Chapter 803: The Art of Compromise
But Su Yun’s status was there after all, and Huayin Group itself was trusted by the commissioner. Chen Shi had no choice but to go to the commissioner again.
During that time, he reported to the Commissioner several times, asking the Commissioner to assign the battleships and some destroyers to them.
But Chen Shiyin was deflated again. He made a lot of reports and they all fell into disrepair. After seeing his remarks, the committee ignored them at all.
At that time, Chen Houfu was very angry.
How many qualifications does Chen Shiyin have, and only a few pieces of material?
Just because their Thunder Department is a nominal direct line, they are favored by the commissioner?
However, Chen Houfu can’t do anything about this kind of thing. He can’t say these words to the commissioner.
It was only recently that Chen Houfu finally confessed.
Not long ago, “March 20”, he got some news and learned that after the development of the past two years, the combat effectiveness of the First Fleet is gradually taking shape, and its wings are gradually full.
In addition, the Naval School opened on Hainan Island has also begun to make efforts. It is expected that by the end of this year, the first batch of students of the Naval School will graduate and enter the First Fleet one after another.
Once these people come out, they are top talents.
Their mentors were all from Britain, and they were educated in advanced Western technology, which could effectively support the construction and development of the navy.
Because of this, Chen Houfu realized the seriousness of the problem.
The first was the First Fleet. As their combat power gradually took shape and their wings were full, Chen Houfu realized that it was impossible for him to restrain them any longer.
The second is the talents who graduated, and now it seems that it has nothing to do with their Fujian department.
People who graduated from the school of the First Fleet will definitely serve the First Fleet, and in the eyes of the commissioner and others, the First Fleet is the direct line of his commissioner.
As for them, they are just outsiders.
Especially in the past two years, Chen Houfu has a deep understanding of this.
Since the development of the First Fleet, the upper management has given them less and less military expenditure, which is only enough for them to maintain half-deadly. middle.
This kind of thing is tacitly approved by the committee, and no matter how upset Chen Houfu is, there is nothing he can do.
So in the past two days, he and Shen Zhang found Su Yun together, mainly to confess to Su Yun.
The changes in the situation over the past two years have made the two understand that their original plan is no longer feasible, and any faction suppression and resource constraints are nonsense.
Today, Huayin Group strongly supports the First Fleet, supplying various resources, and the upper management is inclined to them with general fees.
With resources and money opening up, the First Fleet is booming, and now it has surpassed them in all directions, and the advantages of the Fujian and Northeast factions will be gone.
It is precisely because of this that the two people came to Su Yun to admit their fate.
On the one hand, they are considered soft, and on the other hand, they also want to get some support from Huayin Group.
The changes in the military in the past two years are obvious to all. After receiving the support of Huayin Group, the First Fleet of the Army, Air Force and Chen Shiyin has developed rapidly.
They are not pedantic people, and naturally they also want to earn a dividend.
When the two came to the Huayin Group headquarters, they first admired the luxury and atmosphere here, and then entered the building to meet Su Yun.
After Su Yun was informed, he asked an assistant to wait for them to enter the office.
After the two came in, Su Yun made tea and treated each other, but he never spoke.
Chen Houfu and Shen Zhang were not sure about Su Yun’s mind, they were just drinking tea, and it was difficult to express their opinions easily.
They also thought that Su Yun was deliberately hanging himself. After all, their faction was different from Chen Shiyin. Su Yun supported Chen Shiyin, as if they were not on the same line.
But in fact, this is purely the two of them thinking too much.
Su Yun was unwilling to pay attention to them at this time, completely out of laziness and helplessness.
For a long time, Su Yun did not intervene in the internal affairs of the military, but he was somewhat inseparable from the affairs of the navy.
Because at present, the only shipping company capable of manufacturing large ships in China is Huayin Shipyard under the name of Huayin Group.
The rest, such as Jiangnan Shipyard, are not qualified at all.
Moreover, the ships of Huayin Group are not sold to the military in name, but leased to them.
To put it bluntly, the navy has the right to use these ships, and the ownership still belongs to Huayin Group 0 ……
For these reasons, He Jingzhi handed over the matter to Su Yun, and He Jingzhi also explained to Su Yun that if Su Yun agreed to lease the ships of Huayin Group to the troops of Chen Houfu and others, the upper level would They will be allocated corresponding military expenses.
Otherwise, don’t even think about it!So now Su Yun is very helpless.
Lao He’s hand was ingenious, and he brought himself in in one sentence.
But Su Yun was a little difficult.
In terms of business, he admitted that he did have certain opinions, but there were too many twists and turns in the military affairs, and Su Yun did not want to be involved in their internal whirlpool.
That’s why he sent a telegram to Chen Shiyin and asked him to return to Jinling.
The Navy’s own internal affairs, of course, are better handled by themselves.
At this time, Chen Houfu and Shen Zhang sat for a long time, and both became impatient.
Su Yun has been silent, the two of them are sitting here like two idiots, and they can’t raise any conditions.
One to two, Shen Zhang really couldn’t help it.
“I said Mr. Su, should we talk about business?”
Su Yun was not disgusted, and said lightly: “The two of you are waiting, General Chen Shiyin will come later, you can talk about it casually, and it is not easy for me to be an outsider in your affairs.”
The corners of Shen Zhang’s mouth twitched slightly, so he could only wait for 4.3.
Su Yun didn’t say anything anymore. He didn’t have any disgust with these two people, he just didn’t know them well before.
Speaking of which, these two are considered elites.
Especially Chen Houfu, he is a staunch carrier faction in the navy, and has always been very supportive of aircraft carriers, insisting that aircraft carriers are the future development direction of the navy.
At this point, Su Yun really recognized Chen Houfu very much.
Chen Houfu’s insight is indeed very far-reaching. In the future maritime war, it is indeed the world of aircraft carriers. At that time, any battleship destroyer was only a foil for the aircraft carrier.
Shen Zhang is different, he is a traditional giant ship cannonism.
The era of giant ships and cannons has only replaced sailboats for a few decades, and Shen Zhang does not think they will decline.
Chapter 804: Meeting with the Chiefs of the Three Departments
What’s interesting is that in addition to their different perspectives on development, the two also have a big gap in personality and style.
The Hokkien generals represented by Chen Houfu were all returned from studying in Britain. They learned British techniques and learned how British aristocrats behaved.
Such as Chen Houfu, when he walked in the door, he walked in a strict manner, and his words and deeds were quite aristocratic.
Even drinking tea now, Chen Houfu handles it with care. He is obviously a soldier, but he doesn’t have much roughness, and his every move is elegant and indifferent.
Shen Zhang is just the opposite.
He and the Northeastern Department represented by him both returned from studying in the island country.
These people did not learn the spirit of the island country, but they were deeply influenced by the spirit of martial arts.
Just now, when Shen Zhang sat back, he put the tea cup on the table, and didn’t care that the tea spilled out.
It’s not that Shen Zhang is rude, but that he is used to it and doesn’t care about such trivial details.
The two waited for a while, but Su Yun still didn’t mean to speak.
Now it was Chen Houfu’s turn to sit still.
Although he was influenced by Noble Rites 09, he always paid attention to elegance, but he came with Shen Zhang today, in a small way, for the future of the Fujian clan and the Northeast clan, and in a larger scale, it was also related to the development of the entire navy.
And He Jingzhi and others have made it clear that the decision-making power is still in the hands of Huayin Group.
As long as Huayin Group does not let go, they cannot change the status quo.
Up to now, Su Yun asked Chen Shiyin to talk to them again, but Chen Shiyin has not arrived yet. Isn’t this hanging them?
In a hurry, Chen Houfu asked: “Mr. Su, when will Chen Shiyin come? We are here for the development of the navy. It’s not good to sit and waste time like this.”
Su Yun said indifferently: “I have already sent electricity to General Chen, you two just wait.”
After speaking, Su Yun regained a calm expression.
Clearly ignore the two.
When Chen Houfu and Shen Zhang saw this, they could only sit down and wait.
But the two of them were very anxious.
They have been ups and downs for many years, and they have experienced a lot of sophistication. Before Chen Shiyin came, who knew whether Su Yun was using this reason to pass the buck?
If Chen Shiyin didn’t come for a day, would they have to wait here for a day?
Fortunately, the two did not wait long.
After Chen Shiyin received Su Yun’s telegram, he immediately set off from the fleet and took the nearest plane to Jinling.
Therefore, he soon arrived at Jinling City.
Then Chen Shiyin took a car to the headquarters of Huayin Group.
In Su Yun’s office, just as Chen Houfu and Shen Zhang were rather impatient and were about to leave, the phone on Su Yun’s desk suddenly rang.
The call was from the Security Section. After Su Yun picked it up, the security staff reported to Su Yun, “Mr. Su, General Chen is here, and it’s at the gate now.”
“Invite General Chen in.”
Su Yun put down the phone after exhorting, and then looked at Chen Houfu and Shen Zhang.
“Wait two, General Chen will be here soon, you can talk when the time comes.”
When Chen Houfu and Shen Zhang heard it, they held back their temper and sat on the sofa and continued to wait.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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