After putting down the telegram, Sasuke showed a very satisfied smile on his face.
“Hahaha, your company really keeps its word, are we rude?
Li Sang, please don’t take offense. The high-level officials have been concerned about this matter, so they urged me to come and ask. After I go back, I will report this matter and let the empire know your sincerity. ”
As if afraid of Li Xie or Huayin Group’s prejudice against this matter, Sasuke further explained: “Actually, Li Sang, I have always trusted you, we are friends.
However, there are always some people at the top of the army who have other ideas and think that your company has other ideas. I came to ask this time to stop the mouths of those people.
You also know that the thoughts of some high-level people are always complicated. ”
Sasuke’s smile looked genuine.
In fact, he also had doubts, thinking that Huayin Group was thinking of swallowing these industrial products.
In addition, there are some people at the top who are suspicious of Huayin Group, thinking that Huayin Group is a businessman and cannot be trusted after all.
But now it seems that everything is overthinking them.
Perhaps Huayin Group is slow, just because they are better gaining the trust of the American people, and Sasuke also knows that those American chaebols are not fuel-efficient lamps.
Li Xie waved his hand: “It doesn’t matter, General Sasuke. The high-level executives have to consider more things, we can understand.
Now you can reply to your country’s high-level officials and ask them to organize their staff and go to warehouses around the country to prepare for receiving the batch of industrial products.
As for the conditions, it is still the same as what we negotiated before, and we will be open with your country. ”
Li Xie’s expression was also very sincere, and he seemed to have a hint of guilt, as if he was apologetic for procrastinating for so long.
Noticing Li Xie’s expression, Sasuke didn’t care, and comforted Li Xie0……
“Don’t worry about Li Sang, there’s no need for us to do this.
Then I will leave first, and I will set off today and report the matter to the senior management in detail. ”
“Thank you for your understanding.”
Li Xie said politely, while Sasuke stood up, and Li Xie took him all the way to the door of the company.
The two chatted for a few more gossips and behaved very enthusiastically.
But Li Xie was secretly mocking in his heart..
The words of these little devils are very pleasant. What are the thoughts of the high-level people, are they still not trusting Huayin Group, and they only think that they can get their own benefits?
But none of that matters anymore.
The telegram was prepared by Li Xie for a long time, and the purpose was to fool the little devil. As for the industrial products, they would also send it as a bargaining chip to stabilize the little devil.
But this is only a small investment in the guaranteed plan.
When they fully occupy the market of the island country, the group will recover these costs from the little devil step by step!
After leaving the Huayin Group branch, Sasuke went to Fukuyama Airport and boarded a plane to Kyoto.
After arriving in Kyoto, Sasuke went straight to Lin Xian’s office without stopping. After meeting Lin Xian, Sasuke reported Li Xie’s statement together with the telegram from Huayin Group.
After handing over the telegram, Sasuke respectfully said: “Report General, I have already asked about the batch of industrial products from the chaebol in the United States. On April 3, Huayin Group has begun to deliver this batch of industrial products to us. Li Xie also said that we can organize manpower now. , ready to receive the part that belongs to us.”
Saying that, Sasuke repeated the conversation between him and Li Xie one by one.
Lin Xian listened to Sasuke’s report, checked the telegram again, and quickly showed a satisfied smile.
“In this way, Huayin Group does not have two hearts.
It seems that we are wrong to blame Huayin Group. It should be because they were busy transporting industrial products to the empire during this period of time, so they did not care about this matter. ”
Sasuke nodded: “Your Excellency General, after such a long time of contact, the subordinates learned that Wang Dehai and Li Xie are honest people, and they will not deceive the empire.”
“Well, very good, you did a good job of this!”.
Chapter 784: Who is mentally handicapped? who is an idiot
Hearing that, Lin Xian smiled even more, and casually encouraged Sasuke.
Huayin Group not only delivers goods to them and suppresses prices, but also helps them seek benefits from the American chaebols. It is indeed a very good partner.
Li Xie and Wang Dehai didn’t hear these words of Lin Xian, otherwise the two of them must thank this guy well.
They were still thinking about how to delay this matter better, but Lin Xian even gave them a reason.
Lin Xian is right!
The reason why they have no news for so long is that they are busy sending industrial products to the island country.
In addition to being happy, Lin Xian couldn’t help but pick up the telegram and read it again.
In addition to informing them that Huayin Group began to deliver industrial products, the telegram also listed a detailed list of industrial products.
Lin Xian made a rough calculation and was extremely satisfied.
According to the contents listed in the telegram, the quantity of this batch of materials is very large and the variety is quite rich. Even if they can only get half of it, its value is almost enough for 300,000 troops to use for ten months.
This is a huge windfall! 09
After putting away the telegram, Lin Xian’s mood was very transcendent.
He had a smile on his face, but his tone was serious: “Sasuke-kun, after you go back, you must supervise the teams in various places, so that they must always pay attention and protect all the cheap markets of Huayin Group.
In addition, Huayin Group’s industries in the island country must also be ordered to fully protect, and no accidents should occur! If anyone dares to destroy, they will be killed on the spot! ”
Sasuke hurriedly agreed, daring not to be slighted in the slightest.
“Well, let’s go.”
After Sasuke left, a smile appeared on Lin Xian’s face again.
After receiving this batch of supplies, the imperial army will have a lot more comfort. This is all the convenience brought by Huayin Group.
Because of this, Lin Xian strictly ordered Sasuke to protect all the industries and the market of Huayin Group. After all, Huayin Group has helped them a lot recently.
Lin Xian has no idea of ​​repaying his gratitude, but he knows that cooperation is for mutual benefit.
Only if the empire shows some sincerity, can Huayin Group work better for them.
Not long after Sasuke left, someone outside knocked on the office door again.
Lin Xian restrained his smile and said sternly, “Come in.”
The door was pushed open and a guard walked in from outside.
“Report to General, Your Excellency Saito is here, and now I’m waiting outside, saying that there is something important that I must talk to you face-to-face.”
Lin Xian snorted coldly.
Saito had ordered the Huayin Group’s cheap market to be closed before, which made their army’s development plan almost fall short. Now he still has the face to see him?
Thinking of this incident, Lin Xian’s heart was full of fire.
If he didn’t save him in time and ordered someone to stop Saito’s behavior, their resources would have been cut off.
So Saito didn’t even think about it, flicked his sleeves and said, “No!”
“and many more–”
The soldier was about to turn around when Lin Xian raised his hand to stop him.
Saito didn’t come to him for some trivial matter. Lin Xian also wanted to see what this guy had to say, and by the way, beat Saito again to make him less troublesome to Huayin Group.
With this thought in mind, Lin Xian changed his mouth and said, “You go and tell me what to say, let Saito come in first, and I want to see what he has to say this time.”
“I know General.”
The guard turned around and walked out, and after a while, Saito was brought in.
As soon as Saito entered the door, Lin Xian said with a cold face: “Saito, what are you trying to say this time?”
Saito looked at Lin Xian and gritted his teeth: “Lin Xian! When are you still pretending to be here, do you know that because of your stupid actions, the home market of the empire is about to be occupied by Huayin Group!
Now Huayin Group has decent people to buy light industrial manufacturers in the empire, thinking about dominating the imperial market.
This is all because of your army. If you don’t stop it, the market of the empire will fall intoIn the hands of outsiders, at that time, the entire army will become the sinner of the nation!
And you, Lin Xian, will also be ashamed of the empire and the people of the empire! ”
Saito was furious, strode up to Lin Xian, and cursed through gritted teeth.
These days, he kept receiving news from his servants, saying that many light industrial manufacturers in the empire had gone bankrupt, and Huayin Group took the opportunity to buy these local enterprises in various places.
At first, Saito was ambiguous about Huayin Group’s move.
It was not until yesterday that he discussed with Takahashi that he knew that Huayin Group’s move was to completely cut off the production capacity of the empire’s light industry, so as to gradually occupy the empire’s light industry market.
When Ke Lin Xian heard Saito’s scolding, he was instantly furious.
“Bastard! What a bunch of nonsense!
Saito, I understand that you are an official of the empire, and I will only meet you if I give you a little face. Who knows that this guy will talk nonsense with me as soon as you come in!
The two times you have come here, opening your mouth and closing your mouth is the righteousness of the empire, but you can’t do without the market.
Saito, I think you were completely bribed by those chaebols. As a soldier and leader of the empire, you are willing to be the spokesperson for those chaebols! ”
When Lin Xian said this, he stepped closer to Saito, staring at him.
“From the last time you came here, you told me that Huayin Group had bad intentions and said that the domestic market would be destroyed, but now that so long has passed, Huayin Group has not done anything unfavorable to the empire.
Instead, he has been helping the empire transport goods, stabilize the market, and suppress the prices of industrial products!
However, you have repeatedly come to me to make 300 alarmist, constantly slandering Huayin Group, like a woman scolding the streets, scolding unreasonably!
snort! Saito-kun, are you afraid that you are taking the benefits of those chaebols a lot?
Those bastards are mercenary, maliciously raising prices, making the people of the empire unable to survive at all, they can’t compete with Huayin Group, and they are bought by others, it is purely their own fault! ”
Lin Xian scolded to the end, his tone full of ridicule.
Although he didn’t mention anything directly, he was referring to Saito as a complete villain between the lines, ironing that he was no different from those chaebols who only knew how to make money.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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