In this way, his goal today has been achieved.
Sasuke had already made up his mind. After returning, he would report to Lin Xian that Huayin Group really wanted to occupy the island market, but they didn’t have any disagreements, so there was no need to make a fuss.
Seeing Sasuke’s approval, Wang Dehai continued, “If that’s the case, your country shouldn’t have to worry about it.
We don’t have any disagreements. Besides, our cooperation is beneficial to both your country and our group. Huayin makes money and your country gets resources. Isn’t it beautiful? ”
Wang Dehai stretched out his head slightly and looked at Sasuke with a smile.
Sasuke laughed when he saw this: “Hahaha, what Wang Sang said makes sense, we still need to benefit each other more in the future!
Wang Sang, don’t worry, I will report to the top management after I go back, and let them curb the rumors. “begging.
Chapter 788: What We Said Is the Truth
“Then there is General Lao.”
Wang Dehai picked up the teacup, which was regarded as a respect for tea instead of wine.
Sasuke also returned to Wang Dehai. After the two laughed and chatted, Sasuke asked again, “We already know your intentions, but I still don’t know something.”
“General, please speak.”
“Recently we found out that your people are buying up a large number of local light industrial manufacturers in the empire, but those manufacturers are on the verge of bankruptcy, and the only valuable things are machines.
But what do you need so many machines for? You shouldn’t be short of these machines, right? ”
This was also what Lin Xian explained to Sasuke.
Saito’s words that day were not in vain, but they still aroused Lin Xian’s vigilance.
If Huayin Group wants to control the market of the empire, it will inevitably buy their factories, thus cutting off their light industrial production capacity.
This is not a complicated “three zero three” question, even Lin Xian can figure it out.
Therefore, Lin Xian will pay attention to this point.
And Wang Dehai has long been prepared for the other party to ask such a question.
In response to this question, Wang Dehai prepared his speech in advance before coming.
At this time, Sasuke asked, Wang Dehai said directly: “General is wrong now, our group still needs these machines.”
Sasuke was puzzled.
With the industrial capabilities of Huayin Group, they can make production machines by themselves, so why bother to buy them everywhere, and then spend a lot of effort to transport them back to China?
Wang Dehai replied: “To be honest with the general, our Huayin Group now has a monopoly market share in the entire East Asia region.
The demand for industrial goods is very strong, and we need to expand production.
But it is too slow to re-produce machinery and equipment, so it is fast to acquire factories and equipment that are going bankrupt. ”
Wang Dehai’s expression did not change when he answered, and there was no leakage between the words.
Of course, these were all excuses he used to deceive the little devil.
Sasuke nodded slightly and blurted out: “So it is.”
There was a hint of playfulness on Wang Dehai’s face: “Then Your Excellency General, is there anything you are worried about?”
“Ah-hahaha, nothing, nothing.
You are so frank, but the empire is somewhat under-measured. It is all to blame for the rumors outside, Wang Sang should not take it to heart. ”
Sasuke was so agitated by Wang Dehai that he was a little hesitant to speak.
He came here to question Huayin Group, but found out that everything was due to their overthinking. Huayin Group didn’t plan to hide anything at all, but happily said everything.
When Wang Dehai arrived, he even broke his mind, which made Sasuke a little embarrassed.
“Cough cough.”
After coughing twice, Sasuke got up and said: “Today’s affairs are all affected by some rumors, I’ll go back and report to the higher-ups and stop some people’s mouths.
I will say goodbye first, Wang Sang should not take it to heart. ”
“Your country has the ability to distinguish right from wrong, this is just a trivial matter.”
Wang Dehai promised to send Sasuke to the gate in person, and the two said goodbye.
After seeing Sasuke away, Wang Dehai returned to his room.
Soon after, Li Xie knocked on the door and walked in.
When he came just now, he happened to catch a glimpse of Sasuke’s car leaving, which means that Wang Dehai has finished fighting with the little devil.
Seeing Wang Dehai, Li Xie asked, “Brother Wang, how’s the matter?”
Wang Dehai smiled: “These little devils are still the same as before, with developed brains, simple limbs, and no progress at all, just a bunch of sticks!
With their IQ, just a few words can make them unable to find the North. ”
While joking, Wang Dehai stated what had just happened to Li Xie.
Li Xie couldn’t help laughing after hearing this.
“Brother Wang, you are not fooling around. We told them the truth, but they are stupid, so we can’t blame us.”
“Ha ha ha ha……”
The two looked at each other and laughed.
Most of what Wang Dahai said just now is true.
For example, Huayin Group wants to occupy the market of little devils, for example, they want to do business, for example, they are developing in East Asia, this is all true!
It’s a pity that the little devil’s own elm head can’t see the essence of these things at all, so I don’t blame them.
Of course, business is business, honest and dishonest, and when it comes to a critical moment, it is not Huayin Group who has the final say!
After communicating with Li Xie, Wang Dehai reported the matter to the group headquarters.
After Su Yun and others received the news, they were greatly relieved.
Now everything is ready, just waiting for those machines to be destroyed, they can clean up the little devils in a fair and honest way.  …
Su Yun felt relieved that such a heavy burden had finally reached the point of resolution.a lot.
Taking advantage of the good mood, Su Yun decided to visit Huayin School City.
Speaking of which, since the last time he came here, Su Yun has not been to see the situation of the school city for more than half a year.
This morning, Su Yun took Gao Lin and others all the way to the location of Huayin School City outside the city.
Zhao Hu accompanied the guards all the way to protect Su Yun’s safety.
The time is now in mid-June, and the students in Huayin School City have already completed their final exams, whether in primary schools, middle schools or universities.
This time should be the time when the students hold the summer sports meeting.
Different from other schools, Huayin School City has always paid attention to the comprehensive quality of each student. Unlike other private schools or private schools, it only makes students die.
So there will be some group activities in the school town every once in a while.
In the spring, there will be the Spring Festival Games, outings, etc., and in the summer, there will be sports meetings. In the autumn and winter, there will be time to organize students to carry out some collective outdoor activities.
Su Yun has always wanted to cultivate top comprehensive talents for the country.
However, students can’t miss their usual coursework, so large-scale collective activities such as the Yun 4.3 Movement in the spring and summer seasons will be held after the final exams of each semester.
The entire summer sports meet, which lasts half a month, can be a distraction for students if held before exams.
The weather is getting warmer recently, and the summer vacation is coming soon. Before I know it, this book has more than two million words. On this website, more than two million words can continue to make money. I feel very honored. I feel that there are at least some desirable points, and it will not be useless. I have a little comfort in my heart.
As for how much content is left unwritten in this book, I can only say a lot, and I didn’t expect it. I feel like I haven’t written anything yet, and it’s already more than two million words. How many ten thousand words should I have for the big story that follows?
Well, my lack of ability is a bit powerful, and I can’t control the plot’s control of the number of words at all! .
Chapter 789: Summer Games in progress
The main purpose of Su Yun’s visit this time is to make plans for the subsequent development of the school city. In the future, he will go to Zhan Ming and set the teaching goals for the subsequent stage.
Secondly, Su Yun also wanted to see the performance of the students in the sports meeting, in order to judge the comprehensive educational achievements of the school city.
Huayin Group’s physical education classes and other courses are not decorations.
Su Yun has always attached great importance to this.
After arriving at the school city, Su Yun didn’t notify anyone, and went in with Zhao Hu and others, and then the group walked towards the playground.
Across the distance, Su Yun saw that the playground was already crowded with people.
There are hundreds of thousands of students in Huayin School City. The Summer Games include all students from primary schools, middle schools and universities, covering various track and field events such as long-distance running, sprinting, high jump, and long jump, as well as basketball, football, badminton, table tennis and other sports. of ball games.
In addition, it also includes professional sports such as fencing and wrestling. The scale is not small, it is a grand event in Jinling and even in the whole country.
Such a grand event naturally attracted people from all walks of life.
Journalists, celebrities and even ordinary people from Jinling City and surrounding cities all came to watch the games.
The school city will not stop this, but will send more security forces to maintain order and avoid chaos.
When Su Yun and others arrived, the surrounding areas of these projects were already crowded with people, and the surrounding areas of the venues were crowded with people. After Su Yun and others passed by, they were instantly overwhelmed by the loud cheers, and they even had to talk to each other. Throat.
Su Yun led people around to watch, and from time to time, he could hear thunderous cheers coming from somewhere.
All the competitions are going on. The cheers and applause on the entire playground are like the sea in the storm. Get caught up in a warm atmosphere.
Su Yun was in it, and although it was noisy, he didn’t feel disgusted.
The more enthusiastic the atmosphere on the entire playground, the more it can show that they held the games well.
After visiting the playground, Su Yun and others went to the military competition area.
Yes, in addition to the regular sports, there is another highlight of the Huayin School City Games, which is the military competition.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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