As Su Yun said, a brilliance flashed in his eyes.
Today’s meeting is the core gathering before harvesting the island nation’s finances.
As long as this last step is completed, the finance of the island country is just a piece of meat on the chopping board, and they can be slaughtered!
In addition to Su Yun, everyone present was also very excited.
Wu Si, Fang Shanming, Fang Mingshan and the others clenched their fists.
“Understood Mr. Su!”
Qi Qi whispered, and everyone’s eyes were full of anticipation.
Although today’s meeting is small and brief, this is the real prelude to the start of the general attack.
For this moment, the entire group has been preparing secretly and openly for more than a year, especially since the end of April, the entire Huayin Group has gradually put most of its energy into it.
In the past month or so, everyone who is related to this matter has a string in their hearts.
And these core characters of them are even more trembling every day and go all out, for fear that something will go wrong.
Now all the preparatory work is about to be completed, more than a year of accumulation, just for the upcoming heart-pounding, the most exciting time is when you see it!
After the matter was settled, Su Yun waved his hand and said, “Let’s go first, everyone will be ready when they go back.”
“Yes! President Su!”
Everyone got up and left the office. When they came out, everyone had already restrained their expressions. On the surface, they looked no different from usual.
But everyone’s hearts have long been suffocated.
Early the next morning, Wang Dehai came directly to the airport and boarded a plane to the island country.
After coming to Fushan, Wang Dehai first met with Li Xie and conveyed the decision of the group to Li Xie. Li Xie was also very excited after hearing about it.
They had been dormant in the island country for more than a year, and it was finally time to raise their eyebrows.
After that, the two discussed some details, and after confirming that all the details were correct, Wang Dehai began to prepare for the final deal with the little devil.
Things were not as expected by Su Yun and others. As soon as the news of Wang Dehai coming to the island country came out, Sasuke came to the door the next day.
A few days ago, Lin Xian conveyed the instructions to Sasuke, who came here to test Huayin Group’s mind.
The two still met in the previous hotel this time. After the meeting, the two reminisced about the old times, and then Sasuke directly questioned the meaning of Huayin Group.
He didn’t even ask, but turned a corner and said, “Wang Sang, there have been rumors in Gao Chen recently, and there are also some rumors targeting you Huayin Group.
They said that your Huayin Group has recently put a large amount of light industrial products into the empire, and also purchased light industrial manufacturers in the empire.
These remarks caused a lot of uproar. General Lin Xian asked me to ask you clearly, what is going on? ”
Sasuke’s tone was euphemistic, but his face was quite serious.
Wang Dehai knew at a glance that this guy came here to question them, and the little devil’s thoughts were basically the same as what they said at the small meeting.
After all, the movement of Huayin Group is not small, no matter how stupid they are, they have noticed that something is wrong.
It’s just that the other party should have some scruples, for fear of offending Huayin Group and cutting off their resource supply, so they didn’t directly ask questions.
But Wang Dehai didn’t care either, he came prepared for this trip.
After Sasuke finished asking, Wang Dehai didn’t answer directly, but first asked, “How is the life of the people in your country recently?”
Sasuke replied subconsciously: “With your material supply, people everywhere will live a stable life, and they will no longer have to laboriously buy local high-priced industrial products.”
Wang Dehai asked again: “So what harm did Huayin Group bring to your country’s market?”
Sasuke was a little embarrassed by Wang Dehai’s question.
Wang Dehai is calling him.
Huayin Group’s cooperation with you has always brought no harm, but you will listen to rumors and ask such questions? .
Chapter 787: Is it too much to occupy the market?
The point is, what Wang Dehai said is indeed the truth.
It is true that Huayin Group has occupied their market and squeezed the local light industry into bankruptcy one after another.
However, after Huayin Group opened up the affordable market, the local people did not need to live onTroubled by the source, many lower-level civilians are also very fond of Huayin Group, praising them for being like a timely rain and bringing hope of life to everyone.
These remarks are all spoken by the people of the Empire in the streets, and Sasuke and others have already heard it.
After being stunned, Sasuke had no choice but to say: “Wang Sang, don’t get me wrong, since your company has delivered industrial products to the empire, it has only brought us benefits.
The people of the Empire are also very grateful to you.
It’s just that some people with ulterior motives maliciously created rumors, and the general asked me to ask, just to stop the rumors. ”
Wang Dehai smiled inwardly.
Sasuke is like a child at the negotiating table, and he can suppress himself with a few words.
Taking a sip of tea, Wang Dehai said slowly: “Your Excellency General, in fact, those rumors are not entirely wrong. We do intend to occupy your country’s market.”
When Sasuke heard the words, his expression immediately became condensed.
Wang Dehai explained calmly: “General, don’t worry, our Huayin Group is a business group.
Dominate the market and enjoy all the profits of a region. This is what every business group is doing. In this case, our Huayin Group will be no exception. This is also the nature of businessmen, and it has been the case since ancient times. ”
Sasuke nodded hesitantly after hearing this.
Wang Dehai is right. Dominate the market and enjoy the benefits. This is indeed what every business group and every businessman is doing.
But Sasuke still didn’t understand what Wang Dehai wanted to express.
Could it be that Huayin Group really, as Saito said, wants to occupy the imperial market and thus manipulate the prices of the empire?
But in that case, how could Wang Dehai admit it directly?
Just when Sasuke was thinking fast, Wang Dehai changed his words.
He saw that Sasuke’s expression was changing, and he knew what this guy was thinking, but Wang Dehai could only say that Sasuke’s Taoism was still too shallow.
“You don’t have to worry about it, General, I just said this because I wanted to be honest with your country.
Huayin Group is indeed very much like monopolizing your country’s market, but we will not try to manipulate your country’s prices after monopolizing the market, as rumors say.
Because we don’t have to.
What’s more, even if we want to drive up prices, it’s impossible, everyone is friends, and there is no need to sell.
Although your country’s military cooperates with us, it is only a commercial exchange after all. If we drive up prices without authorization, your country will definitely use force against us in order to maintain its own market.
As long as your army arrives, our people and goods will be destroyed. We Huayin Group are not so stupid.
Our businessmen are particular about long-term business, especially the huge Huayin Group, and they will not be like some small business hawkers who ignore the petty profits in front of them. ”
“Well, Wang Sang is right.”
Sasuke savored Wang Dehai’s words and nodded again and again.
I have to say that, in Sasuke’s view, Wang Dehai’s remarks are really at home.
He neither concealed the ambition of Huayin Group, but also showed that Huayin Group would not rely on the so-called friendship to gain an inch.
As Wang Dehai said, it is nothing for Huayin Group to dominate the market. From the current point of view, this move is beneficial to both parties.
Huayin Group can obtain benefits, and the empire can also obtain a stable supply of resources.
But if the Huayin Group has an inch and wants to drive up prices, once the imperial army comes out, it will definitely make the Huayin Group unable to eat, and the Huayin Group will not suffer this loss.
And Wang Dehai also said that it is really unnecessary for them to drive up prices.
Today’s island market has no share of local companies, and Western chaebols have no place in the local market. The entire island market is dominated by Huayin Group.
With this prerequisite, Huayin Group can already make enough profits.
Unless they are stupid, they will take the risk of being suppressed by force to drive up prices, and they are simply not happy for themselves.
Seeing Sasuke’s contemplative appearance, Wang Dehai knew that this guy was hooked again.
That being the case, things got better.
With some smiles on his face, Wang Dehai said slowly: “General Sasuke, we have been working together for so long, and you all know the style of Huayin Group.
Skirt ⒉⒉0⑤23①4⒐・
To put it bluntly, we just want to make some money.
So even if we dominate your country’s market, we will neither drive up prices nor interfere with any order in your country, but just make money by doing business as usual, shouldn’t this be too much? ”
“Oh haha, Wang Sang is right, this is indeed human nature.
Those rumors outside are constantly spreading that you want to dominate the market and drive up prices, but as long as your company conducts business normally, such rumors will definitely be self-defeating. ”
Sasuke smiled apologetically.
Wang Dehai’s theory made him feel a little ashamed.
After all, as soon as he entered the door, he would indiscriminately question the Huayin Group, but they were only doing business according to their duty, which was indeed a bit unreasonable.
… 0 …
What’s more, even if Huayin Group dominates the market of the empire, they transported goods, stabilized prices, and brought many benefits to the empire.
This is also considered to help the development and stability of the empire.
In contrast, they seem to be a little cautious.
At this point, Sasuke and Lin Xian have similar ideas.
It doesn’t matter if Huayin Group occupies the market of the island country, as long as they do business with peace of mind, supply resources for the empire, do not drive up prices, do not disturb the market order, the rest are trivial matters.
Even if they have dissent, just send troops to suppress them.
A group of businessmen, can they still rise up and overthrow the empire directly?Moreover, what Wang Dehai said just now can be regarded as a disguised guarantee.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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