It can be said that this company has become a veritable zombie, and now only an empty shell is left. What does Huayin Group want such a factory to do? .
Chapter 782: The big acquisition is in progress
Suppressing a trace of doubt in his heart, Yamada Sukeichi said coldly: “Everyone came to buy my company at this time, do you want to take advantage of people’s danger?”
In Yamada Sukeichi’s view, people from Huayin Group came to the door at this time, obviously taking advantage of the fire.
They must have seen that they could no longer operate, so they wanted to take advantage of this malicious price reduction and buy their own factories at low prices.
But Yamada Sukeichi would not agree.
He has fallen to this point, Huayin Group is the mastermind, such asIf the other party is here to take advantage of the fire, Yamada Sukeichi would rather let these machines rot in place than agree to them!
But to Yamada Sukeichi’s surprise, these people did not intend to take advantage of others’ dangers.
The leading man in the suit smiled and said, “I think you misunderstood Mr. Yamada, we will buy your factory at the normal price.
Including your factory, and all the machinery and equipment in your factory, we will pay according to the normal market price, you don’t have to worry at all. ”
As soon as these words came out, Yamada Sukeichi was a little overwhelmed.
The words and actions of the people of Huayin Group were indeed beyond his expectations.
When Yamadasuke was stunned, the leader said again: “Mr. Yamada, it’s not appropriate to talk about business here. If you don’t mind, can you take us to the company to talk?”
“This… a few, please come with me.”
In shock, Yamadasuke brought a few people to the office.
To be honest, Yamada Sukeichi has not yet understood what medicine the people of Huayin Group are selling in the gourd.
There should be no shortage of several machines in their own factory, right?
But the other party didn’t come for the machine, could it be for his dying factory?
When Yamada Sukeichi was stunned, people from Huayin Group took out a purchase contract from the briefcase and handed it to Yamada Sukeichi.
“Mr. Yamada, this is the contract we brought, you can take a look first.
If there is anything inappropriate, we can discuss it again. Of course, if you don’t agree with the deal, we won’t force it. ”
Yamada Suke took over the contract and checked it carefully.
There is nothing wrong with the content of the contract, both the price and the terms are normal, and there is no intention to take advantage of the situation.
Yamada Sukeichi also reacted at this time, and after reading the contract, his expression was still not very good-looking.
He looked at the people on the opposite side and said indifferently: “Your company has squeezed us into a situation where we can’t survive by using unsightly means, and now you are here to buy your business.
This kind of behavior is very disgusting, everyone please come back! ”
Yamadasuke got up as soon as he said that.
After recovering from his astonishment, he regained his previous indifference.
His own business was sluggish entirely because of Huayin. Although the other party seemed to be full of sincerity, Yamada Sukeichi was angry in his heart and did not want to deal with Huayin Group.
The people from Huayin Group were not in a hurry and said slowly, “Mr. Yamada doesn’t need to refuse in a hurry.
Your company’s downturn is not our fault, but because of an accident in the Fushan Park, the production capacity of light industry in your country has dropped significantly, and you have to maintain your own profits, but you cannot maintain a normal price level.
This kind of thing can’t all be blamed on us.
Now your company is struggling to maintain. If you say bad words, it will collapse at any time. At this time, what are you still insisting on? ”
When Yamadasuke heard the words, he was shaken again.
People from Huayin Group are right. The root cause of what happened today is indeed related to the accident in Fukuyama.
Of course, it is true that Huayin Group took advantage of the emptiness and squeezed their living space, but then again, it is also true that their own company is on the verge of collapse.
In fact, the other party just said that he was struggling to maintain it, which was very euphemistic.
In fact, his factory is just an empty shelf, and it is no different from bankruptcy.
This is the time, and the most important thing is to protect the current interests. Yamada Sukeichi was indifferent before, but he was only angry with what Huayin Group had done before.
Seeing that Yamadasuke was shaken, the people of Huayin Group continued to persuade.
The two sides discussed the acquisition for nearly two hours.
During this period, Yamada Sukeichi was shaken more than once, but because he had a deep prejudice against Huayin Group in his heart, he was always reluctant to let go.
But he is a businessman after all, and he knows that his interests are the most important at the moment.
After repeated discussions with the people of Huayin Group, Yamada Sukeichi finally let go and chose to sell the factory to Huayin Group.
After the two parties signed the acquisition contract, the people from Huayin Group left.
Yamada Sukeichi unknowingly lay down on the chair, stared blankly at the empty office, and glanced at the index finger where he had just pressed his handprint.
Skirt ⒉⒉0⑤23①4⒐・
On the tip of the index finger, the red residue of the ink pad was still noticeable.
Yamadasuke felt that everything was a little illusory. Just a few dozen days ago, he was thinking of making a lot of money and taking the opportunity to step on the peak of business.
But in the blink of an eye, he had nothing but a sum of money to sell the factory.
Yamadasuke couldn’t accept this for a while.
But he didn’t know that this kind of thing didn’t just happen to him.
In recent days, this kind of thing has frequently happened all over the island country. People from Huayin Group have been going to one island country company after another to sign acquisition contracts with them.
Those light industrial manufacturers in the island country that were acquired by Huayin Group are all on the verge of bankruptcy.
… 0 0
Since Huayin Group started a price war in the island country, such companies have been emerging, and the number has continued to rise until now.
In the office of the general manager of the Huayin Group branch in the island country, Li Xie is quickly processing the documents at hand.
Beside him, these documents have accumulated a stack.
They all have to do with buying up light industrial companies in the island nation that are about to go bankrupt.
The acquisition of these light industrial manufacturers in the island country that could not receive orders and were on the verge of bankruptcy was an order issued by the group headquarters.
The move is an important part of the island nation’s plan.
In the hands of the islanders, these factories can only be regarded as dead but not dead.
If Huayin Group wants to completely occupy the market of the island country and harvest the finance of the island country, it cannot always maintain it in the form of a price war.
If things go on like this, the local factories of these island countries will eventually have the opportunity to turn over.
But as long as the group puts theseThe acquisition of all the factories will fundamentally disintegrate the light industry system of the island country step by step.
After the acquisition of these enterprises, the light industrial factories of the island country will fall into the hands of Huayin Group, and the machinery and equipment will be owned by Huayin Group, and the island country will completely lose its light industrial production capacity.
At that time, Huayin Group will be able to conduct dumping of industrial products on the island country in an open and aboveboard manner.
Because the island country has no light industry, they can only rely on Huayin Group to deliver goods for daily life, otherwise the entire island country will collapse directly due to lack of daily necessities! begging.
Chapter 783: When are you still thinking about resources?
Li Xie was busy when there was a knock on the door of the office.
“Come in.”
Li Xie put down the pen and responded.
His assistant walked in from outside the door and reported, “Mr. Li, General Sasuke came to find you and said that he has something important to discuss with you.”
Li Xie nodded: “Please come in.”
Help withdrew, and after a while, Sasuke was invited in.
Li Xie motioned his assistant to go out, closed the door, and then asked, “General Sasuke is here, what is your purpose?”
Sasuke’s face was a little unhappy, and he asked directly: “Li Sang, I came here to ask, in the past, the Empire cooperated with your company to obtain a batch of industrial products from a Western consortium.
It has been more than two months now, but your company has not made any news. Is this just a gimmick? ”
What Sasuke was referring to was naturally his “three zeros” cooperating with Huayin Group to entrap Western chaebols.
Wang Dehai told him twice before that he wanted to cooperate with the empire to exploit the industrial products of the Western consortium, but now after so long, there is no news from Huayin Group, which makes the army executives extremely dissatisfied.
At that time, Sasuke reported this matter to the senior management.
General Lin Xian also personally gave instructions to cooperate with Huayin Group to enrich the resources of the empire.
But there was no news about the matter, which made Lin Xian a little suspicious. Huayin Group was just using this as an excuse to hang the empire, but in fact it wanted to swallow this batch of industrial products.
To this end, Lin Xian personally sent a telegram to question Sasuke two days ago, asking Sasuke to quickly ask Huayin Group about the matter.
Sasuke originally wanted to find Wang Dehai, but Wang Dehai had returned to China before, so Sasuke came to Li Xie. As the general manager of Huayin Group Branch, Li Xie also knew about this.
Hearing Sasuke’s question, Li Xie was very disdainful in his heart.
The little devil’s army is indeed a group of clubs, and his brain is like a rotten tree.
He did everything to do this, and the other party didn’t realize their intentions yet, and he was still thinking about the non-existent resources.
Having said that, if it weren’t for this group of sticks, their plan would not have gone so smoothly.
Immediately, Li Xie replied: “It turned out to be this matter, please wait a moment, General.”
Li Xie said, took out a telegram from the drawer and handed it to Sasuke.
“Yesterday, the group headquarters just sent a telegram, and the matter of cheating the chaebols in the United States can begin. Before, we have been dealing with these guys in order to obtain more industrial products from them.
Now they trust Huayin Group very much. Our goods have started to be shipped, and it is estimated that they will arrive in your country soon. ”
Sasuke took the telegram and found that the content on it was exactly the same as what Li Xie said.
The telegram mentioned that the shipment of industrial goods would start this morning.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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