Wang Ping heard the words, and the pride on his face became more obvious.
Huayin Group’s manufacturing capacity has been steadily increasing in recent years, and even if it is placed in the world, it can be firmly in the forefront.
“Congratulations to the Minister, I am not boasting, the manufacturing capacity of our group is already quite outstanding.
So far, the two industrial parks, Lu’an Industrial Park and Nanyang Industrial Park, under the Group, have achieved world-class manufacturing capabilities in terms of various equipment, which is not inferior to Germany, the United States and other world industrial powers.
We can make all the things that these countries can make, and there are some things that even if they can’t make them, we Huayin Group can make them!
It’s just that we didn’t have enough cutting-edge talents before, so the annual output of steel could not keep up.
In the absence of steel supply, our group’s manufacturing capacity was forced to be limited, and now we are finally free of this shackle.
Once the steel output keeps up, our Huayin Group’s manufacturing capacity will never be inferior to that of any company in the world! ”
Wang Ping said it firmly, and in the end, he was quite elated.mean.
Huayin Group has begun to step into the top ranks, and their manufacturing capabilities are powerful. As a member of Huayin Group, Wang Ping also feels honored.
He Jingzhi also nodded again and again.
Although he didn’t know the specific situation inside Huayin Group, He Jingzhi knew that Wang Ping’s words were by no means bragging.
If nothing else, in the manufacture of tanks and guns, Huayin Group’s technology is ahead of the world 0……
As for the manufacturing capacity, Huayin Group has sold so many tanks to the military, which has clearly demonstrated this point.
Thinking of this, He Jingzhi became interested.
“Wang Ping, your group has sold us a large number of T34 tanks, but I always feel that you have not let go. If the supply of steel is sufficient, how many T34 tanks can you build each year?”
The T44 tank is only a transitional model, and the Panther tank has not yet been sold to the military in large quantities.
Therefore, He Jingzhi still uses the T34 tank as the measurement standard.
When Wang Ping heard this question, he lowered his head and began to estimate.
Now that the group no longer produces T34 tanks, he does not have a specific measure in mind.
However, according to the previous production situation, Wang Ping quickly came to an approximate result.
Looking at He Jingzhi, Wang Ping said, “Minister He, based on the current production capacity of the group, if we get a sufficient supply of steel, our group will probably be able to manufacture no less than 10,000 T34 tanks every year!”
“Ten thousand?”
When Wang Cheng heard this number, he couldn’t help but repeat one sentence.
At this moment, his eyes were full of shock.
He Jingzhi and Xu Deli exchanged glances and were also surprised by Huayin Group’s manufacturing capabilities.
Before, Huayin Group sold a large number of T34 tanks to the military. The total number of 4.3 tanks reached nearly 10,000, but these T34s were sold to the military in batches over a period of more than a year.
Even so, they felt that Huayin Group was very powerful.
At that time, the T34 tank was the most advanced tank model in the world, and the production requirements were not low.
Even if the Leopard tank is born now, the T34 tank is still a magic weapon, but Huayin Group can produce more than 10,000 vehicles per year without being limited in production capacity!
This is an amazing statistic.
Only then did He Jingzhi and others realize that Huayin Group still had huge production potential before that.
It’s just that this potential is limited by talents and steel production, and it has never been discovered.
These people still underestimate the power of Huayin Group.
Chapter 799: The ability to create terror
Noticing everyone’s surprised expressions, Wang Ping smiled brightly.
“Don’t be surprised, it is actually a very normal thing for our Huayin Group to achieve such a production capacity.”
When He Jingzhi and the others heard this, they couldn’t help but turn to Wang Ping.
Wang Ping continued: “Now there is no shortage of manpower and workers in our Huayin Group. Over the past few years, we have trained a large number of intermediate technicians and even senior technicians.
So in terms of production, manpower is completely sufficient.
What we lack now is top talent.
As long as the number of top talents is sufficient, the supply of steel is no longer our bottleneck, and the production potential of the group will naturally burst out. ”
Wang Ping just said that after the productivity was discovered, the group can produce tens of thousands of T34 tanks every year. Not only is it not a big talk, but it is a conservative statement.
From the very beginning of its establishment, Su Yun has attached great importance to the talent pool of the group.
After several years of development, Huayin Group has cultivated a large number of technical talents by itself by adopting various methods, including opening various technical schools, and using old employees to lead new employees.
It is a pity that these technical talents belong to grass-roots talents, and the number of top talents has not increased.
But now, Huayin Group has been joined by Jewish talents, and the group of top talents has been greatly expanded.
These top talents can not only develop steel production, but also lead some new and old employees to further improve the technical level of employees in various places.
After such a chain reaction, the overall productivity of Huayin Group will still have a lot of room for development.
If all this potential is tapped, it is not impossible for Huayin Group to produce 13,000 or 15,000 vehicles every year according to the production standards of T34 tanks.
Listening to Wang Ping’s explanation, He Jingzhi and others were still unable to calm down for a long time.
Liu Jingfu stood there and glanced around the huge industrial park.
“My brother, I can always create some miraculous things.”
He Jingzhi’s heart was also full of waves.
Only now did he fully understand something.
No wonder the commissioner has always valued the Huayin Group since a long time ago and regarded them as a reliable support. In order to support the Huayin Group, the commissioner even did not hesitate to suppress the Song family and other families.
You must know that the Song family, including the Kong family, before they died, the two big families were all valued by the commissioner.
At that time, the country was short of money, and the government’s finances were always very tight. A lot of money was supported by the Song family and the Kong family behind the scenes.
But since the rise of Huayin Group, the committee no longer pays attention to them.
At the beginning, He Jingzhi and others did not understand.
But to this day, He Jingzhi’s heart was completely settled.
No wonder the commissioner trusts Huayin so much. With their huge industrial production capacity, Huayin Group is enough to crush the Song family and other families.
As long as the Huayin Group is attracted, the country can get a steady stream of industrial support. Compared with that, the Song family’s money is nothing at all.
Wang Ping did not realize that hisThe words shocked He Jingzhi and the others.
After a pause, Wang Ping continued: “In fact, not only tanks, but also the production of armaments such as aircraft and guns have been limited by steel production.
If the supply of steel is sufficient, Huayin Group will have a qualitative leap in its armament manufacturing capability. ”
This time, Liu Jingfu was the first to ask the question.
He has been leading the troops personally. Compared with He Jingzhi and others, Liu Jingfu has always been on the front line of the army, and he is in contact with Soldier 1 and armaments all day long.
As a result, we can better appreciate the changes brought about by the development of armament to the troops.
Hearing what Wang Ping said, Liu Jingfu couldn’t help but ask: “If you are given enough steel supplies, such as aircraft cannons and various firearms, how much can you produce each year?”
Wang Ping thought for a while and said, “It’s hard to estimate for the time being.
But conservatively, if the supply of steel is sufficient, and Huayin Group switches to the wartime system, we can manufacture more than 100,000 aircraft per year.
As for rifles, the annual output can exceed 3.5 million!
There will also be major breakthroughs in the production of other weapons such as cannons, machine guns, etc., but I can’t make assumptions about this. ”
When Wang Ping said this, the pride on his face was even more obvious. He knew that his words would inevitably cause another shock.
At present, a large part of Huayin Group’s manufacturing capacity has not been discovered. They supply the military with guns, tanks, aircraft, etc. Although there are a lot of them, they have not done their best.
Because in addition to these, the steel produced by Huayin Group also needs to be used to manufacture other things, such as various types of machinery and equipment.
But under the wartime system, everything in Huayin Group will serve the war first.
At that time, the field of arms manufacturing can be called full firepower.
Sure enough, after hearing Wang Ping’s words, He Jingzhi, Liu Jingfu, Xu Deli and the others fell into shock again.
Liu Jingfu’s eyes widened: “3.5 million guns? My God, this is several times more than the number of our direct line troops!”
He Jingzhi and Xu Deli couldn’t help but nodded.
100,000 planes, 3.5 million guns, and all kinds of artillery and ordnance, etc., let alone meet the needs of the current army, even if the direct line 317 unit increases several times, Huayin Group can easily supply it!
Although they have done this before, but after all, it is a step-by-step process, and each infantry division is carried out step by step.
Even so, it took less than a year for many units to go from start to finish.
At that time, He Jingzhi and others thought that this speed was amazing enough.
But they never imagined that if Huayin Group is currently in full production, it can achieve such a terrifying production efficiency within a year.
If it operates in this state, the weapons and armaments produced by Huayin Group can not only be supplied to domestic military operations, but even have a large surplus and can be sold in large quantities.
You know, this is all done by Huayin on its own.
During this period, there is no need for any company to assist!
With boundless shock, He Jingzhi couldn’t help muttering: “I can’t think of it, I can’t think that your Huayin Group has developed such a terrifying industrial capability after only a few years of development.”
Although Huayin Group has created many achievements in the past, it has been shown in a step-by-step manner.
As for the internal development of Huayin Group, He Jingzhi didn’t understand it carefully. He never imagined that Huayin Group could develop to such a level without making a sound.
Chapter 800: The basis of the transfer
Hearing He Jingzhi’s emotion, Wang Ping said with a smile, “Don’t be surprised, Minister He, it’s all normal.
Besides, our Huayin Group’s industrial development time is not long, but it can’t be regarded as starting from scratch.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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