At that time, the whole factory was dead silent, except for the cold machines, there was nothing in the factory.
On this day, Mishima Mitsuo came to a factory building and sighed while looking at the machines inside. His sleeves inadvertently swept across the surface of a machine, and he actually swept out obvious marks.
“Oh, what a good thing this is.”
Mishima Mitsuo was bitter in his heart. Because he could not start production for a long time, dust had already started to fall on the machine.
It won’t be long before he has no choice but to go bankrupt.
But just when Mishima Mitsuo fell into despair, the government’s policy came down.
In the past few days, the government of the empire has suddenly issued a notice: Considering that the empire’s current market is sluggish and local companies are struggling to survive, the imperial government has allocated special funds to support the empire’s local light industry in order to maintain the development of local light industry.
From now on, all local light industry manufacturers in the Empire can bring their industrial certificates to the local government department to apply for special subsidies.
After getting this news, Mishima Mitsuo was ecstatic!
At present, the factory has been losing money and is on the verge of bankruptcy. The fundamental reason is that the goods cannot be sold, and there is no money to hire workers and buy raw materials.
If you can receive this subsidy, there may be a chance to turn around.
Mishima Mitsuo did not hesitate, and immediately took some business certificates of the factory to the local government and applied for the subsidy funds.
When he came to the place where he was doing business, he found that many people had gathered in the hall.
These people are all local light industrial factory owners. Like Mishima Mitsuo, they also received the same news and came here to receive subsidies.
Entering the hall, Mishima Mitsuo found that there was a queue at the service window in front of him. There were also some people waiting in the hall, and a few others walked out with smiles on their faces.
“These people should all come to collect money. I didn’t expect so many people to go bankrupt.”
Mishima Mitsuo murmured something, and began to wait in line.
He has also heard that many local companies have gone bankrupt due to the price suppression of Huayin Group during this period, but he does not know the specific situation.
It was not until now that he saw so many factory owners who came to apply for subsidies, Mishima Mishima knew that the original local light industry manufacturers were already so miserable.
After queuing for two hours, Mishima finally came to the window.
After asking about the details of the policy, Mishima Mitsuo handed over the relevant certificate. The efficiency of the staff was very fast. After the inspection, he immediately issued a certificate and asked him to go to the bank to collect the money.
Skirt ⒉⒉0⑤23①4⒐・
Mishima Mitsuo came to the bank and found that there was also a queue here.
While waiting, Mishima Mitsuo couldn’t help but ask a middle-aged man in front of him: “Dude, are you here to receive government subsidies?”
The man glanced at Mishima Mitsuo and sighed: “Yes, since Huayin Group took over the market, my factory has long been unable to survive.
Until a few days ago, I had not received an order for almost two months.
If the government hadn’t saved my life this time, I would have gone bankrupt in two days! ”
“Don’t be too desperate, man, now that we have government support, we will be able to make a comeback. When we turn over, we will definitely squeeze Huayin Group out!”
… …
Mishima almost gritted his teeth when he mentioned Huayin Group.
If it wasn’t for those damn Chinese people occupying the market at low prices, how could he have been reduced to such a point?
Although the government subsidy saved his life, the feeling of relying on people’s relief to maintain his business made Mishima very uncomfortable.
The man in front was frowning.
“Hopefully, but I don’t think government support alone will help.
Huayin Group’s prices are always lower than ours, we can’t compete with them, alas! ”
The man sighed and stopped talking.
In fact, his heartIt is very clear that the government’s subsidy is just to keep them alive. As long as they can’t compare with Huayin Group in price, they will be defeated by the other party in the end.
Mishima Mitsuo remained silent. He also knew that if he wanted to compete with Huayin Group, he had to forcibly reduce the price of goods.
But in that case, they will always be at a loss.
But if they don’t, they can’t even sell their goods.
With such complicated thoughts, Mishima Mitsuo himself didn’t know how to get the money. After returning, Mishima Mitsuo’s mood did not improve because of this, but became even more depressed.
Sell ​​at a high price, no one buys it, sell at a low price, and lose money yourself.
In front of him, it turned out to be a complete dead end.
But the subsidy has been received, and the factory has to be reopened.
The next day, Mishima Mitsuo used the money he received to re-purchase raw materials and retrieve a group of workers, finally getting the factory up and running.
Chapter 808: Self-defeating
After the factory reopened, Mishima began lowering the prices of his products.
In order to make his products marketable, he had to press the price to the same level as Huayin Group.
After the price was lowered, orders from factories came one after another.
The people of the island countries still support local companies. As long as there is no difference in price, they are naturally more inclined to buy local goods. Because of this, Mishima’s factory business is quite prosperous.
But Mishima Mitsuo was still frowning all day.
Although the product sales went smoothly, the price of raw materials has remained high. In addition to labor costs and other costs, his current pricing simply cannot make up for the cost input, and the entire factory has been operating at a loss.
Except for Mishima Mitsuo’s factory, the same is true for other factories that have received subsidies.
After receiving the subsidy, they finally re-opened the business with “three two three”. In order to be able to sell their products, they lowered their prices to the same level as Huayin Group.
But the problem is that this price is not even the cost of raw materials!
Under the continuous loss, the government’s subsidies are quickly exhausted, and they can only continue to apply for subsidies, or they can only fall into the brink of bankruptcy again.
It is because of this that Saito is furious and Takahashi is helpless.
They have long been aware of the development of factories in the island country, and they have been observing the trends of those factories since they allocated funds to support local companies.
But the result disappointed them greatly.
Saito was furious and kept scolding Huayin Group.
“These damn Chinese people, damn businessmen!
They actually used such despicable means to invade the imperial market, and now our funds are all gone! ”
Seeing Saito’s rage, Takahashi said helplessly, “Saito-kun, I have said this method is not feasible.
Our local products have no competitiveness in the market at all, and companies around the world are suffering from high raw material prices, so they can only sell goods at high prices.
If the price is forcibly lowered to maintain the same level as Huayin Group, they have been losing money, but Huayin Group has been making money.
In this way, local enterprises will always be unable to make ends meet. After our subsidy funds are exhausted, they can only adjust their prices.
Saito-kun, such support is a bottomless pit and will never solve the problem. ”
Saito was even more annoyed when he heard this.
It’s not that he doesn’t know this, but the question is, what else can we do without support?
Do you just watch Huayin Group do whatever it wants?
In anger, Saito was a little impulsive: “Then we have to continue to support, we can’t let Huayin Group succeed!”
But this time, Takahashi firmly stopped him.
“Never Saito-kun! We can’t keep doing this!
Those people outside have already begun to have opinions on our local companies, and if the cycle continues, local companies will be completely spurned by the people! ”
The reason why Takahashi said that is based on facts.
A few days ago, he went outside to investigate and saw with his own eyes some people surrounded a factory, and then rushed in and started smashing!
Takahashi was puzzled about this, and after leaving the vicinity of the factory, he began to ask someone to ask.
Encountering a commoner from the Huayin Fair Market, Saito personally stepped forward and asked, “Why do you come to the Fair Market here to buy things again?
Some time ago, I heard that many factories here have reduced the price of goods, and our local products are also very good. ”
Who knew that the people looked disgusted.
He looked at Takahashi and the others up and down, perhaps seeing that Takahashi had an outstanding temperament, not like an ordinary person, so he was a little more careful, but there was still resentment and dissatisfaction in his words.
“This gentleman is not an ordinary person at first glance, so don’t be deceived by those guys!
A few days ago, many merchants here did lower the price of their goods, and we were very willing to buy them, but these bastards actually raised the price within a few days!
This is clearly making fun of us, or it is deliberately attracting us to the past, and then making hard-earned money from us! ”
This happened to be heard by a passerby next to him, and he immediately joined in.
“Who said no, these guys first lowered the price to let us buy it, and then raised the price to exploit us, they would do anything to make money!
No matter what you think, I will never support them again! ”
The commoner at the beginning nodded: “These local chaebols! They are not as good as those outsiders from Huayin Group ……
We saw them cut the price and thought they supported them after they found out their conscience, but it’s only been a few days and they adjusted the price back again. This is joking about our lives and disregarding our lives! ”
After the two left, Takahashi pondered on the spot for a long time.
Next, he went to various places to visitFan, found that many people are denounced local enterprises as rich and unkind, and will do anything to make money.
But in fact, these local companies are just helpless.
After the government subsidy is exhausted, they have no money to lose, so they can only adjust the price to ensure that the cost can be smoothed out.
But the people don’t know it, they just think it’s a local company exploiting them.
Takahashi told Saito what he had seen and heard. After Saito heard it, he sat down on the chair with a gloomy expression on his face.
He never imagined that his actions to subsidize local companies not only failed to save the situation, but made things worse.
Repeatedly, even the imperial people lost confidence in local companies.
In desperation, Saito had to ask Takahashi again.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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