During this period of time, they have acquired a large number of local manufacturers, and if they let it go, the entire imperial market will really fall.
It’s all the idiots in the army who don’t succeed and fail more than meets the eye!
Annoying me, I directly asked the navy to copy Huayin Group’s 4.3 fortune in the empire, and broke with the army! ”
When Saito mentioned this, he remembered the insult he had received in front of Lin Xian, and because of the army, Saito became even more irritable when he thought of them.
Seeing that Saito was in a turbulent mood, Takahashi persuaded: “Saito-kun, you have to calm down.
We can’t force this matter. Those idiots in the army have been completely fascinated by resources. In order to get the resources of Huayin Group, they even let Huayin Group do something wrong.
They have now reached the level of fascination, and even those assets of Huayin Group, they have sent troops to strictly protect them.
We can’t face it head-on. Once the army and navy collide, not to mention the outcome, only the empire’s own interests will be lost, which will instead fall into the conspiracy of the Huayin Group. “.
Chapter 794: Unable to do anything
“It’s really outrageous, the dignified empire has been made like this by Huayin Group!”
Saito was inexplicably agitated when he heard Takahashi’s argument.
It’s all because of the stubbornness of the army’s idiots that makes it so difficult for them to do it now, otherwise, Takahashi could directly copy the property of Huayin Group and drive them out of the empire.
Takahashi saw Saito getting restless, knowing that Saito didn’t have the time to think about it.
Now he is probably hating the army, and he can’t calm down.
After thinking for a while, Takahashi said, “According to the current situation, the only way we can stop Huayin Group is to invest in helping local light industrial manufacturers and support them.
Although this is not a long-term solution, at least it will not let them go bankrupt now.
As long as we delay the pace of Huayin Group, we can think of ways in the future. ”
Saito frowned tightly.
Takahashi’s method is purely helpless.
Now that the market of the empire has been occupied by Huayin Group, even if the local enterprises of the empire do not go bankrupt, the industrial products produced must be sold at high prices in order to recover the cost.
But Huayin Group has been able to suppress them with a price advantage.
If the government forcibly supports local enterprises, they still don’t know how much budget to put into it. If the local light industry cannot develop slowly, will they have to continue to support it?
Taking into account 09, Saito shook his head and said, “Takahashi-kun, this method of yours can only delay the time as much as possible, but it cannot solve the problem fundamentally.
The empire’s light industrial system is now nearly collapsed, and it will take a long time to rebuild.
During this period, we need to support the local light industry all the time and forcibly maintain them. The imperial government does not have that much budget to help those manufacturers support them for so long.
Once our support is interrupted, local companies will still go bankrupt.
Huayin Group has enough capital to hang us, but the empire cannot spend too much energy on them. ”
After Saito finished speaking, the two fell into silence.
Takahashi put his hand on his forehead, giving him a headache.
The trick of dragging the word can’t solve the problem, but coercive means can’t work. After thinking for a long time, Takahashi can only say: “It seems that there is only one way.”
He looked at Saito: “Saito-kun, if there is nothing we can do, we can report the matter to Your Majesty.
The army’s strength is expanding, and we can’t easily check and balance it, but this matter can make Your Majesty come forward. ”
“No, that doesn’t work!”
As soon as Saito heard that the emperor would go out, he refused quite simply.
The reason is very simple, because it involves a problem of resource allocation.
Why do they have such a big contradiction and hatred between the navy and the army? The source seems to be resource allocation. In the case of limited resources, priority is given to the supply of the navy. After all, an island country is an island country, and the navy is more important.
It doesn’t seem like that, after all, the same is true in Britain, but why is there a problem in the island country?
The reason for this is very simple, because their emperor did not want the people below to be too united, so there was a very nonsense scene, and the navy would get more support in terms of resources and military spending.
But at the top level of the military, it is mainly the army. To put it bluntly, the status of the senior army in the country is higher than that of the navy.
This is a kind of imperial balancing technique. Under this method, the contradiction between land and sea is getting heavier and heavier, and finally it can no longer be reconciled.
Just like this time, if Saito tells the emperor, how will it be resolved?
Will the emperor directly offend the army? Tell the Army to stop supporting Huayin Group?
Naturally, it will not be so direct, and it will definitely convince the army. How to convince them?
Simple, don’t you want resources? Then allocate resources to you, from where?
Since the complaint is about his politicalThe eldest brother of the mansion did it, and he was from the navy, so he would allocate resources from the navy. At that time, he said that the army wanted resources, and there was no way to allocate it from the navy.
In the end, the navy lacked resources. Who would those navy bosses turn their hatred on? Naturally, he was the one who complained, and all Saito immediately rejected the proposal.
In theory, this is the safest solution.
But once they do, the Navy gets far fewer resources.
At that time, the army will be balanced, but the navy officers and soldiers will definitely be very dissatisfied. His position is supported by the navy. If the navy no longer buys his account, he will be the boss of the government.
What’s more, the navy and land forces will not deal with it at all, and Saito himself is a member of the navy.
How could he willingly compromise and give the Navy’s own resources to those idiots in the Army!
Seeing Saito’s disapproval, a helpless look appeared on Takahashi’s face.
Just now Saito rejected his suggestion without giving an explanation, but Takahashi knew without thinking that Saito couldn’t let go of this position and those resources.
What else could he say.
With a sigh in his heart, Takahashi said that there was suffering.
He racked his brains in order to solve the current troubles, but the two armies of the empire were always fighting openly and secretly. Saito, the government boss, only thought of the navy, and he was reluctant to lose the navy at a critical moment.
But then, the situation froze.
It is impossible to expect the Army to make concessions on its own, and the government cannot come up with an effective method to stop the Huayin Group.
Do you want to watch the Imperial Market fall into the hands of Huayin Group?
Next, the two had a long discussion, but the words between the lines were nothing but useless clichés and nonsense!
Since Saito refused to see the emperor, their conversation was meaningless. The most effective method has been rejected, and the next method is just to seek comfort.
The little devils are helpless, and everything in the country is still going smoothly.
Huayin Group Chengdu Industrial Zone is one of the four major industrial parks under the Group.
The industrial park is located 30 kilometers west of Chengdu. It is the largest industrial park built by Huayin Group in Sichuan, and it is also the most comprehensive industrial park in the area.
The park contains a series of 310 heavy industry factories such as iron smelting, steel making, machinery manufacturing, precision equipment manufacturing, precision machining, forging, and injection molding.
Since the establishment of the park, heavy industry here has been booming.
Up to now, a complete industrial system has been formed in the park, and a complete heavy industry foundation has been initially established.
Looking inward from the industrial park, you can see one of the towering chimneys. These chimneys are built at the top of the major factories and emit smoke into the sky day and night, just like the development of the park in the past two years. .
On this day, a convoy stopped at the entrance of the industrial park. After the door was opened, several men in Chinese tunic suits came down from above.
After a few people came down, the soldiers who followed behind immediately came to the front and lined up, standing on both sides to form a battle.
The security guards at the gate of the park saw them and greeted them with a salute.
Obviously, they had long known that this group of guests was coming.
These guests are high-level military personnel, many of whom are friends of Su Yun, such as Minister of Military Affairs He Jingzhi, Deputy Director of the Logistics Department Xu Deli, and Liu Jingfu, one of the five tiger generals, all in the party in the ranks of people.
In addition to them, there are many high-level military officials.
When several people arrived at the gate of the park, people from Huayin Group were already here to welcome them.
The person in charge of the Chengdu Industrial Park is named Wang Ping, a classmate of Du Gan, the manager of the production department of the group headquarters. The two are both young and absolute best friends.
After working under Su Yun, Du Gan recommended Wang Ping to Su Yun after he was promoted to the manager of the production department, and brought this junior and best friend to Huayin Group.
Chapter 795: The Jew Only Works
After a period of experience, Wang Ping became the head of the Chengdu Industrial Park.
But Wang Ping was able to take the position of the person in charge, not only by relying on Du Gan’s personal connections, Su Yun would not allow this kind of cronyism to happen.
In fact, Wang Ping’s personal ability is also excellent.
It’s just that Wang Ping and Du Gan have different abilities.
Before that, Du Gan also worked as the head of the park for a period of time, managing the Lu’an Industrial Park. When he took office, although Du Gan’s management ability was good, his technical ability was even better.
Wang Ping’s personal ability is prominently reflected in his management ability.
When Wang Ping first joined Huayin Group, he was admired by Su Yun for this ability.
That’s why Su Yun asked him to manage the industrial park.
After coming to the Chengdu Industrial Park, Wang Ping quickly brought this ability into play, but in a short period of time, he was able to coordinate the affairs of the Industrial Park without any leakage.
At this time, Wang Ping led people to follow the group of military leaders. The military members were naturally led by He Jingzhi. After the two sides met, Wang Ping first greeted He Jingzhi, and then greeted several important figures one by one.
These people are not only high-level military personnel, but many of them also have a close relationship with Su Yun.
Su Yun can do whatever he wants in front of this group of people, and it doesn’t matter even bragging, but he has no such qualifications.
Such a simple thing, Wang Ping can still distinguish.
Walking on the road in the park, He Jingzhi kept nodding his head while looking at some surrounding heavy industrial plants.
They came this time mainly to check the armament production in the park.
Wang Ping introduced it himself.
He pointed to a factory area and calmly said: “Minister He, that area is our artillery manufacturing area. Many light and heavy artillery pieces used by our military are produced from here.”
“Um,Well, let’s go and see~々. ”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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