In his opinion, the chaebols of the empire are completely a bunch of silverfish, with no use at all except to squeeze the people and make money by unscrupulous means.
Now that Huayin Group has acquired them, it is precisely for the empire to remove these pests.
But Saito blocked it many times, obviously because he was in cahoots with those people, spoke to the consortium, and went to himself to confuse black and white!
Saito was furiously scolded by Lin Xian, and immediately became furious.
In a rage, Saito pointed directly at Lin Xian’s nose and scolded: “Lin Xian, you are simply retarded!
You are just as mentally retarded as the bunch of idiots below!
Do you know that Huayin Group has already begun to occupy the market of the empire, and if it goes on like this, after they occupy the entire market, the price of the empire will be determined by them. “.
Chapter 785: Saito who was blasted out
“Really at that time, the empire did not have its own light industry, and all goods were supplied by Huayin Group. Did they raise prices if they wanted to?
Lin Xian, you are really blind, it is really unfortunate for the empire to have an army minister like you! ”
As Saito spoke, his face flushed with anger.
Although Takahashi analyzed these things together with him, Saito himself could figure out a thing or two in advance.
But Lin Xian was numb to this. At this time, he thought that Huayin Group was a good person, but he didn’t know that the entire imperial market was about to become the possession of Huayin Group.
Saito knows that once the market is controlled by Huayin Group, the lifeblood of the empire will be controlled by Huayin Group.
At that time, even if the empire turns against Huayin Group, the other party only needs to cut off their light industry supply, and the entire empire will begin to collapse in three or five days.
After all, rice, flour, grain, oil and various daily necessities are things that people can never live without.
It only takes a week at most to cut off the supply, and the people’s life will be unsustainable. At that time, let alone the price hike, the people will not be able to buy it if they have money!
Once things develop to this point, isn’t the entire empire’s finance still under the control of Huayin Group?
Ke Lin Xian did not understand these principles at all.
He has received military education since he was a child. In the military field, Lin Xian is indeed good enough, but when it comes to the economy and the market, Lin Xian knows nothing at all.
In the face of Saito’s scolding, Lin Xian was rude.
“Saito, how could the empire be handed over to you idiot! You are also a soldier, don’t you know that strength is king?
No matter how the Huayin Group dominates the market of the empire, they can only be honest businessmen. At that time, if they want to raise prices, they must obtain our consent.
If they dare to forcibly raise prices without the permission of the empire, we can directly send troops to arrest their people!
You politicians have long been tainted by trivial matters, and you have not retained the blood of a soldier. You only know how to intrigue, but you have forgotten even the most basic strength!
If you don’t remember that you are an imperial soldier, I won’t let you out of here today~々! ”
After Lin Xian cursed, he turned his back.
Immediately, he waved his hand abruptly: “Come on, blow Saito out!”
When the guards outside the door heard it, they immediately entered the door and held Saito up.
Saito said with red eyes: “Lin Xian, you idiot! Sooner or later the empire will be destroyed by your hands, and your army is all a bunch of people…”
Lin Xian didn’t give Saito a chance to scold him. Before Saito could finish speaking, he was framed by the guards.go out.
But Lin Xian was not really carried away by the anger.
Although Lin Xian did not agree with what Saito said just now, he still kept his mind.
If Huayin Group really wants to control prices at will after occupying the market of the empire, as Saito said, they will also face a lot of trouble.
Therefore, Lin Xian called another soldier and said, “Upload my order immediately and send a telegram to Sasuke, asking him to explore the realities of Huayin Group.”
Immediately, Lin Xian explained his thoughts to the guards.
The meaning of these words is also very simple, nothing more than to test the thoughts of Huayin Group.
If Huayin Group really had the same intention of manipulating the price of the empire as Saito said, Lin Xian would not be polite to them.
After Saito was kicked out of the office, he returned to the administrative building angrily.
Lin Xian’s stupidity made Saito’s face turn blue with anger.
After this meeting, Saito knew that it was impossible for an idiot like Lin Xian to persuade him, but he couldn’t just watch Huayin Group succeed.
So Saito still intends to discuss this matter with Takahashi.
Since the army is stubborn, they will find a way to settle the matter by themselves.
When the top military and political leaders of the island country were in a state of turmoil, all affairs were proceeding in an orderly manner within the Huayin Group in China.
In the president’s office, Su Yun gathered Fang Shanming, Wu Si, Dong Cheng, Liang Hui, Wang Dehai, Fang Mingshan and other group executives to hold a core meeting.
The main content of this core meeting is to discuss the follow-up of the island country plan.
Among the participants, apart from Fang Shanming and Wang Dehai, Wu Si and others were all old people who started with Su Yun from the very beginning, and they were also the most trusted group of people in Su Yun.
And Fang Shanming is the real behind-the-scenes planner of the island country’s plan, and he is also the helm of the financial field. As for Wang Dehai, he takes care of all the affairs of the island country.
Now that Su Yun has gathered this group of people together, it is precisely to carry out the final net collection activity.
After summarizing the progress of the previous period, Su Yun said, “How are the affairs of the island country going now?
Fang Shanming and Wang Dehai, you are in charge of the specific matters for the past few days. Is everything going well? ”
Su Yun looked at Wang Dehai and Fang Shanming.
For the past few days, he has been busy with planning in the field of communications, and for the time being, he does not have much energy to manage the affairs of the island country. Fang Shanming and Wang Dehai also temporarily take charge of the main affairs of the island country.
Su Yun is assured of the abilities of the two.
Wang Dehai has proved his ability in many actions, not to mention Fang Shanming.
The financial harvest of the island country is about to enter the final stage. As the only top financial talent of the group, Fang Shanming must be the ultimate person in charge of this plan.
Fang Shanming replied earnestly: “”Don’t worry, Mr. Su, we have been watching the movement of the island country all this time, and the little devils didn’t do anything unusual.
So far, everything is within our grasp.
In addition, Li Xie has also received news recently, saying that our people are buying the light industrial factories in the island country that are on the verge of bankruptcy. There is nothing wrong with it. ”
“very good!”
Su Yun was very satisfied when he heard this.
(Okay, okay) If things go on like this, as long as there are no accidents, they will soon be able to put the financial cake of the island country on the plate.
It can be said that now this cake has been placed in the oven, and then you only need to control the heat and you will be able to do everything seamlessly!
Fang Mingshan proposed at the right time: “Mr. Su, I think the machinery and equipment acquired from the island country should be quietly destroyed.
If we want to occupy the market of island countries, we cannot produce industrial products in their own country, but should produce products in our factories and then ship them to island countries for sale.
Otherwise, once the little devil uses force, all our plans will be in vain. ”
Fang Mingshan’s thinking is very clear. The group’s acquisition of factories in the island country is naturally to completely cut off their light industrial production capacity, but it is impossible to transport all the machinery and equipment back to China.
Now Huayin Group has no shortage of these things, and it is just a pile of scrap iron.
Chapter 786: Bullying the honest man again
It is impossible for them to produce industrial products in the island country, otherwise once the little devils are dissatisfied with their occupation of the market and force them to stop production, all the previous plans will be empty talk.
But these equipment cannot be left to the little devils, otherwise they can easily resume light industrial production using the existing equipment.
Therefore, the best way is to destroy all these devices.
As for why it was quietly, it was naturally to cover up the eyes and ears of the little devils and prevent them from realizing the group’s purpose in advance.
“Well, that’s good, let’s do it like this.”
After listening to Fang Mingshan’s suggestion, Su Yun nodded in approval.
Fang Mingshan was very thoughtful about this matter, and many ideas had all come together with him.
Except for Su Yun, everyone else nodded in agreement.
Everyone is smart, so they can naturally understand Fang Mingshan’s intentions.
After thinking about it, Su Yun arranged: “After this meeting, Wang Dehai, you immediately go to the island country and notify our people to secretly destroy those machines.
In addition, you are also responsible for stabilizing the little devils this time.
We are going to occupy their market this time, the little devils may detect our true intentions, and all you have to do is to let them disarm.
Wang Dehai, the outcome of your dealings is related to the final success or failure of the plan, and I believe you will not disappoint me. ”
Su Yun’s expression was very serious at this time.
All along, Wang Dehai has shown his abilities to the fullest.
He went to the island country several times to negotiate, and the little devils were all taken aback by Wang Dehai, and even the little devils trusted Wang DehaiDehai used them as an insider.
This matter was also mentioned by Wang Dehai to Su Yun after his return.
From this, it can be seen that Wang Dehai has indeed grasped the little devil’s mind very steadily.
But Wang Dehai’s trip to the island country this time is of great significance.
To put it bluntly, no matter how important the previous events are, they are only for the final step. If something goes wrong in the last step, all the previous efforts will be in vain!
Therefore, Su Yun still solemnly instructed.
Wang Dehai also knows the importance of his trip. If they can’t keep the little devils stable this time, they will really fall short.
In that case, it might even be better to fail early!
In front of Su Yun, Wu Si, Fang Mingshan and others, Wang Dehai promised each word (ajed): “President Su, and everyone here, please rest assured, I will definitely complete the task successfully this time!”
“Okay! Brother Wang, everything is up to you!”
Everyone cheered Wang Dehai, and Su Yun said with satisfaction: “This time we have stabilized the little devils, and after we destroy those industrial products, we can directly confront the little devils!
At that time, the supply of light industrial products for the entire island nation will depend on us. ”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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