Li Xie nodded and said, “Understood, you all go to work.
In addition, I instructed my subordinates to continue to accelerate the acquisition of those bankrupt companies, and I can’t relax for a moment~々. ”
After the two assistants agreed, they withdrew.
Li Xie is thinking about the next step.
Now that the light industrial factories in the island country have been acquired almost, it is timeFind a way to destroy the acquired machine.
In this regard, the group headquarters has also given instructions.
And what Li Xie has to do now is to find Sasuke and fool a little devil.
After you are done with the task at hand. Li Xie asked someone to prepare a car.
Getting in the car, Li Xie came all the way to Sasuke’s house.
Now Sasuke’s main thing is to discuss cooperation with Huayin Group, and there is not much business usually.
Coincidentally, when Li Xie arrived at the door of Sasuke’s house, he happened to meet Sasuke coming back from outside.
After such a long period of communication, the relationship between the two is quite good on the surface. Sasuke just got out of the car and saw Li Xie’s arrival. He warmly greeted: “Li Sang, see you in a few days, are you okay?”
Li Xie also smiled and said, “General Sasuke, stay safe.
I came here today to discuss something with you. ”
“Oh? Come in then, let’s talk inside.”
Sasuke gestured, and walked into the house side by side with Li Xie.
Came to the living room, after the two chatted for a while, Sasuke asked first, “Li Sang, I don’t know what you are doing when you come to the door this time?”
Li Xie didn’t give a shit, and said directly: “It’s such a general, there was news from our group that we want to open a steelmaking plant and an iron smelting plant in your country.
After the factory is opened, it will be convenient for us to sell steel to your country. ”
“Steelworks and ironworks?”
Sasuke looked surprised.
Li Xie nodded: “Yes, there was news from the group that all kinds of equipment and machines were ready, so I came to seek your support.
As long as you can agree, the group will immediately send people to transport the machinery and equipment, and the factory will soon be put into operation. ”
Sasuke became more confused when he heard this.
He did not understand why Huayin Group did this.
Since the cooperation between the two parties, Huayin Group has indeed sent them a lot of steel resources, and this is what the empire needs.
But Huayin Group used to deliver it directly, why are you thinking of opening a factory now?
Confused, Sasuke asked.
“Li Sang, why are you doing this?
Your company has been shipping steel to the Empire before, wouldn’t it be nice if we continue to do so? ”
Li Xie pretended to be embarrassed and explained: “I’m not afraid of your jokes, we are businessmen, and businessmen naturally pursue interests.
The group shipped pig iron to your country before, and the price was lower. In this way, we also get less profit, and we have not been very satisfied with this group headquarters.
Therefore, we plan to open a steelmaking plant and an iron smelting plant in your country to refine and process the pig iron, and then sell it to your country. In this way, the steel is in good condition, and we can raise the price moderately. Profits are also more.
And your country no longer has to work hard and smelt it by itself.
General, this is the best of both worlds, shouldn’t you refuse? ”
“‘ ‖ Hahahaha, so it is, this is easy to say.”
Sasuke burst out laughing.
After such a long period of cooperation and exchanges, he also probably understood the style of Huayin Group.
Sometimes these guys seem to be very loyal, but they are serious businessmen at heart. As long as they can make money, they will spare no effort to do it.
What’s more, what Li Xie said is also good.
If Huayin Group can directly sell them better-quality steel, the empire does not need to work hard to refine it.
Although their bids are a bit higher, it’s nothing.
From the empire’s point of view, a mere amount of money is nothing more than high-quality resources.
But this matter is not something Sasuke can decide alone.
So Sasuke thought about it and said, “I can understand your company’s mood (well, well), but after all, this matter is related to the overall cooperation between our two sides, and I still need to ask the senior management for instructions.
But Li Sang, don’t worry, this matter is also beneficial to the empire, and the high-level should not refuse. ”
“Then I would like to thank the general, and since that’s the case, please ask the general now.
This is something that is beneficial to both of us, and it is better to build it sooner rather than later. ”
Li Xie bowed his hands to express his gratitude, but he sneered inwardly.
Before coming to call the shots, Li Xie had expected this situation.
The matter of smelting steel can allow the little devils to obtain more high-quality resources. If there is no accident, the little devils will not refuse.
Sasuke didn’t grumble, got up immediately, and went to send the telegram himself.
Li Xie was waiting in the living room.
After waiting for a while, Sasuke returned to the living room, and Li Xie noticed that he was still holding a telegram in his hand, with a smile on his face.
Chapter 811: The death knell has already sounded
Upon seeing this, Li Xie immediately understood that it was done.
Sure enough, Sasuke handed the telegram to Li Xie as soon as he sat down.
“Li Sang, things went well. The senior management agreed to your company’s request. Now you can call back to your headquarters and ask them to prepare to deliver the equipment!”
Li Xie took the telegram to check it.
In the telegram, the senior management of Little Devils made it clear that they would allocate a piece of land near the former Fushan Industrial Park to Huayin Group for the construction of a steel plant and an iron smelting plant.
After reading it, Li Xie was quite excited.
Sasuke didn’t know Li Xie’s true intentions, so he subconsciously said, “Li Sang, is there anything else I need help with this matter?”
Sasuke’s words were originally just out of politeness.
After all, the army’s point of view has always been that Huayin Group helped them stabilize prices, survive the crisis, and sent them a lot of resources.
The other party is so benevolent and righteous, the empire cannot treat Huayin badly.
The little devil didn’t want to repay his gratitude, he just wanted to win over Huayin, a big resource owner.
Li Xie’s eyes lit up when he heard the words.
He was about to discuss this with Sasuke, but he didn’t want the other party to say it himself.
Li Xie took advantage of the situation and said, “Don’t hide it from the general.The army said that there is indeed something for the general to help.
We are going to set up a factory in your country, and the machinery and equipment are ready, but building a factory is not an easy project, and Huayin Group does not have enough manpower on its own.
Therefore, please also ask the general to help us recruit a group of workers from your country to help us build the factory.
After this is done, I will thank the general on behalf of the group. ”
Li Xie said, and gave Sasuke a wink.
The meaning is obvious. After you help Sasuke, the benefits will inevitably come from you.
Although the two sides are doing this for cooperation in name, but as the saying goes, money is easy to do.
Li Xie knew that if he gave Sasuke some benefits, he would work harder when he did things.
Sasuke immediately understood what Li Xie meant and laughed: “This is just a trivial matter, Li Sang can rest assured, I will recruit workers tomorrow to help you build a factory.”
“There is General Lao!”
Li Xie complimented and chatted with Sasuke for a while, then got up and said goodbye.
After returning to the office, Li Xie immediately reported the news to the group headquarters. After receiving the news, Su Yun called Wu Si over.
“Wu Si, things are going well in the island country now, the little devil has agreed to us to build an iron smelter and a steel plant in their native land.
You immediately ordered to go down and have our people prepare the machinery and equipment, and just wait for the factory to be built, and then ship it to the island country. ”
Saying that, Su Yun handed the telegram to Wu Si.
After Wu Si roughly looked at it, he was immediately very happy.
Since this time, Su Yun has gathered him, Dong Cheng, Fang Mingshan and others more than once, keeping an eye on the movements in the island country at any time.
Now that everything is going well, Wu Si is naturally extremely happy.
Especially regarding the establishment of a steelmaking plant and an iron smelting plant, this order was indeed given to Li Xie by the group headquarters, but the real purpose was not to refine any steel, but to destroy the machines purchased from the island country!
Now the most crucial step has come.
As long as the factory is built and the machine is destroyed, they can tear off the disguise and show off with the little devil!
After the excitement, Wu Silang said: “I know President Su, I will definitely arrange this!”
Su Yun also smiled: “Well, let’s go.”
Up to now, the preparations for harvesting the island country’s finance have reached the final step, or Huayin Group has succeeded!
More than a year of hard work is about to be reported, Su Yun is more gratified than anyone.
Huayin Group’s preparation efficiency was quite fast. The machines for smelting iron and steel had already been dispatched. After Wu Si ordered them, the people under them only took one day to load the equipment.
At the same time, preparations for the construction of iron smelters and steel plants are also underway.
The day after Li Xie found Sasuke, Sasuke ordered people to distribute news and called on local people to come and build the factory.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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