In addition, there are thousands of torpedo planes.
The group of pilots seconded by Huayin Group also freed the Air Force from a situation where no one is available.
Today’s Air Force is not what it used to be, and the generals of the Air Force are like the Army. They have spoken publicly many times. If the little devils dare to come, let them taste the power of the Huaxia Air Force!
Both the air force and the army have been greatly developed and powerful, but only their navy has held back.
Even though the Ministry of Military Affairs has been increasing military spending to the navy for more than a year, Huayin Group’s support for them is no less than that of the Air Force and the Army.
But the Navy has not achieved anything that can be achieved.
Until now, they have not dared to say that they want to take revenge like the Army did, and they dared not like the Air Force to say that they want the little devils to see their strength.
The commissioner named the two battleships Dingyuan and Zhenyuan, so that they would not forget their previous shame, but they dared not say that they would avenge the heroic spirits who died in the previous naval battle.
Because the current navy does not have this strength.
The Air Force and Army have the guts to shout, but the Navy doesn’t.
For a while, the atmosphere in the entire command room became very depressed.
The soldiers present all have the ambition to revitalize the navy, but what happened just now tells them that what they have done is far from good enough.
Seeing that everyone was a little depressed, Chen Shiyin’s face softened a lot.
He stepped forward, passed in front of every officer, and every word was sonorous.
“I know that everyone has been tired for more than a year.
But we should know that we carry a heavy burden on our navy.
The blood feud of our ancestors has not yet been avenged, the coastal defense of the motherland has not yet been truly established, and the country has tilted so much finance to us every year. Huayin Group has also been fully supporting us.
Then we can’t live up to their expectations, and we must use our combat power to serve the motherland!
Only by doing our best can we reassure the people of the motherland. We must let the people of the motherland see that the navy can be their strong backing!
We should be the most solid line of defense on the sea of ​​the motherland, stand firm and ensure the safety of the motherland and the people.
Instead of being laughed at, laughing at our navy is a display!
Soldiers, we must use our strength to defend our homeland and our country, and be ashamed! ”
“It’s the commander! We will do our best to be ashamed!”
Chen Shiyin’s words aroused the enthusiasm of everyone present.
The blood revenge of the ancestors has not been repaid, but the descendants are so incompetent, which makes everyone hold a sigh of relief.
Seeing everyone so high-spirited, Chen Shiyin was very satisfied.
Chapter 802: Faction Battle
Fang Cai’s reprimand was just to inspire everyone.
The development of the navy is imminent, and the matter of revenge cannot be forgotten for a moment, so Chen Shiyin cursed at the beginning, just to let everyone remember that they can’t relax no matter when or where.
After everyone calmed down a little, Chen Shiyin drummed up again.Li Dao: “All officers and men, I know that everyone has been very tired and tired for more than a year.
But everyone must remember that ten years of the army, a hundred years of the navy!
If the Navy wants to grow and develop, it takes time to accumulate, not overnight.
But now is not the time for me, so what shall we do? ”
When Chen Shiyin asked the question, he stared at everyone in front of him.
Everyone seemed to have a flame beating in their hearts, and the words “do my best” were about to blurt out.
But Chen Shiyin didn’t wait for everyone to answer, and shouted: “So we should do our best and not hesitate to use our blood and sweat to accumulate!
Even if it hurts our bodies, even if we shorten our lives, it’s worth it for the Navy and the Motherland.
History books will record our careers, and they will tell our descendants that we did our best to build a strong navy for the motherland with our whole life.
It is also that we have used our lives to consolidate coastal defense and ensure the safety of the motherland and people! ”
“Everything is for the motherland!”
The officers’ roars echoed in the command room.
Chen Shiyin’s remarks caused a wave of blood to sway back and forth in the hearts of everyone, like the muffled thunder behind the heavy dark clouds, like the magma in the churning volcano, which will spew out the next moment.
At this moment, everyone’s eyes seemed to be burning with flames.
Yes, their lives are nothing, as long as the navy can be established, the blood of the ancestors can be avenged, and the safety of China can be protected, they will be able to go down in history.
When future generations turn to the history books and see a page of the Navy, their names will be extremely dazzling!
They are willing to fight for the motherland and the people.
“very good!”
Chen Shiyin was extremely pleased.
Although everyone’s performance this time was unsatisfactory, the mood and enthusiasm were still there.
As long as this momentum persists, the Navy will surely be able to develop and grow rapidly with the joint efforts of everyone.
Just as Chen Shiyin was inspiring everyone, a confidential officer walked in.
He held a telegram in his hand: “Report Commander, Huayin Group headquarters sent a telegram, Mr. Su said in the telegram that there is something important, please rush back to Jinling immediately.”
“okay, I get it.”
Chen Shiyin received the telegram, and his heart was slightly condensed.
Su Yun’s telegram came in such a hurry this time, he was afraid that something urgent would happen.
Putting the telegram close, Chen Shiyin explained to the officers: “Next, you continue to train, and Chief of Staff Huang is temporarily responsible for the main affairs of the fleet.”
The officers present nodded, Chen Shiyin immediately left the command room, came to a destroyer, and ordered the ship to sail to the port airport.
After arriving at the port, Chen Shiyin didn’t have time to pack up and immediately boarded the plane to Jinling.
On the destroyer just now, he had read the contents of the telegram.
It was clearly written on the telegram that the reason why Su Yun was so anxious for him to rush back to Jinling was because two people came to look for him.
These two people, one is Chen Houfu and the other is Shen Zhang.
Chen Houfu was the Minister of the Navy and Shen Zhang was the Commander of the Third Fleet of the Navy.
At present, the domestic navy seems to be one body, but in fact it is mainly composed of three factions, namely the Fujian faction, the Northeast faction, and the Thunderbolt faction where Chen Shiyin is located.
And Chen Houfu is the representative of the Fujian clan, and Shen Zhang is the boss of the northeast clan.
In the earliest days, the Thunder and Lightning Department was suppressed by the Fujian Department, but Chen Shiyin’s First Fleet broke away from Chen Houfu’s control and moved the naval station to Hainan, with a posture of “turning his back on his old club” and going it alone.
At that time, Chen Houfu felt quite disdain for Chen Shiyin’s approach.
He thought that Chen Shiyin was too naive and did not understand the situation at all.
Chen Shiyin was born in the Thunder Department, and he had no right to speak in the Navy at that time, and the reason why he was able to become the commander of the First Fleet was only because he was the person on the seat.
Because of the face of the commissioner, they will give Chen Shiyin face and let him take the position.
But Chen Shiyin actually took chicken feathers as an arrow and wanted to get out of the way and go it alone, which is really too naive.
You must know that the navy at that time had all the resources in their hands, and the Thunder and Lightning faction could only be regarded as an empty shell.
As long as he doesn’t give him personnel and financial support, Chen Shiyin will regret it if he can’t work outside.
Skirt ⒉⒉0⑤23①4⒐・
But what Chen Houfu and others didn’t expect was that Chen Shiyin actually got the support of Huayin Group later, and he was stunned to develop the forces under his hands.
Huayin Group first brought them two battleships, and bought a large number of second-hand destroyers from Britain to support Chen Shiyin’s subordinates.
This made Chen Houfu very envious.
In his eyes, Chen Shiyin and the others were just side branches who had escaped from his own hands. How could they be treated like this?
But at that time, Chen Houfu was still not in a hurry.
Chen Shiyin has battleships and a large number of destroyers, but these guys need people to start it, and how many people can Chen Shiyin have?
They don’t have enough manpower and talents, so what if it is given to them?
At that time, Chen Houfu was quite confident. With two battleships and so many destroyers, only his own Fujian family had enough talents to drive them.
So he didn’t hesitate to wait.
Chen Houfu believed that it would not be long before these guys would be delivered to him.
But the results later surprised him!
After Chen Shiyin got these ships, he did not ask him for help, but hired a lot of military consultants from Britain and began to train relevant talents by himself.
After Chen Houfu heard the news, he secretly began to worry.
But he still had a bit of luck.
Chen Shiyin is not only unmanned, but also has no money. Battleships and destroyers do not eat rice and white noodles, but need enough fuel.Supply, Chen Shiyin could not afford it.
However, his wishful thinking was destroyed again.
Although Chen Shiyin can’t afford fuel, Huayin Group can!
Chen Houfu did not expect that Huayin Group would buy a large amount of fuel from Britain and supply a large part of it to the military. The fuel consumed by Chen Shiyin’s First Fleet was also supplied by Huayin Group.
These Chen Houfu couldn’t sit still.
Up to now, things have been out of his control.
Therefore, Chen Houfu wanted to find Su Yun, and wanted to talk to Su Yun about the navy, hoping to pull Su Yun’s hill.
But Chen Houfu looked for Su Yun several times in a row. Su Yun either refused, or shied away from something and didn’t have time to see him, which made Chen Houfu very annoyed.
Su Yun did this, making it clear that he would not buy his account.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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