“Taoqiao-kun, in your opinion, what should we do now?
The empire’s market is about to fall into the hands of Huayin Group, and we can’t just ignore it. ”
“This…I have nothing to do.”
Takahashi shook his head.
When things developed to the point of 4.3, he also realized what it means to be poor in skills.
Huayin Group’s economic offensive has taken shape, and local companies have long had no chance to turn around. Now, it is as difficult to turn around.
And this operation of the government has also led to more serious consequences.
After the subsidy, the local enterprises in the island country not only failed to improve, but began to decline at an accelerated rate.
The reason is also very simple. They repeatedly jumped in price, causing the local people to completely lose their trust in them, which in turn led to the termination of contracts by the merchants they cooperated with.
Even if some light industry manufacturers are still willing to sell at lower prices, the common people and partners will not buy it.
Mishima Mitsuo felt this deeply.
On this day, a group of uninvited guests were welcomed in his factory.
Chapter 809: The Complete Decline of Local Light Industry
When the visitor found Mishima Mitsuo, he put on an indifferent face as soon as they met.
Mishima Mitsuo hurriedly stood up to greet them: “Is everyone here today to discuss business? I’m sorry, but now our company’s price has risen again. Because the raw material prices are too expensive, we have to raise the price and sell it.”
These people are the company’s recent partners.
Due to the decline of the island country’s light industry, some of Mishima’s old customers had already cut off business with him, and this batch of cooperation was a new contact with Mishima.
Now seeing a few people coming, Mishima Mitsuo was a little cautious.
Ge Yin and the others didn’t look good. It didn’t look like they were talking about cooperation, but they seemed to come over to ask for guilt.
Things didn’t come as Mishima Mitsuo expected. Before he finished speaking, one of them said coldly: “No, Mr. Mishima Mitsuo, we are not here to talk to you about business, but to terminate our cooperation!”
Immediately, several people threw out their previous contracts: “Mr. Mishima, the price of your goods has changed too fast, and the price has increased three or four times in a short period of time, which is difficult for us to accept.
From now on, the cooperation between us will be terminated, come today, just to inform you. ”
Mishima Mitsuo was stunned. In fact, it was completely within Mishima Mitsuo’s expectation that these people would terminate the cooperation in 09. After all, their current prices have risen again. These collaborators are not taking advantage of them, and naturally they will not be willing to continue cooperation. .
But things came too suddenly, and it was still difficult for Mishima Mitsuo to accept.
Originally, the company’s business could no longer be sustained, and now even the orders have been cut off again. What development is there to talk about, and what support should the company use?
But those collaborators don’t care about this. The Mishima Mitsuo factory’s products are too expensive. Even if they order it, they can only sell it at a high price. The local people will not buy it, but will give them a scolding.
In this case, there is no need for them to cooperate with Mishima Mitsuo anymore.
After a short conversation, the cooperation between the two sides ended. After Mishima Mitsuo sent these people away, he lay down on the chair and stared at the ceiling.
This is all over, and his company will have no room to turn around.
But he didn’t know that he was not the only local light industrial manufacturer in a similar situation.
After raising prices again, the local light industry manufacturers completely lost the recognition of the people, which led to their orders being cut more thoroughly than before. Some local manufacturers that could have been supported were terminated by their partners one after another and went bankrupt.
This time, all the light industrial factories are almost completely dead.
Under the price suppression of Huayin Group, the existing local enterprises in the island country were already on the verge of collapse. This turmoil is equivalent to adding fuel to the fire, making some local light industrial manufacturers who are still struggling to maintain their hopes lost.
In the next period of time, many local light industrial manufacturers in island countries declared bankruptcy one after another.
Saito and the others never thought that they originally offered subsidies with good intentions, hoping to save the local market of the island country, but in the end they triggered a series of negative reactions, which further deteriorated the already bad situation.
The changes in the island country were naturally hidden from the eyes of Li Xie and others.
Since this time, Li Xie and others have been acquiring bankrupt companies in the island country. Now that their bankruptcy is intensifying, Huayin Group will naturally not miss this opportunity.
Under the instigation of Li Xie and others, the acquisition group of Huayin Group kept going everywhere to acquire the bankrupt manufacturers in the island country.
On this day, Mishima Mitsuo was sitting in the office.
After successive incidents, he has long given up any hope of making a comeback.
At this moment, he was sitting upright on the office chair, his body was upright, but his eyes were empty and dull, and from time to time he was still long.Sigh.
Government subsidies are not available at any time. The original funds have long been exhausted. All the partners no longer provide him with orders.
In name, Mishima Mitsuo is still the boss of the company, but in fact, he has become a bare commander, sitting on the mountain.
Just then, there was a knock on the office door.
“come in.”
Mishima Mitsuo responded, weak.
At this time, who can come to him?
But after the door was opened, Mishima Mitsuo stood up all of a sudden, and then sat back in despair.
The visitor was a man in a suit and leather shoes from Sanming. Mishima noticed that they were holding briefcases with the words “Huayin” printed on them.
“You are from Huayin Group? What are you doing here?”
Mishima Mitsuo’s voice dragged in a long tone, and he hated the people of Huayin Group in his heart, but at this point, he couldn’t even bring up the thought of swearing.
Anyway, the factory looks like this, so what’s the use of scolding them?
Among the three men, one of them smiled and said, “Mr. Mishima, don’t you invite us to sit?”
Mishima Mitsuo waved his hand, indicating that they were free.
After the three of them sat down, the leader took out a contract and said, “Mr. Mishima Mitsuo, we are here today for no other purpose, mainly to talk about the acquisition of a manufacturer under your name.”
Hearing this, Mishima Mitsuo suddenly sat up straight.
Mishima Mitsuo couldn’t believe it for a man.
“You should know about my affairs here. The factory has been losing money for several days. There are no workers inside and no orders outside. What are you buying?”
Mishima Mitsuo knew that people from Huayin Group had been buying bankrupt manufacturers in various places before.
But Mishima Mitsuo did not understand, what did Huayin Group do to acquire them?
Is it just for those machines in the factory?
The huge Huayin Group should not look down on their iron sheets, right? 323
The man in the suit waved his hand: “Mr. Mishima Mitsuo, you don’t need to worry about this, as long as there are still usable machines in your factory, we will buy them at the price.
Now that your company is cornered, I don’t think you will refuse, will you? ”
Mishima Mitsuo was stunned.
He didn’t know what medicine Huayin Group sold in the gourd.
Although he is also a businessman, he can’t think of anything to dominate the market, manipulate finance, etc. What’s more, in his opinion, Huayin Group has now occupied the market of the entire island country, and there is absolutely no need to do anything by other means.
This is the small businessman’s vision is not enough.
If it is some big businessman, or a big chaebol, etc., you can see the purpose of Huayin Group at a glance.
But Mishima Mitsuo obviously did not reach this level.
After some negotiation between the two parties, Mishima Mitsuo agreed to the deal.
Now he is a bare commander, and it is useless to keep those few sporadic machines. He simply sold them all to Huayin Group.
Meanwhile, similar situations are playing out elsewhere.
People from Huayin Group traveled all over the island country. Anyone who heard about a light industrial factory that was about to go bankrupt or had already gone bankrupt would send someone to buy it.
Some of these manufacturers were unable to sustain themselves and went bankrupt, while others were in a more miserable situation. Not only could their business be unsustainable, but they were also retaliated by the people.
Chapter 810: We open factories just to make money
But Huayin Group doesn’t care about these, as long as these people have machines that can still be used, they will accept them all.
In the Huayin Group branch, in the general manager’s office, Li Xiezheng was browsing some recent acquisition documents.
In front of him, there were two assistants standing.
After reading some contracts, Li Xie nodded and said, “Yes, you have done a good job during this time, but I can’t relax, all the bankrupt companies of the little devil must be acquired.
Remember, even a machine can’t be left behind, don’t give the little devils any way to survive! ”
The two helpers who were in charge of this matter nodded: “Understood Mr. Li, we are still buying up those bankrupt companies, and we will never leave any way out for the little devil!”
“Well, very good!”
Li Xie showed a satisfied smile.
When the acquisition of the bankrupt company in the island country began, the group headquarters had already issued a death order, and Li Xie also gave his subordinates a death order.
All in all it’s a principle.
Not a single machine will be left for the little devils, and their light industry will be completely rotted!
Immediately, Li Xie asked again, “How’s the acquisition going recently? How many factories are left for the little devils?”
One of the assistants thought for a while and replied, “Mr. Li, from the beginning of the operation to the present, we have acquired many bankrupt companies in the island country, and the specific number is still being counted.
However, we have basically run through various regions in the island country, and the acquisition work has also been carried out quite smoothly.
Except for some manufacturers who are particularly hostile to Huayin Group and will not sell them, more than 95% of the light industrial factories in the island country have fallen into our hands. ”
The squeeze of Huayin Group has caused the local factories of the island country to go bankrupt one after another.
Business owners in some island countries are hostile to Huayin, so they are reluctant to sell their factories to Huayin, which is normal.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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