In Hanzhong, at the entrance of the Hanguang Highway, Chen Mingshu and a group of officials from the Ministry of Communications are standing here, watching the road in front of them and talking constantly.
(Ok) In front of them, some soldiers under Lee F. F. were lining up and waiting on both sides of the road.
On the road at this time, hundreds of tanks are ready to go.
After the completion of the Hanguang Highway, there has been no time for acceptance.
On the same day, Su Yun called Li F and said that he would take the tanks on a trip to test the quality of the road. Today, Li F has mobilized hundreds of tanks to test it. .
Chen Mingshu and a group of officials from the Ministry of Communications also came for this matter.
In order to build this road, they have invested millions of manpower, and Huayin Group has thrown in hundreds of millions of funds.
Now that the highway has been built, the acceptance work is particularly important.
If something goes wrong, the huge efforts of them and Huayin Group will be in vain. In that case, Chen Mingshu and other responsible officials can go home and hold the child directly.
Therefore, the entire Ministry of Transportation pays special attention to this.
Chapter 806: Tank crushing, engineering inspection
Li Fei also behaved quite seriously. After commanding the tank team to form a formation, Li Fei looked at Chen Mingshu and said, “Minister Chen, what my brother means is, let me use the tanks to walk around and see what you have worked so hard to build. results.
I know these days, you and your officials have worked hard for this, and my brother has invested a lot of money.
But I’m going to say the ugly thing in the front. As soon as the tank team starts, if there is any problem, I will not be polite. Don’t blame me for cutting it first and then playing it! ”
“General Li, don’t worry, if there is a problem, I will personally go to the commissioner to apologize!”
Chen Mingshu smiled, but his heart was awe-inspiring.
He knew about the relationship between Li F and Su Yun. He also knew that Li F was a man of temperament and a confidant of the committee. If something went wrong, he would never be polite.
However, Chen Mingshu is also quite confident.
In order to repair this road, Chen Mingshu has instructed his officials dozens and hundreds of times that they must do a good job of supervision, and not an inch of the road should be sloppy.
He himself often took the time to inspect in person, and found no problems.
Li F nodded: “Okay, let’s start.”
Saying that, Li F passed the order: “All tanks, go!”
With the order of Li F, the tank formations on the road began to advance slowly, and the wide crawler rolled over the neat road, making a heavy rumbling sound.
Li �F this timeAmong the tanks from 320, there are both T34 and Panther tanks.
The weight of the two is not light, and the Leopard tank is extremely heavy. The weight of thirty or forty tons is a big test for any road surface.
This is exactly Su Yun’s purpose.
All along, Huayin Group has very strict requirements for road construction.
If the Guanghan Highway can withstand such a huge weight, there will definitely be no problems after it is opened to traffic.
Under the special instruction of Li F, the speed of the tank team was not fast.
Chen Mingshu, Li F, and other officers followed up in a car, observing the road overrun by the tanks from time to time, in order to detect problems in time.
On both sides of the road, some people arranged by the Ministry of Transportation were waiting in advance.
They are also responsible for observation and inspection.
If there is a problem with the road after the tank has passed, these people will report it immediately.
During this process, Chen Mingshu and others were inevitably a little nervous.
Even though they are very confident in the quality of their own projects, this section of the road took too much effort from all parties and took more than a year to complete.
When it comes to the door, it is false (ajed) to say that you are not nervous.
With the passage of time, the team has moved forward for 40 minutes. To Chen Mingshu and others, they are relieved that the road the tanks have walked on has not had any problems so far.
Seeing this, some officials from the Ministry of Transportation couldn’t help but smile.
After another twenty minutes or so, the team came to the first tunnel.
The Guanghan Highway has to pass through many mountains in the middle. In some places, it is necessary to cut through the mountains and connect them with tunnels. These tunnel sections are quite difficult to construct and have the greatest risk.
As the vanguard of the tank entered the tunnel, Chen Mingshu and others were all tense.
Some of the lights inside the tunnel seemed dim, so the lights had to be turned on.
With the help of lights, Li F can see that the road in the tunnel is also quite smooth, and the inner walls of the tunnels on both sides are made of concrete to ensure that there will be no collapse.
After walking for a while, you can see the light coming from the tunnel entrance.
Afterwards, the team drove out of the tunnel, and there was no accident along the way.
It seems that the Ministry of Communications has really worked hard, and the quality of this section of the road is excellent.
It’s been safe along the way, at least so far.
The team continued to move forward for about half an hour, and a bridge appeared in front of them.
This was originally a mountain stream. In order to build the road, the bridge had to be built over the mountain stream.
The construction of such bridges is also the most difficult.
Before the road was connected, there was no path in the middle of the mountain stream to pass through. When the bridge was first built, he could only rely on some auxiliary tools such as ropes for construction between the mountain streams, and he would fall into the abyss if he was not careful.
Now that the road is completed, the quality of the bridge is also critical.
Once the bridge is unstable and the team falls into the abyss, there will be no return.
When he got here, Chen Mingshu was not too nervous.
Previous inspections have proved that the quality of the entire section of the road is very good, but the officials responsible for the construction of the bridge here can’t help but sweat.
He was conscientious and responsible when he was responsible for the construction of this place, but no one can guarantee the absolute safety of the road until it is inspected.
If an accident happens, he will become a sinner.
Before you know it, the entire team has come to the center of the bridge, and the wind is howling between the mountain streams, which can be clearly heard even when sitting in the car.
The official’s heart was also mentioned in his throat at this time.
Fortunately, there were no accidents on the way. The team walked all the way through the bridge, the whole bridge was quite stable, and the bridge deck was not damaged.
Until then, many people couldn’t help but applaud.
This section of the road, which has been poured into everyone’s hard work, has finally been judged to be qualified after testing it up to now!
There are still some road sections ahead, but everyone is confident that some of the most dangerous places have passed, and there will be no problems in the follow-up.
Li �F is also quite satisfied with this.
After the joy, he looked at Chen Mingshu and said, “Minister Chen, your project is really well done. My brother didn’t find the wrong person. Everyone has worked hard for so many days.”
“Hahaha, no matter what, I have to thank Ziwen for your strong support.
If there is no Huayin Group, this road does not know when it will be completed. ”
Chen Mingshu was very happy at this time, and even spoke with a thick smile. The successful acceptance of Guanghan Highway is an honor for them, and it also means that their hard work has not been in vain.
While everyone was happy, Li F said: “Minister Chen, we are all our own people, so I won’t betray you.
In the future, all the projects entrusted by Huayin Group will be checked and accepted by our military. Please go back and talk to the officials in the department. If anyone dares to neglect their duties, cut corners and cause problems with the project, I, Li, F must. His life! ”
“You can rest assured on this point. If anyone dares to do this, I will kill him personally without bothering the general!”
Chen Mingshu’s expression suddenly became serious.
Although Li �F’s words are not pleasant to listen to, their meaning is very real.
Chen Mingshu also knew it.
For a long time, Huayin Group has spared no effort to invest in order to help the construction of the motherland, and this should be their business.
Now Huayin Group has helped them bear the heavy burden. If anyone neglects their duties and cuts corners again, it will be an unforgivable sin.
Chapter 807: Failure of Supporting Policies
“Damn, damn it!”
In the capital of the island nation, inside the administrative building, Saito was so angry that he cursed.
Takahashi sat across from him without saying a word, his face also very ugly.
After cursing, Saito got up and paced back and forth.
“Mr. Gaoqiao, none of the local companies we supported has improved, and all of them have lost to Huayinji.Tuan, if this goes on like this, the market of the empire will still be controlled by Huayin Group! ”
Takahashi didn’t say anything when he heard the words, this matter had long been expected by him.
He had discussed with Saito before that, in order to support the empire’s local light industry, the government would fund the operation of local factories, hoping to compete with Huayin Group.
This matter was denied by Takahashi at the time, but it had to be implemented later.
The reason is very simple. The domestic light industry manufacturers in the empire have been going bankrupt, and the acquisition of Huayin Group has also been going on.
If left unchecked, the entire empire’s market could soon fall into the hands of Huayin Group.
Therefore, knowing that this method is not feasible, the imperial government still did it.
But the result is that their reluctance to do it still suffered a huge failure in the end.
Over the past few days, the imperial government has allocated hundreds of millions of funds to some private light industrial factories to support them in resuming production and developing their scale.
But in the end, all the bamboo baskets were empty.
Mishima Mitsuo is the owner of a paper factory, and since the Huayin Group’s affordable market opened, the paper produced by his factory has not been sold at all.
In contrast, Huayin Group shipped paper at five times lower prices than their factories set prices.
Such a price advantage makes it impossible for his paper to be sold at all. Even if it is produced, it can only be piled up and moldy.
Until some time ago, his factory had not received orders for dozens of days.
Like many local companies that have been hit by price wars, Mishima Mitsuo’s company has no order support, and has long since cut off its source of income, unable to pay wages, and unable to buy raw materials with rising prices. send away.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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