When the U.S. economy was in the Great Depression, we, President Su, took advantage of the opportunity at that time and spent a lot of money to buy countless industrial equipment from the U.S.
The key is that President Su has invested a lot of energy before and after, and has recruited tens of thousands of talents from the United States to return to China.
These equipment and talents form the industrial foundation of Huayin Group.
From this point of view, our Huayin Group is equivalent to moving the industrial base and industrial system of the United States directly to China, thus saving a lot of time for laying the foundation.
After that, Huayin Group was able to establish major industrial parks, invest a lot of money, manpower and material resources, continuously open various factories, and enrich and improve the industrial system.
These factors add up to the industrial scale of our group today. ”
Wang Ping told these things, and he couldn’t help feeling a little emotional.
To say that when Huayin Group first started to engage in heavy industry, it was indeed a little confusing.
At that time, the domestic heavy industry was in a state of disrepair, and it was not even considered a hundred wastes. There was no decent industrial foundation in the country at all.
Fortunately, at that time, it was catching up with the Great Depression of the American economy. Their economy could not be maintained, and light and heavy industries were going bankrupt. This allowed Huayin Group to seize the opportunity and buy a large amount of machinery and equipment to return to China.
Later, Su Yun managed to dig a lot of talents from the United States, which formed the original industrial team of Huayin Group.
It can be said that the industrial foundation of Huayin Group was built out of thin air. In all, they seem to have to thank the United States.
Or thank them for their economic depression.
Otherwise, Huayin Group is rich, and people will not release those equipment and talents easily.
After He Jingzhi and the others listened, they looked at each other silently.
“Yeah, you can have today’s results, it’s notThanks to Su Yun.
If he hadn’t tried his best to purchase talents and equipment from overseas, the industrial development of Huayin Group would not have been so fast and smooth~々. ”
He Jingzhi naturally understands the deeds of Su Yun in the early stage of his business.
He, Zhu Jiahua and others were watching Huayin Group step by step to today.
Of course, He Jingzhi joined later than Zhu Jiahua.
But He Jingzhi knew that Su Yun didn’t have such a high status at that time, and Huayin Group didn’t have such a big family business. The equipment and talents at that time were all entrusted by Su Yun, and they were brought to China in batches. of.
For this, Su Yun lost a lot of face and invested a lot of money.
Although that money is nothing to Huayin Group today, it was definitely not a small amount in the beginning.
Because of this, He Jingzhi was emotional.
“Thinking about it now, Su Yun’s ability and courage are really powerful.
He was at best an ordinary businessman at the time, in his early twenties, he was able to seize overseas opportunities.
This courage is almost unmatched among his peers. ”
“What the minister said was that at that time Huayin Group was just an ordinary company, and Su Yun was just an ordinary businessman.
But since then, Su Yun has been concerned about the country and made every effort to build an industrial foundation. The country has such a pillar, so why not worry. ”
Xu Deli echoed, and it was also difficult to calm down in his heart.
The Great Depression in the United States has indeed given Huayin Group an opportunity.
But then again, Su Yun was not the only businessman in the country at that time, there were also a lot of people richer than him.
But apart from Su Yun, which other businessman is thinking of investing in heavy industry?
Who else thinks about laying the foundations for the country’s industry?
At the end of the day, it’s worth it.
Su Yun is concerned with the development of the country and has excellent abilities. Only such people can be the country’s support and they will support them unconditionally.
The group chatted about this while watching around.
Today, He Jingzhi and others came here with no big deal, they just wanted to see how the industrial situation of Huayin Group was.
Stop and go, a group of people also strolled almost.
He Jingzhi, Xu Deli and others were all busy and did not stay here for too long.
After Wang Ping sent He Jingzhi and others away, he also went to work on his own business.
In the South China Sea, on the magnificent sea, a fleet is conducting maritime exercises.
This fleet is not small in size, including two battleships, more than ten cruisers and more than thirty destroyers.
They belong to the First Fleet, and the two battleships are naturally the two that Su Yun purchased from Britain. After the two battleships were purchased, Huayin Group has been renting them to the Navy for use.
The rest of the cruisers and destroyers were produced by Huayin Shipyard and leased to the Navy.
There is some wind in the sea today, and the sea is not calm. Under the blowing of the sea breeze, waves of water will rise from time to time on the sea where the fleet is located.
This fleet is marching in the waves, riding the wind and breaking the waves.
After the two battleships from Britain were commissioned, they naturally became the core of the fleet, and they were also the core strength of the First Fleet and even the entire navy.
Today, the sides of the hulls of the two battleships are painted with corresponding names, one is “‘Zhenyuan” and the other is “Dingyuan”.
This is the name given to the two battleships by the commissioner himself after the battleships entered the navy. The reason for these two names is to commemorate the heroes who died in the sea battle in the last century.
In addition, it is also to remind the navy officers and men not to forget their past shame and avenge their revenge!
Among the two battleships, Zhenyuan is currently the flagship of the First Fleet of the Navy, while Dingyuan is the second main battleship of the First Fleet.
They are currently the two most powerful warships in the Huaxia Navy. It can be said that the main force of the Huaxia Navy today is all within the First Fleet. (So ​​good Zhao)
In the command room of the bridge of the Zhenyuan, Chen Shiyin was staring at the distant sea through the telescope.
The fleet’s trip this time is for training, and the training has entered a critical moment. The Zhenyuan is aiming at the distant sea surface and attacking a hypothetical target 20 kilometers away from the fleet.
With the sound of roars, the main naval guns of Zhenyuan fired one after another, blasting three shells towards the target.
Boom boom boom!
The artillery shell exploded when it reached the vicinity of the target. The huge explosion power ripped apart the blue sea, and stirred up a white water curtain on the sea.
At the moment of the explosion, a huge wave rose from a distance, covering Chen Shiyin’s entire line of sight.
Seeing all this in the command room, Chen Shiyin frowned instantly.
Putting down the telescope, Chen Shiyin’s face became extremely cold.
It was at this point that the observers began to report data: “The projectiles landed two hundred meters away from the target.”.
Chapter 801: The Death of the Navy
Before the observer could finish speaking, Chen Shiyin turned around and his face was expressionless.
When the officers in the command room saw this, their hearts suddenly became awe-inspiring.
There was a mistake in the strike just now, and the commander must be very dissatisfied with this.
Sure enough, after Chen Shiyin glanced around, he roared sternly, “The shell deviates from the target by a full 200 meters! Do you know what this result means? Do you know what you are doing?”
No one dared to answer.
Seeing that everyone dared not answer, Chen Shiyin stepped forward: “You are committing a crime, you are dereliction of duty!
We have been training for more than a year. Could it be that in more than a year, you idiots have been trained?
Do you know how much a main naval gun costs?
It is a full five thousand Chinese dollars!
Are you worthy of Huayin Group, and are you worthy of this military uniform? Worthy of the hope of the motherland and the people? ”
Chen Shiyin cursed more and more, and his anger became more and more intense.
In the command room, all officersSilently bowed their heads, not a single 317 people dared to say a word.
The shells missed their target, and their responsibility was inescapable.
And everyone understands that Chen Shiyin’s scolding is not too much. Their mistakes are indeed a loss to the investment of Huayin Group, a loss to the domestic people, and a loss to the motherland!
Starting from the cooperation with Huayin Group, all the ordnance and artillery of their First Fleet are supported by Huayin Group.
Although they have placed orders for these things, everyone knows very well that those so-called orders are basically decorations, and the weapons and equipment sold to them by Huayin Group are simply the price of cabbage!
What’s more, these officers of the First Fleet, in the final analysis, accounted for the light of Huayin Group.
Huayin Group opened a school within them, nominally to train talents for Huayin Group itself, but in fact, the Navy also benefited greatly.
It is precisely because of this that Chen Shiyin is so angry.
These officers enjoyed the resources and the support of Huayin Group, but they could not even do a single training session.
How could he be worthy of Su Yun and the support of Huayin Group!
The officers present lowered their heads one after another.
In fact, during the training, the projectile deviates from the target. This is not an unforgivable sin. Training and training is to constantly identify problems and correct defects. Mistakes are inevitable.
But everyone knows that Chen Shiyin’s requirements for them are far more than that.
Everyone knows very well that their mistakes this time are unforgivable, because the Navy urgently needs to improve, and even a small detail cannot tolerate their mistakes.
Thinking of this, everyone’s heads lowered.
Some people even felt a little bit of grievances.
For more than a year, their navy has been under too much pressure, the burden on everyone’s shoulders and the burden on their hearts are very heavy.
The reason is also very simple. Among the three armies, their navy is the most retarded one!
In the past few years, with the support of Huayin Group, the entire army has flourished, the equipment in the army has been refreshed, the logistics level of the team has been continuously improved, and the combat effectiveness of the army has also skyrocketed.
Many army generals have repeatedly released rhetoric, saying that they want to find the little devil to avenge the past and avenge the blood of the past.
The Air Force is also expanding like a balloon, and its combat power has skyrocketed.
Or because the planes produced by Huayin Group continue to enter service in the Air Force, a large number of outstanding pilots trained by Huayin Airlines have also been seconded into the Air Force.
This made the armament of the Air Force rise rapidly in just two years.
Today, the entire Air Force has been equipped with more than 2,000 P47 fighters, Stu (ajed) dive bombers, B17 heavy bombers and so on.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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