“Don’t worry, Ziwen, I’ve heard about the hard work you’ve spent on this road, and this time I’ll let my troops go on a good journey.
If there is any problem in the middle, I will personally arrest those construction workers and kill them! ”
Although Li �F’s words are casual, his attitude is very serious.
He knows that Huayin Group, the Ministry of Communications, and even the commissioners have paid a lot of effort for this route, which shows that all parties attach great importance to this route.
Only then did Su Yun feel relieved.
Don’t look at Li �F’s usual carelessness, but when it comes to key issues, this product is absolutely trustworthy.
Otherwise, he will not be trusted by the committee.
After talking about the business, Li F returned to his hippie smile.
“By the way, Ziwen, you haven’t gotten together with Lao Wang and me for a few days, and Lao Liu and the others are all thinking of you, when will we be busy and lively together?
Then go to your Shengqing Restaurant, we will treat you! ”
Li Xing said happily, but Su Yun couldn’t help but give this guy a blank look.
Speaking of which, he has been very busy these days, and indeed he has never met with Li F and Wang Cheng, and it is time to get in touch with each other.
When it comes to going to Shengqing Restaurant, whether it’s Li F and the others as a treat, Su Yun won’t believe a single stroke!
How can these goods be so kind?
I’m afraid it’s not at the place, the guests are invited by them, and the money still has to be paid by themselves!
Noticing Su Yun’s expression, Li F did not care.
Shengqing Restaurant, what about the business of my brothers?
Su Yun waved his hand: “We are busy cleaning up the little devils during this time. You can go back and talk to a few of them. After the busy time is over, we will take over the finances of the little devils. I will personally invite you to drink and celebrate.”
Li F was very happy to hear that.
Huayin Group doesn’t know much about the island country’s affairs, but as long as it is to clean up the little devils, it is a good thing!
Standing up, Li F said quickly: “Then I won’t bother you, Ziwen, you are busy, I congratulate you in advance on behalf of the brothers for your success!”
Su Yun smiled and sent Li F to leave in person.
After seeing off Li F, Su Yun went back to the table and continued to work on his own business.
While the affairs of Huayin Group were going smoothly, the affairs of the island country were also advancing steadily.
In the island country of Kagawa Prefecture, in a factory called Yamada Light Industry, Yamada Sukeichi was walking around the factory, sighing constantly while watching the out-of-service machines in the factory.
Yamada Sukeichi is the boss of Yamada Light Industry, and his factory mainly involves the field of daily necessities.
It stands to reason (by Nuo Zhao) that light industrial products are easy to sell. After all, those products are what people need in their daily lives. Even if the business is sluggish, they can still make some profits.
But now, all the machines in the entire factory are out of service.
The reason is also very simple, because the factory has not received orders for a long time, let alone machines, there are not many workers in the entire factory.
The workshop where Yamada was at was empty.
After walking around, Yamada stopped at the door of the workshop, looking at the lonely workshop, a sad look appeared on his face.
Just a few months ago, his factory was booming, very busy every day.
Normally, factories receive one large order a week, sometimes several, and workers have to work in a row to produce goods for the orderer.
At that time, although Yamada Sukeichi was busy, he was very happy every day.
Chapter 781: Island Enterprises About to Collapse
Soon after, the accident in the Fukuyama Industrial Park occurred, the island nation’s light industrial production capacity plummeted, and domestic light industrial product prices skyrocketed.
At that time, Yamada Sukeichi thought his chance had finally come.
The prices of all light industrial products are rising, and their prices are no exception. Yamada Shoichi was very smug about this, hoping to take this opportunity to make a lot of money.
In fact, just as Yamada Sukeichi expected, in the first 10 to 20 days after the accident, the order volume of their factory did increase sharply.
And the set price is also rising.
During this time, Yamada’s factory made a lot of money.
It’s a pity that the good times didn’t last long. When Yamadasuke was counting the money and considering whether to expand the scale of the factory to continue making profits, the arrival of Huayin Group completely shattered his dream of making a fortune.
Some time ago, Huayin Group shipped a large amount of light industrial products to the island country for release, and opened a parity market to sell industrial products to the public at prices three to four times lower than domestic light industrial products.
This has led to a huge impact on the local industrial products of the island country.
For a time, the Gaojia industrial products in the island country could not be sold at all.
At that time, Yamada Sukeichi understood that these local factories were purely engaged in a price war by Huayin Group.
Huayin Group took advantage of the skyrocketing 297 price of industrial products in the island country, and shipped goods from Huaxia with an overwhelming price advantage, easily and quickly smashing their local market.
At that time, in response to the impact of Huayin Group, Yamada Sukeichi, like many light industrial manufacturers in the island country, voluntarily lowered the price of industrial products to the original level in order to win the market back into his own hands.
But this approachTotally useless!
As long as they cut prices, Huayin Group will also cut prices.
And from the perspective of cost and benefits, these local companies are not qualified to fight this price war with Huayin Group.
Many industrial raw materials in island countries are dependent on imports, which makes the raw materials used in their production very expensive, which directly increases their production costs.
But Huayin Group’s production costs are low because their raw materials are cheap.
Under this premise, Huayin Group is not afraid of their price cuts at all, and even if Huayin Group does not follow suit, the local enterprises in the island countries themselves will go bankrupt due to losses.
Just like a bar of soap, Huayin Group sells it by one yen, and they also sell it by one yen.
In this way, the price of both sides is flat, but their local companies have been losing money because their selling prices are not enough to wipe out their production costs, let alone make a profit.
But Huayin Group has low production costs, so they can make money.
Because the input of raw materials between the two parties is very different, the price of raw materials for Huayin Group to produce a bar of soap may be a few cents.
In addition to the labor costs and transportation costs, they can only make a dime or even a cent on a bar of soap.
After all, this thing can be small profits but quick turnover, and win by quantity.
However, the price of raw materials purchased by the island country’s enterprises is too high. The price of raw materials for a piece of soap exceeds one yuan. If they forcibly compete with Huayin Group, they can only suffer.
Later, local companies were forced to raise prices in order to make ends meet.
But Huayin Group has been able to keep selling at low prices all the time.
Under the price suppression of Huayin Group, the local light industrial products of the island country cannot be sold at all.
Whether the people are patriotic or not, no one is willing to pay high prices to buy the same goods, and no one wants to be taken advantage of.
Because of this, from Huayin Group’s opening of the parity market to now, in just a few days, Huayin Group’s industrial products have occupied all the light industrial markets of the island country.
And local companies like Yamada Light Industry can’t even receive an order.
Because of this incident, light industrial factories all over the island country have been undergoing massive layoffs in recent times – no orders, no income, and they can’t support so many workers.
Furthermore, a factory without a single order (ajed) does not require workers to produce.
Even the employees who have not been laid off will be told by the company to let them find a way out for the time being, and then bring them back to work when the factory business resumes.
This move has led to the loss of a large number of workers.
After all, judging from the current situation, many local light industrial manufacturers are going bankrupt, and the workers themselves need to support their families, so how can they sit still?
But this is also no way.
The current situation is that many light industrial factories in the island country cannot receive orders at all and cannot support so many workers.
The managers of these businesses have little choice but to lay off workers and leave workers to fend for themselves.
Otherwise, it’s just a loss of workers’ salaries out of thin air.
Yamadasuke thought about this, took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.
He took a hard puff on the cigarette, and couldn’t help but threw the remaining half to the ground, crushing it with the soles of his forefoot!
If it weren’t for the damn Huayin Group, why would he be in such a state of despair.
Yamada Sukeichi was resentful when a few people suddenly walked in from outside the workshop.
“Is that Mr. Yamada?”
The first person asked, using the standard island language.
When Yamadasuke looked up, he saw four or five middle-aged men standing at the entrance of the workshop, all of them in suits and leather shoes, with briefcases on their bodies.
When Yamadasuke saw this, he hurried up to meet him, and he thought it was a business approaching him.
In front of a few people, Yamada Suke said with a smile: “I am Yamada, how many of you are?”
Among the people who came, a man said, “Hello, Mr. Yamada, we are from Huayin Group. We came to your place to discuss a business with you.”
“Hua Yin? What else are you doing here?”
When Yamadasuke heard this, his face suddenly turned cold.
At this time, he couldn’t help gnashing his teeth, and all words were squeezed out of the gap between his teeth.
If it weren’t for Huayin Group’s suppression, why would these local factories be so depressed, and now that these people are still coming to the door, Yamada Sukeichi will naturally not have a good face.
Seeing that Yamadasuke was sullen, the people from Huayin Group didn’t care.
The leader said gently: “Mr. Yamada, please don’t get excited. We are here to acquire this company under your name. I wonder if Mr. Yamada is interested?”
Yamadasuke was stunned for a while, and he thought he had heard it wrong.
He couldn’t help but look back at the workshop. The machines in it had long been out of service, and there were no workers.
The same goes for the rest of the workshops.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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