The so-called military project competition includes shooting, fighting, group actual combat exercises and other projects.
Zhan Ming had previously requested that the students of Huayin School City should receive military training on a regular basis, the purpose of which is to enable students to strengthen their fitness and take into account their overall quality.
In addition to cultural classes, students will also be arranged to take shooting classes, fighting classes, and learn some military theory knowledge.
The establishment of these military project competitions is also to test the training results of the students.
After watching the regular events, Su Yun brought Gao Lin and others to the venue dedicated to military events.
The atmosphere here is completely different from other places.
On the venues for events such as long-distance sprinting, basketball, and wrestling, the audience was all teachers, students, reporters, and celebrities or ordinary people from all walks of life. The atmosphere was quite lively.
But the vibe here is more serious.
In addition to the teachers and students who came to watch, there were also some instructors gathered at the scene.
These people are from serious military backgrounds, and they are deep in their bones.With the atmosphere of the battlefield, even in the game, the instructors are very serious and bloody.
Outside the venue, some students and instructors came to greet Su Yun when they saw Su Yun’s arrival.
After Su Yun greeted him a little, he watched from the outside.
There are many targets in the field. The participating students are standing at one end of the field, raising their firearms to shoot at the targets.
“Bang bang bang…”
The deafening sound of gunfire continued to reverberate as the students opened fire.
Whether during military training or in shooting classes, students in Huayin School City use genuine firearms.
At this moment, the firearms and bullets used by the students in the competition are all real ones, not imitations.
Some of the training results on weekdays can be displayed at this time. Some students’ marksmanship is stable and precise, and they have hit the tenth ring several times in a row.
After watching the shooting range for a while, Su Yun came to the exercise site again. This is the place where military exercises are held. The entire area is much larger than other sites.
When Su Yun arrived, he saw two teams of students lined up into the field. They were all wearing formal military uniforms, helmets, and weapons such as rifles and knives.
In addition to this, they have red and blue markings on their helmets to distinguish between the two teams.
The exercise venue is specially constructed, with broken walls, trenches, trees and vegetation, etc., and the environment is quite real.
This is exactly what the school city pursues.
Soldiers simulate the actual combat exercise 307, which can test the tacit understanding between the students. Therefore, the more realistic and complex the environment, the better the effect.
Unfortunately, Su Yun couldn’t see what was going on inside the venue. After the match started, the entire venue had to be sealed off to prevent outsiders from affecting the match.
The duration of an exercise is not short, and both sides of the participating teams often have to go through various games to determine the final outcome.
Therefore, after watching it for a while, Su Yun didn’t wait any longer, and brought everyone straight to the fighting arena.
But before leaving, Su Yun was a little puzzled.
When the red and blue teams entered the field, Su Yun clearly noticed that there seemed to be some older people in the team, with outstanding temperament and strong physique.
These people don’t look like students, they look like real soldiers.
However, Su Yun subconsciously ignored it. After all, there are some students who look old and have a rough temperament.
After leaving the exercise venue, everyone came to the fighting venue to watch the battle.
The competition in the fighting field is mainly divided into equipment fighting and unarmed fighting, but the students are wearing some protective gear, and weapons such as knives and guns are only imitations, so as not to cause harm to the competitors.
Chapter 790: These little brats are amazing
All students participating in the competition are students. Although the real fighting is cruel, everyone is a student. The school still pursues safety first. Therefore, every student will wear various protective gear before participating in the competition, and there will also be special teachers. Conduct inspections to prevent students from being harmed.
In this way, the scoring can only rely on the referee next to it.
In the case that no real damage can be caused, the judges will make judgments based on the movements of the students when they fight, the number of times the opponent is hit in some key parts, and the technique of the contestants when they shoot.
To put it simply, it is to see who has been hit the most times, and whose technique is fast enough, accurate enough, and stable enough.
After watching a few fights, Su Yun was ready to go back to the actual combat exercise site to check it out.
After waiting for so long, the last game was almost over. Su Yun also wanted to see how the students cooperated and how adaptable they were.
However, just as Su Yun was about to turn around, he found that a burly man had also entered the fighting arena.
Su Yun’s eyes narrowed suddenly. .
Different from the vigorous young people of the students, this man walked with stubborn strides, and this man was full of stubble, with a burly stature and a murderous look in his eyes.
Based on this, Su Yun probably made a judgment in his heart.
“This person is definitely not a student, he must be a professional soldier!”
Noticing this, Su Yun swept around again.
He found out just now that there were also several players who looked like professional soldiers in the exercise team, but he didn’t care, but there were such people in the fighting field, which made Su Yun realize that things didn’t seem to be simple. .
And Su Yun also noticed that among the people watching the battle, there seemed to be some soldiers.
Seeing this, Su Yun frowned immediately.
He beckoned: “Zhao Hu!”
“Yes, President Su!”
Zhao Hu immediately came to Su Yun’s side from behind.
Su Yundao: “Go and ask the referee on the field, what happened to those professional soldiers, and how can there be professional soldiers in the students’ games~々.”
Zhao Hu walked towards the crowd.
He is also an elite person. At a glance, it can be seen that the people Su Yun is referring to are indeed not students, but are like soldiers who have fought in wars, at least they have been strictly trained.
As a result, just as Zhao Hu took a few steps, he was stopped by someone.
Su Yun took a closer look and saw that it was Wang Cheng!
At this time, Wang Cheng was hooking on Zhao Hu’s shoulders, pulling Zhao Hu back with a hippie smile, while Zhao Hu looked dumbfounded.
The corners of Su Yun’s mouth twitched slightly, and he suddenly understood something.
The slut Wang Cheng is actually here, shouldn’t those soldiers be all this kind of people?
While thinking about it, Wang Cheng had already dragged Zhao Hu to Su Yun.
Immediately, Wang Cheng pushed Zhao Hu away and said with a laugh, “Ahahaha, Ziwen, it’s a coincidence that you are here too?”
Mad…the bastard.
Su Yun’s face darkened: “You bitch, what are you doing here?
I saw a few soldiers come off just now, is that your subordinate? ”
Wang Cheng grinned: “Good eyesight,These brothers are all my people. Recently, isn’t your school town holding some sports events and setting up military programs.
I’m afraid that these little brats are too flirtatious, so I will bring people over to discuss with them, and I will also catch a few seedlings for you. ”
Hehe, this dang hair, the crooked reason can be said so rightly.
Su Yun’s face was dark and full of disgust: “Don’t give me some of these things, don’t think I don’t know, you must be hitting on my students’ ideas.”
Although Huayin School City is not a military school, students will be involved in certain military training subjects.
Combine that with the sheer number of people in the school town, and there are always some that stand out.
When Wang Cheng came here this time, he definitely wanted to find some good seedlings.
After Su Yundao broke his mind, Wang Cheng didn’t care, but leaned in and said, “I said Ziwen, these little brats are really good!
I’ve seen them in the past two days, and many of them are good gunners and fighters, and even the drills are well done.
Lao Tzu sent a few brethren to join in, and he got a bit sullen. ”
Wang Cheng was a little embarrassed when he said that.
He brought a group of brothers here. Originally, he wanted to catch a few seedlings and educate the “junior” along the way, but he never imagined that all the little bastards in Huayin School City would be beyond him. unexpected.
Among the students who participated in the competition, many of them had outstanding marksmanship, on a par with his men, and even a few were even better than him.
Not only that, but their fighting and military literacy is also very high.
In terms of single-person fighting, the students are not much different from his people. In the previous two days of practice competition, his people actually suffered a small loss.
But Wang Cheng knew that the students of Huayin School City were all high-quality talents, and it was impossible to say about their educational level.
In this way, if these people are in the army, they will be both civil and military!
In the past, this was all the general’s material!
Wang Cheng said, his face was about to stick to Su Yun, Su Yun pushed the goods away and said with a cold face: “‘ ‘Don’t tell me this, what my students want to do, they have to be willing. ”
“Don’t say goodbye! Now the country is in need of talents, such a good soldier can’t be buried.
President of the University of Su, do you have time to talk and make peace, to agitate? ”
Su Yun was too lazy to deal with this stuff at all.
Wang Cheng is right, some good seedlings are indeed the talents that the army needs, but he still said that what students want to do depends on their own wishes.
Seeing that Su Yun didn’t answer, Wang Cheng had no choice but to say angrily, “Ziwen, how did you train them, why are these scumbags similar to my brothers.”
Wang Cheng realized that he might be in a hurry, so he planned to proceed step by step.
At the same time, he was also curious that his subordinates were all elites.
But these students of Huayin can actually do almost five to five (good Zhao) with his subordinates?
Especially in terms of marksmanship, some students are even better than them.
This time, Su Yun didn’t hide it, and replied with a smile: “The students of Huayin School City participate in shooting training every month, and each of them has a share of at least 200 rounds of bullets per month.
Elementary school students don’t count, they’re too young to hold guns.
But from junior high school, students have to participate in shooting training.
Junior high school students have to shoot 50 rounds of ammunition each time they participate in training. In high school, each person will have 80 rounds of bullets each time, and college students will have 100 rounds of bullets each time.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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