“Zhan Ming, in two years, can the goal of one million college students be achieved!”
“It’s President Su, in two years, we promise to complete the task!
From now on, we will spare no effort to spare no effort to make millions of college students appear in front of your eyes within two years! ”
Zhan Ming’s body stood up straight, and every word was loud and clear!
At this moment, his heart is very heavy, but his momentum is like a long rainbow.
Zhan Ming knew that Su Yun rarely set such a compulsive goal, but since Su Yun forced them to make such a big decision, he must have his own reasons.
Read between the lines, Zhan Ming has made up his mind, starting today, even if everyone is exhausted at work, they must accomplish this goal!
Su Yun came to Zhan Ming and encouraged: “Zhan Ming, to do this, your cultural and educational company has to work hard.
There will be many difficulties in this, and the group can only help you with funds. The rest of the manpower, venue, and publicity need to be done by yourself.
In the past two years, everyone has worked hard, but for the sake of the motherland, I also ask you to do your best. ”
“I understand, Mr. Su!”
The eyes of the two met, and at this moment, Su Yun and Zhan Ming’s expressions were both serious and solemn.
Completing such a goal within two years is not just talk.
Nowadays, domestic education is only just sprouting from the ruins. To achieve the emergence of millions of college students every year within two years, from a practical point of view, it is indeed a little bit of encouragement.
But Su Yun had no choice. He also wanted to set aside time to develop step by step, but the reality would not give him much time.
Therefore, Su Yun can only let his subordinates go all out, and he himself will do his best.
After some negotiation, Su Yun took people out of the cultural and educational company.
Wang Cheng followed Su Yun’s side, and he couldn’t stop turning away from Su Yun along the way.
At this time, Wang Cheng didn’t have any smiley expression on his face, only his deep admiration for Su Yun remained.
When leaving the office, Wang Cheng noticed that Zhan Ming clenched his fists inadvertently, and he also noticed that Su Yun’s eyes also became solemn and deep.
Wang Cheng knew that the two were secretly making up their minds for what they had just said.
Huayin Group has a big family, which is true, but education involves the whole country, and domestic education has only just begun to develop, and it does not have a solid foundation.
Su Yun did this, which was equivalent to forcibly building a hundred-zhang tall building without a foundation. The difficulty of it can be imagined.
Skirt ⒉⒉0⑤23①4⒐・
What’s more, two years of millions of college students does not mean that the number of domestic college students will reach one million within two years, but that after the end of the second year, one million middle school students will be promoted to universities at the same time!
Based on the educational foundation before the country, if there is no Huayin Group, this goal may not be achieved in a few decades!
Because of this, Wang Cheng deeply admires Su Yun.
After leaving the cultural and educational company, Wang Cheng suddenly said to Su Yun, “Ziwen, I, Wang Cheng, have never admired any businessman, but you, Su Ziwen, are definitely the first and should be the only one!”
Su Yun didn’t know Wang Cheng’s state of mind at the moment, so he couldn’t help looking at him: “Why did you suddenly say this?”
… 0 ……
Wang Cheng was very serious, and his heart was both emotional and heavy.
“Ziwen, you and I are best friends, and you are the only businessman among my friends.
In the past few years, the country has been able to develop to such a degree that its economy has taken off, its industry has progressed, its people’s livelihood has improved, its education has been rejuvenated, and its military power has grown stronger. All these changes were created by you and Huayin Group!
Without you Huayin Group and without you Su Ziwen, the motherland would not be where it is today in twenty years. ”
Seeing Wang Cheng’s emotion, Su Yun was not used to it.
On weekdays, this guy is so carefree and unorthodox, but now he is suddenly so serious, but it makes him a little uncomfortable.
But Wang Cheng didn’t care what Su Yun thought.
Don’t look at how he usually hangs out, but on key matters, he Wang Cheng is never vague, and the two usually joke around,It was because of a good relationship, but Su Yun’s contribution really made Wang Cheng admire him.
While speaking, Wang Cheng couldn’t help but look at the Huayin Culture and Education Company behind him, and at the teaching buildings in the distant school town.
“Ziwen, it’s all thanks to you that national education has become what it is today.
It was you who invested in education from the beginning, at all costs, to make education what it is today. ”
There was a flash of memory in Wang Cheng’s eyes.
A full 80,000 college students!
In the early years, there were only 7,000 college students graduating in a year in the whole country.
But in a few years, our country will graduate 80,000 college students every year, and there will be more in the future, until one million beggars.
Chapter 793: : We still have a long way to go
“Ziwen, you Huayin Group are really this!”
Wang Cheng gave Su Yun a thumbs up, but Su Yun pressed his hand down, suddenly being praised by Wang Cheng in such a serious way, it gave him goosebumps.
“Okay, okay, Old Wang, you don’t have to be so emotional, there were only so many students in your country at that time.
The situation is different now. The state attaches great importance to education, and the commissioner personally explained that we will expand the school and expand the number of teachers. We are just doing our duty as a Chinese.
After a few years, college students will be worthless. At that time, our education will really take off. ”
Wang Cheng smiled heartily upon hearing this.
“Okay, let’s talk to you, I believe that day will come soon!”
A joke is a joke, but Wang Cheng’s admiration for Su Yun has grown stronger.
Apart from him, who would dare to say such a “three zero seven” commitment?
Before the establishment of Huayin Group, there were so many businessmen in this land of China, rich or not, who could be like Su Yun, willing to do all they can to help the country run education, strengthen the military, develop industry, and revitalize people’s livelihood?
That’s why Wang Cheng admires Su Yun, not because of his name, but because of his patriotism, which is dedicated to serving the country and not seeking personal gain.
Although Su Yun is young and a businessman, Wang Cheng sees the hope of the motherland and the hope of young people to revitalize the motherland from this young businessman.
Because of these, he will befriend Su Yun and become Su Yun’s best friend.
That’s why he often avoids suspicion and speaks openly. If anyone dares to touch Su Yun’s hair, he must ask the military’s millions of troops to answer!
Because Su Yun is worth their efforts to protect.
At least from the current point of view, protecting Su Yun is maintaining the pillars of the country and maintaining the development of their military.
Wang Cheng also climbed up from the middle and lower levels step by step, knowing that it was not easy at the beginning.
Thinking back to the past, even those soldiers who were full of food were a luxury. Three meals a day were not enough, and there was no oil or water in the meals.
The weapons in their hands are also outdated and outdated, and even the guns are not enough!
Even in some direct line troops, two people share a gun.
But now with the support of Huayin Group, they can replace the world’s most advanced weapons and equipment, tanks, combat vehicles, heavy artillery, and planes!
These weapons that I dreamed of in the past are now in my hands.
Bullets hit casually, shells hit casually!
All of this comes from Huayin Group.
In addition to weapons and equipment, Huayin Group has also demonstrated their strong logistical support capabilities to the military.
Just like the logistics transportation of the last bandit suppression, even if the brothers were in the deep mountains and forests, and land transportation was inconvenient, Huayin Group could instantly mobilize hundreds of large transport planes to quickly transport thousands of tons of materials to the front line.
Such a strong logistical support capability allows them to have no worries no matter where they are.
If there is no Huayin Group, they are afraid that they will have to live the life of fighting on an empty stomach.
With too much emotion in his heart, Wang Cheng was wandering for a while.
Until Su Yun and others walked out a short distance, he was still in place.
Su Yun saw Wang Cheng still standing there in a daze, and greeted: “What are you doing, you are still thinking about how to hook up with my students, right? Hurry up!”
Only then did Wang Cheng react, and he followed in three or two steps.
Su Yun pouted slightly and said, “I said what did you think just now?”
Wang Cheng smiled: “It’s nothing, I just remembered some of the previous life, and I felt a little bit. If it wasn’t for your Huayin Group, we wouldn’t have had such a good life.”
Wang Cheng said, putting one hand on Su Yun’s shoulder: “To tell you the truth, Ziwen, I, Wang Cheng, have made many friends, but so far, you are the one I am most proud of!”
Su Yun also saw Wang Cheng’s seriousness and said with a smile, “These things are nothing.
In order to revitalize the country’s military strength and help the country’s development, what Huayin Group has done is far from enough. The motherland has been poor and weak for a hundred years, and it will take a long time to achieve real rejuvenation. ”
Being influenced by Wang Cheng like this, Su Yun also felt a little emotional.
In recent years, the development of all walks of life in the motherland has indeed been booming, but China is still far from being a powerful country.
This gap has gradually widened since hundreds of years ago, and it cannot be smoothed out overnight.
Su Yun knew that in order for the motherland to truly stand at the forefront of the tide, they still had a lot to do, and they had to go step by step.  …
After leaving Huayin Culture and Education Company, Su Yun and Wang Cheng returned to the playground of the school town.
The strong competitive atmosphere swept away some of the irritable emotions that Su Yun had accumulated due to his busy work in the recent period. Su Yun also enjoyed this vibrant environment very much.
But he still has a lot of things to do, and he can’t stay here for a long time.
Seeing that it was getting late, Su Yun took people out of the school city, returned to the Huayin Group headquarters, and began to wrap up some of the events of the day.
Su Yun has been busy, and the little devils have nothave free time.
After Saito was kicked out by Lin Xian that day, they approached Saito for discussion. The two agreed that in order to stop Huayin Group’s plan, they must first stop them from acquiring local light industrial manufacturers.
Although these manufacturers are on the verge of bankruptcy, they are the basis for the empire to rebuild light industry and cannot all fall into the hands of Huayin Group.
But this matter was blocked by the army again, and it was not easy to handle.
Worrying in his heart, Saito paced back and forth in the office, while Takahashi sat at the desk in deep thought.
After a long time, Saito couldn’t help but said anxiously: “Takahashi-kun, in your opinion, how should we prevent Huayin Group from acquiring those manufacturers?
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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