be mass-produced.
So the overall number is far less than the previous T34.
Li F thought for a while and said: “Fortunately, the tanks serving in our army are relatively complex.
Before those tanks were sold to the Germans, the tank models in service in the army were mainly the T34, and as you know later, a large number of T34 tanks were retired.
Now the number of T34 tanks in the army is only three or four hundred.
And the T44 of the new 297 has just been put in place. At present, there are about 300 vehicles equipped. There are also more than 50 Leopard tanks of your latest production. ”
Su Yun nodded slightly.
As Li F said, the current tank models in the army are indeed a bit messy.
But this is also a normal result of the replacement of tanks.
The T34 tanks have been retired so much at once, and the T44 tanks have only been mass-produced for a short period of time, and the number is not large.
As the main force in the future, the Leopard tank has just started mass production, and there are not so many numbers to fill the military for the time being.
Without waiting for Su Yun to say anything, Li F rubbed his palms and said, “Speaking of which, the Leopard tanks you made are really useful!
This thing has strong firepower, strong defense, and good maneuverability, and its performance has surpassed T34.
But there is one thing, this thing is too logistical!
I had people pull these guys out to try it out before, and I found that this thing is easy to use, but it is labor-intensive, and it is not as resistant as the T34 tank. ”
After Li F. finished speaking, a look of disgust appeared in his eyes.
Su Wenyan smiled slightly.
On this point, the mentor Li F said was right. Although the performance of the Leopard tank is more powerful, the disadvantage is that it is a little more squeamish.
Chapter 780: Inspecting the Project with Tanks
But this is also impossible.
The performance of the Panther tank is superior, but some of the instruments and parts used inside it are also more sophisticated.
For this reason, the daily maintenance of the Leopard tank is definitely more troublesome than the previous T34 tank, which is also the only major disadvantage of the Leopard tank.
No way, nothing is perfect in this world.
Just like the Panther tank, to get better combat performance, something has to be sacrificed.
Looking at Li F, Su Yun said indifferently, “It’s just like when you marry a daughter-in-law, the more beautiful a daughter-in-law is, the more delicate you need to be, and you need to take care of it.
The maintenance of the Panther tank is indeed more cumbersome, which requires you to further improve the maintenance ability of the logistics support personnel to the tank. ”
Li �F waved his hand, he didn’t really care about it, he just mentioned it by the way.
“I’ll tell my subordinates to do this when I go back. Let’s talk about your business. Your kid is very busy now, so I don’t think you can come to me if you have nothing to do.”
Li �F smiled and looked at Su Yun.
He also knew that Su Yun was very busy during this time. Last year, he and Wang Cheng could still find time to talk to Su Yunxian together.
But since March and April this year, Su Yun’s time has become increasingly tight.
When the two of them were free before, they had invited Su Yun, but Su Yun was busy with various things at the time and had no time to catch up with the two of them.
When Su Yun heard the words, he no longer sold off, and said, “At the beginning of June, the highway from Hanzhong to Guangyuan was completed, and Minister Chen Mingshu communicated with me about this.
But since this period of time, the group has been busy with other things and has no space for inspection, so the road has not been opened to traffic until now.
I want you to do me a favor and walk the road with the armored troops to test how strong the road is, especially those bridges, tunnels, etc.! ”
“Okay, just a little thing!”
Li �F agreed very happily, he just checked and accepted a highway, and he did it along the way.
Su Yun’s expression was not very relaxed.
The road from Sichuan to Guangyuan is very important, and it passes through dangerous areas. In order to build this road, people from Huayin Group and the Ministry of Communications invested a lot of money and manpower and material resources.
This line is also the most important link connecting the entire northern loop line, and it is the “lumbar-abdominal nucleus ~ 々 heart” of the entire northern loop line.
When Chen Mingshu informed him before, he also emphasized repeatedly that in order to repair the road, the Ministry of Communications even sent people to supervise the construction site day and night.
Because of this, Su Yun did not plan to use the conventional method to check this road, but planned to directly let Li F’s team use tanks to press it.
The weight of the tank is much heavier than the ordinary car, and if the tank troops pass by without any problem, the road is definitely done.
Seeing Su Yun’s serious expression, Li F asked, “What’s the matter?Wen, is there any problem with this? ”
Su Yun shook his head: “It’s nothing, it’s just that this road is related to the smooth flow of the entire northern ring road, and Huayin Group has invested hundreds of millions of funds successively, and the Ministry of Communications has also hired millions of migrant workers to build it.
So this path is crucial. ”
“Hey! I wonder what’s going on!”
Before Su Yun could finish speaking, Li Xue waved his hand.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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