He Jingzhi and a group of military bosses were very interested in this, and the group turned to the artillery production factory.
Huayin Group’s heavy artillery is now world-famous, such as those with a 120mm caliber, He Jingzhi and others dared not even think about it a few years ago.
Coming here today, they also want to see how these guys are made.
Wang Ping led the group into the factory area, and the group walked into an artillery factory. Not long after entering the door, He Jingzhi and others noticed a foreigner in blue overalls squatting on the ground with a micrometer in hand.
There was a thick gun barrel in front of the foreigner, and he gestured up and down with a ruler, as if to measure the thickness of the gun barrel.
“Let’s go take a look.”
He Jingzhi gave a signal and led the crowd to the front.
At this time, everyone could see clearly that the man squatting on the ground had a sunken bird’s nest and blue pupils. At first glance, he looked like a Jew.
He Jingzhi and others were not surprised. They had heard before that Huayin Group cooperated with Germanic to recruit a large number of Jews before returning to China.
It’s just that everyone didn’t expect that these Jews were assigned to posts so quickly.
The Jew was very attentive and did not notice that He Jingzhi and others were approaching.
After measuring the thickness of the barrel, he took out a small hammer from the toolbox and tapped it on the barrel, pausing from time to time to think.
After finishing all this work, the Jew slowly got up, his face was very solemn.
He turned his head to the translator next to him and said, “You call a worker over and pull this gun barrel to the inspection place for re-inspection. In addition, ten more gun barrels from the same batch will be taken out and re-inspected. .”
After saying this, the Jew noticed He Jingzhi and others on the side.
“Uh… Manager Wang, these are…”
The Jew was a little stunned. He was too focused just now and didn’t notice it. Now, looking at this group of people, he didn’t react a bit.
Fortunately, he and Wang Ping knew each other, so he subconsciously asked.
At this time, the translator had already translated his words to the worker next to him, and the worker immediately started to pull away the gun barrel in front of him.
Wang Ping then signaled one by one: “These are the officers of our military. This time I came to inspect the production situation in our park. Mr. Steve doesn’t need to be nervous.”
It turned out that the Jew was Steve.
Before he was expelled by Germanic, he finally caught up with the opportunity to work in Huayin Group.
After leaving the recruitment site that afternoon, Steve took a plane to Huaxia that night, landed in Jinling, and then a special car took them to Huayin Group.
Huayin Group gave them a week of adjustment and rest, and after the group of Jews settled down, they were assigned to various jobs.
Of course, before taking up their posts, these Jews had to go through corresponding assessments to determine their talents and positions.
It was Robert who was in charge of assessing these Jews.
Robert is the deputy manager of the R&D department of Huayin Group, and he is a top technical talent. He is proficient in various mechanical knowledge. It is very suitable for him to assess these Jews.
After assessing Steve, Robert highly praised his talent, thinking that Steve is the most outstanding one among the same batch of talents who came to Huayin Group, and praised him for his achievements in metallurgy, machinery and other fields more than himself. outstanding.
There is some modesty in Robert, but it does prove that Steve is a rare talent.
Afterwards, Robert personally recommended this person to Su Yun, praising Steve’s extraordinary talent, which should be reused, and specifically stated that “‘Steve’s ability is better than mine’.”
After Su Yun got Robert’s affirmation of Steve, he was quite surprised.
Robert is no ordinary person (good enough), and he can praise Steve like this, which shows that Steve is indeed extraordinary.
However, Su Yun was still a little puzzled.
He has never heard of the name Steve before. Could it be some kind of underappreciated talent, or a big boss who was buried in the river of time?
But Su Yun didn’t think much about it, he knew that Robert would not lie.
Therefore, Su Yun specially appointed Steve as the chief engineer of the Chengdu Industrial Park to assist Wang Ping in the development of the Chengdu Industrial Park.
Steve stepped forward and shook hands with He Jingzhi and the others.
He Jingzhi and others didn’t dislike it either. Although Steve’s status was not high, the talents who could be favored by Su Yun were quite capable, and no one would underestimate them.
After the two sides introduced each other, Liu Jingfu couldn’t help but walked up to the child.
“Mr. Steve, I saw you banging on that barrel just now, is there something wrong with it?”.
Chapter 796: Details determine success or failure
Liu Jingfu was very curious about Steve’s previous actions. In his opinion, the arc of the gun barrel was perfect, upright and straight, and had no flaws at all.
But Steve looked solemn, as if there was a big problem.
The translator told Steve these words, and after Steve explained it, he translated it to Liu Jing.
“General Liu, Mr. Steve said that these barrels may be substandard, so they need to be re-inspected. If it is determined that there is a problem with the quality, it will not be used.”
Liu Jingfu was even more surprised when he heard the words.
He has led troops to fight for many years, and has seen a lot of artillery. With his eyes, he really can’t see what is wrong with the barrel just now.
“But I think these gun barrels are pretty good, right?”
The translator spoke to Steve, who explained, “Mr. General, this involves asome professional knowledge.
The gun barrel just now was randomly checked from a batch of products, and this batch of gun barrels will be used on a 205mm caliber heavy cannon.
The material requirement for this barrel is 42c4 steel, but I found that the carbon content in making them is too low, closer to Q35 carbon steel, so it needs to be re-inspected.
If after inspection, it is found that the barrel strength of 310 degrees of these batches is indeed insufficient, then it cannot be used on artillery.
Otherwise, once on the battlefield, they will only have a lifespan of 100 shells, and after 100 shells, they may face the risk of exploding. ”
The interpreter conveyed these words to Liu Jingfu next to him.
Liu Jingfu listened to the professional knowledge in western Zhejiang and felt in the fog.
He was born in the military, and although the education level is not low, his knowledge of this kind of machinery and metallurgy is just a frog jumping out of a well.
But Liu Jingfu didn’t care about this and waved his hand: “It doesn’t matter, Mr. Steve, you know that we didn’t even have a 105-caliber heavy artillery gun, let alone a 205-mm caliber big guy.
It’s pretty good that this thing can shoot a hundred shells, it’s better than nothing. ”
Liu Jingfu also rolled over from the “poor days”. The 205mm caliber cannon is a treasure in his opinion. As for whether it can shoot 100 rounds or 90 rounds, there is no need to be serious.
Even if there is a risk of explosion after 100 rounds, it is better to replace the barrel at that time than to directly discard it.
The translator translated Liu Jingfu’s (ajed) words to Steve, but Steve was very annoyed.
His face turned a little red, and his speech speed increased.
“Mr. General, you must understand that industry is a rigorous science, all production processes must be rigorous, and no mistakes can be made.
Besides, you are a general, and you should cherish the lives of your soldiers. How can you ignore the quality of the soldiers’ weapons? This is irresponsible for the soldiers’ lives!
General, I’m an engineer, and it’s my job to make sure my products are absolutely perfect, so I won’t allow any defective products in my hands, not even one! ”
At this point, Steve and Liu Jingfu have very different viewpoints.
Liu Jingfu thought that it would be good to have advanced weapons, but Steve treats every product with a serious and responsible attitude.
Therefore, the views of the two have a lot of differences.
The translator next to him was at a loss when he saw this.
Steve’s words were too direct for him to translate directly.
But Steve’s expression just now, anyone can see that he is scolding Liu Jingfu, in order to avoid a greater misunderstanding, the translator still told the truth.
After listening to Steve’s words, Liu Jingfu’s face suddenly sank.
Steve is just a little engineer who has never even touched a gun, yet taught himself how to cherish the lives of soldiers?
What a joke!
When Liu Jingfu rolled out of the dead, Steve still didn’t know which woman he was rolling on!
Liu Jingfu stared at Robert, and wanted to have a theory, but it was Su Yun’s territory anyway, and he didn’t have a good attack.
Just as Liu Jing was helping the fire, He Jingzhi reached out and stopped him.
“Jingfu, you must understand that our team is not what it used to be, and it is no longer the army that had to count bullets and fire even in wars.
Now that we are strong, we have sufficient firearms, ammunition, and artillery logistics, so we don’t need to be so petty anymore.
This Mr. Steve is right, we should put the lives of soldiers first and stop messing around like in the past. ”
“I know the minister.”
Liu Jingfu only took a step back, and his expression recovered.
He was not disgusted by Steve’s rebuttal, but disgusted that this guy said that he did not value the lives of soldiers. At that time, they were fighting, and they were short of guns and ammunition.
He Jingzhi naturally knew this, but he deliberately avoided the important and lightly concealed the past.
Liu Jingfu is his own person, and he will not lift a pot without opening it.
However, Liu Jingfu was still a little unconvinced, and said in a low voice: “This guy has never fought a battle, so he makes a lot of nonsense, which is really annoying.”
Wang Ping stood beside him, heard Liu Jingfu muttering, he smiled and said: “General Liu, your criticism is not too wrong, if I tell you, what Mr. Steve said is the truth. ”
Liu Jingfu’s face darkened, Wang Ping explained: “Don’t get me wrong, General, Huayin Group can establish an industrial system in such a short period of time and complete the foundation of industrialization and standardization, relying on seriousness and rigor.
In many details, the group is required to strive for perfection.
Things like just now, although it may seem insignificant, are all about quantitative changes that lead to qualitative changes. Such trivial matters are the key factors that truly affect our industrial capabilities.
Besides, General Liu, you don’t want it either. There will be problems with the weapons that Huayin Group sells to the military. ”
Wang Ping’s smile increased a little more.
He knew that Liu Jingfu wasn’t an unreasonable person, but he was so excited that he couldn’t hold his breath.
With such an explanation, Liu Jingfu will understand.
Sure enough, after listening to Wang Ping’s words, Liu Jingfu’s cheeks felt a little hot.
Now he was a little embarrassed.
I just looked at the top, but ignored this stubble.
However, Liu Jingfu didn’t have any other ideas. Instead, he admired Huayin Group’s rigorous and responsible attitude.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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