The most important thing is to admire Su Yun.
My brother really canThe resistance is huge. From the beginning to the present, in just three or four years, Huayin Group can become a behemoth.
In addition to the achievements in the commercial field, the domestic industry, education and economy have also undergone earth-shaking changes with the help of Huayin Group.
Chapter 797: Five million tons of steel production per year
All of this is inseparable from Su Yun’s continuous efforts.
Even so, Su Yun can still take into account such details and guard against every small issue, which is very valuable.
Those who say big things are casual.
But Su Yun used details to drive success and development.
It is precisely because of Su Yun’s style that Huayin Group can develop rapidly, and there are no loopholes in all internal work, and the whole country has become prosperous because of the support of Huayin Group.
“Let’s go, let’s continue to look elsewhere.”
He Jingzhi gestured, and Wang Ping led the crowd to another place.
Before leaving, Wang Ping patted Steve on the shoulder.
Although Steve’s words were a bit harsh just now, his down-to-earth and serious work attitude is exactly what Huayin Group needs.
After leaving the factory, Wang Ping took He Jingzhi and others to continue to check other areas, and kept introducing He Jingzhi and others. After finding a gap, He Jingzhi began to ask about the current industrial capabilities of Huayin Group.
“Wang Ping, your Huayin Group has been developing continuously in the past two years, and your industrial capacity is also rising steadily. Can you give us a detailed introduction to your industrial progress?”
Wang Ping thought for a while and said, “Minister He, I am mainly in charge of the Chengdu Industrial Park. I don’t know much about other places, but I only have a general understanding.
But since you asked, I’ll talk a little bit about what I know. ”
Wang Pingping smiled. He is the person in charge of the Chengdu Industrial Park, and he knows the specific situation of the park very well.
However, Wang Ping doesn’t know much about industrial development in other places.
He Jingzhi smiled: “It doesn’t matter, you can say whatever.”
Wang Ping said calmly: “Minister He, as you know, Huayin Group has established four major industrial parks, namely Lu’an Industrial Park, Nanyang Industrial Park, Chengdu Industrial Park and Wuhan Industrial Park.”
He Jingzhi nodded slightly, he knew this.
Wang Ping continued: “These four industrial parks are the industrial pillars of our Huayin Group. In terms of steel output, the total annual steel output that can be achieved is about 3.5 million tons.
But that number will change in September. ”
The four major industrial parks operate heavy industries.
To measure the development status of an enterprise’s heavy industry, the most basic thing is to look at their steel output.
The same is true for Huayin Group, so Wang Ping focused his introduction on steel production.
This is what He Jingzhi wanted to hear.
Although he does not understand industrial development, he also knows that steel production is the basis for measuring the development of a country and a nation’s heavy industry, and it is the same for enterprises.
Heavy industrial production, its raw materials are inseparable from steel.
Therefore, the total amount of steel output fundamentally determines the development level of an enterprise’s heavy industry, or the development potential of heavy industry.
Xu Deli asked from the side: “You just said that in September, the steel output will change. Why?”
Wang Ping explained: “This is Deputy Director Xu. Huayin Group has established many large iron smelting plants and steelmaking plants in Sichuan. At present, the equipment in these plants has entered the commissioning stage. can be put into production.
The devices will be officially operational by September at the latest.
With more equipment support, our total steel production will go up, so I say after September, the group’s total steel production will change.
If all goes well, it is expected that the annual steel output of our Huayin Group will reach more than five million tons! ”
A look of pride appeared on Wang Ping’s face.
Huayin Group’s heavy industry can develop so quickly, and the group has made great efforts.
As the person in charge of the Chengdu Industrial Park, he has also made a lot of efforts in this regard. Seeing that the achievement is in front of him, Wang Ping is also very happy.
When explaining the reason to Xu Deli and others, the smile on his face was obviously a little more flamboyant.
When Liu Jingfu heard this, his face was a little surprised.
“Five million tons? How fast has your Huayin Group developed?”
Although he does not understand heavy industry, Liu Jingfu knows that the increase in steel production is not a trivial matter. To a certain extent, it represents the level of the entire country’s industrial level.
Moreover, Huayin Group increased the annual steel output from 3.5 million tons to 5 million tons in one breath, which has increased by more than 40% on the original basis!
Seeing Liu Jingfu’s doubts, Wang Ping sold a small pass.
Skirt ⒉⒉0⑤23①4⒐・
“General Liu doesn’t need to be so surprised. We can make such huge progress. Speaking of which, we still depend on entrusting him to the old man.”
“A seat?”
Liu Jingfu didn’t turn around for a while.
What does Huayin Group’s increase in steel production have to do with the commission?
He Jingzhi understood immediately.
Huayin Group dared to start so many large iron smelters and steel plants at one time, it must be supported by a large number of Jews.
And these people can come to Huaxia from Germantown and belong to Huayin Group. Speaking of which, they are still appointed to help matchmaking.
And these talents are the biggest confidence of Huayin Group.
Huayin Group had the ability to start large-scale steel mills and iron smelting plants before, but they did not dare to act lightly. The reason was because of the lack of talents. Even if it was forced to start, there would not be enough talents to mobilize.
After all, domestic talent training is still in progress, and Huayin Group’s internal talents are basically exhausted.
In that case, even if the factory is established, it can only be a decoration.
At the same time, He Jingzhi’s heart also darkened.
Huayin Group has always been hungry for talents before, and it has not started such large-scale iron smelting and steelmaking plants. Now, as soon as these cutting-edge talents from Germany arrive, Huayin Group can immediately start.
Obviously, the group has already made preparations for this.
Otherwise, such a large-scale project as a large iron smelting plant or a steel-making plant cannot be started when it is started.
If Huayin Group hadn’t prepared before and had to construct and manufacture from plant to equipment, the time required would be lost.
After linking the previous and following things a little bit, He Jingzhi couldn’t help but sigh: “You Huayin Group are indeed the backbone of the country!
In the past, the domestic heavy industry was few and far between, and it was not until you Huayin Group got involved that you single-handedly brought the country’s heavy industry to the road of prosperity.
For this alone, I admire him! ”
He Jingzhi said this to Wang Ping, but Wang Ping knew that it was not him that He Jingzhi admired, but the entire Huayin Group, the president of the group Su Yun.
At this moment, He Jingzhi’s face was full of sincerity.
Without the great efforts of Huayin Group, the heavy industry of the motherland does not know when it will develop.
Chapter 798: We still have potential
Nowadays, steel production is rising rapidly, and various heavy industry technologies are also developing and maturing with the help of Huayin Group, which makes He Jingzhi feel that “heavy industry is booming in Huayin”.
“Minister He is wrong,” Wang Ping said humbly and proudly: “It is true that Minister He and the officers said that the annual output of five million tons of steel is only a small goal of our Huayin Group at this stage.
As early as a long time ago, President Su personally issued an order. The first stage goal of Huayin Group is to develop the annual output of steel to more than 50 million tons!
At that time, we will become the world’s largest steel production group, and truly reach the pinnacle in the direction of heavy industry! ”
As Wang Ping spoke, he couldn’t help but look up at the factory building to the side.
The top side of the workshop is engraved with the words “Huayin Heavy Industry”.
Wang Ping was a little ecstatic. If the goal he just said about “Three One Zero” can be achieved, it won’t be long before the words “Huayin Heavy Industry” will shine in the whole world!
He Jingzhi immediately appreciated the words.
But he was also very surprised.
With an annual output of 50 million tons of steel, this is no child’s play.
You must know that there was a time when the annual domestic steel output could not even reach 100,000 tons. Even after September this year, the output of 5 million tons was truly realized, which is ten times the difference from Huayin Group’s goal.
This will be a long and difficult journey, and it will be a huge test even for Huayin Group, which has a great family and business.
But He Jingzhi also knew that Huayin Group would definitely go all out.
He is very clear why Huayin Group has such a goal.
In recent years, the domestic economy has developed rapidly, and the economic field has shown a momentum of prosperity and growth, and all walks of life have also developed rapidly.
But when many fields are booming, the development of heavy industry is relatively slow, and the reason is simple.
Compared with other industries, heavy industry requires a large investment and a long payback period. It takes a huge amount of time and energy during the period, and it may not be very profitable in the end.
Therefore, those businessmen are reluctant to invest in the development of heavy industry.
Their point of view is realistic, it is for the money.
With the effort and funds to invest in heavy industry, they have been engaged in light industry and real estate, and they have already made a lot of money. Why do they do thankless things!
Therefore, the burden of heavy industry can only be borne by Huayin Group.
It is precisely because of this that Huayin Group will set a goal and make every effort to make the heavy industry prosper as soon as possible. Only in this way can Huayin and the motherland’s heavy industry have a place in the world.
After talking about the issue of steel output, He Jingzhi asked again: “In addition to steel, what is the current manufacturing capacity of Huayin Group in other fields?”
Steel production is only the basis for the development of heavy industry.
The standard to measure the heavy industry capacity of Huayin Group depends on their current specific production and manufacturing capacity.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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